What is CNF ? Meaning Of CNF In Shipping

What is CNF ? Meaning Of CNF In Shipping

What is CNF ? Meaning Of CNF In Shipping –


CNFInternational shipments get a little more complicated than domestic shipments. There are certain terms used to outline the cost the supplier or buyer pays regarding shipments.

If you see the three letters CNF together, with regards to shipping, the acronym stands for “Cost Net Freight.” It’s a shipping agreement where the seller pays for delivering the item to the port closest to the buyer, but it doesn’t include the cost of insurance. Therefore, the buyer must pay for the insurance from its point of origin to its final destination. If you see CIF, that’s like CNF but requires the seller to purchase insurance for shipping the item to the destination port.

Our complete services include:

• Local Custom Brokerage • Logistics & Distribution • Securing marine insurance • Reviewing all steamship lines (conference and non-conference) that service your required port. There view willinclude rate comparison, scheduling, capacity level & general capabilities of the various lines. • Rate negotiation on your behalf with ocean service and inlanddray. • Booking appropriate space. • Coordinating the receipt of goods from inland carriers at the port of exit or warehouse and issuing a Forwarder’sCertificate ofReceipt. • Issuance of Bill of Lading in accordance with the Letter of Credit and other specific instructions you may request. • Forwarding Per-advice to assigned agents at the port of destinat

Other shipping terms include FOB and EXW.

FOB stands for “Free on Board” or “Freight on Board.” This includes the cost of delivering items to the nearest port but then the buyer is responsible for shipping the rest of the way. EXW is known as “Ex-Works” or “the Ex-Factory price” and refers to just the cost of the product and nothing else. Therefore no shipping costs or export fees are included in this price.

When companies import items from other countries, they not only pay shipping fees, but also have to deal with things like import duties, docking charges and even fuel surcharges. There may also be warehouse storage fees involved, a customs clearance fee, or a “value added tax.” So, besides the CNF price, there are many other costs to importing products as you can see.

The United States exports and imports several trillion dollars of goods each year, and many of these goods go through the country’s seaports. The top 10 port complexes in the U.S. include Miami, Houston, and Los Angeles. Interestingly, Laredo, Texas makes the top 10, too, though it’s not a place the average American would think of as an international shipping powerhouse.

Sketch, Fabrics, Accessories & Packing Materials Policy

Sketch, Fabrics, Accessories


To ensure identification, verification, protection and safeguard of customer property provided for use or incorporation into product.  As an additional support for good auditor conduct during an audit, auditors/audit companies are making available their own code of conduct for auditors, which describes the need for impartiality on behalf of the auditor. You are requested to sign this to confirm you have received and understood the content.


Where non-compliances are found we hope to agree both the corrective actions and the timescales at the end of the audit (see document 5J – ‘Non-Compliance Process and Auto ’), and you can familiarise yourself  .This procedure applies to control of sketch, measurement, fabrics, accessories and packing materials supplied by the customer to Auto Garment Ltd. for use in making sleeping bags and  incorporation into products.


If you are commissioning this audit at the request of a Auto  member we ask that you register on Auto  as a B member and give our administrator access to upload the audit. Our administrator can then access your details from your completed Supplier Audit Questionnaire (SAQ.)This will allow our administrator to use your SAQ details to complete your Supplier details (see supplier Guidance Pack Stage 3 [Link]). This should be done before the audit.

  • MCD Officer shall ensure proper storage of all customer supplied fabrics, accessories and packaging materials
  • Manager, Quality Control is responsible for verifying quality parameters.
  • Merchandiser, Production Manager are responsible for control of customer approved sample, sketch and measurement.
  • General Manager is responsible for notifying customer any lost, damaged or unsuitable for use.



  • To control of sketch, measurement, fabrics, accessories and packing materials
  • supplied by the customer for use in making sleeping bags and incorporation into products.
  • Report customer any lost, damaged or otherwise unsuitable for use of customer supplied products.


  • Customer supplied products shall be stored and identified by buyer name, yle /order number, color, and item name (as applicable).
  • Customer Provided Sample and Specification:
  • Customer approved sample will be identified and controlled by Style
  • Order No., Approval Date, Size and Buyer Name.


Customer supplied products (fabrics, accessories, etc.) will be verified as per Quality System Procedure for Monitoring and Measurement of Product

Customer measurement and sketch will be reviewed and checked as per  Quality System Procedure for Customer Related Process (07-01)


Notification and Action on Lost, Damaged, Unsuitable for use for Customer


  • Managing Director shall notify customer or customer representative  any loss, damage or otherwise unsuitable for use of customer property immediately after receiving report via e-mail.
  • A competent person will be assigned by the Managing Director to  investigate the cause of the problem. This shall be recorded in Non- conforming Material/Product Report
  • Managing Director will give decision of the non-conformity upon  consultation with buyer or buyer representative.
  • If necessary corrective action project will be taken as per Quality System Procedure for Corrective Action
  • At the end of the audit we can upload both the CAP and the report onto Auto  so that your clients (ones you have linked to on Auto ,) can review the report automatically.
Motor Vehicle Inspection System of a Factory

Motor Vehicle Inspection System of a Factory

Motor Vehicle Inspection

To control driver competency and performance and monitor vehicle condition in order to minimize losses and accidents.


  • Driver Competency form to be completed for each and every driver of the site and authorized by respective Managers. A specimen attached.
  • The Safety Manager or his authorized agent will check company cars, pickups, trucks and tankers every six months and issue permit to ply certificates.
  • Drivers shall maintain log books as provided by the Company.
  • Drivers shall make weekly checks of the vehicle and record in the check sheet provided. A specimen attached.
  • Immediate supervisor in charge of the vehicle shall monitor the drivers check sheet.
  • Seat belts shall be worn at all times whenever the vehicle is in motion other than when boarding, on and getting down from a ferry.
  • Drivers will check regularly oils, tyre pressures etc. in accordance with the vehicle manual.
  • Any accident or incident will be reported within 24 hours to the immediate manager who will report to the secretary accident review committee within 4 days. Form for reporting is attached.

Motor Vehicle Check Item

  • Is fan belt in good condition?
  • Is radiator water at required level?
  • Are there any water leaks?
  • Are there any fuel leaks?
  • Is oil at required level?
  • I clutch & brake fluid at required level?
  • Are wipers in good condition?
  • Do headlights work?
  • Do indicators work?
  • Do parking lights work?
  • Do stop lights work?
  • Does booster work?
  • Does hand brake works?
  • Are tyres in good condition?
  • Are tyre pressures alright?
  • Is spare wheel in good condition & Pressure?
  • Do reversing light work?
  • Does brake work?

Vehicle Accident Report

Two copies of this form to be prepared where applicable First copy to be filled in the person responsible for the transport & will handover the form to the Secretary of the Accident Review Committee for Review and onward dispatch to the Manager , Second copy if applicable to filled in & sent to the concerned

Textile Finishing Machine Problem. Eg. Unitech Dryer

Textile Finishing Machine Problem. Eg. Unitech Dryer

Textile Finishing Machine

Stenter – Textile Finishing Machine

  • Uncurling Device Problem (Tandametic)
  • Korino Part Uncurling Roller Problem
  • Net Problem
  • Mahlo  Problem (Camera)
  • Pin & Chine Prolem
  • Master Rollar Motor Problem
  • Front Monitor Problem
  • Panel Board A/C Problem for Stenter Machine

Open Compactor

  • Cantering Roller Problem
  • Over Feed Roller Tape Problem
  • Wheel Brush Problem
  • Lower Cylinder Temperature Problem
  • Upper Cylinder Steam Pipe Problem   
  • Steam Pipe Problem
  • Mc. Speed Problem
  • Chine Oil Line Problem
  • Stenter Pert Steam Pipe Problem
  • 10. Cooling Belt Steam Pipe Problem  

Tube Compector

  • C.P.U Alarm 
  • Folder Conveyer Belt Roller Problem
  • Teflon Roller Problem
  • Spreader Camera Problem
  • Lower Show Problem


  • Monitor Problem
  • Delivery Roller Poblem
  • Back Side Ring Camera Problem
  • Auto Air Line Problem
  • Mc.Auto On & Off


  • Centering Roller  Problem
  • Blead Problem
  • Folder  Belt  Problem
  • Feeding Roller Auto Prolem
  • 5.Padder  Problem

Unitech Dryer

  • Burner No – 3 Circuit Breaker  Problem
  • Net Problem
  • Panel Board A/C Problem

Santex Dryer

  • Emergency Switch Problem
  • Power On/Off Switch Problem
  • Net Problem
  • 2 No Blower Motor Problem
  • 2 No Nozzle Problem
  • Folder Problem
  • Panel Board A/C Problem
  • 8. Exhaust Fan Problem

Dyehouse automation includes automatic dispensing, dissolving/mixing, transportation and distribution of liquid and solid dyes and chemicals according to the customer’s recipes and procedures.

Reducing the usage of dyes and chemicals with 10-15 %, because of:

accurate dispensing of recipes (operators tend to over dispense to make sure the concentration is sufficient)

no reprocessing due to errors in dispensing

no over production; if necessary small batches can be prepared quickly and with good reproducibility

less losses due to bad house keeping

Reducing the usage of clean water with approx. 25 %, because of:

automated and effective rinsing

rinsing water is used as part of the recipe to a large extent

Reducing the amount of rinsing water, going to the drain with approx. 50 %, because of:

automated and effective rinsing

rinsing water is used as part of the recipe to a large extent

Reducing the pollution degree of the rinsing water, going to the drain, because of:

rinsing water is used as part of the recipe to a large extent

if rinsing water is going to the drain it is only the final rinsing water with little pollution

Users are textile printing, dyeing and finishing companies, varying from small companies with only a few discontinuous dyeing machines to large companies with several rotary printing machines and/or tens of discontinuous or continuous dyeing machines, preparation ranges, finishing stenters, etc.

The investment costs for dyehouse automation vary largely, depending on production capacity and number of dyes and chemicals to dispense. Return on investment is based on the following savings:

savings on costs of dyes and chemicals

savings on losses because of second choice or reprocessing

savings on standstill times of machines

savings on labour costs

savings on costs of clean water and drainage of water

Transport & Conveyance Allowance Rules . Pool Vehicle Facilities

Transport & Conveyance Allowance Rules . Pool Vehicle Facilities

Conveyance Allowance Rules

In order to restructure the procedure for payment of Conveyance Allowance Rules to the employees and staff of Auto Forum Ltd. Control that land transport subcontractor operations meet the required standards . We sale Online Vehicle Management System Software Pick and drop, trip to purchases, visit of several units, meeting with buyers, sample carrying or performing any other official work in the interest of AUTO  Group, a rule is hereby formulated as follows:


Any or all of the following consequences; Injury or fatality, damage to the environment, material or loss of image. Company will provide a negotiable flat transport allowance for “Group A” (Not for all and as well as Management has right to reserve this provision) only to pick & drop from residence and other duties in office hour to discharge their official duties smoothly. This allowance will fix up before his/her joining at company. This amount may cover from Tk. 15,000.00 to 20,000.00 based on location, distance of his/her residence and also priority, necessitate, demand, seniority and considering other bench mark 

Any vehicle owned or rented by the contractor and used for the construction of the project. The vehicle shall be used for transporting project personnel and materials. Above mentioned limit may be relaxed in some special cases considering the involvement of the development work of the company.


Any organization or entity that is performing works relating to the SMI project contracted. Pool vehicles facilities will provide only to “Group B” category for to and from near his/her residence. Those who will not avail negotiable Conveyance Allowance Rules facilities of “group A” may enjoy pool vehicle facility.

Any person employed by, or under contract to  the project driving a vehicle for the project construction. “Group C” category will not be entitled for pool vehicle facilities for to and from near his/her residence. This category may avail this facility if the accommodation is available in any route.

Movement order (in the prescribe form) to Journey to be taken from Admin & HR Dept. and dully signed by the Department Head and General Manager (Admin & HR).

After completion of journey, Conveyance Allowance Rules with supporting papers to be submitted in the Accounts department within 03 (three) days for checking by Admin Dept. with the recommendation of Department Head and General Manager (Admin & HR).

The above rules may be amendable when the Management so desires


SMI is totally committed to the safe operation of road transportation, providing clear operating procedures and standards, which must be met by Contractor and its subcontractor operating transportation within the scope of the project constructions.

Project Manager;

Will demonstrate a committed to conduct land transport operations in a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible manner, Such commitment will be achieved by ensuring that adequate facilities, for vehicle selection and maintenance, and drivers training are established in early phase of the project.

HSE Manager:

Will ensure the implementation and control of a land transport management procedure that provides vehicles, facilities, personnel and equipment that conform to the project HSE Management System principles and standards.

Section Manager

  • Allocate the necessary resources to land transport operations
  • Promote land transport safety issues in meetings, including manager’s meeting
  • Communicate clearly that land transport safety standards are an important project requirement


Provide appropriate training and assessment for all parties involved in land transport operations

Encourage safety promotions and employees suggestions to improve safety performance and practice.

(Set plans and objectives, and monitor vehicle safety performance of all employees


The project, as an integral part of the HSE Management System, shall instigate a Land Transportation Management Procedure that will define the Driving Rules which in turn will ensure that the following items are managed and clearly documented:

  • Conveyance Allowance Rules management (selection criteria, replacement policy, safety equipment requires, etc…)
  • Driver and personnel management (selection, training etc…)
  • Responsibilities and duties of subcontractor
  • Compliance with Local laws and traffic regulations
  • The implementation of active journey management and risk assessment where appropriate

The main objectives of LTMP (Land Transportation Management Procedure) shall be to improve driving performances and to ensure vehicles are fit for purpose and roadworthy, in order to achieve such an objective the following shall be implemented;

Objectives to improve driving performance are set at regular intervals, as a minimum, at least annually

Communication of the requirements and conditions of this LTMP, by arranging translations, as appropriate, issue and display making it available to all persons, and integrating into contractual documents

Ensure that the project driving standard and the condition of the vehicles are not detrimental to the DEC corporate image

Specific audits shall be performed by the HSE Manager at regular basis

Local initiatives to improve driving standards are developed as part of the annual HSE Plan for the project

Safety driving performance is integrated into the individual end of year appraisal for Conveyance Allowance Rules

What is CNC Turning Machine? Operational parameter

What is CNC Turning Machine? Operational parameter

CNC Turning Machine

CNC Turning Machine Campaign – It was Saturday afternoon & like every other day we were working in our desk. We had a meeting with sir & designing team. We had known that “Victor Rawlinson” the owner of worlds one of the most renowned importer ‘’David Howard’’, was going to visit our factory for the last time because he was retiring. You may read CNC Drilling Machine Safety and Working Procedure ….

Machine specification

  • No of CNC Turning Machine m/c : 01
  • Turning m/c-:                                             
  • Brand name- MERSAN                       
  • Country- Turkey                                        
  • Year of manufacturing- 2007         

CNC Turning

  • Turning is a process that is applied for removing the dust, extra fabric & turn the fabric back or front wise.
  • Fabric is feed through to roller & passed through stainless steel pipe.Then the air of the pipe blows it & pass through another roller where remove dust& turn the fabric backword.Then a conveyor belt delivered the fabric.

Operational parameter

  • Set the padder pressure as required (3-7bar)
  • Set the speed as much as possible (30-80m/min).

Function of the Machine

  • Used to remove the dust after pretreatment and dyeing.
  • To open the tube fabric .
  • Delivering fabric increase free state.

Process sequence of Finishing Section:

Tube Finish ↓
Dewatering ↓
Drying ↓
Compacting ↓
Inspection ↓
Delivery CNC Turning Machine

Marketing Policy

We decided to change the whole interior of the building. We decided to make a portrait of victor Rawlinson & change our window display. We also made a plan of designing the banner & changing the beam decoration. We were divided into two groups. We were two members in each group. After two days we got our budget to buy all of our equipment. We collected everything from different places.it was not an easy task.

We started our work. We, two members were working for the portrait & two for the window display. We started our portrait from 12:00 p.m. & it was completed at 10:00 p.m. Sometimes we worked together for window display. We selected the street theme for our window display. We created an environment of U.K. Graffiti Street. We used some props like skate board, helmet, accessories etc. to create proper environment for the display.

More CNC Turning Machine

  • 5 axes CNC machining center
  • Boring & milling machine
  • CNC double heads tube and pipe hole punching machine
  • CNC high precision hole punching machine
  • CNC horizontal lathe
  • CNC Plasma Flame cutting Machine
  • CNC vertical band saw machine
  • CNC Turning Machine vertical lathe
  • Cyclopentane high pressure foaming machine
  • Flange punching machine
  • Gantry type water jet cutting machine
  • Horizontal machining center
  • Hydraulic press brake machine
  • Pipe thread lathe
  • Punching machines/ Custom punching machines
  • Slant bed CNC lathe
  • Sparking plug assembly testing equipment
  • Specialized machine for valve industry
  • Swiss CNC lathe
  • Turning center
  • Vertical machining center
  • CNC Turning Machine Vibration plate