What is Tearing Test? How Tearing Strength Tester Works?

What is Tearing Test? How Tearing Strength Tester Works?

Tearing Test

This process defines the tearing test for garment. The equipment called tearing strength tester. This process done for both side (vertical and horizontal). For better result we take an average of three tearing test. Standard acceptable tearing strength is 2lbs (standard for GAP buyer).This tearing test covers the determination of the force required to propagate a single rip tear starting from a cut in fabric and using a falling pendulum type apparatus. This test is applied only for woven fabric.

Method we use:

  • FOR EUROPE: BS EN ISO 13937-1

Procedure of tearing strength tester

Cut the swatch of testing material as per specific template of tearing strength meter. Align this swatch between two-iron rods. Cut this aligned swatch with given blade in tearing strength tester. Make sure that meter scale needle is on zero. When everything fixed up, press the treadle and take the reading of meter scale. For instance, if reading comes 48 then formula will be

Procedure of tearing strength tester
Procedure of tearing strength tester




48        X 64 X 2.2

———————-          = 6.7 lbs


Button Hole Tearing Strength Tester

To determine the maximum force required to break a button hole on rugby garments.

Principle: The prepared test tape, into which has been sewn a buttonhole, is held by grips of a specific dimension and extended at a constant rate until it ruptures (breaks).  The force at which this occurs is then recorded.

Equipment: Constant rate of Extension Tensile testing instrument with the following:

  • Load cell with a maximum of 1,000N capacity
  • 100mm/minute constant rate of extension
  • Distance between upper and lower sets of grips is 30 mm
  • Pneumatic Rubber faced grips, these must be selected to give a grip area on the test specimen which is not less than width of the tape.
  • For PC operated machines, appropriate software (to DIN 53858 )
  • Printer capability

Calibrated metal ruler

Sewing Thread – same colour and quality as that used in the final  finished garment

Tearing Test One

Sample  Preparation

  1. Cut a length of tape 500 mm long.
  2. Measure in 100mm and sew a buttonhole central in the crosswise direction. (The length of the buttonhole must be 10mm)
  3. Repeat, making two further buttonholes
  4. Cut the tape into 50mm lengths, so that each length contains one buttonhole which is in the centre of the 50mm length

Tearing Test Two

Sample  Preparation

  1. Cut a length of tape 500 mm long.
  2. Measure in 100mm and sew a buttonhole central in the lengthwise  (The length of the buttonhole must be 10mm)
  3. Repeat, making two further button holes
  4. Cut the tape into 50mm lengths, so that each length contains one buttonhole which is in the centre of the 50mm length

Another Tearing Test Procedure

Test  1

Using an Automatic Constant Rate of Extension Tearing Tester

  1. The programme is automatic. The test speed is 100mm per minute.
  2. Use the 75mm x 25mm rubber faced grips on the rear and 25mm x 25mmm grips on the front.
  3. With the correct grips in place set the distance between upper and lower sets of grips to 30mm, this should be checked using a calibrated metal ruler.
  4. Select the correct programme and input the appropriate machine settings and test details etc.
  5. Fix the tape in the upper grips, so the tape hangs in the lengthwise
  6. Close the upper grips
  7. Allow the tape to hang under its own weight and secure the tape in the lower grips so that the buttonhole is central between the grips.
  8. Cose the lower grips
  9. Set the cross head in motion.
  10. Te maximum force at which the buttonhole ruptures (breaks) will be recorded
  11. Repeat the above procedure for the remaining 2 prepared tapes.

Test  2

Follow the above  test procedure  from Part 1 form a) to d) then at step e) proceed as follows:-

  1. e) Fix the tape in the upper grips, so the tape hangs in the cross wise, width

Now continue with procedures f) to k) as Part 1

Test Report

Using the adidas Group standard report format:

Report the average of the 3 results for each direction tested.

Preparation of the test samples :

Each raw test sample must have the following size : 10 cm x 7,5 cm.

The test sample has two notches : a small and a big. You can cut the sample with a punch or you can draw it and then cut it with scissors.

For the measure of  weft tearing, the length of the sample must be parallel to the weft.

For the measure of  warp tearing, the length of the sample must be parallel to the warp.

For each test, cut 10 samples for the weft and 10 samples for the warp.

The initiated tear must be 2 cm long. It must be perpendicular to the side with the big notch and in the middle of it. This initiated tear is realised with the knife of the apparatus.

Tearing Test conditions :

With the setting level, place the apparatus in such a way that the pendulum is in a vertical plane.

Adjust the needle in such a way that it stop on zero when the apparatus is used without sample.

Wind on the pendulum to line up the 2 clamps.

Put the needle in contact with the drive stop of the apparatus. Place the sample in the clamps in such a way that the warp or the weft is parallel to the upper sides of the clamps.

With the knife of the apparatus, cut an initiated tear parallel to the warp or the weft depending on the case. Release the pendulum. Note the tearing test on the scale of the apparatus.

Working Procedure of a Best Ph Meter in Textile Factory

Working Procedure of a Best Ph Meter in Textile Factory

Best Ph Meter

This test done by Best Ph Meter for checking the effect of garment on skin. Generally PH standard differ from buyer to buyer but acceptable level is 6 to 8. Take 250 ml distal water in beaker and place it on hot plate. When water is fully boiled (approx. 20 min.), put the testing material (10g). Boil the water for another 10 min. When boil water temp. comes as per room temp. (Around 28 C) then takes the PH reading by Digital Ph Tester or PH paper.


  • Switch ON the instrument , wait till its warm up
  • Adjust the temperature to room temperature using temperature setting knob
  • Wash the electrode by DM water
  • Dip the electrode in 4 pH buffer solution
  • Adjust the reading to 4 by using calibration knob
  • Wash the electrode by DM water
  • Dip the electrode in 9.2 pH buffer solution
  • Adjust the reading to 9.2 by using calibration knob
  • Wash the electrode by DM water
  • Dip the electrode in 7 pH buffer solution
  • Cross check the instrument
  • If the reading is 7, the instrument is ready for pH measurement
  • Then go to check samples
  • Shift once calibrate the instrument, before going to check the samples
  • Perform 3 point calibration to cover acid – neutral – alkaline range in above mentioned procedure


  • Transfer the content of one capsule of buffer 4.00 into a 100ml standard flask through a funnel.
  • Add little distilled water to dissolve the chemicals.
  • Ensure complete dissolution by shaking.
  • Make up the volume to 100ml.
  • Transfer this solution to a bottle.
  • This solution is buffer pH 4.00.


  • Transfer the content of one capsule of buffer 7.00 into a 100ml standard flask through a funnel.
  • Add little distilled water to dissolve the chemicals.
  • Ensure complete dissolution by shaking.
  • Make up the volume to 100ml.
  • Transfer this solution to a bottle.
  • This solution is buffer pH 7.00.


  • Transfer the content of one capsule of buffer 9.2 into a 100ml standard flask through a funnel.
  • Add little distilled water to dissolve the chemicals.
  • Ensure complete dissolution by shaking.
  • Make up the volume to 100ml.
  • Transfer this solution to a bottle.
  • This solution is buffer pH 9.2

Digital Ph Tester Report on different chemical

g/lEulysin S PHBenlon 2900 PHDiapol AB PHAcetic Acid PHUltra MatDinasit AT
ph tester
ph tester

Some Chemical Test

Chemical: To assess its quality it is use in sample/bulk production and found the result okay. (not okay)

Dyestuff: For new dyestuff we prepare self-shade and check its fastness (rubbing & washing) properties and the dyestuff meet our minimum quality standard.

Acetic acid, caustic, hydrogen per oxide: After titration we found its strength (45%). It is meet (not) our minimum quality standard (95% ±5).

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) MW 34.02

Purpose of The test: Determine of the strength of the Hydrogen Peroxide

Method: 1. Titration with standard Permanganate

Reagents: A. Potassium Permanganate 0.1 N. B. Sulfuric Acid 1:4

Procedure: Take a weighed sample such that there are no more than 0.06 gm of H2Opresent. Dilute with 50 ml of distilled water and 10 ml of 1:4 Sulfuric Acid. Titrate to the permanent pink coloration with 0.1 KMnO4. Calculate as H2O2

Chemical Reaction: 5H2O2 + 2KMnO4 + 4H2SO4 = 2KHSO4 +5O2 +8H2O

Chemical Calculation

Solution Preparation:

  1. 25cc H2SO4 + 75 cc Water = 1:4 Sulfuric Acid

N.B: When we determine the strength the Hydroge Peroxide 50%, result should be within 45 to 50%.

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Purpose: Determine the strength of Sodium Hydroxide.

Reagents: Phenolphthalein indicator 0.1% alcohol, Methyl Orange indicator 0.1% in alcohol. Hydrochloric Acid 1.0N.

Procedure: A sample liquid or flakes of approximately 10 grams in accurately weighed and made up to 1 litre with carbonate free distilled water. Fifty ml. aliquots of this solution to which are added 2 drops of phenolphthalein are titrated first to the phenolphthalein end point. Two drops of methyl orange indicator are added and the titration is carried on the methyl orange end point.

The acid consumed to the phenolphthalein end point neutralizes all of the Hydroxyl and half of the carbonates. The acid added from the phenolphthalein to the methyl orange end points neutralizes the remaining half of the carbonates.

Report as % NaOH and Na2CO

  1. A = Vol. from to phenolphthalein end point
  2. B= Vol. from phenolphthalein to the methyl orange end point


Chemical Calculation 2

N.B= Result, within 90% To 100 %  is normally required.

Concentration Hydrochloric Acid

Apparatus or Equipment Used:

  1. Burette
  2. Pipette
  3. Beaker
  4. Balance

Frequency:                                 Every New lot as and when required

Method:                                      Titration with standard base (Sodium Hydroxide)

Reagent:                                                 Sodium Hydroxide 0.1 (N), Phenolphthalein indicator.


  1. Take 10ml Hcl and weigh it in gm (Usually it is 10.96gm). Make 1 litre solution in a volumetric flask.
  2. Take 25ml solution, add Phenolphthalein indicator.
  3. Titrate by 0.1 (N) caustic soda. ( Usually It requires 26-29 Cc to be titrated)

Result :

Chemical Calculation 3

Performance Standard: 37% or as required.

Formic acid Test ( Bcl2.2H2O test for the presence of H2SO4 as impurities

Apparatus or Equipment:

  1. Burette
  2. Pipette
  3. Beaker
  4. Balance

Frequency: Every new lot and also as and when required.

Method: Titration with standard base (Sodium Hydroxide)

Reagent :  Sodium Hydroxide 1 (N), Phenolphthalein Indicator.


  1. 6 gm formic acid is added in 100ml water
  2. Take 10ml solution in a conical flask. Add 2-3 drops of Phenolphthalein indicator.
  3. Titrate by 1(N) caustic Soda
  4. Burette Reading × 10

Performance Standard: 80 to 100% or as required.

  1. Glauber’s Salt ( Silver Nitrate Test for the presence of — as impurities.

Apparatus of Equipment:

  1. Burette
  2. Pipette
  3. Beaker
  4. Balance

Frequency : Every new lot and also as and when required.

Method: Na

Reagent: Na


  1. Take the beaker, dry it and take the weight. (Example:X)
  2. Take 10gm G.Salt in 50 ml Distilled Water and make the solution.
  3. Filter the solution
  4. Take the solution in the beaker and evaporate it.
  5. Take the weight of the beaker (Example-Y)



Performance Standard : 90-100%

Dr. Pertus, Chemist, Sent josef laboratory ltd. Srilanka


End of Best Ph Meter artivcle

How to Wash Laundry Clothing in LAB

How to Wash Laundry Clothing in LAB

Laundry Clothing

These accelerated laundry clothing tests are to evaluate the color fastness to washing of fabrics and garments. The fabric or garment color loses and surface changes are resulting by this test. Method we use: FOR USA / CANADA: AATCC 135 and FOR EUROPE:  ISO 105 …

Specifications of Launder Tester:

Specifications NameSpecifications Value
Product CategoryLab
Machine CategoryLaunder Tester
Product NameLaunder Tester
Product ModelAccording to Manufacturer
Product ClassNew
OriginMade in China
Brand/ ManufacturerName of Manufacturer
Agent in BangladeshNo/Yes
Production CapacityNA
CompressorFrance taikang
Deliveryin stock, prompt ship
temp.accuracy<+-1 degree
Temp range0-100 degree
humidity range35%RH-95%RH
Time range1-99.99 hour
rotating holder0-10rpm/min
circulating air0.02-0.5m/s
heating power1500w
DescriptionFor cotton, wool, silk, hemp for laundry clothing

How To Wash Laundry :

Heat the waterbath at Digiwash to 40°C

how to wash laundry
Digiwash to 40°C

Prepare 150 ml sol. ECE dtgnt at 40°C, 10 steelballs and specimen inside containier

how to wash laundry Prepare 150 ml sol
Prepare 150 ml sol

Put inside Digiwash and process for 30 min

laundry clothing inside Digiwash
Inside Digiwash

Take out the specimen, then dry

laundry clothing Evaluation process
Evaluation process

Evaluation process

Dry rubbing

Wet rubbing laundry clothing

Customer Wash Evaluation to Insure Quality –CWIQ

The CWIQ program is to ensure that the after wash performance of apparel or textile products meets the customer expectations. The factory conducts  this evaluation after the 1st 1200 pieces per color are complete. The CWIQ evaluation is performed on the 1st shipment only of a style. Agent/Vendor QA will review and confirm the results as part of their Final Random Inspection (FRI). Evaluations are conducted at the factory’s facility in American washers and dryers.

Two apparels or textile products in each color way are to be pulled for analysis . One product in each color way is to be washed 3 times and dried 3 times , according to the care label instructions approved for that product. The after laundry clothing appearance of that product is then compared to the unwashed product.

Reqired Materials to complete testing

  1. American washer and dryer- it is recommended that AATCC approved brand names such as Whirlpool or Kenmore is used.
  2. Gray scale.
  3. Pilling Standard.
  4. Overall Smoothness Appearance Standard.
  5. Seam Smoothness Board.
  6. Viewing board.
  7. Household Detergent -American Label Tide.


Two apparel or textile products in each way are to be pulled for analysis.    Read the care label instructions carefully. Compare the apparel or textile products to each other , to confirm that they are identical, including specification measurements. Measure one apparel or textile product in length and width as indicated by the point of measure used on the technical specification. Record these measurements on the CWIQ worksheet , under dimensional stability , unwashed .      Tops – the measurements should be body length and chest width.    Bottoms – the measurements should be waist and inseam/skirt length. An exception to this is full elastic bottoms , the width measurement should be the hip, low hip if applicable, instead of waist.

Washing laundry clothing procedure

Launder the measured apparel or textile product according to the care label instructions , using household detergent. Include a twin size mark sheet , in 100% white cotton , to help balance the wash and dry load. Use 1 twin flat sheet to reduce the potential of excessive wrinkling sometimes caused by a fitted sheet. The sheet may be used on multiple evaluations, as long as no color transfer has occurred . Multiple garments may be included in a laundry clothing or dry cycle as long as the color family is complementary and there are no ‘wash separately’ instructions included in the care label. Repeat the wash and dry process three times, according to care label instructions.

Drying Procedure

When care instructions call for ‘tumble dry low’, the temperature should be 137 degree Fahrenheit, +/- 5 degrees.

  • Tumble dry low – set heat temperature low
  • Time setting-      Knits- approx. 45 min
  • Woven-  approx. 25 min
  • Sweaters- approx. 35 min

After the product has been completed the laundry clothing and dry requirements, lay flat and allow to condition for a minimum of 4 hrs. Follow all care label instructions , including any ironing. If no ironing instructions are included , no ironing should be done. Care instructions ‘when needed’ means whenever the average consumer would find it necessary to iron in order to be satisfied with the overall appearance or specifically if the garment is a woven fabric. Hand iron weight is not to exceed 3 pounds.

With product flat, measure the length and width as indicated by the point of measure used on the technical specification. Record these measurements on the CWIQ worksheet , dimensional stability , washed. Calculate the shrinkage percentage and record on the CWIQ worksheet , dimensional stability and shrinkage.

After measuring , hang both products on the viewing board. Standing 4 feet from the board, compare the after wash product appearance to the unwashed product, using the appearance performance requirements. Both front and back appearance is to be compared.

The overall rating of satisfactory or unsatisfactory is based upon all the observations, both shrinkage and appearance requirements.

Appearance requirements

The following appearance requirements are to be compared between the washed and unwashed product. Where appropriate , the performance requirement has been given. The performance rating observed using a standard, such as the grey scale or a visual observation, must be entered on the CWIQ worksheet on the line in front of each appearance requirement. All observations are to be made by comparing the washed and unwashed product and using the performance standard indicated.

Appliqués , buttons or trim items securely attached. This is a visual observation that all appliqués, buttons, or trim items are securely attached after wash .Observation results are pass or fail

Needle cuts or chews. This is a visual observation for any evidence of needle cuts or chews after wash. Observation results are Pass or fail.

Color bleeding /Self Staining. This is a visual observation of colour transfer to another color or portion of the product, using the grey scale for evaluating staining to verify that customer requirement of 4.5 or better has been met. Observation results are the grey scale reading.

Raveled  edges. This is a visual observation for any evidence of ravelled edges after wash. Observation results are pass or fail.

Seam Pucker. Seam smoothness standard is compared to the product to verify that customer requirement has been met. This includes seam puckering on all split fronts , such as snap fronts, Zipper fronts and button front products. This appearance requirement is applicable. for all products evaluated using the CWIQ test, including raised fiber and washed garment treatments(enzyme washed ,stone washed, etc). Observation results are pass or fail .

Torque/ Skew. The side seam and AATCC 179-2001 inverted T methods are used to verify that customer requirement s have been met. Wovens-3% max. Garment Indigo Dyed Wovens-4% max. Woven swimwear- 4% max. Knits and sweaters-5% max. 100% cotton jacquard and garment dyed knits-7% max. Down filled -3% max .See for all products evaluated using CWIQ test including knits and sweaters. Observation results are pass or fail.

Excessive color change. This is a visual observation comparing the washed product to the unwashed product. Use the Gray scale for evaluating change in color to verify that customer requirement of 4 or better has been met. Observation results are the gray scale reading.

Excessive wrinkling. Overall smoothness appearance standard is compared to the product to verify that customer requirement has been met. This appearance requirement is applicable for all products evaluated using the CWIQ test, including sweaters. It has no relation to a product that may be labeled as wrinkle-free. Observation results are pass or fail.

Excessive Pilling. Pilling standard is compared to the product to verify that customer requirement has been met. This appearance requirement is applicable procedure below. Observation results are indicated in %. (one decimal place, ex.3.4% 2.4%)

Holes or other signs of excessive abrasion. This is a visual observation for any evidence of holes or other signs of excessive abrasion after wash .Observation results are pass or fail.

Zippers or other trims items functioning properly. This is a visual observation for any evidence of holes or other signs of excessive abrasion after wash. Observation results are pass or fail.

Hand feel. This is a physical inspection to determine whether if the hand feel is the same as before wash sample. Observation results are pass or fail.


Procedure for using side seam method

  1. After washing and drying, align the shoulder of a top or waist of a bottom. Lay flat and allow to condition for a minimum of 4 hrs. The product should be gently smoothed and free of large wrinkles or creases. Begin smoothing at the top of the garment and work down.
  2. Using a marker pen, one skewing mark should be placed at the uppermost point of the product folded edge- point E and the other skewing mark should be placed at the lower most point of the same folded edge-point G.
  3. Measure the distance from point F across to the nearest fold edge- point G.
  4. Calculate the percentage of torque after wash as follows:
  5. Line FG/Line EG* 100
  6. If torque is more than 3% then garment will fail the test.   


Procedure for using the AATCC test method 179-2001/ invented T method 2, Option 3

  1. After washing and drying, align the shoulder of a top or waist of a bottom. Lay flat and allow to condition for a minimum of 4 hrs. The product should be gently smoothed and free of large wrinkles or creases. Begin smoothing at the top of garment and work down.
  2. Using a marker pen, draw a reference line YZ across the width of the panel, above the bottom edge and hem. Draw a benchmark A perpendicular to end and in the middle of YZ. Draw benchmark B, both perpendicular to YZ and parallel to A.
  3. Draw a line from B to line YZ, following the grain line. Mark this intersection as C.
  4. Measure the distance from A to C. Measure the distance from A to B .


Skew is not measured with those garments that have a horizontal engineered stripe or wide horizontal stripes, over 3” in width. The horizontal stripe is the predominant element of the garment and the fabric must be cut and sewn with stripe on the horizontal. This is the procedure of laundry clothing which is described above.

Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web: www.autogarment.com, Email: autogarments@gmail.com, Cell: +88 017 92 52 53 54
Tubeless Lab Dispenser. Benefits of Laboratory Dispenser

Tubeless Lab Dispenser. Benefits of Laboratory Dispenser

Tubeless Lab Dispenser

Tubeless lab dispenser is a special device for repeatedly delivering small fixed amount of liquid e.g. naturally between 1 ml and 50 ml. This equipment is used in textile dyeing and printing laboratory. The main advantage of tubeless lab dispenser, it direct dispensing from the dye stuffs. It makes accurate dispensing, It makes hassle free dispensing, It has no choking problem, There is no cross contamination, there is no scaling problem in tubeless dispenser…

Benefits of Laboratory Dispenser:

The benifit of laboratory dispenser is given here –

laboratory dispenser
Laboratory Dispenser Panel
  • Tubeless Laboratory Dispenser is faster dispensing (22 recipes in under 15 minutes), gives two times or more output than any other robotic system with similar numbers of solution
  • All gravimetric design for dye solutions, chemical and water dispensing system
  • Unique and accurate direct dispensing design
  • User friendly and stable software for smooth operation in the machine
  • Portable with Mcs CCM, datacolor color matching and all other reputed color matching software.
  • Laboratory dispenser is designed for continuous operation without maintenance downtime

Features of Laboratory Liquid Dispenser:

The features of a laboratory liquid dispenser is given here –

  • Modular design of laboratory liquid dispenser gives flexibility of operation
  • Laboratory liquid dispenser have high precision servo motor runs 3 solution tables with 3 scales
  • Conveyor dye pot carrier (22 dyepots)
  • Intelligent agitation module
  • Indivisual PLC for each turntable
  • It is compatible with different operating system like , Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP etc.

Specifications of Laboratory Dispenser:

Specifications NameSpecifications Value
Product CategoryLAB
Machine CategoryDispenser
Product NameTubeless laboratory dispenser
Product ModelMDS115IU
Product ClassNew
OriginMade in China
Brand/ ManufacturerMing Scape International Company Limited.
Agent in BangladeshNo/Yes
PowerAC 220V – single phase
Production CapacityNA
Water tube2
AUX. Auto refillV
Max. one batch22
SoftwareLaboratory dispenser supports Windows 98 / Windows XP/ Windows VISTA

Dyeing Process

Fabrics are dyed based on their quality and blending and to the buyers standard sample appearance. The dyeing processes used at BKL are:

Reactive dyeing : Cotton part dyeing at temperature range of 600C – 920C in alkali medium (in accordance to existing dyes)

Disperse dyeing: Polyester part dyeing at 1000C – 1320C in acid medium. There are different processes for blended fabrics such as PC or CVC

Two–bath process: This is a process where at first the polyester part is dyed, matched and reduction cleaning (if needed) is done, then proceed to cotton part dyeing using different bath. One – bath process/ New select process

Selection of Dyes

Dye selection for every shade Is important because buyer have different quality parameter and production have target production.

Criteria for dyes which must be check are as follows :

Good to very good colourfastness to :

  • washing
  • water
  • light
  • perspiration
  • rubbing or crocking
  • dry cleaning
  • Reproducibility in dyeing
  • shade
  • levelness
  • dyes and chemical compatibility
  • least metamerism
  • Sensitivities in finishing
  • shade changes during drying
  • thermo migration
  • application of chemicals
  • availability in the market import/local for continuous flow of production


After drying allow the samples to fully condition before assessing the shade. If lab. dips do not match then repeat the whole procedure. If lab dips trial match with the given standard from the buyer then recipe will be written in the Lab Dye Record Formwith samples of the closed match. Four copies of Labdips For Approval Form is made; one for laboratory, one for marketing department, and remaining two copies for customer. End of Lab Dispenser. Benefits

List of Textile Lab Equipments

List of Textile Lab Equipments

Lab Equipment List

Lab equipment list o textile Lab is a special room equipped for scientific experimentation and research with a lot of equipment’s. Textile Lab used for scientific research. It is very important set up a textile lab for checking basic physical properties of textiles. Fabric properties like dimensional stability, color bleeding, color fastness, GSM of fabric is tested on lab. Designed for product development quality control and customer problem solving this fully air conditioned laboratory feature with high pressure liquid chromatography. [2]

Textile Lab Equipment List:

lab equipment list are used in textile industry is given below-

lab work on science lab
Digital Pipette

Purpose of Science Equipment

  • To improve the quality of the product and make it defects free according to the requirement of the customer
  • Supplying better quality product to the customer
  • Meet the client requirements
  • Raw material control
  • Production Standard co-relation.
  • To ensure that the product is error free.
  • To find out the hidden errors unidentified by development team & meet the customer requirement by maintaining company standards.

Types of Science Equipment

  • Dimensional Stability
  • Spirality / Skewness
  • C/F to Washing
  • C/F to Rubbing / Crocking
  • Fabric Weight
  • Tearing Strength
  • Tensile Strength
  • Bursting Strength
  • Push Pull Test
  • pH test.

Function of  Quality Control Laboratory:

  • To protect the interest of consumer and To cater for the needs of quality assurance
  • To build up a quality and marketing image of your product and marketing image of your product and company
  • For delivering quality product in specified time
  • For conduction routine quality assurance control in production line to avoid rework and poor quality raw material.
  • To equip dependable abilities for new product development to develop new program.
  • To incorporate the laboratory practice into international quality assurance program.[1]

Scientific laboratory supplies:

SL#Machine TypeModelBrandOrigin
01Yarn Appearance TesterInnolabINNOVATIVE ENGITECH (P) LTDIndia
02Manual Twist testerInnolabINNOVATIVE ENGITECH (P) LTDIndia
03Manual Wrap ReelInnolabINNOVATIVE ENGITECH (P) LTDIndia
04Color Matching CabinetCAC-60VERIVIDE LIMITEDEngland
05SpectrophotometerSpectroflash SF-600 PLUS-CTdatacolorUSA
06Digital Pilling testerdigiPILLTMParamountIndia
07Motorized Crock MeterinnolabINNOVATIV ENGITECH (P) LTDIndia
08Motorized Crock MeterdigiCROCK NxTMParamountIndia
09Digital pH TesterpH -211HannaItaly
10Oven & IncubatorG2009ASDLEngland
11Sample Dyeing M/C (Rapid)ECO DYERRapidChina
12Sample Dyeing M/C (AHIBA NUANCE)ECOdatacolorUSA
13Sample Dyeing M/C (AHIBA NUANCE)Top Speed IIdatacolorUSA
14Electrolux WascatorFOM71MP.labSDLEngland
15Electrolux WascatorW455HElectroluxThailand
16Electrolux WascatorW455HElectroluxThailand
17Electrolux DryerT4130ElectroluxThailand
18Digital BalanceAR3130OHAUS cor.USA
19Digital Pipette (I)edp plusTMRaininUSA
20Digital Pipette (II)edp plusTMRaininUSA
21Paramount Pick Glass & ScalePGLS-006ParamountIndia
22Thermo hygrometer303CN/AN/A
24Grey Scale(Staining&Colour Change)SDCEngland
25Pantone BookTP, TPX, TC,TCX,  

List of lab equipment Example which is used in Textile:

Applicable test for chemical quality verification are as follows:

  • Concentration of Hydrochloric acid.
  • Formic acid test.
  • Glubers salt test.
  • Concentration of Acidic acid.
  • Concentration of Soda ash.
  • Concentration of Oxalic acid.
  • Concentration of Caustic soda.
  • Concentration of Sulfuric acid.
  • Concentration of Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Wetting agent test.

Concentration of Hydrochloric acid:

  • Machine / apparatus used:Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactur: N/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard base (Sodium Hydroxide).
  • Reagent :Sodium Hydroxide 1(N), Phenolphthalein indicator
  • Procedure :Take 10ml HCl weight it in gm and then make 1L solution with distilled water in volumetric flask, Take 2.5 ml of that solution in a conical flask; add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate with 0.1(N) caustic soda
  • Performance standard:37% or as required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected
  • Document / form used :Chemical test register (log book)

Formic acid test:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured : N/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard base (Sodium Hydroxide).
  • Reagent :SodiumHydroxide 1(N), Phenolphthalein indicator
  • Procedure :4.6 gm formic acid is added in 100ml distil water.Take 10ml of that solution in a conical flask and 2-3 drop of phenolphthalein indicator. Titration with 1(N) caustic soda
  • Result = Burette reading × 10
  • Performance standard:80-100 % or as required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected
  • Document / form used :Chemical test register (log book)

Glubers Salt / Sodium chloride test:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured by:N/A
  • Person responsible: Science lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • MethoN/A
  • Reagent N/A
  • Procedure :Take a beaker dry it and take the weight (example X).Take 10gm Glubers salt in a 50ml distilled water and make solution. Filter the solution. Take the solution in a beaker and evaporate it. Take the weight of the beaker (example Y). Result = {(Y-X) ÷ 10} × 10
  • Performance standard:As required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected

Concentration of Acidic Acid:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured N/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard base (Sodium Hydroxide).
  • Reagent :1 (N) caustic soda, Phenolphthalein indicator
  • Procedure: Take 6 gm acidic acid and dissolved it in 100ml distills water. Take 10 ml of that solution in a beaker and add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate with 1(N) caustic soda. Result(% of acidic acid) = Burete reading × 10
  • Performance standard :90-100%
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected

Concentration of soda ash:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured by:N/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard acid (HCl)
  • Reagent :1 (N) HCl, Methyl orange indicator
  • Procedure :Take 5.3 gm soda ash and dissolved it in 100 ml distill water.Take 10 ml of that solution + 10 ml distill water and 2-3 drops of Methyl orange indicator. Titrate with 1(N) HCl.
  • Result = Burette reading × 10
  • Performance standard: 80-100   %
  • In case of non conformity : Rejected

Concentration of Oxalic acid:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufacture: N/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard base caustic soda
  • Reagent :1 (N) caustic soda, Phenolphthalein indicator
  • Procedure :Take 6.3 gm oxalic acid and dissolved it in 100ml distilled water.Take 10 ml of that solution in a beaker and add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate with 1(N) caustic soda. Result = Burette reading × 10
  • Performance standard:As required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected

Concentration of Caustic soda:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard acid (HCl)
  • Reagent :1 (N) HCl, Phenolphthalein indicator Ethanol.
  • Procedure :Add 8.3 ml of HCl in 100 ml distill water. Dissolved 4 gm caustic soda in 100 ml             Take 10 ml of that caustic soda solution in a beaker and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate with 1(N) HCl.
  • Result = Burette reading × 10
  • Performance standard:90-100 % or as required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected

Concentration of Sulfuric acid:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured by:/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard base.
  • Reagent :1 (N) caustic soda, Phenolphthalein indicator
  • Procedure :Add 10 gm sulfuric acid and dissolved it in 100ml distilled water. Take 10 ml of that solution in a beaker and add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate with 1 (N) caustic soda. Result = Burette reading × 10 × 1
  • Performance standard:90-100% or as required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected
  • Document / form used :Chemical test register (log book)

Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Machine / apparatus used :Burette, pipette, beaker, balance
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured byN/A
  • Person responsible:Lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Titration with standard permanganate
  • Reagent:Potassium permanganate (KMnO4), H2SO4 (1:4)
  • Procedure :Weight sample such that there is no more than 0.06 gm of H2O2 present, dilute with 50 ml of distill water and add 10 ml of (1:4) H2SO4. Titrate with 0.1 (N) potassium permanganate (KMnO4) till pink color appearance. Volume of (KMnO4) (0.1) (0.017) (100)
  • Result= Sample weight
  • Performance standard:45-50 % or as required
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected
  • Document / form used :Chemical test register (log book)

Wetting agent test:

  • Machine / apparatus used :1 L beaker
  • Machine / apparatus manufactured by:N/A
  • Person responsible: Science lab assistant
  • Frequency:Every new lot also as and when required
  • Method :Dipping test and comparing with running lots performance.
  • Reagent :Wetting agent
  • Procedure :Make a solution of the wetting agent as recommended by the suppliers in the beaker. Takes 108×58 / 20×20 greige fabric and cut at least 10 samples with the sample cutter (38 ml, dia 15 cm). Hold one of the samples vertically above the beaker and relies gently in the solution. Start a stop watch at the time of the release and take note of the time when the sample reaches bottom of the beaker. Wet ability is decided W.R.T with running lots. While comparing a new lot with a running lot we can follow the following procedure:   A particular fabric is desized, batched and then scoured, bleached with both the new and running wetting agent lot under the same condition. After the scour/bleach process the processed fabric are checked for their absorbency, size content and whiteness. If the results are similar than the new lot is as good as the running one.
  • Performance standard:Standard time = 15-20 sec
  • In case of non conformity :Rejected
  • Document / form used :Chemical test register (log book)

Test purpose and Related Methods

Purpose: This Test is intended for the determination of Dimensional change of fabric or garments when subjected to home laundering procedure used by customer.

Dimensional Change: A Generic term change in length or width of Fabric or garments.

Growth: Dimensional change resulting in an increase length or width of a specimen.

Laundering: This process intended to remove soil and/or stain by washing.

Shrinkage: This resulting decrease of length or width of a specimen.

Method We Use:

  • For USA / CANADA: AATCC 135 (For Fabric) , AATCC 150 ( For Garment)
  • FOR EUROPE: ISO 6330

Spirality / Skewness:

Purpose: This Test determines change in skewness in woven and knitted fabric or twist of garments when subjected to repeated automatic laundering procedure commonly used in home laundering. We get from these test are—Garments twist , skewness And Remove soil and stain by washing.

Calculation for Science Lab

Calculation for Science Lab

(CD) x 100%



science equipment

CD=2 x 100%



Method we use:

  • FOR EUROPE: ISO 6330/ISO 5700


Extensive color range of flame retardant chemicals meeting international standards. Durable, law cost, balogen free solutions for the ultimate protection. Exbaust and continuous applications for leather, wool, nylon, polyester, cotton and blends.[2]

[1] Suraj Pincha Jain, Properitor/ Owern of Jinendra Knitwears, India, Email: surajpincha@gmail.com
[2] Md. Badrul Islam, Textile Chemist, badrul_chem@yahoo.com, Bangladesh
Pilling Tester is a Test Equipment to remove Abrasion Resistance

Pilling Tester is a Test Equipment to remove Abrasion Resistance

Pilling Tester for removing Abrasion Resistance:

Pilling is a fabric surface, abrasion resistance phenomenon characterized by little balls formed by entangled fibers clinging to the surface. To determine the tendency to form pills, a tester is used which is called pilling tester. Abrasion Resistance is one kind of textile Lab Equipments [1]

Function of Abrasion Resistance and Pilling Tester: 

This test equipment is used to determine the resistance of the textile fabric after rubbing against a standard abrading (woven worsted wool fabrics) which is assessed by visual comprising after predetermined number of cycle.

abrasion resistance
Pilling Tester

Samples are easy to check and multiple speeds can be used.[1]

Specifications of Digital Pilling Tester for Pilling Test:

[label type=”label” title=” Specifications Name”][label type=”label” title=”Specifications Value”]
Product CategoryLAB
Machine CategoryPilling Tester
Product Nametextile fibre product tester
Product ModelAccording to Manufacturer
Product ClassNew
Brand/ManufacturerName of Manufacturer
Agent in BangladeshNo/Yes
PowerAC220V+/-10, 50Hz, 120W
Production Capacity200PCS/Year
Number of pilling drums2/4/6/9
Rotational speed60r/min
Rotational speed60 r/min
Timer range0-99h 99min
Dimension 235*235*235mm
Description This test equipment is used for testing textile fibre

Practical Pilling resistance:

  • Machine used :ICI pilling box & random Pilling tester.
  • Machine manufactured by :James . H . Heals and company, England.
  • Person responsible:QA lab assistant
  • Frequency:Whenever required.
  • Procedure :BS 5811, ASTM D3512 and according to customer requirement.
  • Performance standard:Grade – 4
  • Grade – 3 (for peach fabric)
  • In case of non conformity :Re-singing followed by Resin finish.

Practical Abrasion resistance:

  • Machine used :Nu-Martindal abrasion and pilling tester.
  • Machine manufactured by:James . H . Heals and company, England.
  • Person responsible:QA lab assistant
  • Frequency:Whenever required.
  • Procedure :BS-5690 ref: Breakdown and according to customer requirement.
  • Performance standard:Maximum ends breakage per 20000 revolution.
    In case of non conformity :Re-singing, Re-washing and Re-finishing.

Feature of Digital Pilling Tester for Pilling Test:

  • More accurate report for wear test and textile fibre
  • Use of special materials which reduce operating noise during testing of textile fibre
  • These laboratory equipments can be used for all kinds of fabric and weave patterns
  • This test equipment is used for testing textile fibre and  wear test
  • This laboratory equipment is consists by two/more wooden cubical Boxes
  • This product tester is very simple machine is used for textile fibre
  • Quick change can be from Abrasion to wear test.
  • The machine has two plates, one is mounted at the bottom and another is on the top.
  • A woven worsted wool cloth is used as an abradant for wear test
  • Consists byt geared motor that rotates the boxes about their central axis
  • It has pre-set Digital Counter stops the motor automatically
  • It has demountable cork so it is convenient for replacement [1][]

Working Procedure of the Product Tester:

At first, collect the sample. Then the sample is cut according to the dimension of the sample holder. The weight of sample is measured by digital weight balance. Then the sample is placed on the sample holder. Then the cycle of the product tester is set according to the quality of fabric and machine is switched on. After the completion of required cycle the sample is withdrawn from the sample holder and weight of abraded sample is measured. At last we have to calculate the wear index for wear test. [1]

Pilling Tester Working Procedure


This test equipment is very popular to measure the abrasion and pilling of the textile fabrics such as Flat woven, knitted and certain non-woven fabrics. [1]

[1] Md. Ferdus Alam, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Southeast University, Cell # 1723300700,  Email- ferdus.j@gmail.com