DM Water and Mineral Water Plant Checklist

DM Water and Mineral Water Plant Checklist

DM Water and Mineral Water Plant            

DM Water and Mineral Water Plant Main power supply

  1. Inspection for voltage fluctuation
    1. Proper earthing condition
    2. Inspection for damage of contact point
    3. Check the indicator lamp damage or not
    4. Check proper functioning all the switch aaa
      Feed water pump
  2. Check water leakage
    1. Check electrical connection
    2. Check any abnormal sound
    3. Check the current, voltage
    4. Check the motor hot or cool at running condition
  3. Clean the filter housing
    1. Replace all micron filter
    2. Any damage of the gasket
      Purge pump
  4. Is the purging accepted limit
    1. Any abnormal sounding at running condition
    2. Check the valve is proper functioning
    3. Check any leakage
    4. Check electrical connection
    5. Check the current and voltage
    6. Check the motor hot or cool at running condition
      UV Lamp
  5. The lamp is OK or not
    1. Check the lamp is properly connected
    2. Proper cleaning
      Break Tank
  6. Clean the tank
    RO membrane
  7. Check the direction of water circulation
    1. Any water leakage
      Pressure Switch
  8. Check the functioning of pressure switch
    1. Check the set point of pressure range is correct
      NAOH dosing tank with pump
  9. Any leakage at the pump
    1. Any abnormal sounding at running condition
    2. Check the electric connection
    3. Proper cleaning

Brime measuring tank

  1. Clean the tank Saocl dosing tank with pump 1. Any leakage at the pump
    1. Any abnormal sounding at running condition
    2. Check the electric connection
    3. Proper cleaning

Controlling valve

  1. Any leakage at the valve
    1. Is the valve operated easily

Pressure gauge

  1. Correct Indication
    1. External cleaning
    2. Any leakage at the connecting point

Storage tank

  1. Check the functioning of strainer
    1. Check the water heater damage or not
    2. Any water leakage at the setting point of heater
    3. Change the jacket water
    4. Check the current and voltage of electric motor
    5. Any abnormal sound at the electric motor
    6. Proper Cleaning the tank


  1. Check present stock of the require chemical


  1. Overall surfaces in the panel board, MCB, MC
    1. Outer surface of electric motor and all parts
    2. Painted the rusted surface area

Top 50 Water Treatment Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment – Implementing measures to reduce wastewater generation will not only reduce the amount of wastewater generated, but may also improve the quality of your effluents, therefore reducing pollutants released. Recovering some substances from your wastewater streams can also reduce your need for raw materials..

After analysing its wastewater streams, one company recovered and reused the Ethyl acetate solvent from its wet processes. This led to the recovery of 70% of the solvent and savings up to 6 900 USD/year.

Except for the working time of employees involved in the project, no extra costs are associated with this option. The measure will help you to identify “low-hanging” improvement options, which can be realised at a low cost and allow large reductions of your environmental impacts.

This option supports you in getting an overview of the amount and toxicity of chemical use in your company.

Chemical consumption is one of the major sources of health and safety risks in the textile industry. It also implies high operating costs and environmental impacts. Therefore, it is important to manage your chemical consumption by collecting and generating data, to improve your efficiency. The reason behind it is simple: “if you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. Using the generated data will help you to draw a trend line of your performance over different time-periods (benchmark), to identify improvement options and to set targets. With a benchmarking process you can compare your performance internally as well as externally, with industry averages or competitors.

In order to determine the chemical consumption you can use the following table. Point out the most important (both in amount and toxicity) chemicals used and their respective processes location and list them in the table. Where possible, specify the amount and the type of the chemical used. In the case of chemicals, the possible impacts on the environment and employee’s health and safety, e.g. toxicity, are important to consider. For example, a very small quantity of a highly hazardous substance may have more important economic and environmental impacts than some other less toxic substance. If available, use data from the last fiscal year or the last quarter and state the chosen time-period in the table. Otherwise collect the necessary information.


Rest of the water treatment equipment is coming soon water equipment

Clack Water Softener for Sale

Clack Water Softener

Clack Water Softener -Thank you very much for your inquiry on the captioned subject. We are pleased to submit below our offer for design, fabrication & supply of one Water Softener for your kind perusal and consideration please. We sale Chemical Inventory Management System



Base Exchange Clack Water Softener, 500 liter maximum capacity will be   completely assembled with ABS Plastic multi port valve, brine valve and PE salt tank and initial charge of cation resin. Technical specifications will be as follows:

 MODEL                         :   AWS-14

 Capacity                         :   500 lit/ hr

 Size                                :   8” Ø x 35” H (Approx.)

 M.O.C.                           :   PE (Poly-Ethylene)

Operation cycle              :   Maximum Output between two regeneration, 11,250 lit.                             (Based on raw water hardness 100 ppm)

 Operation                       :   Automatic

Pipings and fittings        :   ½” Ø G.I. pipe

Valves                            :   21/2 ” Ø Multi-functional flow control Valve

Cation Resin                 :   14 lit, Amberlite IR 120 Na

Salt required                   :  4.0 kg per regeneration

Salt tank                         :   PE-60, Capacity 60 lit

Unit Price                Total Amount

Price                                           :                  Tk.   35,000.00         Tk.  35,000.00

                                            (Total taka thirty five thousand) only.


50% Down payment along with your order.

50% Before delivery.         


Will be delivered within 04 days on receipt of full payment from our factory at 223-B, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka- 1208.       

Page No. 02                                      Quotation No. AG 1229/11


After installation of the equipment at your site, our Engineer/Technician will be available for completion of inter connecting pipe work and commissioning and trial run of the plant.


The followings are not included in the quotation:

  • Any civil work.
  • Raw Water & Soft Water Reservoir.
  • Testing of water samples, if required.
  • Any other works or supplies not mentioned specifically.
  •     Carrying and transportation of the boiler to factory site are to be buyer’s responsibility.


We guarantee our products for trouble free operation and best workmanship. However, should there be any defects detected during the period of guarantee, we undertake to remedy the defects, free of cost. The guarantee period is twelve calendar months from the date of delivery.


  • 30- days from the date of issue.
  • We assure you our best services at all time to come.
  • Thanks and best regards for installing Clack Water Softener
How to Preparation an ETP Audit Report

How to Preparation an ETP Audit Report

Audit Report

Audit Report – Environmental Management System Implementation for verification the effectiveness of the system in compliance with the ISO 1401 requirements. aaaa

Maintenance coordinated the review meeting as the Environmental Management representative while the meeting was presided. All the Department Heads attended the meeting as per the schedule. The Managing Director welcomed and thanked all the persons for attending the meeting on time. At the beginning of the meeting the Environmental Management representative reminded all regarding the agendas of the meeting, which was discussed individually with the recommendations and the actions rising from the concerned department head. The following agenda were discussed:

  1. Internal Audit.
  2. ETP present condition and future development program.
  3. Environmental program (Targets and Objectives)
  4. Complain from Neighbors
  5. Suitability and Effectiveness of EMS
  • From the above features of the non-compliance report of the last audit, it is seen that a total of  03 NCRs were identified in the different Departments.
  • Almost all the NCRs were identified due to the lacking public focussing, Preservation of emergency telephone numbers, etc.
  • A systematic follow up audit was conducted to against corrective and the preventive actions that were taken by respective departments.
  • Out of the total NCRs 03 were closed within the estimated time frame and 03 closed after exceeding the time frame.


  • According to the suggestion of the Managing Director, the CFT member will be more sincere and regular on their activity. 

Internal Audit Result :

  • Third Internal audit was held on September 27th, 2004 and conducted by the consultant and qualified auditors from the Auto  internal auditors panel according to the schedule.
  • All elements of the ISO 14001 standard for the EMS have been covered during the audit.
  • The total features of the audit are given below to show the current status of the audit results:

Status of ETP

  • Total water preserving capacity was three Lac litters
  • At previous plants wastewater equalized by underground mixer motor
  • At previous plants submersible pump capacity and quantity was not sufficient.
  • The place where the operator stand for operating the lime dosing system was not sufficient.
  • At previous plants acetic acid was mixed with waste water at step # 01
  • Its capacity raise on twelve lack liters
  • Now its developing by compressed air-mixing system.
  • Now we purchase more capable of exerting great physical force submersible pump and other relative materials.
  • Now we make a completely different modification in lime dosing system where have an automatic lime mixing system, In addition it will uplift limewater in the lime mixer tank.
  • According to new diagram it will be mixed at step # 02

Environmental Program (Objectives & Targets)

In the meting, progress about environmental program including objectives and targets has been discussed.

Requirements have been submitted as per E.T.P step-1, and step-2. Because of some communication problems and settle of rainwater, we could not continue our activities smoothly.

Several training programs have been arranged for proper disposal of solid waste. First, EMR trained the CFT members and department heads.  Then the Departmental heads trained their employees respectively. After providing training on the basis of Training Needs Matrix and Training plan, we recorded all the training provided. Then we conducted an evaluation report for the provided training. We are now on the way of arranging refresher training. It was excepted that we shall be able to achieve the target within the scheduled time.

Action: At that situation, EMR has called an immediate CFT meeting. As per the dissection of CFT members, Maintenance department has taken the rapid action.

The pump was damage and immediate one new pump replace their. In that time with help of construction department close that way where from waste water go throw to the neighbours land and fishery project. In this way, wastewater leakage has been solved and it was reported to the neighbour.

Then they ware satisfied and given no objection letter.  


Audit Report -In the meeting the company environmental policy was reviewed for suitability.  All the person agreed that we progressing towards our policy and its continuous process to improve continually. Concerns and consensus about stakeholders were discussed.

What is Water & Energy Saving System

What is Water & Energy Saving System

Energy Saving System :

Energy Saving System – We are using enzymatic pre-treatment partially; let say 10% of total production. It is suitable for Dark & medium to Dark shade combined bio-scouring & bio-polishing. We provide CRM Contact Management System and CRM Integration Free

Low temperature Wash off: We are doing low temperature wash off at 60˚ instead of 95˚. We are saving substantial thermal Energy Saving System, water & time every day.

High Fixation dye stuff: We use high fixation dye stuff like Avitera (Huntsman), RGB series of Dystar & SS series of Suncolour.

  • It requires less water than traditional dye stuff.
  • It requires less amount of dye stuff.
  • As a result there is less pressure on energy consumption & ETP.
  • Over all good quality is maintained.
  • On line Quality Control:
  • We do on line quality control to ensure 100% quality dyeing.
  • Our experienced operators are well trained to do so.
  • 93% RFT:
  • Here we use some transparent sheet in the roof of dyeing floor. Daylight entered into the this transparent area thus no need to light on the energy saving  lamp during day time.
  • Saving Energy by using high efficiency m/c:
  • We are using modern dyeing machinery, finishing machinery; where most of the driving motors are servo motor, hence consuming less energy thus reducing carbon emission.
  • Using Energy Saving System lamp:
  • We are replacing the conventional tube light by energy savings lamp.
  • When we used normal lamp we need 26 KW/hr, but after using energy saving lamp we need
  • 16 KW/hr.
  • Saving energy by using condensed steam:In dyeing m/c a lot of condensed steam is produced. We recycle the condensed steam and make it boiler feed water.I can expain it shortly—At present we use 80 degre celcius hot water in boiler as feed water. Before that we used normal water (30 degre celcius)  as boiler feed water. We have two boiler. One is 7700 kg and another is 5000 kg capacity.
  • For 7700 kg boiler,
  • Now, To produce 128 kg steam/min  we need 4.5 m3 gas, but before it was 9.4 m3 gas
  • For 5000 kg boiler,
  • Now, To produce 83 kg steam/min we need 2.4 m3 gas , but before it was 5.2 m3 gasSo it’s a big saving of natural gas in every minute.
  • Saving energy by using heat recovery system:
  • We have  Sclavos dyeing machines which contain Heat Recovery system named POZZI; By using this type of m/c  we can save water and energy.
  • Saving energy by using bio-scouring method:
  • We partly use enzymatic product which replace conventional harsh chemicals ( NaOH) in fabric pretreatment and reduce the processing temperature and water usage.
  • Saving energy by using low temperature wash off agent:
  • We are using  third generation wash off ( Dekol RSA)( manufacturer: BASF) which reduce the processing temperature( 95 degree Celsius to 80 degree Celsius), thus reducing carbon emission.
  • Saving water and Energy Saving System by optimizing process parameter
  • We are still maintaining 93% RFT with our existing traditional machineries.
  • Where as 85% is the world bench mark for such machineries.
  • Process optimization:
  • We have experts in dyeing process  who are working in this trade for 15-20 years with outstanding performance.
  • Our engineering team still does process re-engineering to optimize process as well as production.
  • They examine closely & try to optimize process by omitting any unnecessary process steps.


We optimize process parameter by trial and error method, on line process parameter control, thus achieving RFT( Right First Time) 94% in dyeing of fabric; hence optimize natural resources usage. We have implemented above steps to be a part of worlds latest slogan greener or cleaner production. Thus we can be more cost effective, more viable in respect of environmental aspect and we can make our earth suitable for living ours—ours next generation.

Flow Chart for Effluent Treatment Plant Design

Flow Chart for Effluent Treatment Plant Design

Flow Chart for Effluent Treatment Plant Design

Effluent Treatment Plant Design -ETP, STP, Utility (Water, Electricity, Fuel, Sewerage, Drainage, Chillar, Boiler & Compressor) Management. Air Emission, Sound, Light, Temperature monitoring. Wastage (Hazardous & Non Hazardous) Management. Environment, Health & safety committee members should be available to received workers concern, complaints & recommendations. Receiving, investigating & promptly handling matters and complaints with respect to workplace Environment, health & safety. Making Environment Policy & Procedure. Preparation an ETP Audit Report

Flow Chart for Effluent Treatment Plant ETP
Flow Chart for Effluent Treatment Plant ETP

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) – Process Flow Diagram (Chart 2)

SLEffluent Treatment Plant Design ProcessTreatment (Use Chemical/Instrument)Remarks
Step – 1Equalization TankAir and Acid
Step – 2Biological TankBacteria Food [Fertilizer (Urea), Dap]
Step – 3Secondary Clarifier TankWater Separation from Sludge (Live sludge) – [Sludge/clay return to Biological Tank (Activated Carbon/Sludge system)- Bacteria Recycle]Good health conscious
Step – 4EC (Electro Coagulation)Use DC electricity (Water and Sludge breakdown)
  • Hazard Identification
Step – 5Polymer Mixing TankHousekeeping. Polymer Mixing
Step – 6HRSCC (High Rated Solid Clarifier) TankTo assist in creating a safe & healthy workplace. Water and Sludge Separation

(Dead Sludge) –

Chemical Management
Step – 7Sludge Thickening Clarifier TankSludge send to Filter Press.  To aware for safe and healthy environment.

Water send to Sand Filter

Step – 8Water Sand Filter PurificationWater comes from Secondary Clarifier & Sludge Thickening Clarifier.  After Purification, Water will send for final discharge
Water Req. for Per kg Fabrics Production:
Water use per kg Fabrics in TEXTILE  – 121 to 130 Liters
World wise Standard Data (per kg) – 70 to 80 Liters
Latest machine in TEXTILE  – 60 to 70 Liters
Corrosive / non corrosive
Flammable / non flammable
Oxidizing – Create rust in metal
Secondary Containment/Abstract MSDS/Labeling/ Storage/Temperature Maintain/RSL/ MRSL
Acetic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide Killer, Detergent, Dies, Blissing



Environment, Health & Safety committee made up to identify and resolve health and safety issues in the workplace.
The Role of the committee in:
Problem solving

Minimising failure rates

The aim of this option is to increase product quality by minimising failure rates.Your products are the figureheads of your company, having a significant impact on your company’s reputation. Minimising failure rates supports your efforts to deliver products of prime quality and should thus be seen as a key strategy for your business success. While most failures occur during the processing, their cause might be found in-house as well as beyond your company’s gates, at your suppliers’ or shipper’s side. Inferior raw material and chemical quality, inadequate handling or unprotected transportation of products are just a few examples.

For an overview of your most frequent failure rates, fill out the table below. Describe to the best of your knowledge the failure, the process and exact location (e.g., which (part of the) machine/process), as well as the cause (see further guidance below the table) and the number of failures. If available, use data from the last fiscal year or the last quarter and state the chosen time-period in the table. Otherwise collect the necessary information. Also try to fill out the total number of failures that occurred during the time-period, which should not simply add up to rows above, but summarise all the failures.

Total number of failures:

For comparability reasons, make sure to use the same time-period (e.g., one fiscal year) for all failures. In case you do not have the information and/or cannot collect it, try to fill out table based on estimates. In this case, mention in the comments line that the figures are based on estimates. Using the generated data will help you to draw a trend line of your performance over different time-periods (benchmark), to identify improvement options and to set targets. With a benchmarking process you can compare your performance internally as well as externally, with industry averages or competitors. To benchmark your performance and see your improvements, use a “failure per unit” ratio. The “unit” should be the unit of production that is most useful for you. Examples could be “kg or m2 of product” or “1 000 units of product”.

Following the identification of failures you should determine their causes, as this allows you to remedy the defects. Next to technical problems with your processing technology, the following causes can be commonly found:
• Poor quality input material delivered from suppliers
• Non-existent quality control of the water supply bases on critical parameters (softness, iron content, colour, buffer capacity, conductivity, etc.)
• Sub-optimised material for your machinery
• Lack of proper training for the employees to locate and fix malfunctions
• Lack of processes and products monitoring (accuracy of the recipe, water solubility, pH, colour, conductivity)
• Absence of written instructions on how to operate the technology
Having identified the causes you should aim to remedy the defects.

As a complementary strategy, you might want to inform the employees involved in processing about the necessity of minimising failure rates. Providing information about the failures and malfunctions that occur is the first step to address these problems. Update your staff about your efforts to reduce the number of failures and publicise the results of your efforts to ensure an ongoing support.
Failure minimisation results in a more efficient production with lower energy, water, raw- and auxiliary material consumption, adequate chemical use and a reduction in the amount of wasted textiles that need to be disposed of.
Following an initial assessment, this option will require investments in both time and money. However, significant savings in materials, energy and water, as well as an increase of product quality can be achieved. Applying measures to improve product quality, the share of second quality or waste products can be reduced by 5% to 35%. Increasing your product quality will also satisfy your customers and open up new business opportunities.


The functions of the Effluent Treatment Plant Design committee in :

  • Fire safety conscious.
  • Housekeeping.
  • Maintaining records and minutes of committee meeting every 3 month.