Best Water Pressure Booster Pump Maintenance Check List

Best Water Pressure Booster Pump Maintenance Check List

Best Water Pressure Booster Pump

  • Best Water Pressure Booster Pump Main power supply             
  • Inspection for voltage fluctuation 
  • Proper earthing condition
  • Inspection for damage of contact  point
  • Check the indicator lamp damage or not
  • Check proper functioning all the switch

Pressure Vessel: Check air leakage

Safety valve : Correct functioning the safety valve

Control valve      

  • Any leakage at the valve
  • Is the valve operated easily

Pressure gauge    

  • Correct Indication
  • External cleaning
  • Any leakage at the connecting point

Water pump        

  • Check water leakage of Best Water Pressure Booster Pump
  • Check electrical connection
  • Check any abnormal sound
  • Check the current and voltage
  • Check the motor hot or cool at running condition

Suction Chamber: Check the air leakage

Pipeline:  Check the water leakage


  • Overall surfaces in the panel board, MCB, MC
  • Outer surface of electric motor, Vessel, Pipe line
  • Painted the rusted surface area of Best Water Pressure Booster Pump


The purpose of this procedure is to control lifting gears, equipments to minimize such risk of failure by the use of system of inspection and preventative maintenance. This procedure shall apply to all heavy equipments, lifting equipment and gears in use on the SMI project. This procedure covers types of lifting equipment, identification of inspection status and registering of lifting gears.


  • Heavy Equipment: Such as; Roller, Excavators, Bulldozers, Scrapers, Backhoes, Forklifts etc.
  • Lifting Equipment:Such as; Cranes, Boom trucks, Piling rigs, mobile platforms, ‘Cherry pickers’, Man lifts, Mobile Elevated Work Platforms etc.
  • Lifting Gear:Such as; Shackles, slings, wire ropes, chain blocks, tirfors, come-alongs, block and tackle, chains, and spreader beams, etc

Competent:Trained, experienced and able to perform the allocated task to the required standards in accordance with all applicable procedures, standards and legislation, without direct supervision.A competent person should have the maturity to seek such specialist advice and assistance as may be required to enable him to make necessary judgments and be a sound judge of the extent which he can accept the supporting options of other specialists .He must be able to certify with confidence whether the lifting equipment is free from latent defect and suitable in every way for the duty for which is required


Project Manager:He is the main responsible person in the implementation of the Equipment, Certification & Inspection Procedure. He shall create an Equipment inspection team that will make sure that all the provision of this procedure is followed. The Project Manager shall make sure that this procedure is reviewed and updated timely HSE Manager:Shall keep every certificates and records regarding to the equipments about their regular inspection, insurance, driver’s license.Shall provide the names and details of training and experience of competent Lifting Supervisors.Shall ensure that lifting equipment used on site is tested regularly and is witnessed by the current color code.


  • Shall ensure that all lifting gear and lifting equipment brought to site is tested, certified and maintained in a safe condition.
  • Shall be responsible for the regular inspection and maintenance of all lifting devices to ensure conformity to the requirements of all standards and codes.
  • Shall coordinate with the Client regarding of all lifting equipments.
Steam Boiler Maintenance Check List

Steam Boiler Maintenance Check List

Steam Boiler Maintenance

Main power supply of Steam Boiler Maintenance

  • Inspect the voltage fluctuation
  • Check Proper earthing condition
  • Inspect the damage of contact point of Steam Boiler
  • Check the indicator lamp damage or not
  • Check proper functioning of all the switches


  • Check the leakage
  • Low water cut-off
  • Check Low water cut-off working properly or not.
  • Check the float device working properly or not
  • Water gauge glass 1. Check the gauge glass is cracked or not
  • Check any leakage at the water gauge glass
  • Clean the glass


  • Check the gas pressure
  • Check any abnormal sound at blower motor
  • Check the spring condition of the damper
  • Check the damper working properly or not

Safety valve

  • Check correct functioning the safety valve
  • positioning the safety valve

Regulating valve

  • Any leakage at the valve
  • Is the valve operated easily

Pressure gauge

  • Correct Indication for steam boiler maintenance
  • External cleaning
  • Any leakage at the connecting point


  • Lubricating the moving parts

Water softener

  • Test the inlet , outlet water and compare
  • External cleaning

Feed water pump

  • Check water leakage
  • Check electrical connection
  • Check any abnormal sound
  • Check the current, voltage
  • Check the motor hot or cool at running condition
  • Replace the bearings(if damage0

Boiler Chemical

  • Check present stock the chemical


  • Clean the damper of inlet air
  • clean overall surfaces in the panel board, MCB, MC
  • Outer surface of electric motor
  • Painted the rusted surface area for steam boiler maintenance


Supervised trials were available for the use of Emamectin Benzoate on numerous crops: citrus (oranges, mandarins and tangelos), blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, Brassica vegetables (broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower), legume vegetables, sweet corn, maize, root and tuber vegetables (Japanese radish and turnips), soya beans, sugarcane, alfalfa and mint.

Residue trial data was made available from Brazil, Canada, member states of the European Union, Japan, The Philippines and the USA. Additionally for some crops residue trial data reported by the 2008 JMPR from Australia, New Zealand and member states of the European Union were not evaluated at that time as GAP was not available. These data are re-evaluated here where new GAP information has become available and the data would lead to a revised maximum residue level recommendation.

The calculator was used as a tool in the estimation of the maximum residue level from the selected residue data set obtained from trials conducted according to. As a first step, the Meeting reviewed all relevant factors related to each data set in arriving at a best estimate of the maximum residue level using expert judgement. Then, the calculator was employed. If the statistical spreadsheet suggested a different value from that recommended by the JMPR, a brief explanation of the deviation was provided. Some common factors that may lead to rejection of the statistical estimate include those situations where the number of data points is less than 15 or where there are too many values below.

Additionally the Meeting has utilised a new tool that can provide additional useful information for estimating maximum residue levels. The tool is based on a compilation of residues in various crops following a single spray application where the data were normalised to an application rate of 1 kg ai/ha or 1 kg ai/hL (General Consideration Item 2.8). Estimates of high residues can be made for certain pesticides by combining the database of normalised day 0 residues with simple equations for decline. Emamectin Benzoate is a suitable candidate for using the approach to inform expert judgement.

Citrus fruits

Data for citrus with corresponding GAP information were available from supervised trials conducted in Brazil and the Republic of South Africa. In Brazil Emamectin Benzoate is permitted to be used on citrus with a maximum of one soil application at the equivalent of 240 g ai/ha and two foliar sprays at a spray concentration of 3 g ai/hL and a PHI of 5 days. Residues of Emamectin Benzoate in citrus from four trials in Brazil approximating GAP were: 0.09, 0.09, 0.13 and 0.15 mg/kg.

Steam Shower Installation Procedure Step by Step

Steam Shower Installation

The high temperatures in the steam piping system allow the insulation to be very cost-efficient. In practice the boiler shell is usually insulated, however, the boiler face, piping, valves and flanges are often not insulated.
By insulating the steam- and condensation pipes and attached equipment, considerable energy savings can be achieved. iii aaa

Some examples are listed below.
• The radiation loss from the boiler amounts to about 1% of the whole installation’s capacity. The heat loss from a boiler face corresponds to 500m3 of natural gas (or 1 500 Kg coal). You can read this article Installing Overhead Moving Rail With Stirrer In Colour Kitchen
• An annual loss of energy from non-insulated valves (DN 100, 10 bar) can amount to 1 500 m3 natural gas (4 500 kg coal), when the valves are open to an insulated room and about 4 500 m3 (or 13 500 kg coal) when open to a non-insulated room. An energy loss from a non-insulated valve is approximately the same from a 2m non-insulated pipe. The energy loss is proportionate the length of piping and the thickness of the insulation. Energy loss from a poorly insulated pipe can amount to 5 – 10%.
Insulate the Steam Shower Installation parts wherever steam energy is utilized.
The return of investment can vary between months to a few years depending on the extent of insulation.

Measuring the chemicals use efficiency

Implementing measures to reduce chemical consumption, especially reducing or substituting the most hazardous chemicals, will reduce your company’s impacts on the environment and improve health and safety conditions for the employees.
Next to the working time of employees involved in the project, no extra costs are associated with this option. The measure will help you to identify “low-hanging” improvement options, which can be realised at a low cost and bring large reductions of your environmental impacts. Financial gains are likely to occur on the reduction of chemical needs and of chemical waste treatment costs.

After analysing Steam Shower Installation chemical use, one company substituted the kerosene and non-ionic detergents used in the printing process by acrylic thickeners. It then reduced toxic vapour emissions and risks and improved the work environment while saving 1,4 USD/100 kg of printing paste.
For comparability reasons make sure to use the same time-period (e.g. one fiscal year) for all processes. In case you are do not have the information and/or cannot collect it, try to fill out the table based on estimates. In this case, mention in the comments line that the figures are estimates.

To benchmark your performance and see your improvements, use a “chemical consumption per unit” ratio. The “unit” should be the unit of production that is most useful for you. Examples could be “kg or m2 of product” or “1 000 units of product” (e.g. my company use X kg of dye to produce 1 000 m2 of fabrics). You can also use a ratio based on chemical costs per unit.

The option 41: Write instructions for safe and efficient chemical use may also be an interesting option to help improving your chemical use. A better handling of chemicals will help you to use your chemicals in a more efficient way and reduce risks

Condensation Pots Steam Circuit Maintenance Process

Condensation Pots Steam Circuit Maintenance Process

Condensation Pots

Leaking condensation pots are one of the main issues of energy loss in a steam circuit. Therefore have the condensations pots checked at least once a year. The status of the condensation pots is measured by experts with an ultrasound stethoscope. Malfunctioning of condensation pots results in excessively high condensate temperatures and pressures in the condensate circuit.

Steam traps must be installed at least after every 25 m in the main steam headers. The steam traps will remove the moisture from the steam lines and will avoid further condensation and thus prevent heat loss and will reduce fuel consumption.
Implementing this option results in reduced heat loss and hence reduced fuel consumption and reduced GHG emission.
Steam traps are required to be installed in the main headers for the removal of moisture and this option is applicable for all steam headers of longer lengths.
Investment is in the range of few thousand Indian rupees (INR), the savings depends on the diameter and length of the steam headers. The investment payback would be with in a year.

Reasons of wear of condensation pots are amongst others:
• Insufficient cleaning of the filter of the condensation pot (at least twice a year).
• Starting up the steam circuit too fast. Due to the hammer effect of water, the filth on the walls loosens and the condensation pots get choked.
Small diameter of the condensate pipes. Extension of the steam circuit with extra steam consumer can for example cause a capacity problem for the condensate pipes. Alternating pressures in the steam condensate pipe circuit negatively affects the performance of the condensation pots and causes extra wear. A general rule is that the condensate pipe should have at least the same diameter as the steam pipes and preferably a larger diameter.

This measure avoids the unnecessary energy consumption.
This option is applicable to all companies having a steam installation. When placing or replacing steam circuits it is useful to place a leakage detector after every condensation pot in the system.
Cost involved is the wage of a maintenance engineer. Replacing condensation pots can also increase costs. The measure of Condensation Pots reduces energy costs.

Environmental Aspects and Impact Assessment

Environmental Aspects and Impact Assessment

Environmental Aspects

Environmental Aspects Impact Assessment
Running Boiler Use Chemical for De-scale & Corrosion. aaaa Boiler chemical is hazards for nature and human being    
Running Boiler Exhaust Flue gas. Exhaust flue gas pollute the air
Drop the chemical in the Generator cooling tank for remove alga from water. Chemical is hazard for nature  
Drop the chemical in the Open tank for remove alga from water.   Chemical is hazard for nature
When Diesel Generator Fuel tank show low oil level then reserve oil in the fuel tank Spillage of fuel is hazard for nature
Burn Lubricant drain from Generator lubricant tank Spillage of Lubricant is hazard for nature
Lubricant reserve in the Generator Lubricant tank.  Spillage of Lubricant is hazard for nature
Running Generator makes a big sound in the surrounding the Environment Harmful for environment & human ear.
Pressure Vessel running time when any pump stop then makes a big sound. Harmful for environment & human ear.
Running Generator Exhaust Flue gas. Exhaust flue gas pollute the environment
Gear oil drain & fill from gear box of the machine Spillage of Lubricant is hazard for nature
Grease drain & fill from greasing point Spillage of Lubricant is hazard for nature
Time of Welding flash X-ray and Grinding & Drill M/C also making dust in the environment Welding ray is harmful for our skein & surrounding
Many kind of cutting Metal are Storage Spillage of cutting metal are pollute the environment
Empty poly & nylon bags are storage Damage the soil quality
Mixing time use fan motor Spillage of chemical
Mixing time use compressed air Spillage of chemical
Shifting from chemical store to ET plant Hazard for human being & environment.
While loading of dyed fabric on De-Water machines turntable, water spray to the turntable & drain. This water makes water pollution when Drainage in the nature.
Drain softener from De-Water machine. This water makes water pollution.

Some Industrial Machine

Name Of Machinery Manufacturing
of Origin
Min Finish
Max Finish
De-water m/c Santex Switzerland 25 inch 58 inch
Relax Dryer Santex Switzerland 1inch 85 inch
Relax Dryer Unitech Italy 1inch 98 inch
Compactor (tubular) Santex Switzerland 15 inch 52 inch
slitting Corino Italy 23 inch (Tube) 100 inch
Stenter Unitech Italy 45 inch 98 inch (250cm)
Compactor (Open) Lafer Italy 38 inch 96 inch
Dethreading m/c MTG Italy 38 inch 96 inch
Bag Sewing m/c MTG Italy 38 inch 96 inch

Environmental Aspects for Dyeing

Environmental Aspects Impact Assessment
Transportation of Trolley from batch preparation to dyeing machine No aspect
Dust emission to air while turning the fabric in the air turning M/C Dust pollute the air
Loading of greige fabric to the machine No aspect
As per recipe Dyeing helper, collect the chemicals from chemical store.   Spillage of chemicals , harmful for users , and environment
Pre-treatment greige fabric in the dyeing M/C and sample cutting. Steam emission from dyeing M/C to air and temperature is high.
After Pre-bleaching dyeing machine drains the wastewater. Chemicals drain out from the dyeing machine.
As per recipe Dyeing helper collect the dyes , chemicals & salt  from chemical store & mix those at the side tank of the m/c Spillage of dyes , chemicals & salt harmful for users and environment
Dyeing of pre-treated fabric and sample cutting. Steam emission from dyeing M/C to air and temperature is high
After dyeing machine drains the wastewater. Dyes and chemicals drain out from the dyeing machine.
During sample cutting and washing of dyed fabric to match with approve shed Steam is emitted from dyeing M/C
After wash of dyed fabric from dyeing M/C to trolley Steam emission from dyeing M/C to air
Unloading of dyed fabric from dyeing M/C to trolley Water spray to the floor.
Transportation of trolley to the De-Water, Slitting M/C Water spray to the floor.
Emission of dust to air when unrolling the greige fabric in the dyeing machine Air pollution

Environmental Aspects for Finishing

Environmental Aspects

Transportation the fabrics from dyeing to De-water machine  
Impact Assessment

Waste water spray to the floor
Some fabric use softener and acid in the De-Water process Dropping the chemicals from the dyed fabrics in the De-water machine.
Feeding the fabrics in De-water machine and De-watering the fabrics Drains the wastewater
Transportation the fabric from De-water to Dryer No Aspect
Feeding the fabrics in Dryer machine and drying the fabrics Exhaust hot air mixed with Environment and surrounding temperature is high.
Every day clean net in the dryer machine Dust Emission to the air
Transportation the fabric from dryer to compactor machines. No Aspect
Feeding the fabrics in tube compactor machine and compacting the fabrics Heat emission from Compactor M/C to air and surrounding temperature is high.
Steam use in the tube compacting machine. Emission of steam from compactor machine and mixed with surrounding Environment.
Transportation the fabrics from dyeing to Sleeting & De-water machine Waste water to the floor
Feeding the fabrics in Sleeting & De-water machine and Sleeting & De-watering the fabrics Drains the wastewater
Transportation the fabric from Sleeting & De-water to Stenter Machine No Aspect
Stenter De-water padding unit mixed dyes, chemical, softener, acid and other chemical.   Chemicals and water drain out from stenter machine to the nature.
Feeding the fabrics in Stenter machine and drying the fabrics Heat emission to the Environment from Stenter M/C and surrounding temperature is high.
Every day clean net in the Stenter machine Dust Emission to the air
Transportation the fabric from stenter to open width compactor machines. No Aspect
Feeding the fabrics in Open width compactor machine and compacting the fabrics Heat emission from Compactor M/C to air
Steam use in the tube compacting machine Emission of steam from compactor machine

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