Quality Control

Quality Control for Textile:

Define Quality Control specification for each item
Access GRNs awaiting QC – Quality Control online
Test Intimations of Production
Create Q.C. register for items
Create batches for analyzing and printing Sampling Slips
Update test results online and match with standards for approving or rejecting material
Certificates of Print Test
Post accepted in stock ledger online
Post rejected quantities in stock ledger online
Track rejections by supplier as well by itemswise …

What is Internal Quality Audit Management?

What is Internal Quality Audit Management?

What is Internal Quality Audit Management?

Internal Quality Audit


To carry out objective audits in order to determine if the quality management system has been effectively implemented and conforms to ISO 9001:2008 requirements. dddd


Applies to internal audits performed on a periodic basis at Autogarments Ltd.


Audit:  Is a systematic and independent examination to a determine whether quality system activities and related result comply with planned arrangement and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are submit to achieve objectives.

Auditor: A person who has qualifications and is authorized to perform all or any portion of a quality system audit.

Audit Objectives:

To reveal deficiencies in the documented system

To reveal deficiencies in the implementation of the documented system

To constantly measure achievement in terms of management compliance.

To serve as a tool for corrective action.

To examine effectiveness of improved system

To identify opportunity for improvement.

Observation: A factual statement about a witnessed event.

Objective Evidence: Observations, statements of facts or the information contained in                   record that can be verified.


Management Representative is responsible for scheduling audit dates, selecting and assigning          auditors for audit quality elements of the standard at OFMA Camp.


Internal audit will be done every elements of the quality management system twice in a year.

Audit may be done more frequently in particular area or all areas on the basis or previous audit results or importance of the processes.

Auditors shall not audit their own work.

Detected nonconformities shall be eliminated by the Management responsible for the area audited in accordance with the agreed completion date.

Follow –up audit shall be done to verify effectiveness of the action taken

All audit results will be reported to management.


Audit Plan and Scheduling

Management Representative shall plan, schedules and delegate           personnel to perform internal quality audits.

At the beginning of each year, Management Representative shall prepare two years audit plan or rolling basis.

Internal audits shall be carried on every element of the documented quality system at least twice in a year.

Audit schedule shall be notified in advance to the manager / head         responsible for the area or element to be audited.

Auditor Qualification and Independenc

Only qualified auditor shall participate in internal auditing.           Qualification may be obtained via training or experience.

Auditor shall be assigned such facilities for which they are not directly responsible to perform the activities being audited

Non-Conformity Recording

Non-conformity detected during audits shall be recorded in Non-     conformity Report (F-OFMA-02).


Upon completion of the audit, a closing meeting shall be held between

The auditor(s) and the Manager / Head responsible for the area being               audited. At this time, any observation / Non-conformity detected during audit shall be brought into attention. A copy of the Non-conformity report (NCR) shall be forwarded to the Manager / Head of the area responsible for Non-conformity.

An audit report mentioning the date, area and person(s), quality element audited, shall be prepared by the respective department

and submit to the Management Representative.

Corrective Action

conformity is studied and corrective actions taken by the competent people of the department responsible for Non-compliance.

Follow-up audit on non-conformity after agreed period of corrective  action shall be performed by the same person(s) who conducted the audit or person(s) designated by the Management Representative

Implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action shall be verified and recorded through follow-up audits.

A report on follow-up audits will be prepared by the Management Representative for the top management.

Closing of Corrective action Request / Report

Management Representative shall close the Non-conformity Report upon receipt of follow-up audit report if corrective actions are implemented properly and found to be effective.

Record Retention

All audit reports shall be assigned by a unique number and relevant      records to be maintained period of two (2) years by the Management Representative.


Management Representative shall annualize the trend of Non-conformity department and element wise upon completion of each audit using Internal Audit results analysis.

Internal auditors shall check for the following points during audit:

revious Non-conformities are closed and effective.

Audit being held as per approved plan and schedule.

Audit reports of previous audits are available at the department

activity and documented system.

Quality System Procedure of a Garments

Quality System Procedure

PURPOSE: To define management responsibility of Auto Garment Ltd

SCOPE: Applies to Quality Management System (QMS) adopted by Auto Garment Ltd

RESPONSIBILITY: Managing Director is responsible for declaring Quality Policy and ensuring responsibility, and authority for the persons who manage, perform and verify work-affecting quality and shall ensure adequate resources for implementing Quality System. Managing Director is also responsible for business plan and internal communication. Managing Director, General Manager and Managers are responsible for setting quality   objectives of their area in line with the quality policy and business plan.


  • Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Establishing quality policy and quality objectives
  • Ensuring availability of resources
  • Determine and meet customer requirements to enhance customer satisfaction
  • Planning of quality management system
  • Define and communicate responsibility and authority of the employees
  • Appoint Management Representative with required responsibility and authority
  • Establish internal communication process.


Quality Policy

  • Quality Policy shall be prepared and declared by the Managing Director.
  • Management Representative shall ensure that the Quality Policy is
  • circulated, understood and followed throughout the organization. This
  • shall be achieved by posting the Quality Policy at prominent locations,
  • and discussing it on appropriate occasions.
  • In every management review meeting, this Quality Policy shall be
  • reviewed for continuing suitability and updated if required.

Internal Communication

At least once a year a Quality Awareness Meeting will be arranged for all employees of the company. the meeting Managing Director shall inform responsibilities  and duties of the employees to achieve quality objectives, impact of meeting or not meeting customer, statutory and regulatory  requirements. Time to time notice will be circulated on the above issues if needed.

Organization Chart

Managing Director shall clearly establish an overall organizational structure in the form of organization chart (Organogram). In this organization chart, functions related to quality management system, reporting and communication channel shall be defined.


  • Review impact internal communication once a year.
  • Review Quality Policy in every management review meeting for continuing suitability.
  • Review achievement of Business Plan at the end of every year.
  • Review achievement of departmental quality objectives at a frequency defined  n the departmental objectives. Achievement of company objectives shall reviewed at the end of every year.
  • Review resource requirement in every management review meeting.
  • Maintain appropriate records of review.

Responsibility And Authority

  • Responsibility and authority delegated to each position shall be
  • explicitly defined and clearly established in Job Description.
  • Responsibility, and authority to act shall be sufficient to attain the
  • assigned quality objectives with the desired efficiency.
  • Employees shall perform their jobs according to prescribed Job
  • Descriptions. They should effectively contribute to improvement of
  • policies and results by carrying put assigned jobs properly.
  • The Job Description will be defined in documented fashion for all levels.
  • All employees who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality shall be given responsibility and authority to raise and resolve problems that concerns the fulfillment of the organization’s policies  and objectives.


Managing Director shall determine and provide in a timely Manner resources needed to establish and maintain the Quality Management System and achieve Business Plan. These resources will


– human resources and specialized skills

– adequate and suitable environment

– information necessary for control of processes and to ensure

conformity of product

– inspection, measuring and test equipment

– any other equipment, machinery or resource as deemed necessary

Quality Objectives:

  • Managing Director shall define quality objective of the company in
  • Quality Policy.
  • Strategy to achieve this quality objective will be deployed among relevant department.
  • Department heads shall prepare their strategy to achieve the company quality objective based on deployed strategy of the company.
  • Quality Management System Planning
  • Quality Management System shall be planned in the form of Business Plan.
  • Managing Director shall prepare Yearly Business Plan at the last quarter every year.
  • This plan shall be updated by Managing Director, if needed, after review in each management review meeting.

Management Representative           

  • Managing Director shall appoint a Management Representative
  • Management Representative shall perform his regular departmental
  • activities in addition to his responsibilities as Management
  • Representative.
  • Management Representative shall have authority to ensure that the
  • requirements of ISO 9001:2008 standards are implemented and
  • maintained.
  • Management Representative will report to the Managing Director
  • on the performance of the quality management system, including needs
  • for improvement in every month.
  • Management Representative is also responsible for ensuring awareness
  • of customer requirements throughout the organization.
  • He will also be responsible for maintaining liaison with external parties
  • on matters relating to Quality Management System such as Registrar, Consultant, Calibration source, etc.

Top 100 QC Tools & Quality Tools

QC Tools & Quality Tools

QC Tools & Quality Tools


Coming more QC Tools & Quality Tools in this post soon

Raw Material Control and Inspection Process. Control of the setting

Raw Material Control and Inspection Process. Control of the setting

Control of raw material

Raw Material -For sub-contracting, the contractor have to warn AUTOGARMENT when he meets problems with the raw material during the knitting or the weaving. He can refuse to use a defective yarn. He have also to warn AUTOGARMENT about problems concerning the consignment of the yarn. If he doesn’t do that, he is responsible for using this yarn. Read more about Garments Quality Control Inspection Report Software

Control of the settings

The sub-contractor or the supllier have to assure the regularity of the settings of the machines, for all the AUTOGARMENT orders.

Inspection of the undied pieces

The inspection is conducted so as to repair the following faults :

– holes – lineage
– stains – thickness
– faults – coarseness
– snags – defect in surface finish
– loose cottons                                – not uniform  

This list is not exhaustive. The accounting of the faults must be calculated according to the method of the “ AUTOGARMENT points ” through duplicate faults or through the number of faults. A fault must be considered with regard to its enormity and its impact on the use of the manufactured product. An evaluation of the faults will be made in accordance with  the table below.

Length of the fault Demerite points
Less than 3 cm 1 point
between 3 and 20 cm 2 points
between 20 and 50 cm 3 points
More than  50 cm and cuts 4 points

Tolerance limitations :

The maximum number of demerite points per linear metre is fixed at 4, whatever the number of faults.

There can not be

  • – a 4 point fault in the first 3 and the last three metres of the length
  • – 3 and 4 point faults within three metres of each other
  • – a hole of more than 3cm (= 4 demerite points)
  • – more than 2 holes per 50 metre length
  • – any fault meriting 4 demerite points which continues through 1.5metres.
Désignation Acceptation limits (for a length of  100 m and a width of 150 cm)
100% natural fibres or a mixture of natural and synthetic fibres 30 demerite points and/or  12 faults
100% synthetic fibres 25 demerite points and/or 10 faults

For other lengths and widths , the tolerance will be proportional.

Frequency of control

One piece by machine and by team have to be inspected at least. When a default is detected, the others pieces have to be inspected, to find the source of the problem.

Whats are Hygiene Inspector’s Checklist

Whats are Hygiene Inspector’s Checklist

Hygiene Inspector’s Checklist

After this session, participants will know about: Major issues related to health & Hygiene, safety (OHS) and welfare. Related international Standards and will be able to deal with non-compliance issues in the above mentioned areas in a professional manner

  • Are lockers provided for each person?
  • Are lockers clean & tidy for chemical caution ?
  • Are floors clean & tidy?
  • Are food items stored in lockers?
  • Are shower facilities provided?
  • Are floors, toilets and urinals kept clean and disinfected?
  • Is water wastage prevented?
  • Are wash basin provided and supplied with soap?
  • Are clean towels provided?
  • Are toilet facilities inspected regularly by representatives?
  • Are cleaning team appointed and provided with equipment?
  • Is sufficient seating provided?
  • Are floors tables chairs clean?
  • Are refuse bins provided?
  • Are clean towels provided ?
  • Are soap provided near wash basins?
  • Are clean cool hygienic drinking water provided?
  • Are cooking utensils clean and stored in a safe manner?
  • Are floors clean and slip free?
  • Is kitchen disinfected regularly to control, rodents, insects?
  • Are caps apron/overalls supplied and worn?
  • Are leak-proof refuse bins with lead supplied and kept clean?
  • Is kitchen fly-proof?
  • Are first facilities & fire protection provided?
  • Is ventilation adequate? Does the extractor work?

Floor Wise Safety & Health Hygiene Facilities

  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Toile
  • Basin
  • Water Tap
  • Water Jar/Filter
  • Hand Dryer
  • Grievance/suggestion. Box
  • First Aid box
  • Emergency light ( Focus)
  • Exit Light( IPS)
  • IPS Light
  • Hose Pipe
  • Fire Bucket(Sand + Water)
  • Cover Bin
  • Spittoon
  • Smoke Detector
  • Helmet
  • Blanket
  • Gas Musk
  • Fire hand gloves
  • Fire Hook
  • BITA
  • Lock Cutter
  • CCTV Camera
  • Fire bell
  • Gong Bell
  • Fire Alarm Switch
  • Stature
  • Sound box
  • Notice Board
  • Evacuation Plan

Hygiene Training

StepMost important contents
Discussion of special  provisions relating to health, hygiene,  safety and welfare  included in the Labour Law 2006.



Required safety precautions mentioned in the national laws
Discussion of  the importance of OHS Systems that should be implemented in the factory(management/Social Compliance Officer/Worker  responsibility)



StepMost important contents
Case Study on OHSIdentifying non-compliances in OHS and developing remediation measures
Exercise: Q & AAs per participants’ questions
Wrap upSummarize key learning points