This is very important because when your file will be infected you may not clean all infected code, so in this situation you can restore your files
Disable File Edit
WordPress has built in code editor under Appearance menu which allows you to edit your theme and plugin files from your WordPress admin area. You should disable it. You can add code in wp-config.php files
Add below code to WordPress functions.php. This code contains the WordPress action & filter hook and the corresponding callback function. The callback contains code for restricting number of invalid login attempts.
function check_attempted_login( $user, $username, $password ) {
if ( get_transient( 'attempted_login' ) ) {
$datas = get_transient( 'attempted_login' );
if ( $datas['tried'] >= 3 ) {
$until = get_option( '_transient_timeout_' . 'attempted_login' );
$time = time_to_go( $until );
return new WP_Error( 'too_many_tried', sprintf( __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: You have reached authentication limit, you will be able to try again in %1$s.' ) , $time ) );
return $user;
add_filter( 'authenticate', 'check_attempted_login', 30, 3 );
function login_failed( $username ) {
if ( get_transient( 'attempted_login' ) ) {
$datas = get_transient( 'attempted_login' );
if ( $datas['tried'] <= 3 )
set_transient( 'attempted_login', $datas , 300 );
} else {
$datas = array(
'tried' => 1
set_transient( 'attempted_login', $datas , 300 );
add_action( 'wp_login_failed', 'login_failed', 10, 1 );
function time_to_go($timestamp)
// converting the mysql timestamp to php time
$periods = array(
$lengths = array(
$current_timestamp = time();
$difference = abs($current_timestamp - $timestamp);
for ($i = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$i] && $i < count($lengths) - 1; $i ++) {
$difference /= $lengths[$i];
$difference = round($difference);
if (isset($difference)) {
if ($difference != 1)
$periods[$i] .= "s";
$output = "$difference $periods[$i]";
return $output;
Change Default Admin username if any. If not you are not able to delete user, make him subscriber.
Change WordPress Database wp_ Prefix
We can change it tow ways. One is Plugin Installation and custom SQL mode.
We can change it both custom more or with SQL command. The steps given below –
Step 1 – Change all table prefix in wp-config.php. Edit below prefix from File Manager
$table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
Change as
$table_prefix = ‘wprmg_’;
Now Save the file
Step 2 – Change all table prefix in database
Click on database name > Select all table start with wp_ ; > Click With selected to open drop down > With selected > Type in wp_ in the From-field, and type wprmg_ in To-field, wprmg_ > Click Continue for change
Step 3 – Replace all references into the old prefix
WordPress still contain to the old table prefix. To all changing the prefix, you need to replace these with new prefix.
Now go to SQL command in phpmyadmin and copy and paste the following commands
update NEWPREFIX_usermeta set meta_key = 'NEWPREFIX_capabilities' where meta_key = 'OLDPREFIX_capabilities';
update NEWPREFIX_usermeta set meta_key = 'NEWPREFIX_user_level' where meta_key = 'OLDPREFIX_user_level';
update NEWPREFIX_usermeta set meta_key = 'NEWPREFIX_autosave_draft_ids' where meta_key = 'OLDPREFIX_autosave_draft_ids';
update NEWPREFIX_options set option_name = 'NEWPREFIX_user_roles' where option_name = 'OLDPREFIX_user_roles';
Replace OLDPREFIX and NEWPREFIX, with your own old and new prefix. Like in the example below, where we replace wp_ with david_:
update david_usermeta set meta_key = 'david_capabilities' where meta_key = 'wp_capabilities'; update david_usermeta set meta_key = 'david_user_level' where meta_key = 'wp_user_level'; update david_usermeta set meta_key = 'david_autosave_draft_ids' where meta_key = 'wp_autosave_draft_ids'; update david_options set option_name = 'david_user_roles' where option_name = 'wp_user_roles';
Click on Go to run the commands and complete the change.
Change Default Login URL Without Plugin
Process 1: WordPress default URL: /wp-login.php or /wp-admin
At first go to public_html
Then take backup wp-login.php file
Then rename wp-login.phpinto any namen like mashiur.php
Then open file mashiur.php in any editor like notepad++
Then Replace all wp-login.php into mashiur.php (Generally 12 file will replace)
Finally it is done. Now go to your new URL and login
Process 2: Add the following code to your .htaccess file to change the name of your login URL: 01 RewriteRule ^mynewlogin$ [NC,L]
Process 3: Plugin Installation
Prevent PHP direct execution on sensitive directories
Directories such as “wp-content” and “wp-includes” are generally not intended to be accessed by any user, consider hardening them via Sucuri Security -> Settings -> Hardening.
Disable SSH Access
By default it may open. 99% hacker try to login with SSH console. So must disable it
Configure Brute Force Protection
You can protect from WordPress Plugin, cPanel, WHM, VPS, even form dedicated server control panel
Jetpack Security :
User Free feature of Jetpack plugin to protect brute force attack
cPhulk Brute Force Protection Configure
Disable XML-RPC in WordPress XML-RPC file is required to jetpack to work. Without the xmlrpc, Jetpack will not work.
1 Click Staging
Safely test changes to your website before you roll them out to visitors without breaking your site. Staging gives you confidence to test changes before you publish without worry. It creates a copy of your site in a “sandbox” environment where you can experiment & preview changes without it affecting . When you’re ready, push your changes to your live site with a simple click!
You’ll see a link and login information
When you go here, you’ll be asked for user name / password. Its provided on the same staging tab
The staging site should be a replication of your live site.You can then login to the staging wp-admin and make the changes there
Remember, your changes in the staging will not affect the live site.If you like the changes you made on the staging site and want to push to the live site, you can request that on the staging tab
(M) Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening
(N) Titan Anti-spam & Security
(O) WP Activity Log
(P) Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall
(Q) Hide My WP Ghost – Security Plugin
Free Features
Block spam comments
Brute force attacks to hack password
Brute force attacks to identify account name
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
CAPTCHA stops bots from logging in
Google reCAPTCHA for against spammers.
Limit Login attempt
Custom Login URL powered login & 2FA for extra protection
Back up your site automatically and restore
Set a maximum password age and force users to choose a new password
Security Protection for WordPress login form
Security Protection for WordPress backend
Uptime / downtime monitoring
Checks core files, themes and plugins for malware
Activity log and Alert to admin for file editing
Repair files that have changed by overwriting them with a pristine, original version.
Checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts and comments for dangerous URLs and suspicious content
Block logins for administrators using known compromised passwords.
Firewall identifies & blocks malicious traffic
Blocks requests that include malicious code & content.
Temporary Privilege Access permissoin
Login masking – change the location of WordPress’s default login area Login lockout – failed login attempts lockout 404 Detection – automated block of bot IPs Geolocation IP lockout – block users based on location and country (IP blocking) WordPress Security Firewall – block or whitelist IPs Disable trackbacks and pingbacks – spam prevention Change default database prefix – they won’t find this Disable file editor – if they get in, they won’t get far Prevent PHP execution – because it’s daaaangerous Permit or restrict access by White IP Access list and Black IP Access List with a single IP, IP range or subnet. Cerber anti-spam engine for protecting contact and registration forms. Protects wp-login.php, wp-signup.php and wp-register.php from attacks. Hides wp-admin (dashboard) if a visitor isn’t logged in. Immediately blocks an intruder IP when attempting to log in with non-existent or prohibited username. Restrict user registration or login with a username matching REGEX patterns. Block access to XML-RPC (block access to XML-RPC including Pingbacks and Trackbacks).
we are introducing you our new software for your business . We provide software that is essential for your business. This software can manage your employee. This software can manage your employee salary, provident fund. This software also will provide your necessary business report . This software is role-permission based application which can manage your users application filter according to authority. This software will provide your users instant necessary notifications. This software will provide instant general messaging. This software will provide your multiple company wise application. We are developing multiple module integrated solutions.
Employee ManagementSmart Live DashboardSmart Live DashboardProper Instant NotificationRecruitment MenuProper Audit Log History Management to track every changes for your business information
Adding necessary information on your employee profiles like fixed allowance, fixed deduction, and tax info
How to create dynamic weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly pay calendars to pay user employees
Using pay runs to get started with salary payments
How you can generate useful reports to take vital business decisions regarding your employee salary
Getting handy copies of salary invoices that you can share and keep as a record.
How you can track, manage & run your pay calendars from a single platform
We refer all types of Web Project Management System PMS Software. Some software are free and some are premium version. We can install this software for your company. By 30/01/2021 it is used by +10,000 user worldwide. We can customize it for your company requirement. It cover below process. Please contact us by submitting a comment below on Leave a Reply box. For any queries, please Contact Us.
Slide -1 Contents
Project Category
Project Creation
Add Milestone
Add Task List
Add New Task Under Task List
Create Label
Add Discussion
Slide –6
1. Project Category Creation
At first create some Project Categories according to your business requirement. At first Click on Category > Add New Category. e.g. Civil Project, Software Project, ERP Project, LC Project
Example Of Project Category Name: MIS Project
Slide –9
2. Project Creation
After creating Category create New Project by clicking on Project >New Project button to create a project. During project creation fill up below information.
Example Of Project Name: Implementation of Task Manager
There are 3 type of role need to be apply during creating a project (1) Project Manager (2) Co Worker (3) Client
Slide –9
3. Add Milestone
Milestones help you for achieving your future with very good way. To break down your projects information in to several parts. In milestones there may start parts or phase and end parts or phases.
At fist click on Milestones Menu ->Then click Add Milestones button. A form will Open to input below information and click on Add List
Example Of Milestone Name: Implementation of Task Manager
Slide –9
4. Add Task List
After creating Category, Project and Milestone we can to create Task list.
At first create on Task List Menu -> Then click +Add Task List button -> A Entry From will open with below information-> After imputing below information click on Add List button
Example of Task List Name: Mashiur Task List
Slide –9
5. Add New Task Under Task List
To create task go to Task List >> Add Task
Example of Task List Name: Review Task Manager
Slide –9
6. Create Label
To create label, Click on More >> Setting >> Label >> Create Label
3. User Metrics
Only WordPress admin can create user with different role. There are 3 types of login user rolls are exist in the project management system. (1) PM Admin (2) PM Manager (3) No Capabilities User
Login User Role Management for Administration
PM Admin User
PM Manager User
No Capabilities User
Co Worker
Create/ Update/ Delete/ Complete Project
Create/ Delete Project Category
Add Task/ Task List Under Project
Add Sub Task Under Task
Assign Member/ Calendar for Task
Complete/ Incomplete Other Task
Create/ Edit/ Delete Label
Add Milestone
√ / X
√ / X
Edit/ Delete Milestone
Set Tier
Add New Discussion
Edit/ Delete Discussion
Add Comment under Task/ Discussion
File/ Folder Upload/ Create Doc
√ / X
√ / X
Delete Other File/ Folder/ Doc
Create Invoice
Overview Gantt Chart View
Activities (Log Report)
Project Setting
4. Main Menu of Project Manager
After login every user can see a dashboard . In project Manager dashboard you can see below menu
Slide -7
4.2.1. Sub Menu of Project
After creating a project you can see below sub menu under a project information.
Slide –8 Overview
In Overview sub menu you can see total counter of Discussion, Task List, Task, Comments, Files, Milestones and last 30 days Activity and Task Graph
Slide -11 Discussions
discussion panel to create an discussion, a group discussion or a private
conversation. Note that the Admin can always manage these discussions. For this
click on Add New Discussion Button
Enter Discussion Title : Discussion about Tell us
Write comments : Discussion about Tell us in details description
Milestone: Email notification milestone (Select)
Private: if you want (Pro version)
Attach: files if you wish
Notify User : Mashiur Rahman
click Add Message Button. Assigned user can make a comments.
Slide –12 Files
This is
file attachment management system under a project
User can download, link to website and can make comments
User can Create folder, Upload file, create doc and links to doc (Pro version)
Slide -13 Activities
This is
log system of all types process. Some examples of activities are given below –
Mashiur Rahman has updated the estimation of a task, Hosting Configuration Task details, from 150 to 0. Jan 29, 03:01 pm
Project Manager has created a task, UAT Test of Software. Jan 29, 02:57 pm
Project Manager has updated the status of a task, Hosting Configuration Task details, from complete to incomplete. Jan 29, 02:14 pm
Project Manager has updated the status of a task, Complete Tell Admin Panel, from complete to incomplete. Jan 29, 02:14 pm
Slide -14 Gantt Chart Sub Menu
Gantt Chart is a feature having bar charts that illustrate a project schedule. More/Setting Sub Menu
Pro version only. After creating a project first we should setting the parameters of setting. In Setting Sub Menu Project Manager can set below information
Capabilities: We can set different types of capabilities for Co-worker and client . There are 3 types of capability are exist in the system.
Message Create
Message View Private
Task List Create
Task List View Private
Task Create
Task View Private
Milestone Create
Milestone View Private
Files Create
Files View Private
Integration: In this part Project Manager can integrate different services four user
Label: The user can create label in this section. You can create label with color setting. The label may be different state like Urgent, Important, Les Important etc. After creating label project owner can set it in Task to describe its urgency.
Slide -15
5. Progress
This is overall progresses log of a project
Mohammad Fadin has updated project status from “incomplete” to “complete”. 2021-01-09 16:42:35
Cut to ship ratio improve update Mohammad Fadin has updated the status of a task, Cut to ship ratio improve, from incomplete to complete. 2021-01-09 16:42:18
Online Shop update Mohammad Fadin has updated project status from “incomplete” to “complete”. 2021-01-09 16:39:07
Online Shop update Mohammad Rahim has updated project status from “complete” to “incomplete”. 2021-01-09 16:39:04
Slide 16
6. Modules
PM Admin and PM Manager can ON/OFF following modules
Project Invoice Project Invoice: Generate invoice for your projects anytime; print, download and send emails to your client.
WooCommerce Order WooCommerce Order: Create projects instantly for each of the orders placed on your WooCommerce store.
Gantt Chart Gantt Chart: Create detailed Gantt charts for your projects and become a professional project manager.
Sub Task Sub Task: Break down your to-dos into smaller tasks for better management and project tracking.
Custom Fields Custom Fields: Generate invoice for your projects anytime; print, download and send emails to your client.
Recurring Task Recurring Task: Repeatedly creates tasks if you set recurrence.
KanBan Board KanBan Board: Turn your projects into Trello like boards and organize them using drag and drop feature.
Invoice stripe payment gateway: Get payment with stripe account
Time Tracker Time Tracker: Track time for each of your project tasks for increasing overall team productivity.
BuddyPress Integration BuddyPress Integration: Manage your projects group wise directly from the frontend using this premium integration.
Slide 17
6.1.Project Invoice
Pro Only
– Everybody can generate invoice for their projects anytime as well as print
and download and send emails to your client
First Open a Project ERP Activities
Then You can see Invoice Tab / Menu
Then click Add New
Then a Invoice entry form will open for data entry
Invoice Title *: Invoice for Project Management System
Client : Assign client from option area
Addresses: You can see her From and To Button. So Type your address here
Invoice Date *: 2020-01-02
Due date *: 2020-01-07
Invoice Discount (%): 10
Minimum Partial payment: Ok
Min Partial Amount: 10
Initial Invoice Entry (Task): This is Task for Software
Initial Invoice Entry (Rate): 50
Initial Invoice Entry (Hour): 1
Initial Invoice Entry (Tax): 5
Initial Invoice Entry (Name): General Information Ltd
Initial Invoice Entry (Unit Price): 50
Initial Invoice Entry (Qty): 1
Terms : This is Terms and Condition
Notes Visible to Client: Well Noted
Slide -18
7. Tools
Terillo, App Key, App Token
Slide -19
8. Setting /Email Notification
version – you can check/ uncheck email notification option
version -This software have very nice notification system according to below
Email Notification: Enable project manager email
Notifications for : New Projects
Notifications for : Update Projects
Notifications for : New Message
Notifications for : New Comment
Notifications for : Update Comment
Notifications for : New Task
Notifications for : Update Task Complete Task
1. Package of Web Project Management System
The following features are for free version
Unlimited tasks
Edit and stylize messages
Interactive calendar
See progress bar on the list
Add description & title
Mark to-do as complete/incomplete
Assign messages and task list on milestone
Upload files on messages & comments
Built-in private messenger
Set the start & end date of the project
Upload all files in one place
Create folders for files
Link messages & task lists with files
Project User permission
Team category permission
Frontend projects and discussions
Automatic daily digest emails
Advanced filters for reports
Real-time updates
Custom Field
Time Tracker
Gantt Chart
Kanban Board
BuddyPress Integration
WooCommerce Orders
Recurring Task
Slide –20
9. Conclusion
We can customize this software for you according to your requirements
Old Release/ Changelog
Some old release archives are given below
Account Manager:
Account Manager can view his assigned project only
Account Manager can add task under a project after assigned a project
Account Manager can view his assigned project only
Account Manager can add task under a project after assigned a project
Account Manager can view his assigned project only
Account Manager can add task under a project after assigned a project
Account Manager can view his assigned project only
Account Manager can add task under a project after assigned a project
Author can view his assigned project only
Author can add task under a project after assigned a project
Author can add category
Author can add new project
Author can add Task
Author can add Milestone
Author can add discussion can add files and comment
Author can see his activities
Author can delete his and other projects
Editor can view his assigned project only
Editor can add task under a project after assigned a project
Editor can add category
Editor can add new project
Editor can add Task
Editor can add Milestone
Editor can add discussion can add files and comment
Editor can see his activities
Editor can delete his and other projects
Account Manager can view his assigned project only
Account Manager can add task under a project after assigned a project
Administrator can add category
Administrator can add new project
Administrator can edit project
Administrator can delete project
Administrator can add Task
Administrator can add Milestone
Administrator can edit and delete Milestone
Administrator can add discussion can add files and comment
Working Flow Chart of this software is given below –
Project Category Creation by Project Manager ↓ Project Creation and User assigned ↓ Label Creation ↓ Milestone Creation ↓ Task List Creation ↓ Add Task Under Task List ↓ Discussion
User Registration by IT Department
1. Features of Web Project Management System
Team discussion : Have open channel or private discussion on each project
Gantt Chart : Get an illustrated view of your projects and task progress.
File Management : Google Drive styled document manager for easy sharing and security.
Recurring : Just set a roadmap and repetitive tasks will be created & assigned itself.
Privacy & Security : Different permission levels and user roles to ensure intact privacy and security of your projects
Calendar : Interactive calendar with drag and drop feature makes task tracking easier.
Kanban Board : Maximize workflow with Kanban method of project management.
Email Notifications : Get email notifications on important actions. No chance of missing out.