Cargo Transport Security for a Private Organisation

Cargo Transport Security for a Private Organisation

Cargo Transport

Cargo Transport Security -The factory is located in Chittagong, 300 kilometer away from the port. As a result, finished goods need to be shipped from the factory to the port in covered vans or trucks. The commercial department will inform the Export In Charge or the Store In Charge in advance when a cargo is expected to be shipped out or reach the factory. We sale Online Vehicle Management System Software

  • Only authorized people (workers and stuff) are admissible there. The truck or van carrying the outbound or inbound goods to and from the factory will be checked for integrity prior to loading of cargo. 7 point inspection system will be carried out where front wall, left & right side, floor, roof, doors and undercarriage will be checked. Details of the 7 point inspection system are explained in departmental duties and responsibilities of Cargo Transport Security guards.
  • Under the close observation of the management the authorized personnel will work in shipping area. Two separate seals and locks will be fixed on the doors of the cargo area of the covered van. In times of import, C&F agent and transport representative will place seals and locks on the door and will be opened after arrival in the factory in presence of the store in charge and security personnel. During export, transport representative and Export In Charge in the factory will place the seals that will be opened in presence of the C&F agent and customs authority. Any discrepancies or tampering of the seals must be informed to the commercial department. 
  • The shipping area should be monitored by CC TV. Effective February 2005 verification of candidate references will be required. This will ensure that the employee is providing accurate proof of identity and legitimate candidate references. This will give us an early indication of what type of the character the candidate is. Manager Administration and concerned personnel for hiring new employees will be required to verify with the mentioned reference name either by phone or in person or via mail. The comments of the reference must be included in the personnel file if the candidate is hired.
  • Effective February 2005 local background checks will be conducted on all new employees.  Background checks will be done through local police stations. Manager Administration is required to send a letter to the Officer In Charge of the Police Station as per the given address of the candidate’s hometown to check the information and check his or her previous record.
  • If an employee resigns or is terminated his / her ID card will be seized and collected by the personnel department and will need to be escorted out of the factory by the security. A list of the resigned or terminated employees is provided to the security department by the personnel department to ensure that no one can access the production or storage area without proper identification

Procedural Security:

  • Management will provide security awareness training to the person working in the shipping area.All documentation regarding import and export as stipulated in chapter L will be followed for tracking and ensuring that all information used in clearing of merchandise / cargo is legible, complete, accurate and transparent. 
  • Security personnel will reach to their scheduled post 5 (five) minutes ago and charges to be handed over with all indications. All Inbound and outbound goods are required to be counted or weighted and documented both by receiver or issuer and will be checked by a third authorized person in presence of a security guard. Any discrepancy must be reported to the concerned in charge officer or security officer or general manager immediately. The Security Guard will need to sign and put a designated seal on the receipt of any inbound and outbound materials. A copy of this receipt will be retained with the issuing authority
  • Contracted company carries out transportation and person representing will also need written authorization or identity card to receive or deliver cargo. A copy of the Driver’s License who will be carrying inbound and outbound cargo must also be provided at the time of receiving or delivering of the cargo.
  • No body is entitled to enter or exit without having permission /gate pass from competent admin authority. Any shortages or overages in inbound and outbound cargo must be immediately informed to the commercial department. Commercial department will inform the top management in such cases and with consultation will inform the appropriate authority.
  • After shipment of finished goods must be communicated with the buyer and related information with invoice, packing list will be sent via email.
  • Every security personnel of security department will strictly follow the “chain of command”
  •  At any doubt for a new comer/worker the security personnel will inform the admin authority.
  • The security personnel will perform his duty very consciously and perfectly.
  • The security personnel deserve the right to check surrounding areas of the factory, the bags and parcels of the workers and employees. But they will do it through permission from suspected person.
  • Security personnel can not comment anything regarding production because it does not belong to the security department.All complaints of the buyer or customer will be documented in a file and will be discussed with the concerned authority and actions taken to rectify


C&F agent in presence of the customs authority and transport representative will be weight, count or measure as applicable and as per the import document during import. Upon arrival of the cargo at the factory premises, the store keeper will also count, measure or weight the goods as per the import documents. Any discrepancies will be reported to the commercial department. While exporting, finished cartons will be counted by the Export In Charge, transport company representative and Cargo Transport Security personnel. Any discrepancies will be contacted to the commercial department.

Information Security Program Management

Information Security Program Management

Information security program

Information security program -Given the current situation of the country and lack of law and order and consequent concerns regarding safety of our valued employees, personnel, assets, raw materials, bonded warehouse, work area, loading and unloading facility, and upon discussion, the management of AUTO  GARMENTS & TEXTILES LTD has decided to implement the following security rules and procedures. We sale electronic document management system

  1. Microsoft word, excel, outlook, Adobe, Lotus, MSN, Internet Explorer, Norton or McAfee Anti Virus etc. required softwares are already installed in the system. Employees must not install any software without consulting the IT officer. 
  2. Employees are required to have a basic training on the use of computers. However, for specialized programs the IT officer can be contacted.
  3. All the personal computers and the information security program therein of the company and factory must be properly password protected. The IT officer will issue a new password every month to all the users and will monitor the user log to ensure that information inside the company is used properly and cannot breached. A register for the issued password will be maintained by IT officer and can only be accessed by authorized person. 
  4. Every department will ensure the safe keeping and guarding of the information contained therein. Shared files can only be accessed by authorized personnel and can only used as read only files by another user other than the author through the network system available and IT officer will monitor the process. If any information other than the related department In Charges is requested, verbal or written confirmation from the Executive Director or Deputy Managing Director will be required.
  5. The IT officer will periodically train all the employees using computer under the company network system about the usage of different software, firewall utility & functions, disk clean up, security upgrades and authorization or control of information security programand files stored in their computers. A register for training the employees will also be maintained by the IT officer
  6. The IT officer will upgrade, install or amend different anti virus softwares or firewalls on the computers under the network and will also inform via email or personally check from time to time about any alerts on different viruses or threats to the employees. A register for routine check for the computer and the software installed will also be maintained
  7. Back up copies of sensitive files must be stored at access proof computers. Files on wages, company accounts, employee information, order schedule, purchase orders, and other price sensitive files should be password protected. Employees dealing with these files will be trained to safe keep the information security programcontained within the said files.
  8. Anyone found to have violated the above stated policies or abused the system and facility will be held for misconduct. Disciplinary administrative actions will be taken against the guilty in the manner of fine, penalties, demotion or termination depending on the gravity of the offense.


Information security program -Personal computers are provided to executives of merchandizing, production planning, quality control, commercial, accounts, and finance departments for company purposes. Employees are requested to use the PC’s for official purposes only.

What is Security Patrol Services for Factory

What is Security Patrol Services for Factory

Security Patrol Services

Security Patrol Services- This training is to be conducted by the security officer and if he is not able to attend the training the second in command will carry on the programme The guards shall, particularly, but not limited to, be attentive to the following during  their patrols or observations: …

  • They will observe any illegal activities, anomalies, any suspected activities or materials and performance of security personnel. Border/Fence lines, especially portions susceptible to intrusion from outside.
  • If there is any observance or discrepancies they will note down into the patrol register which is previously kept at the security post. Inside or behind buildings, structures, etc.
  • If patrol duty finds any seAuto us or major violation he immediately will inform to the management through administration.  Where doors and windows are unlocked or broken.
  • If the requirements is major in demand the may call  the law enforcement department through phone.  Materials or places that may cause fires.
  • This anti-terrorism programme must be included the following points: Leaks of water, gases, oils or fuels.
  • Security and Construction lights.
  • Any acts violating the rules.
  • Suspicious individuals.
  • The timing, frequency and routes of patrols shall vary and shall not develop into a regular pattern.
  • Fence lines shall be adequately patrolled daily to ensure that there are no breaches in any way, but where so, immediate action shall be taken to re-secure.
  • At any openings in the fence for construction purposes shall be manned at all times.
  • Areas surrounded by fencing shall be secured by guards at guard huts, and other areas shall be secured by patrolling periodically.
  • Fire
  • Border/Fence lines, especially portions susceptible to intrusion from outside.
  • Each and every security personnel must require participating training everyday early in the morning and evening for two hours. First one hour for physical exercise, another hour for security procedure and anti-terrorism awareness programme. Inside or behind buildings, structures, etc.
  • Where doors and windows are unlocked or broken.
  • Materials or places that may cause fires.
  • Leaks of water, gases, oils or fuels.
  • Security and Construction lights.
  • Any acts violating the rules.
  • Suspicious individuals.
  • The timing, frequency and routes of patrols shall vary and shall not develop into a regular pattern.
  • Fence lines shall be adequately patrolled daily to ensure that there are no breaches in any way, but where so, immediate action shall be taken to re-secure.
  • At any openings in the fence for construction purposes shall be manned at all times.
  • Areas surrounded by fencing shall be secured by guards at guard huts, and other areas shall be secured by patrolling periodically.
  • Fire
  • The following records shall be kept for duration of three months.
  • Security Patrol Log
  • Applications for I. 0 cards
  • Applications for Vehicle/Equipment permit


  • Doors, windows, or fence open or broken?
  • All gates are kept locked?
  • Any property damage noted?
  • Fire hazards observed?
  • Violations of rules?
  • Any suspicious individuals?
  • Any trespassers?
  • All materials taken out with a material pass?
  • Any Security Lights off?
  • Others? If any, specify?

Physical Security Patrol

  1. The factory is located in an industrial area and its perimeter is enclosed with proper fencing or boundary wall. Security guards will make routine patrol along the fencing to ensure there is no insurgency, breakage or illegal entry through the fence line.
  2. Cargo will be received or delivered from the designated cargo handling area and incoming cargo will be stored on the designated store area by the storekeeper and segregated as per the storage policy of the company. Similarly outbound finished goods will be delivered from the designated finished goods section following the procedures.
  3. Outside fencing and inside storage area, its doors, windows and locks will be regularly inspected by the department in charge and security personnel on a regular basis for maintaining integrity and damage.  
  4. The factory premise and factory building has one entry / exit controlled by a gate and manned by security guards all the time. This is done to ensure safety and maintain access control.
  5. Private passenger vehicles are prohibited from parking inside the factory premises. Only company vehicles will be allowed to park inside the premises. During loading and unloading no vehicles except the cover van will be allowed in the premises. Loading and unloading area is marked separately and no vehicles will be allowed to park there. Vehicle in and out register maintained by the security guard posted at the gate.
  6. The factory building is built of RCC structure. Collapsible and shutter gates are used for all entry and exits of the A building maintenance register is maintained by the management. This will ensure the integrity of the structure by periodic inspection and repair when needed. Inspections will be done on a monthly basis and dates and description of problems and details of maintenance work performed will be recorded in the register.
  7. Security officer and guards will place seals and locks on every floor after the factory is closed for the working day and will also open the locks and seals at the time of opening the working day. The floor in charge and Assistant Factory Manager will also need to accompany the security officer at the time of placing and opening the seal or lock. Any discrepancy or tampering on the seals or locks must be immediately reported to Manager Administration. A register will be maintained to this affect that will contain the information and observation during opening and closing of the locks or seals. A set of keys will be kept with the security in charge and another set will be kept with the management. If any maintenance work is carried out or if workers need to work on the floor after the normal factory working hours it must be reported to the Security Officer, Manager Administration and the concerned department in charge and time section during the usual working hours.
  8. All entrances and exits, cargo handling areas, storages areas, fence lines and parking areas inside and outside the factory is well illuminated. Security In Charge, Floor and department in charges will work with the maintenance personnel to ensure this facility.
  9. The factory has internal and external communication system. PABX system allows the office to contact with the floors aside from the P.A system. Floor In charge and Department In Charges can contact each other and the office with the walky-talkies provided to them. In case of emergency the fire alarms can be activated and calls can be placed to the concerned authorities. Security can contact the concerned authorities by dialing external numbers. A list of the numbers in cases of emergency is posted on the security and reception desk.
  10. Security Guards and Officer will alternately make routine patrols during factory open and closed hours in and around the building to ensure there are no infiltrations or unauthorized entry or break ins. If there is any sign of any unlawful entry then please report immediately to security officer or manager administration and the concerned authority.


Security Patrol -Factory CCTV camera at the following locations. Main gate to monitor the entry and      exit of workers and visitors Container loading area to monitor the loading and unloading of import and export trucks. Carton storage area to monitor and see that no unauthorized persons enter the area.The recordings are kept for a period of 30 days.

Visitor Access Control Policy and Management System

Visitor Access Control Policy and Management System

Visitor Access

Visitor Access -Persons found on site using any camera other than that mentioned above shall be dealt with, as trespassers and the cameras being used and all films found in the possession of such person will be confiscated. We sale Meeting Room Booking System for Buyer and Customers

  • Monitor and Check for Identity of all visitors and employees coming in and out of the factory building. Ensure all visitors Sign in and take a Visitor’s Card at the time of entry and sign out and return the card at the time of leaving the premises on the Visitor’s Log Book. Information on the Visitor’s Log Book must contain the name and address of the visitor, purpose of visit, person to visit, time of entry and exit and the Visitor’s Card number issued. No employees will be allowed to enter or exit the premises without the Identity Card.The following requirements apply to all visitors, visitor vehicles and their drivers. Visitors shall not be allowed access into the site unless the person whom the visitor wishes to see has agreed the visit. The person shall assume full responsibility for the actions of his visitor whilst on the site.
  • Make routine rounds in and around the factory to check for any illegal entry or break in and report to Security in charge Officer, Manager Administration or the concerned Authority. Dial 118 in case of emergency during closed hours, contact the Manager Administration. List of emergency numbers are placed on the reception and security desk. A record of the patrols made every two hours during the closed hours and nighttime must be recorded in the Security Patrol Register. Visitors shall take only instructed routes to his destination. Under no circumstances they are allowed to drive around anywhere else.
  • Count, Weight or Measure as appropriate any and all inbound or outbound goods and cargo and countersign on the appropriate receipt like “Delivery Chalan” or “Gate Pass” for goods only. No sign will be authenticated unless the security seal is put on the Chalan or Pass. Visitors shall sign in the Visitors/Vehicle Ledger at the gate when issued a temporary visitor pass, and sign out surrendering the temporary pass when leaving the site.
  • Register all incoming and outgoing vehicles out of the factory in the Vehicle In and Out Register. Ensure no passenger vehicle other than company vehicles are parked inside the factory premises. Do not allow any vehicles to park inside the designated loading and unloading area. Vehicle of the visitor shall receive a Temporary Vehicle Pass in exchange of his or his driver’s Driving License then will be permitted the vehicle to drive into the site.
  • Peddlers. Visitor who carries a camera, video camera or instrument.
  • (Visitor shall deposit the goods to guards).
  • Intoxicated person.
  • Person who has a symptom of mental illness.
  • Visitors to the workmen during working hours.
  • Visitors who not directly involved in the work of the Project shall be subject to AUTO approval until request form handover to the Company following which the Company approval will be required.
  • Visitors shall not be allowed walking inside the construction area without permission of AUTO Administration Manager and with the escort of construction personnel
  • The security guards should handle unannounced visitors such as government officers and community representatives in an appropriate and courteous manner.
  • It shall not be permitted entry of such persons as mentioned below unless otherwise authorized by the 8MI Administration Manager.
  • The Subcontractor shall obtain written authorization from the AUTO for the limited use of specific cameras on the site, only for construction purposes and statutory reporting, progress reporting, supplier claims, incident investigations and the like.
  • Visitor Access reserves the right to view, and possibly disapproves, any photographs taken before such is to be produced to the third parties
  • In order to prevent misuse and theft of confidential information, all such information shall be either locked up or housed in offices, which have security guard cover on a 24 hour basis.
  • All critical data (including computer data) shall be duplicated, with originals located in fire proof containers/rooms.
  • A temporary pass facility shall be utilized for visitors, but nobody shall be issued with a pass until they have successfully completed safety induction and Project orientation of appropriate level.
  • Location of camp accommodation and nature of surrounding environment.
  • Check the cargo area of a cover van bound to carry finished goods from the factory prior to loading. 7-point inspection should be followed in the following manner. Existing lighting facilities.


Visitor Access -All personnel shall make to the site through only designated gates. Only persons wearing their security passes which shall be individually numbered and include a passport size photograph, shall be admitted to the construction and commissioning areas. No one shall be allowed without a proper gate pass, except for cases of emergency, and with an approval of the Security Visitor Access .

Vehicle Equipment Permit Process for Private and Public Company

Vehicle Equipment Permit Process for Private and Public Company

In the interests of safety and security, the number of vehicles permitted entry into the site shall be minimized. This will be achieved by the use of vehicle passes, which shall be approved by AUTO Equipment Inspector only after a full inspection of the vehicle and a valid insurance & registration certificate is produced. Online Vehicle Management System Software

  • No one is allowed to take out any goods owned by the factory without proper authorization. Gate Passes signed by the issuer, receiver and authorized person will be required for goods or equipments taken out for repair or processing. The reason must be clearly stated on the gate pass and the security guard after checking will sign and count the goods that are taken out. Samples sent out by the merchandizing department needs to be authorized by the Senior Merchandiser or the Executive Director.
  • Partner/Subcontractor shall request the Security Officer to issue a vehicle permit for the vehicles/equipment using the Vehicle/Equipment Permit Application.
  • The Security Office shall make access to electronic date base to find out that the vehicles/equipment applied for the permit both for permanent and temporary permit have successfully completed AUTO  inspection mentioned above and approved by AUTO  equipment inspector.
  • A Permanent vehicle/equipment permit will be granted within 24 hours after integrate of the application is confirmed.
  • A temporary permit with validity of 7 days will be issued immediately on completion of AUTO  equipment inspector and accepted its operations.
  • AUTO  Security Officer shall maintain details of all permit holders in electronic database, which shall identify those vehicles/equipment that have previously been refused access to the work site.
  • Partner/Subcontractor shall maintain a current database of all vehicles/equipment employed by themselves and their lower tier subcontractors on the project, against permit numbers, and shall submit listings to AUTO  Security Officer on a daily basis.
  • Unauthorized person will not be allowed in the premises. If any visitor or employee is not wearing identity tags or badge issued by the company should be challenged and asked to provide proper identification. Anyone who is acting suspicious or who may require questioning or anyone encountered outside of normal working hours, should be investigated. Manager Administration should be immediately informed of such person and incident. Law enforcing authorities can also be contacted if needed.
  • All camp accommodation shall be contained by perimeter fencing and patrolled by security guards.
  • As with the work site, access and egress shall be strictly controlled and monitored. Security lighting shall be installed where necessary.
  • The Security Officer shall conduct a security awareness programme for the camp which shall include a number of talks, publicity etc.
  • All AUTO  and Partner/Subcontractor vehicles must have a unique colored square plus unique numbers on a venicle/equiprnent face a higher elevation at front and rear for easy identification
  • Vehicle/Equipment permit must be prominently displayed inside the windscreen at all times.
  • The location of facilities and coverage will be revised throughout the project by the Security Officer in accordance with project requirements, and following an assessment by him of loss potential.
  • Key issues to be considered include;
  • Perimeter fencing around the construction site and camp.
  • Physical restraints between construction, commissioning and operational controlled areas
  • Location of guardhouses proximate to key installations, such as substations, warehousing facilities, marshalling yards etc.
  • Optimum location of accesses/egresses.
  • Schedule of material and equipment delivery.


SMI shall implement a journey management system ostensibly to be applied for four wheel drive. Off-road excursions, or where journeys are undertaken in isolated environment or well known high risk areas. The active planning and management of such journey shall include a documented risk assessment. Performed to identify hazards, mitigation and control of those hazards and an emergency response plan. There will be no exceptions to this rule. As part of the journey management a responsible person shall be designated to monitor the safe progress of any such journey, and he must be advised of the Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) and Expected Time of Departure (ETD) of the schedule related to journey.

   For routine journeys and journeys of non-hazardous of non-perilous nature, the contractor shall implement a travel schedule which will be planned to reduce driver fatigue and that daily limitation on driving time and distance can be complied with. For journeys exceeding four hours, positive rest periods shall be defined prior to departure and shall be strictly adhered to.

   In the event that any vehicle whether in a journey as described above or any routine journey that is more than one hour past its ETA without any communication given or cannot be contacted by using all means of communication devices such as radio or mobile phone an alert will be raised and the emergency response plan will be implemented.

With the exception of emergency situations, right driving is strictly prohibited.


  • SMI will make a proper planning to make sure that the flow of traffic within the construction
  • area and the nearby communities is properly controlled. Dispatching of vehicle will be
  • controlled to minimize the hazards associated with the transportation including road
  • congestion especially to the neighboring communities. Vehicle producing excessive noises
  • or beyond the noise level standard shall be subject to maintenance.


     Any movements of wide loads (which extend beyond the body of the transport vehicles and  encroach into the oncoming traffic lane or shoulder of the road) are required to have authorization from HSE Manager and  the Local authorities (if will be passing into public road) prior  to commencing.

     The in-charge section shall make a written request to be submitted with a minimum of 48 hours notice. This written request must include the following;

     • Date and Time of expected movement


Front Wall

  • Check if blocks and vents are visible
  • Use tool to tap front wall and listen for hollow sound
  • Check for any fake block or if block close to vent
  • Check front wall color and compare to side walls

Left Side Wall

  • Check if unusual repairs to structure beams
  • If there were repairs to the walls on the inside of the container, they must be visible in the outside
  • Use tool to tap side walls and listen for hollow sound

Right Side Wall

  • Check for unusual repairs to structure beams
  • If there were repairs to the walls on the inside of the container, they must be visible in the outside.
  • Use tool to tap side walls and listen for hollow sound


  • Floor should be a certain height from the ceiling.
  • Check if false or additional compartment being made on the floor.