Meeting Room Booking System
Meeting Room Booking System for buyer and customers are very essential now a days. As we are going be digital more so we need it. The sofwares are developed in USA. It is international standard software. We can configure this solutions for you. We can refer it for you from them with law cost . We also have free version for you. For any queries, please Contact Us.
SL | Software Name | Description |
1 | Booking Calendar | Used By 60000 Customer Worlwide |
2 | Easy Appointment | Used By 20000 Customer Worlwide |
3 | Ultimate Appointment Booking & Scheduling | Used By 1000 Customer Worlwide |
4 | Appointment Booking and Online Scheduling by vCita | Used By 8000 Customer Worlwide |
Summery of Meeting Room Booking System
Unit Wise Multiple Meeting Room Creation, Multiple Buyer Auditor or Visitor Creation, Multiple Service Creation, Multiple Time Slot, Appointment Status (Reservation, Pending, Confirmed, Abandoned, Canceled), Download Report on CSV Format, Staff Create, Email notification
Benfit of Meeting Room Booking System
Everyday a lot of buyer visit in a garments/ textile. Not only clothing industry this softwre is suitable for all industry. For example if have a garments, and you have 100 merchandiser, it can say everyday 10 buyers may visit in your factory. If you have 5 meeting rooms you can easily schedule them with this sofware .
Conference Room Equipment
- Example of conference room equipment’s are projector, telephone, ipphone, projector screen, TV etc
- Here buyer/customer can make schedule directly through this online software by using a graphical calendar and booking form. This software have main tow parts booking form and booking calendar
- Now we will discuss several Meeting Room Booking System below –
1. Booking Calendar
For 1 meetng room you can use this software full free. This software is developed by By wpdevelop, oplugins. You can search for detail in searc engine with keyword “By wpdevelop, oplugins”
1.1. Meeting Room Booking System Features (Free Version): Listed below
- Show receive bookings
- Show availability bookings
- Used for apartment, house, hotel room, etc
- Booking in a minute
- Booking in a specific timeslot
- Booking in full day(s)
- Customer can select and book time slot wise
- Timeslots bookings
- Prevent of double booking
- Allow multiple bookings per same day
- Pending days as available setting facility
- Booking form calendar directly
- different user roles
- Approve or decline from admin
- Import/export .ics feeds
- Import .ics feeds via shortcodes
1.1 Setting:
- How to Start Booking Calendar Plugin
- Insert booking form shortcode “[Booking]” free version into your website Post or Page
- Add booking calendar Widget to your website sidebar.
- Check how todo that and what shortcodes are available.
- Add new booking from your post/page or from Admin Panel.
- Check Booking Listing page for new bookings.
- Configure booking Settings.
- Configure predefined set of your Form Fields.
- Configure your predefined Email Templates.
1.2. Add Booking : At first click on Add Booking -> Select Date and Time from Calendar -> Input First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone and Details -> Click Send Button -> Check Send email notification to customer about this operation
2. Easy Appointments
Now we will discuss about Easy Appointment System . Easy Appointments Software developed by Nikola Loncar. More than 20,000 users are using this Easy Appointments Software worldwide.
2.1. Appointment Booking Features:
- Send an email notification to defined list of the admin users
- Send email notification to all staff /employee
- Custom content facility and subject facility
- Custom email facility for admin
- Confirm booking by clicking on link provided through email
- Cancel booking by clicking on link provided through email
- Custom emails to show different status of appointments : pending, canceled, reservation, confirmed
- Include all information via booking inside email content even from custom fields
- Multiple Locations facility
- Multiple Services facility
- Multiple Workers facility
- Create individual calendar for one location / service / worker
- Create time slots by connecting location – service – worker and date/time
- Multiple time slots facility
- Fine granular option for creating even most complex time table
- Bulk connections builder facility
- Extremely flexible time table facility
- Make fields required facility
- Drag and drop order facility
- Hide custom price
- Add currency
- Set custom currency before or after price
- Custom style
2.2. Appointments status: There are 5 types of appointments status available that’s are described below –
Reservation – When a customer creates Appointment and select date and time value it will automatically create reservation on back end. For this admin should set and marked only if option Auto reservations.
Pending – When a customer will fill out the form status will change form Reservation status to Pending.
Confirmed – When admin click on confirm Appointment or that is done by a customer, the status will change from Pending to Confirmed.
Abandoned – This status will have Appointment when customer clicks on cancel icon at end of form. For this only if Auto reservations is marked.
Canceled – If a customer or admin cancel Appointment status will change to Canceled.
2.3. Time management: In order to set available slots in your Appointments management system you need to create or integrate connection among location, service & worker. Every single combination of that three location, service & worker items is called one slot.
So if you want two slots for same time you can copy the same connection. For this way you need to adjust time and slot any way you want. Same thing is for increasing and decreasing your slot at some time
2.4. Customization: On Customize menu in settings you can define :Email notifications ( Pending, Reservation, Cancelled, Confirmed ),Translations of labels, Time format, Currency
2.5. Custom form fields: Create custom form fields according to your requirements in a few clicks
- Text area is for descriptive text
- Select is option
- Input is for small name
2.6. Short-code: If you completed all settings you can move to insert front-end part of Meeting Room Booking System on page or post that you selected. In order to place Meeting Room Booking System widget for creating appointment on your page, you need to place short-code to that page :
- Standard form – [ea_standard]
- Responsive layout – [ea_bootstrap]
More Example : Two column layout with fix width
- [ea_bootstrap width=”800px” scroll_off=”true” layout_cols=”2″]
- Set predefined values for location / service / location
- [ea_bootstrap worker=”1″]
- [ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″]
- [ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″ service=”1″]
- [ea_bootstrap default_date=”2017-12-31″]
- [ea_bootstrap default_date=”+1m +5d”]
Full Calendar view: Note under development, documentation will change! Soon there will option for each employee to have overview of all appointments made for them with detailed view. location predefined location, value {id number of location}, default value null service predefined service, value {id number of service}, default value null worker predefined worker, value {id number of worker}, default value null
[ea_full_calendar location=”1″ worker=”1″ service=”1″]
2.7. Reports: Time table report is showing all slots for whole month. There you can track if your time settings is OK. Time table also helps to quickly see what is next free slot is for that location – service – worker and connection.
Export – allows you to export you data in CSV format. You can specify date range for the export appointments.
3. Ultimate Appointment Booking & Scheduling
Ultimate Appointment Booking & Scheduling is developed by Etoile Web Design. Version 1.1.7.
3.1. Features (Free)
- Create appointment locations with different opening hours
- Create appointment services that cost different amounts and take different amounts of time
- Automatically updated booking calendar and appointment schedules, as a result no body can double book
- Labeling and styling options to make your appointment scheduler and booking calendar fit perfectly with your business and website
- Send an email notification to the customer when create and update and appointment
- One-on-one services
- One-on-many services
- Can be used by mechanics
- Can be used by medical professionals,
- Can be used by event venues,
- Can be used by exercise classes or corporate training sessions
- Display booking calendar
- Select data from booking calendar
- Set a minimum number of time before an appointment
- Set a maximum number of period before an appointment
- Multiple step booking
3.2. Main Menu: Click on Appointment Menu in WordPress dashboard. It will show some menu like
- Appointments
- Locations
- Services
- Providers
- Exceptions
- Options
3.2.1. Locations : A screenshot is given “How to add new location”

3.2.2. Services: A screenshot is given “How to Add a Service ”

3.2.3. Service Provider: A screenshot is given “How to Add a Service Provider ”

3.3. Short code: Set two Shortcode for this into page or post
- [ultimate-appointment-calendar]
- [ultimate-appointment-dropdown]
4. Appointment Booking and Online Scheduling by vCita
This is developed by vCita. Around 8000+ company are using this software. This is UK based company
4.1. Features- Free Version : These are the features of free version of meeting room booking system
- Appointment Booking
- Event registration
- sends automatic email and SMS reminders,
- confirmations & follow-ups.
- Set meeting availability,
- Add services,
- Assign meetings to employee
- File Sharing Facility
- Clients can do book services
- Clients can Confirm appointments
- Clients can reschedule appointments
- Clients can Request callback
- Clients can sign up for classes
- Clients can Share documents and files
- This software can be used by hairdressers
- This software can be used by Salons This software can be used by Fitness
4.2. Features of Pro Versions: This is the feature of pro version of meeting room booking system
- Anytime, Anywhere Online Scheduling
- Accept Payments for Services Online
- Customize the Experience
- Streamline Admin Tasks
- Stay Up-to-Date
- Flexible & Scalable
- Create & Share Discount Coupons
- Promote Your Services with Email & SMS Campaigns
- Mobile friendly
- A variety of services types to choose from
- Booking form customization
- Time zone adjustments
- Send automatic reminders
- Colors customization
- Track your clients on vCita online scheduling software
- Staff booking options
- Automatically accept appointments
- Manage your clients with vCita
- Perform bulk operations
- Great client experience
- Calendar availability management
- Quick on boarding
- Professional-looking booking page
4.3. Short Code of vCita: Short code are listed below for meeting room booking system
- Contact Form:[vCitaMeetingScheduler type=contact width=500 height=450]
- Scheduling Calendar:[vCitaMeetingScheduler type=scheduler width=500 height=450]
- Vertical Sidebar:[vCitaMeetingScheduler type=widget height=400 width=200]
Horizontal Widget:[vCitaMeetingScheduler type=widget height=200] - Buttons only:[vCitaMeetingScheduler type=widget height=100]