Disinfection Fog Machine. How to Use It? More Textile Machine

Disinfection Fog Machine. How to Use It? More Textile Machine

Disinfection Fog Machine

Power consumption: 900W
Smoke output: 2000cu.ft / min
Drum volume: 100mI
Warm-up time: 5 minutes
Max time: 5 min ; Min time: 2 min
Application: Car, Office, House, School, Shopping mall, All public places.

Any query please feel free to contact us.

More Textile Machine


K. M. Safiqur Reza
Cell: +88 01712606816
Skype: safiqurreza

Silver Spring, Unit- A3 (3rd Floor), Plot-4, Road- 1/A, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh.
Mob/Imo/ WhatsApp/ WeChat: +88 01712606816

Safety Harness Equipment’s for Clothing Industries

Safety Harness Equipment’s for Clothing Industries

Safety Harness Equipment’s for Clothing Industries

Safety Harness Equipment’s for Clothing Industries – To provide safety harnesses and lifelines to protect workers carrying out hazardous work above 8 feet from floor level and or where the is risk of falling can result in injury or death and also working within confined space

Safety Harness Procedure:

  • Survey to be carried out to determine where harness required.
  • The correct types of harnesses to be provided.
  • Safety harnesses to be used where required.
  • Training in the use of harnesses should be given.
  • Harnesses and attachments on register and regularly checked once in 3 month.
  • Stocks to be at store and checked during issue.
  • Discard any defective belt and or ropes by Safety Harness

Hearing conservation

To prevent permanent or diminished loss of hearing caused by working at specified activities which creates zone where the equivalent noise level is equal to or exceeds 85 dBA.


  • A noise surveys the premises to be conducted.
  • The noise zones to be identified.
  • Survey to carried out to determine where hand protection is required.
  • Suitable gloves to be provided for Safety Harness
  • Supervisors to check that hand protection are in good condition and used where required.
  • Issue gloves and keep records of such issue.
  • Issue gloves and keep records of such issue.
  • Contractors to use suitable gloves where needed.
  • Symbolic signs to be poster.
  • Approved hearing protectors to be provided.
  • Hearing protectors to be worn where required.
  • Supervisors to check if worn.

Respiratory Equipment

To provide the correct type of respiratory equipment to ensure a safe working environment and in the event of an emergency on site.


  • Self contained breathing apparatus to be used for all entries into confined space.
  • Person /persons to be trained in the use of the apparatus.
  • Apparatus to be kept in Gate House / Store and issued on request.
  • Apparatus to be checked and certified once every 3 months and recorded.
  • Defective apparatus to be made operative or destroyed.

Respiratory Equipment

To provide the correct type of respiratory equipment to ensure a safe working environment and in the event of an emergency on site.


  • Self contained breathing apparatus to be used for all entries into confined space.
  • Person /persons to be trained in the use of the apparatus.
  • Apparatus to be kept in Gate House / Store and issued on request.
  • Apparatus to be checked and certified once every 3 months and recorded.
  • Defective apparatus to be made operative or destroyed.

Protective Clothing

Objective:To ensure that the correct protective clothing is issued to the work force for the environment they are working.

Procedure:Loose fit clothes not allowed within shop floors. BOL provides uniform to all permanent workers which are tailored not to be loose fit.

Contractors / Casual or contract labour:Sufficient control to be exercised to check and see that contract labours and or Casual labours do not use loose clothing while working on or near any machines with moving parts.

Special Clothing

To study and find out requirement of special protective clothing e.g. Aprons, head covers etc.To provide protective clothing to company employee.

Contractors working within the premises to provide the same for their workforce. All protective clothing issued to the workforce should be clean & in good repair. End of Safety Harness

Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance Procedure and Process

Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance Procedure and Process

Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance

All fire extinguishing equipment numbered / Identified, on register and checked monthly by safety representative according to the checklist attached. The objective of this section is to implement and manage a system to effectively control the employment and placement, training, delegation of duties to and involvement of personal and job factors which give rise to unsafe acts and or conditions are identified and that steps be taken to eliminate or minimize these in order to prevent injury or damage causing accidents…

General Checks Applicable to all Fire Extinguishers

  • General condition and cleaning ness for Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance
  • Legibility, correctness and completeness of marking
  • Check for corrosion and serious physical damage to the container of the extinguisher. Damage
  • to seam or joints is not acceptable and the extinguisher to be taken out of service.
  • Check for any corrosion or physical damage to any component parts.
  • Check the operation of operating levers, plungers, discharge control valves, safety relief valves etc.
  • Examine all threads for mechanical damage.
  • Examine all seals or sealing edges for physical damage.
  • Record date of inspection on durable adhesive label or any other type of label and fix
  • firmly on to the extinguisher.
  • Examine mounting brackets for physical damage and anchorage for security.

Check List

  • Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance – Check the mass of the extinguisher against the mass recorded when put into service. Recharge if the loss of mass exceeds 5% of the contents or more than the percentage recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Check the hose horn & operating mechanism for proper condition & functioning.
  • Senior Executive Manager Designated Responsible for safety
  • Person(s) Made Responsible for Safety / Occupational Hygiene Coordination
  • Designation of Safety Representatives
  • Safety Committee
  • On the Job Safety Communication
  • First Aider and Facilities
  • First Aid Training
  • Posters, Bulletins, Newsletter, Safety Films and Internal Competitions, Etc.
  • Injury Experience and Star Grading Board
  • Suggestion Scheme
  • Safety Reference Library
  • Annual Report ( Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-annually)
  • Induction and Job Safety Training
  • NOSA Approved Safety Training Courses.
  • Medical Examination
  • Selection and Placement
  • Plant inspection Safety Representative
  • Management Safety Audit
  • Safety Specifications: Purchasing and Engineering Control-New Plant and Contractors.
  • Written Safe Work Procedures: Issued and used
  • Planned Job Observation
  • Work Permits
  • Off the Job Safety
  • Safety Policy: Management Involvement
  • Open the container and pour the powder into a clean receptacle.
  • Open the extinguisher, check the liquid level. Pour into a clean container the foam solution.
  • Check the mass of gas cartridge against that marked on the cartridge. The cartridge must be renewed if a loss of more than 5% of the contents is recorded or more than that recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Replace the initial liquid charge.
  • Visually inspect the control valve seal, nozzle and draw-off shackle fitted. Check that the nozzle is not blocked. Check that lock opens and shuts easily. Lubricate and replace if still difficult to operate. Check reel box is firmly bolted to wall.
  • Un-roll all hose check general condition, replace if perished. Check hose clamps for tightness. Rewind hose and store nozzle in holders.
  • Visually inspect the hydrant pillar. Check rubber washers, replace if perished. Flash hydrant to remove any foreign matter in the hydrant pipe.
  • Remove all traces of powder from the inside and outside of the container, discharge hose nozzle and the control valve assembly and the actuating machineries.
  • Examine the powder for caking, lumps or foreign matter and if present a complete new charge of powder must be used.
  • Check the mass of the cartridge against that marked on the cartridge. The cartridge must be renewed if loss of more than 5% of the contents is recorded or more than that recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Avoid mixing or cross contamination of different powders for Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance

Fire Extinguishing Equipment

To provide adequate equipment to ensure effective response in the event of a fire.

Fire risks identified and assessed.( attach details of assessment indicating persons consulted, date and results of assessment and action plan )

Adequate number of correct types of fire extinguishing equipment provided and correctly located. ( provide list of equipment along with locations )

All existinguishers to be mounted with tops approximately 1.2 to 1.3 m above floor level in easily accessible locations.( Indicate fire extinguisher locations on a site plan provide a fire plan at / near gate house )

To control access to company premises to prevent losses.Control of entry and exit of persons, vehicles, etc.(list details of security system used)            Security Staff reporting unsafe acts/conditions. Security staff to be trained to identify unsafe acts/conditions, spot checks. Conducted on fire equipment, lighting, air conditions etc. and reported in Occurrence Book.

Objective:To ensure corrective coordination of fire and emergency activities.Appointed in writing duties defined as per format.

(Copy of letter of designation to be placed on file) Minimum Training

(Details of training to be listed) Emergency Action Plan available

Emergency plan devised to cover all eventualities and copies to be available to all employees on a “ need-to-know” basis.

Fire Safety for Workplace of Manufacturing Company

Fire Safety for Workplace of Manufacturing Company

Fire safety for workplace

Fire safety for workplace – The objective of this section is to implement and maintain a system to effectively control the reporting, recording and investigation of accidents and incidents and implementation of preventive measures to ensure that recurrence of similar incident is prevented or minimized…

As a Coordinator your duties will be the following:

  • To maintain the fire prevention programme to an optimum level including checking of all fire fighting equipments monthly and ensuring that the equipments are in working order ( the respective representatives are responsible for any maintenance/upkeep)
  • To identify all fire risks and taking action to eliminate or reduce these.
  • To form & coordinate the fire team and train the team for all emergencies.
  • To register all fire fighting equipments with serial numbers.
  • To keep liaison with local fire department.

Are aisle, stairways and emergency exits unblocked/clear to traffic?    

(as per regulated by local law or at least two exits)                                                                                                           
(E.g. Fire alarm, Smoke detector and Sprinkler system…etc.)                                                                                                                                   
(hazardous waste or other substances)
(how many employees are trained?)
(i.e. How many cubic meter/feet per person)                                                                                                                      
Are aisle, stairways and emergency exits unblocked/clear to traffic?                                                                                                                    
Are all exits doors unlocked during working hours?                                                                                                                                                                      
Are any hazardous substances exposed in the workplace?                                                                                                                                                        
Are bathrooms and toilets functional and sanitary?                                                                                                                                                                       
Are bathrooms and toilets segregated by gender?                                                                                                                                                                        
Are chemicals labeled properly?                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Are chemicals separated and contained safely?                                                                                                                                                                             
Are common and recreational areas available?
Are documents on chemical available in local language (MSDS)?                                                                                                            
Are dormitories well ventilated and clean?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Are employees trained on how to operate fire fighting equipment?                                                                                                                     
Are employees trained on proper use of fire fighting equipment?             
Are extinguishers appropriate for the types of possible fires
Are extinguishers appropriate for the types of possible firesin the various areas of the facility?                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Are fire extinguishers charged and in good working condition?                                                                                                                               
Are fire extinguishers charged and in good working condition?                                                                                                                               
Are fire extinguishers visible and accessible at every floor?
Are fire extinguishers visible and accessible at every floor?
Are sleeping quarters segregated by gender?                                                                                                                                                                      
Are the bedrooms overcrowded?                                                                                                            
Are there “HIGH VOLTAGE” signs displayed within the factory?                                                                                                               
Are there “NO SMOKING” signs displayed within the factory?                                                                                                                                  
Are there adequate numbers of emergency exits on each floor?                
Are there any local law that rules on environmental protection?                                                                                                                            
Are there any local laws that rule on fire safety for dormitory?                                                                                                                               
Are there any local laws that rule on Fire/Workplace safety?                                                                                                                                   
Are there any local laws that rules on health and safety                                 
Are there emer gency lights above exits and stairways?                                                                                                                                              
Are there emergency evacuation drills at least twice a year?                                                                                                                                    
Are there locker provided for workers’ personal items?                                                                                                                                              
Are there written fire emergency evacuation plans posted or
at dormitory?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
discharge standard?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Do these emergency exits lead to a safe and unblocked area?                                                                                                                                 
Do these emergency exits lead to a safe and unblocked area?                                                                                                                                 
Does factory have a copy of these laws posted?                                                                                                                                                                            
Does factory have a copy of these laws posted?                                                                                                                                                                 
Does factory have a copy of this law posted?      
Does factory have a copy of this law posted?                                                                                                                                                                                 
Does the effluent from the factory meet local wastewater                                            
Does the factory discharge its sewage & effluent into a municipal              
Emergency evacuations drill conducted at least twice a year?                                                                                                                       
Emergency lights above exits and stairwells?
Has an asbestos survey ever been done for the facility?                                                                                                                                             
Has factory been cited for any fire safety violation on the ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Has the facility in the last 2 years violated or been cited for any                  
Has there been any fire incidents within the past 5 years?
How many employees are trained?                                                                                                                                                                                                      
How many?                                                                                   
How many?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
in the various areas of the facility?                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Is there any automatic safety short circuit protection system for electrical leakage?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Is there any early warning system in case of an emergency? (Indicate)                    
Is there desk/table and chairs accessible at every room?                                                                                                                                           
mapped out at every floor?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
sewer system? 
violation of laws or other regulations regarding sewage emissions?
Does the factory generate any emissions without control?  

Fire Safety Check List

  • Extinguishing Equipment
  • Inadequate number provided
  • Incorrect type
  • Incorrectly sited
  • Location Marked floor clear
  • Location not marked
  • No keep clear marking
  • Equipment obstructed.
  • Maintenance of Equipment
  • Extinguisher not numbered
  • No Register
  • No Monthly Check
  • No annual Maintenance.
  • Storage Flammable/explosive
  • No Storage provided
  • No bonding for decanting
  • No Combustible in store
  • Combustible in store
  • Items leveled
  • Alarm System
  • No Alarm
  • Alarm cannot be heard from all places.
  • No knowledge of alarm
  • Fire Fighting Drill
  • No Fire team
  • No Training
  • Evacuation procedure
  • evacuation drill
  • Security
  • Safety Item not reported
  • No control of visitor
  • No safety training
  • Emergency Planning
  • No emergency plan
  • No training
  • No emergency team
  • Fire Coordinator
  • No Coordinator
  • No training
  • No checking by Coordinator
Personal Security Equipment List for an Apparel Industry

Personal Security Equipment List for an Apparel Industry

Personal Security Equipment

Personal protective equipments are using by the worker & according to our policy wearing of personal protective equipments is obligatory for the workers..

Awareness training on environmental health & safety, occupational health & safety, using of PPE, Chemical safety, fire safety etc. are conducted regularly following a yearly training schedule & trainings are conducted by skilled training personnel in reference.

We are ensuring pure drinking water for the .We have adequate number of toilets for both male & female and we are always keeping it clean by the cleaners & sweepers. Towel & soaps are always being provided at toilet. Admin department is monitoring the toilet periodically as well as by sudden visit.

We have a health & safety committee comprise of 19 numbers of members from different floor according to the health & safety policy. We follow fire safety, electrical safety, machine safety, chemical safety committees which are very much functional to keep the safety level uphold. Health & safety committee meeting is being held at least once in every two month but according to our procedure it may be held emergency in crises.

Personal Security Equipment List

  • Hard Hats personal security equipment
  • Safety Glasses personal security equipment
  • Cutting Goggles
  • Attachable Face Shields
  • Attachable Welding Shields
  • Proper work clothing (long-sleeves /Nomex Coveralls in Live Plant)
  • Properly Gloves for each job task
  • Proper work boots or shoes for job task
  • Fall protection inspected, color coded and tie-off points identified
  • Hearing protection available and in use
  • Tools and Equipment:
  • Electrical tools and cords inspected and color coded
  • Guards in place on all power tools
  • Proper disc installed on grinders
  • Air hoses with proper connect, whip checks, pins
  • Welding leads in good condition and without repairs 6ft from electrode
  • Hoses, leads, and cords placed out of walkways and protected
  • Welding machines grounded/earthed and spill protection installed
  • Torch hoses in good condition, gauges in good condition, check valves, flashback Arrester, and is a Sticker available to ignite the torch
  • Cylinders secured properly (Chain or wire or in rack)
  • Rigging and Lifting Equipment:
  • All slings, coming-alongs, chain-falls, etc inspected and color coded
  • Crane swing radius barricaded with danger barricade
  • Beam-clamps inspected SWL noted and installed properly
  • All lifting-beams with SWL posted
  • Crane outriggers fully extended and wood/metal pads installed
  • Crane daily inspection completed
  • Crane functioning properly
  • Operator certified personal security equipment
  • Rigger escorting crane during movements
  • Riggers wearing proper vest
  • Tag-lines available and in use
  • Chemical Use:
  • MSDS sheet on the job and workers trained to use chemicals
  • Chemicals stored properly
  • Other:
  • Work area hazards barricaded
  • Jack- stands placed on stable surface, in good condition and SWL posted were required
  • Fire Extinguishers in place and inspected
  • Drinking water in place and cups available
  • Trash bins available
  • JSA/Work-Permit completed properly
  • Ladders inspected and color coded and scaffolds inspected for the week by (CP) for personal security equipment

We have adequate numbers of cleaners & sweepers to keep the premises clean. We follows periodical monitoring system (daily, weekly & monthly) regularly monitor by designated monitoring team that always upkeep the cleaning up to the level.

Survey of PPE requirement:PPL for issue to individual Staff given accordingly to Job/Designation.

Oxygen Plant

Plant Operator

Liquid Handling: Maintenance: Caustic Strength Checking:

PPE REQUIRED: Leather hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Leather Apron, Rubber, Hand Gloves, Safety Boot.

Compressor Attendant:Liquid Handling: Maintenance: Caustic Handling:

PPE REQUIRED: Rubber / Alkali Proof Apron, Leather hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Leather Apron, Rubber Hand Gloves Safety Boot.


Caustic Handling: Maintenance

Rubber / Alkali Proof Apron, Leather hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Rubber Hand Gloves, Safety Boot.

Filling Man

  • Cylinder Handling: Cylinder Connecting:
  • Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot

Test Mistry

  • Cylinder Handling: Valve Opening Closing: Punching
  • Eye Protection, Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot

Test Helper

  • Cylinder Handling: Painting ( Brush) Punching
  • Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot Eye Protection

Test Helper

  • Cylinder washing Cleaning:
  • Rubber Hand Gloves, Gum Boots.

Cylinder Examiner

  • Checking & Handling Cylinders
  • PPE Required: Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot.

DA Plant

Plant Operator

DMF: Charging /Handling: Maintenance:

PPE REQUIRED: Rubber hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Rubber/Rexin Apron. Safety Boot, Leather hand Gloves.

Compressor Attendant:Carbide Charging, DMF Charging/Handling: Maintenance:

PPE REQUIRED: Head & Face Cotton Cover, Leather hand Gloves, Rubber hand Gloves, eye Protection, Rubber/Rexin Apron, Safety Boot.


Cylinder Handling: Loading: Unloading: DMF Charging

Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot, Gum Boots Rubber Hand Gloves, Rubber Apron, Eye Protection.

Test Mistry

Cylinder Handling: Valve Opening Closing: Punching

Eye Protection, Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot

Cylinder Examiner

Checking & Handling Cylinders

PPE Required: Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot.

CO2 Plant

Plant Operator

Maintenance: KOH Handling/Strength Checking

PPE REQUIRED: Leather Hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Rubber hand Gloves, Rubber/Rexin Apron, Safety Boot.

Compressor Attendant

Maintenance KOH Handling/Strength Checking:

PPE REQUIRED: Leather hand Gloves, Rubber hand Gloves, eye Protection, Rubber/Rexin Apron, Safety Boot.

N2O Plant

Plant Operator

Maintenance: Caustic Handling/Strength Checking

PPE REQUIRED: Leather Hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Rubber hand Gloves, Rubber/Rexin Apron, Safety Boot.

Compressor Attendant

Maintenance Caustic Handling/Strength Checking:

PPE REQUIRED: Leather hand Gloves, Rubber hand Gloves, eye Protection, Rubber/Rexin Apron, Safety Boot.


Tanker/Truck Driver

Liquid Handling: Tanker Maintenance

PPE REQUIRED: Leather hand Gloves, Eye Protection, Leather Apron, Safety Boot.

Tanker / Truck Helper

Liquid Handling: Cylinder Handling: Truck Maintenance:

PPE Required: Leather Hand Gloves, Eye Protection Leather Apron, Safety Boot.

Work Shop


Work on LT side: Maintenance: Fitting: Grinding:

Electrician’s Rubber Hand Gloves, Leather Hand Gloves, Eye Protection Leather Apron, Safety Boot.

Electrician Helper

Work on LT side: Maintenance: Fitting: Grinding:

Electrician’s Rubber Hand Gloves, Leather Hand Gloves, Eye Protection Leather Apron, Safety Boot.


Turning: Grinding: Fitting:

PPE REQUIRED: Eye Protection, Cotton Apron, Safety Boots.



PPE Required: Eye Protection, Leather Hand Gloves, Safety Boot.


Welding: Grinding: Cutting.

PPE required: Welding Shield, Leather Apron, Leg Guard, Safety Boot, Eye Protection both for Gas welding & Grinding, Leather Hand Gloves.


Demonstrators / Instructors

Leather Apron / Canvass Apron, Ankle High Boots, Leather Hand Gloves, Leg Guards, Arms Guards, Leather Cap, Helmet, Hand screen, Gas welding goggles, Grinding goggles.


Leather Apron/Canvass Apron, Ankle High Boots, Leather Hand Gloves, Leg Guards, Helmet, Hand Screen, Gas Welding goggles, Grinding goggles.

Factories are well ventilated with adequate numbers of window, doors & proper number of industrial exhaust fan. We are assessing sound level periodically & taking proper measures to keep it within the tolerable limit accordingly. In some area like generator & fusing room sound is over the level & the workers at those areas are using proper PPE at working.

Personal Protective Equipment for a Compliance Factory

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) not provided to the workers and factory does not ensure that it is being used by them, such as active carbon organic vapour dust masks, gloves, chain mail gloves, safety glasses, rubber mat, ear plug, boots (e.g. washing plant) …

masks/scarves not provided for all workers especially thread sucking machine operator, knitting operator, cutting & sewing section (should be 100%), overlock operators, fusing section etc.

To have a control on issue and proper maintenance of PPE so that these are used where needed. Ear plugs not provided for thread sucking operators.

A survey of requirement of PPE to be made. bandknife machines does not have 2 steel chain mail gloves provided only one (should have 2 as it is a 2 hand operation)electrical iron operators do not stand on rubber mats rubber mat not used in front of panel board in main electric panel room

embroidery operators do not use ear plugs A safety representatives is responsible to see that workforce under him are issued with the proper PPE and acknowledgment obtained on the proforma attached. spray operators do not use hand gloves no PPE manual distributed to workers

The safety Representative is to ensure that these are used and maintained properly. metal gloves found torn An inspector to be appointed for regular checks and reporting to the Site Safety Coordiantor. health & safety training is not recorded

broken needle register not available (covering sewing needles, hand sewing needles, mending needles, tag guns etc.)

  • Head Protectors
  • Eye & Face Protection
  • Footwear
  • Protective Clothing
  • Respiratory Equipment
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Safety Harness
  • Hand Protection
  • Control Over PPE
  • To ensure that the standard & procedure set for the element / item for which you have been appointed as an Inspector are fully followed and necessary records are kept by the person entrusted for the above said item.
  • You will carry out monthly inspections and submit report to the Safety Coordinator which will be discussed at the Safety Committee Meetings.
  • sharp tool policy not in place and not effective, incl. records for the use of tag guns and their needles. Any sharp tools should be counted in and out on a daily basis (incl. tweezers).
  • clippers, scissors, knitting needles (for fault marking) found unattached to workstation and no positive daily release system in place
  • razor blade found in winding section
  • pin used to mark button position
  • contaminated products (based on metal detection check) not kept in a segregated area away from production and procedure not in place for their safe disposal
  • areas not found in approved building plan e.g. dining area
  • approval missing for construction of certain areas of the building e.g. additional floors
  • Building Stability Certificate missing
  • last upper stair found much higher than other stairs i.e. double, needs to be even
  • electrical control panels blocked e.g. in dining area
  • electrical installations not checked periodically in a scheduled and recorded manner
  • electric wires used without plug
  • no safety cover installed for some switches
  • DB , electric supply channel board and electric switchboards are made of wood, should rather be steel or anything similar that is non-flammable
  • no danger sign posted on electrical panel boards
  • elevator operator’s permit not up-to-date and not available at the factory for inspection
  • workers insurance policies not kept up to date
  • no workers participation and welfare fund to share benefit
  • noise risk assessment not undertaken to avoid e.g. excessive noise of generator near production area
  • diesel barrels not stored separately and not protected to avoid accidents
  • cartons/items kept above 6 feet high, e.g. in fabric and finished goods store. Factory should indicate height limit in relevant areas to avoid going above.
  • factory does not take care of the safety issues where security guards take rest (i.e. first aid boxes, fire fighting equipment, drinking water, other basic health & safety needs) – no instruction found posted regarding loose clothing, jewellery or long hair near moving machinery


  • no MSDS displayed where chemicals are stored and used (chemical store room, spot removal room)
  • spot removing operator not aware of hazards of spot removing agents
  • chemicals are not labelled with warning sign/safety label (i.e. alcohol, scrap oil, solvents) and are not segregated and stored safely
  • chemicals not stored in secondary container (e.g. diesel oil drums, chemical containers in spot removal rooms, chemical storage area of washing section)
  • no spot cleaning room (there should be one for each finishing section)
  • spot cleaning rooms without eye wash station (wash basin) and proper ventilation
  • spot cleaning room found not fully covered (no door or door open during working hours)
  • No water connection at eye wash station
  • No exhaust fan at spot removal room or common chemical store room   
  • PPE missing in chemical store
  • Summery
  • Personal Protective Equipment detergents of washing plant stored at goods in storage area, should be kept in laundry area or other safe, separate location . diesel barrels are kept without protection

Electrical, Mechanical, Protective Equipment

Traffic Signs, Symbolic Safety Signs

To ensure that all work areas are suitably designated by international symbolic signs and informatory signs.


  • Survey the site and position the symbolic signs.
  • Provide a key board at a prominent place.
  • Train the workforce in the meaning of the signs.
  • Follow to be maintained properly.

Some PPE

Goggles Safety Grinding, Chipping, Turning, Handling Caustic, Soda, TCE, Blended Powder, Silicates, Slug wool. Perlite.
Leather Hand Gloves Carbide Drums Handling, Grinding Chipping & Turning, Liquid Product, LO LN Handling, for cylinder handling during filling & Loading/unloading trucks, during maintenance jobs at all works.
Rubber Hand Gloves Handling Caustic Soda, Acids, Cleaning agents acidic or basic.
Certified Hand Gloves LT & HT Electrical Lines and Equipment by Electricians
Gum boots Handling caustic soda, Acid, DA filing racks & areas, Sludge pits.
Safety Belts Working at heights above 8ft and in confined spaces
Helmets Where constructions are in progress and when ASU Condenser above under Maintenance
Hearing Protection For Entry into Generator Room, During Punching of Test Marks.
Face Protection Hot Water Handling, Liquid Oxygen /Nitrogen Handling.