Customer Service Software
Customer Service Software is very important for all corporate and small office. This Customer Support Software is used in IT Support, HR Support or any other technical support. This software is also used in clothing industry. This ticketsystem software is developed by supportcandy. net.
Arround 3000+ company are using this software. You can buy this softwre direct from support candy site by $0 to $59. We will help you about installing and configuring suppor tcandy.  For any queries, please Contact Us.
Installation Procedure is very smple. You need appoint high skilled programmer. Just contact us we will traing you
How to Create New Ticket
At first user will register and then login according to to Figure-Login and Registration

Then user will create tickets. A user can create multiple tickets. The user can filter ticket, login, logout in same screen. User can reset filter, auto refress on/off. agent setting etc.
Unlimited Tickets
There is no limit of tickets in help desk ticketing software so user can create huge ticket and that can be created in free version. See Figure-List of New Ticket

How to Create New Ticket
Ticket Form: Customizable ticket form of ticket tracking software allows you design your ticket without sorting form as per your requirement. You can even add extra information with column in ticket tracking software about any field to explain more about the ticket field to the users.

Type your Subject here in short
Type your description here in detail. You can modify your text here. You can bold, link, italic and others from here
File Attachments:
Files can not only be attached to description of ticket of helpdesk solutions but also you can define file size and create any number of custom fields to create any new attachment. You can attach screen shot or image below if you have. Attachment max filesize(MB): 1/2/3/4 . Description -Maximum attachment size of file to be able to attach for attachment fields.
General Settings
- Support Page: Select page in which shortcode is inserted. Create a page with shortcode [supportcandy] if not created yet. Fullwidth page template is recommended.
- Default ticket status: Open / Close/ Reply. It should open by default. Description: This status will get applied for newly created ticket.
- Default ticket category: Garments/Textile/etc Description- This category will get applied for newly created ticket.
- Default ticket priority: Law/Medium/High. Description: This priority will get applied for newly created ticket.
- Ticket status after customer reply: User Reply/ Open/ Close etc. Description -This status will be applied to the ticket if customer post reply in ticket. ‘Default’ will not change status of the ticket in this case.
- Ticket status after agent reply: Helpdesk Reply/ Open/ Closed etc. Description- This status will be applied to the ticket if agent or any support staff post reply in ticket. ‘Default’ will not change status of the ticket in this case.
- Close ticket status: Helpdesk Reply/ Open/ Closed etc. Description – Status to apply if ‘Close Ticket’ button clicked for a ticket.
- Allow customer to close ticket: Yes/No. Description -Enables ‘Close Ticket’ button for customer inside open ticket screen.
- Reply form position: Top/Bottom. Description -Reply form position in open ticket page. ‘Top’ will load reply form above ticket threads and ticket threads will load in decending order. Whereas, ‘Bottom’ will load reply form below ticket thread and threads loaded in acending order.
- Calender date format: dd/mm/yy etc.Description -This format will be applicable for input date fields (datepicker) for SupportCandy.
- Ticket Alice in Email Notification Subject: Description -Label to represent ticket in email notification subject etc e.g. You may want to use this as a bug tracking then you can label it like issue #123, bug #132 etc. So that it should be show in issue #123 or Bug #123. Please note this will only work in email subject. If you want to change all places, you will need to translate .pot
- Allow guest ticket: Yes/No. Description -Enables guest ticket facility. Guest will able to create ticket without needing them to have an user account on website. They can create ticket using their name and email address.
- Allow rich text editor for guest ticket : Enable / Disable .Description -If enabled guest will be able to use rich text editor.
- Reply to Closed Tickets : Allowed / Not Allowed. Description -Applicable for customer only.
- Default Login WP/ Candy etc. Description -Default Login on support page.
- User Registration: Enable / Disable. Description -User Registration Method
General Features
- Open Unlimited Tickets in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Agents in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Users in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Products in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Departments in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Tags in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Custom Priorities in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Channels in auto support ticketing system
- Open Unlimited Custom Statuses and Labels in auto support ticketing system
- Open Attachments in auto support ticketing system
- Open Attach multiple files to tickets in auto support ticketing system
- Open Control which fiile extensions are allowed for uploads in auto support ticketing system
- Control the large file size allowed for users for uploads
- Drag and Drop files facility for upload
- Paste graphical images from clipboard to create a new files for upload
- Store required files in most cloud services
E-Commerce facility
- Synchronize the product lists between Auto Support and Woo Commerce
- Synchronize product lists between Auto Support and Easy digital downloads
- Validate even licenses before tickets can be submitted
- Allow users to open problem tickets directly from Woo Commerce
- Allow users to open problem tickets directly from Easy Digital Downloads
- Agents can view the key order and custom e-commerce facility status directly in the ticket
Email Piping
General Setting
- Email piping type : IMAP /Gmail. Description: You can use POP value in IMAP fields
- Email Address / Email Username: mashiur /
- Email Password: *************
- Encryption: SSL / None
- Incoming Mail Server: e.g.
- Port : 993/ 564 etc
Other Setting for Email Piping
- Block Emails: Add one email per line. You can insert email pattern like,, etc.
- Ignore emails having these words in subject : Add one pattern per line. You can use patterns like xsx,xxz, abc,xxz* etc.
- Allowed User Emails : Registered user only / Anyone
- Cron Execution Time: 1/2/3 etc Minute(s)
- Email Body : Set whether you want to accept email as text or html format. We recommend using text format to parse exact reply from sender. If you wish to use html format, it will load full html content along with email history (we stripe css and javascript in html for safety).
- Debug Mode : Disable / Enable. Description- It is not safe to keep debug mode enabled all the time, your gmail messeges can be exposed to hackers. Enable it only when required.
- From email in email notification to customer : Original / Default. Description- If set Original, email address to which customer sent an email originally will be used as From email in an email notification to customer for the ticket created. e.g. You have piping set for and forwarded all incoming emails from,, etc. to support@ to create ticket. In case, user sent an email to sales@ he will receive an email notificatification from sales@ instead of default set in email notification setting.
Modify Php.ini (SMTP)
- [mail function]
- ; For Win32 only.
- ;
- SMTP= ; (By default it was SMTP=localserver😉
- smtp_port=25
Modify Php.ini Incoming
- extension=gettext (By default it was ;extension=gettext )
- ;extension=gmp
- ;extension=intl
- extension=imap (By default it was ;extension=imap )
- ;extension=interbase
Add New Rule for Email Piping
- Title : HO Email Piping. Description – Title to show in rule list. It will be easier to know what this rule for.
- To Address : Description -Please enter the email addresses to match from which email was forworded for piping. One email per line. If this condition matched, no further conditions checked and fields will get applied to ticket.
- Has Words: xyz. Description -Please enter words/strings to match in email subject or body text. One string per line. If this condition matched, fields will get applied to ticket regardless of other conditions.
- Select Fields Status: Open/ Close/ User Reply etc
- Category: Commercial / Fashion etc. Description -Please select category.
- Priority: Law/ Medium/ High. Description -Please select priority.
- Ticket Type: Problem /Change / Requirement etc
- Department: HR/ Payroll/ Accounts etc
- Ticket Description: Text
- Subject: Text
Email Notifications
- From Name: Helpdesk. Description – Emails to send by this name.
- From Email : Description -Emails to send from this email.
- Reply to: Description -(Optional) When recipients reply to the notification from their inbox, reply will be sent to this email address.
- Ignore Emails: xyz@ . Description – Emails will not be sent to these email addresses. New email should begin on new line.
Ticket Notifications
- New ticket customer confirmation
- Reply ticket notification
- Close ticket customer notification
- New ticket staff notification
New ticket staff notification Setting
Title : New ticket staff notification. Description -Title to show in notification list. Please make sure title you are entering is not already available in other notifications.
Type: New Ticket / Reply Ticket etc. Description – Select event to send this email.
Email Subject: {ticket_subject}. Description – Subject for email to send.
Email Body: You have received new ticket from {customer_name}!
Below are details of the ticket:
Subject: {ticket_subject}
Description: {ticket_description}
{ticket_url}Description – Body for email to send. Use macros for ticket specific details. Macros will get replaced by its value while sending an email.
Recipients: Select roles who will receive email notifications. Assigned Agent will be none if type is New Ticket. If you want to automate assign agent for new ticket, you can purchase our Assign Agent Rules add-on.
Assigned Agent
Administrator (all agents)
Agent (all agents)
Additional Recipients: xyz . Description -(Optional) Enter additional recipient email address. One email per line.
Conditions: Select Data for Condition. (Optional) Email will only send when all condition matches.
Email Features of Awesome Support Ticketing System
- Users can open tickets by awesome support ticketing system using email
- Users and vendors can correspond using awesome support ticketing system only through email
- Email can be collected in awesome support ticketing system via POP3 or IMAP connections
- Configure email notifications for auto support ticketing system for all ticket events
- Allow or deny accounts in auto support ticketing system from re-opening closed tickets by email
- Multiple options to control with auto support ticketing system how unrecognized Email accounts are handled
- Automatically create new accounts in auto support ticketing system via email
- Collect tickets from auto support ticketing system from multiple e-mail inboxes
- Use rules to filter auto support ticketing system and route tickets
GDPR And Privacy
- Add GDPR related revelations in customer support system upon registration
- Track consent in customer support system for up to four items
- Create consent items in customer support system that are mandatory or optional
- Allow user to remove consent this tracing software for optional items on the front end
- Allow admins of ticketing system software to remove consent for optional items in the wp-admin user profile screen
- Allow users on ticketing system software to request deletion of ticket data
- Integrate deletion request in ticketing system software into the privacy hooks provided WP 4.9.6 and later
- Delete tickets or ticketing system software when admins use the WP 4.9.6 (and later) ERASE PERSONAL DATA screens
- Allow users to download their ticket data from ticketing system software from the front-end
- Allow only admins to export a users ticket data from the wp-admin user profile screen
Audit Trails
- Create an audit trail log in best help desk ticketing software for all ticket edits
- Create an audit trail log in best help desk ticketing software for all reply edits
- Choose two different audit levels in best help desk ticketing software summary and detailed
- Select which best help desk ticketing software admin or agent roles can edit tickets and replies
Document Protection
- Turn on/off the facility in best help desk ticketing software for end users to delete attachments in tickets
- Option to delete all attachments automatically in best customer support software when a ticket is closed
- Option to allow users and agents to override in best customer support software the automatic delete-on-close flag
Agent Features
Unlimited Agents: You can create any number of agents in help desk ticketing software so that you can divide your workload of replying tickets.
Set Support Agent

- Agents of web based help desk can create tickets on behalf of users
- Agents of web based help desk can view only their tickets or view all tickets
- Agents of web based help desk can receive ticket replies by email and send replies directly from their email inbox
- Multiple agents of web based help desk can work a single ticket or hand-off tickets as needed
- Internal private notes between agents, shown directly on web based help desk on the ticket in chronological order
- Transfer ticket of web based help desk to another agent or department
Ticket Assignment / Agent Role
- Automatically assign tickets to agents
- Intelligent algorithms for routing tickets using ticket load – i.e.: the number of tickets each agent has open
- Intelligent algorithms of ticketing system software for routing tickets using products
- Intelligent algorithms of ticketing system software for routing tickets using departments
- Intelligent algorithms ticketing system software for routing tickets using working/non-working status

Agent Productivity
- Personal todo lists in ticketing system software for agents
- Personal notes in ticketing system software for agents
- Add support notes of ticketing system software for clients
- Agents or ticketing system software can create and user multiple signatures
- Agents of ticketing system software can set a default signature for all replies
Agent Front End
- Untrusted agents of simple help desk software can use a basic front-end user interface instead of being granted wp-admin access
Canned Responses
- Canned responses in simple help desk software allow one click response to common questions
- Allow responses im simple help desk software to be personalized
Default Agent Roll Setting
Please check following conditions:
If tickets are assigned to None and you want assign to other then please go to Dashboard > Support > Support Agents > Agent Roles > Edit Agent Role > Ticket Permissions > Assign unassigned and then enable it.
If tickets are already assigned to you and you want to assign to others then please go to Dashboard > Support > Support Agents > Agent Roles > Edit Agent Role > Ticket Permissions > Assign assigned me and then enable it.
If tickets are already assigned to other agents and you want to assign to others then please go to Dashboard > Support > Support Agents > Agent Roles > Edit Agent Role > Ticket Permissions > Assign assigned other and then you can enable it.
Please make sure you have checked to see “Assign Agent widget” to that agent role. For this, please go to Dashboard > Support > Settings > Open Ticket Widget > Edit Assign Agent widget > Role and check for that role.
To change setting – Dashboard > Support > Support Agents > Agent Roles > Edit Agent Role > Ticket Permissions > Assign assigned others etc
- View unassigned = Enable Definition: Unassigned ticket list visibility.
- View assigned me = Enable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself. This will also enable private notes.
- View assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents. This will also enable private notes.
- Assign unassigned = Enable Definition: Unassigned ticket assign agent capability.
- Assign assigned me = Enable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself further assign capability.
- Assign assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents further assign capability.
- Reply unassigned = Disable Definition: Unassigned ticket reply capability.
- Reply assigned me = Enable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself reply capability.
- Reply assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents reply capability.
- Change status unassigned = Disable Definition: Unassigned ticket status change capability.
- Change status assigned me = Enable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself change ticket status capability.
- Change status assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents change ticket status capability.
- Change ticket fields unassigned = Disable Definition: Unassigned change ticket fields capability.
- Change ticket fields assigned me = Enable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself change ticket fields capability.
- Change ticket fields assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents change ticket fields capability.
- Change agentonly fields unassigned = Disable Definition: Unassigned change agentonly fields capability.
- Change agentonly fields assigned me = Enable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself change agentonly fields capability.
- Change agentonly fields assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents change agentonly fields capability.
- Change Raised By unassigned = Disable Definition: Unassigned ticket change raised by capability.
- Change Raised By assigned me = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself change Raised By capability.
- Change Raised By assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents change Raised By capability.
- Delete unassigned = Disable Definition: Delete unassigned ticket capability.
- Delete assigned me = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to user himself delete capability.
- Delete assigned others = Disable Definition: Ticket assigned to all other agents delete capability.
- Agents receive email alerts from customer service tracking software for new tickets and new replies
- Users receive email alerts via customer service tracking software for replies
- Team notifications via customer service tracking software via slack
- Agent of customer service tracking software and user notifications via SMS and PUSHBULLET
- Automatically sign up new support users in customer service tracking software to your mailchimp email list
- Send email notifications via customer service tracking software to parties that are not directly related to the ticket – example to admins and managers
- Send email notifications via customer service tracking software whenever the ticket status changes
- Customize business workflows in customer service tracking software based on notifications
- Each ticket in customer service tracking softwarecan have a separate list of email addresses that receive notifications
- Each ticket in tech support software can have a separate list of WordPress users that receive notifications
- Each agent of tech support software can have a separate list for idendity of email addresses that are CCed on notifications for ticket events
- Each customer of tech support software can have a unique separate list of email addresses that are CCed on notifications for ticket events
Core Features of SupportCandy:
GDPR Compatible: This plugin is fully compatible with General Data Protection Regulation- GDPR Law.
Ajax functionality: Almost every functionality in help desk ticketing software is Ajax based so that its operational speed is at its best.
Front-end & Backend interface for help desk ticketing software for agents: There is no need to pay any money to give your agents ability to manage their tickets on front-end. Agent of help desk ticketing software can simply access tickets from same page where users can. Lots of settings iof help desk ticketing software is given to maintain agent view and customer view. For example, agent should see columns which customers should not see, agent filters and customer filters, default order by for agents and customers or help desk ticketing software number of tickets agent & customer can see, etc.
Guest Tickets: Often users do not like to create an account in helpdesk solutions to raise ticket. This is very important feature of helpdesk solutions for many websites where sales comes from answering questions and you may loose potential customers just because some of them do not like to create account. Guest tickets in helpdesk solutions is very powerful tool and most importantly, it is absolutely free.
Responsive Design:
Helpdesk solutions is designed to work on any possible screen size and can customize with CSS files insight plugin so that you can operate anytime, anywhere.
Custom Fields:
Helpdesk solutions comes with 10 in-built custom field types , they can add anymore field here– Text Field, Drop-Down,Radio Button, Checkboxes, Textarea, Date ticket tracking software URL, Email, Number Only, File Attachments, etc.

Agent Only fields : These are custom fields for agents of ticket tracking software only. It is not available in ticket form but for agents of ticket tracking software , use after ticket has been created.
Private Notes:
It is available for agents and users for tracking software to save private notes to ticket. It can used by internal communication for agents in ticket.
Advanced Filter:
The user of ticket tracking software can filter solved ticket, unsolved ticket, open status, close and almost anything in ticket list with its powerful filter. Any User and agent can save their customized filters so that they are available just one click to apply on ticket list.
Email Notifications: This customer help desk software has email notification templates available for you to customize as per your requirement. You can make use of small tags for ticket specific valuable information that gets replaced dynamically. Also, you can set conditions in customer help desk software (rules) to send email notifications if it is matched. Conditions may include any custom field inside customer help desk software which has options such as status, category, priority; custom fields such as drop-down fields, radio button, Checkbox fields, etc.
[supportcandy] – All In One support features for front-end. Page having this must be selected as support page in general setting of SupportCandy.
[wpsc_create_ticket] – Create ticket form. Can be used as contact form.
- Helpdesk
- Technical Support
- Trouble Ticket
- Service Request Management
- Company, Hotel or Real Estate Service-Desk
- Customer Relations
- Software Release Lifecycle Management
- To-Do List Management
Frequently Asked Questions/Problems
Question: Can I generate multiple ticket using my software?
Ans: Yes
Question: Suppose I am an Agent of this ticketing software, I have seen 10 ticket open/Que. How can I understand which one is my ticket?
Question: Suppose I am an Agent of this ticketing software, I have seen 10 ticket is assigned to me, for some reason I am wont available in my desk for 2 days. In this situation How can I solve and close ticket?
Question: Can I forward my ticket to other agent?
Ans: Yes
Question: How can I set or change priority low to high or low to medium or vice versa?
Question: We have successfully activated all addon of Support Candy that we have purchased from you. Now I would like to request you to send us setup/user/installation manuals to us on both video and documents format.
Ans: Available on support candy official site
Problem: An Agent cannot assign a ticket to other Agent
Problem: When user will create a ticket he is not getting notification
Problem: When a ticket is assigned to an Agent, the assigned Agent is not getting notification
Problem: The users cannot change password
Problem: When a user mail to, ticket is not generating automatically
Problem: Agent don’t get feedback notification
Extension for HR Department
User will Open Unlimited Query as Tickets, Assign Schedule Task, Query Assign to HR Agents Manually and Automatically, Query Status (Open, Close, Pending etc.), Email Notification to all Agents and Users
We install Customer service software free. We sale customer support software free, We host online ticketsystem over the internet free. Ticketing system software and support candy indicating same meaning.