Access Control Solutions for Buyer and Visitors

Access Control Solutions

Access Control Solutions -The security personnel must ask all the visitors their name, from where they come, to whom they meet, purpose of visit etc to be recorded on the register. We sale all types of Access Control Solutions.

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The visitors are required to wait for necessary permission / inquiry to the waiting room or their respective vehicle.

The security personnel must inform to the administration for permission about to meet with officials/ workers. The administrative authority will inform to the respective employees regarding the visitors coming & intention. The employees will go to the visitor’s waiting room for finally to meet with visitors after permission from administration.

All companies’ buyers list to be kept at the security department. When any buyers or buyers representative come

If the list covers the person he is allowed to enter into the factory after confirmation from the admin authority.

If new buyer or buyer representative come security personnel will inform the administration and after getting permission from the administration the security personnel will allow them for entrance. Other access control for the supplier will be same to the visitors’ Access Control Solutions.

If the visitors are permitted to come to meet with employees at office the security guard must escort the visitors up to the desired destination and one visitors tag to be provided & that must be hanged.

Visitor’s bag must be checked properly if the visitors are permitted to enter into the office.

List of all suppliers to be kept to the security department at the gate, which contains suppliers name, company name and address of supplying materials.

When the goods of supplier or any supplier himself comes at the gate of the factory security personnel will check list, which is previously given by the authority.

If the supplier belongs to the list they will be allowed to enter in to the factory after confirmation from the admin authority. Other access control for the supplier will be same to the visitor Access Control Solutions

No visitors are allowed to visit the production floor prior permission from competent authority.

Feasibility Study


  • Inefficiency
  • Misconduct:
  • Willful insubordination/Disobedience of command/Rule
  • Dishonesty / Corrupt
  • Habitual late attendance
  • Absenteeism
  • Negligence of work
  • Smoking within factory premises
  • Habitual indiscipline
  • Giving false information especially regarding age, education, previous rving experience etc.
  •  Sabotage Activities/Causing damage to factory
  • Engaging in trade within the premises of the industrial establishment
  • Sleeping while on duty
  • Willful slowing down in performance of work
  • Malingering
  • Not using uniform / protective equipment’s while on duty
  • Theft of company’s property.
  • Disclosures of factories secrets.

Procedure: – There is a prescribed complain form. Any kind of complain against anybody must be in written and to submit to the Arbitration Committee of HRD. After proper analysis this committee will take any kind of the following disciplinary actions as a punishment against any kind of offense.

1. Warning (Written or verbal)

2. Stoppage of increment, promotion (especially for inefficiency irregular attendance and misconduct.

3. Forfeiture of pay / wages (especially for causing loss to the company for negligence of the company policy.

4. Three months imprisonment (especially for disclosure of factory’s secret).

5. Suspension from duty.

6. Reduction in rank for inefficiency.

7. Dismissal (Termination of service for misconduct).

8. Discharge (Termination of service for ill health, physical & mental incapacity – not amounting to misconduct).


Resignation: Employee, after completion of 6 (six) month service with the company, willing to resign must give written notice to the authority at least 14 days before. Failing to do so 14 days basic wages/salary will be deducted from his/her separation dues.

If any person willing to leave the job on medical ground, he/she has to submit the medical unfit certificate to the authority. For the medical case 14 days prior notice is not required.

The separated employee will take necessary clearance from the factory after depositing all equipment of the company like dress, tape, cutter, bobbin etc. If anybody fails to do so then a particular amount of money will be deducted from his final payment.

Final payment will be paid after one month from the separation.

Company may dismiss any worker, working less than three months, any time due to continuous illness or pregnancy as the case may.


After separation, the employment certificates regarding once employment information will be issued for the persons who request for that.

Training and ORIENTATION : There will be training and orientation (for new workers) on regular basis for the workers of all sectors in the factory premises to improve their skill. For this purpose there will be a well-equipped training room and qualified trainers. Training will go on according to the monthly training & meeting schedule. All the training activities will run as per the TRAINING POLICY on Attendance Manager


After immediate accomplishment of required purpose to visit it is needed to leave the factory premises and required to put signature of visitors on the registers where the visitors all information are gathered including in time & out time. The Access Control Solutions for visitors tag to be return to the security guard during departure.