Solubor Boron Technical Specifications

Solubor Boron

Major composition                : Solubor Boron

Appearance                           : White amorphous powder

Characteristics                       : Feels greasy, Odorless and tasteless.

Purity                                     : 99.90%

Solubility                                : Soluble in water, alcohol, glycerol ether and volatile oil.

Chemical Properties             :           Normal Sulphate Low Sulphate

Purity: 99.90% min 99.90% min
B2O3:56.25% min 56.25% min
SO4:500 ppm max 130 ppm max

Physical Properties               :           Crystalline

Molecular Weight:61,83 61,83
Specific Gravity:1,435 gr/cm3 1,435 gr/cm3
Bulk Density: 0,8 gr/cm3 0,8 gr /cm
Fractions +1 mm 4%max +1 mm 4%max
-0,060 mm 4% max -0,060 mm 5% max

The plasma elimination half-lives ranged from 38 to 43 hours in males and 78 to 82 hours in females. Tissue distribution of the absorbed dose was extensive, with low retention in tissues indicating low potential for accumulation. The tissue residues were higher in female than in male rats, which is consistent with female rats having a longer elimination half-life and higher area under the curve in plasma. Excretion was substantially complete by 48 to72 hours after dosing. Fecal excretion was the primary route of elimination followed by urinary excretion. There was no significant excretion occurring by exhalation. Most of the administered dose (88–97%) was eliminated in the excreta.

Stability                                  :

                                                a) When heated to 70 – 100oC, hydro-extraction enables

                                                            changing to meta-boric acid

                                                 b) When heated to 150 – 160oC, hydro-extraction enables

                                                            changing to pyroboric acid

c) When heated to 300oC, hydro-extraction enables

changing to boric anhydride

Standard                                : GB-53890 (People’s Republic of China standard)

Use                                          : It can be used as fertilizer, top application, split application

`             and as a raw material for manufacture of micro nutrient. It

  can be used all type of field crops.

Packing                                  : In woven polypropylene lined with poly ethylene film bags

   of 25 kg (+/- 0.5 kg) net each.

Specification                          :

  • Total boron content as percentage, minimum       20.0
  •  Lead percent by weight, maximum                      0.0005
  •  Arsenic percent by weight, maximum                 0.0004
  •  Physical condition                       white  amorphous powder                                                           

Declaration                            : The manufacturers guaranteed analysis shall indicate that “the product does not contain toxic wastes and the level of heavy metals present is not hazardous for human health, crop and environment”.

In short-term studies, the most consistent effects are those associated with non adverse pharmacological response to the xenobiotic, induction of liver enzymes and subsequent increase in liver weights. Emamectin Benzoate is not genotoxic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic. Overall, Emamectin Benzoate exhibits minimal mammalian toxicity after long-term exposure. The only consistent observation in the mammalian toxicology studies is an increased degree of microvesiculation of the adrenal cortex after dermal or dietary administration of Emamectin Benzoate. Based on the lack of adverse effect on the function of the adrenal gland, this observation was considered treatment related, but not “adverse.”

Mixture of Organic Acids and Composition in Textile

Mixture of Organic Acids and Composition in Textile

The sequence for normal wash Process for Mixture of Organic Acids and Composition in Textile is as follows:
  1. Take water in bath at required level
  2. Load garment in the machine
  3. Circulate the garment and the temperature remain normal
  4. Continue circulating the garments for 5 minutes
  5. Rinse and Drain
  6. Unload the garments
  7. Load the garments in the hydro extractor
  8. From hydro extractor, send the garments to the dryer
Composition Mixture of organic acids.
APPEARANCE Colorless, clear liquid.
SOLUBILITY Soluble with water.
PROPERTIES It prevents the removed substances from precipitating back again on the fabric during scouring and post – bleaching washing processes due to its ability of complex formation with earth alkaline metal ions. Thus, a better whiteness and hydrophility is obtained in cotton bleaching process.It is a very effective complexing agent, which prevents the formation of precipitations due to water hardness and heat in wet mediums.It is an efficient chelating agent for alkaline earth- and heavy metal ions. The built chelates are stable up to boiling temperature and even in strong alkaline mediaCompatible with optical brighteners.  
APPLICATION Application quantity depends on the amount of heavy metal ions and hardness levels in the medium.    Scouring process: 1-3 g/l ESOQUEST F100    Dyeing process:     0,5-1 g/l ESOQUEST F100    Peroxide bleaching: 0,5-2 g/l ESOQUEST F100
STORAGE During storage the lid of the container should be kept closed. It should be protected from extreme cold and heat. In its original container and at room temperature the storage life is 6 months.
PACKING 60 kg plastic drum In addition to the working time of employees involved in the project, no extra costs are associated with this option. The measure will help you to identify “low-hanging” improvement options, which can be realised at a low cost and allow large reductions of your environmental impacts.
After analysing its energy use, one company installed variable speed drives, which reduced the energy use for some pumps and fans up to 35%.

These suggestions and data are based on the information we believe to be relative. They are offered in good faith but without guarantee as conditions and methods of use are beyond our control. We recommend that the prospective user determine the suitability of the materials before adapting them on a commercial scale of Organic Acids.

What is Enzyme Wash with Stone and Acid Wash

Enzyme wash with stone and Acid Wash

Enzyme Wash – Production Department receives the Process Batch Card attached to it from the Batch Preparation Section. Different specifications (e.g.  Garments weight and quality, wash type, shade, etc.) Mentioned in the Batch card.

  • The steps for Enzyme wash with stone are as follows:
  • Take water in bath at required level
  • Load garment in the machine
  • Add Detergent
  • Circulate the garment and raise the temperature at 400C
  • Continue circulating the garments for 5minutes
  • Rinse and Drain
  • Add Acetic acid wash to make the PH 4.5
  • Add enzyme and stones
  • Continue the circulation for 30 minutes and raise the temperature at 550C
  • Rinse and Drain
  • Add softener
  • Continue circulating the garments for 5 minutes
  • Drain and send the garments into the hydro extractor
  • After hydro garments are send for dryer

Acid wash

Acid wash is mainly done after sulphur dyeing; this gives a unique look to the garments. The steps for acid wash are as follows:

  • Load the machine with foam (cork sheet) or with stone
  • Make a solution of potassium permanganate
  • Spread the solution over foam or stone
  • Load the dyed garment in the machine
  • Continue circulate the garments for 30-60 minutes at constant temperature (room temperature)
  • Un load the garments from the machine
  • In an another machine take water bath at required level
  • Load the garments in the machine
  • Add sodium meta-bi-sulphite
  • Circulate the machine until potassium permanganate is totally removed
  • Rinse and drain
  • Send the garments for dryer

Document Flow

Document flow for the pre-treatment process can be enumerated as below:

Based on the shade and other specification plans for the machines are prepared.

Print-out of the recipe is taken from the computer. The Recipe Card is used as an internal document to keep record of dyeing for a particular batch.

Availability of chemicals and dyestuff is checked and program is put in the Bacon Controller.

The recipe shit Card is used to keep track of the dyeing procedure continuity. Production Officer fills out different areas of the form.

The Operator fills out the Production Report and it is sent to the Planning department. This report contains information like the Quantity produced, Machine wise production, Amount of re-process, Machine utility percentage (%) and shift wise production.

Upon completion of Wash for a particular batch, if the wash is ‘OK’, then this garment is sent to the Finishing Department along with batch card.

Implementing enzymatic removal of residual hydrogen peroxide after bleaching

To achieve reproducible bleaching results, residual hydrogen peroxide content of 10-15% of the initial quantity should be still available after bleaching. The residual hydrogen content must be completely removed to prevent any change of shade with dyestuffs, which are sensitive to oxidation. Reducing agents and several rinsing steps are necessary in common peroxide removal techniques. High energy and water consumption and the use of sulphur containing reducing agents are the main disadvantages of the conventional technique.
Special enzymes (peroxides) catalyse the reduction of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water. No side reactions with the substrate or with dyestuff occur.
Peroxides are completely biodegradable. Rinsing steps after peroxide bleaching can be reduced (normally only one rinsing step with hot water is necessary). Peroxides have no negative influence on downstream dyeing processes. Therefore, after treatment with the enzymes in an exhaust process the liquor does not have to be drained prior to dyeing. Savings in energy and water consumption can be achieved. Wastewater pollution with reducing agents (used for conventional processes) is avoided.
Enzymatic peroxide removal is possible in a discontinuous, semi-continuous, and continuous way. The method is applicable both in new and existing installations.
No capital expenditure is necessary for implementation of the enzymatic process. Savings may result from reduced washing stages, i.e. water, energy, steam and time conservation. Savings in water and energy consumption can be in the range of 6-8% of production costs (exhaust technique) .
Suppliers for enzymatic peroxide removal agents are: Novozymes, Bayer, Ciba, etc

A typical process consequence is: peroxide bleaching – liquor change – one rinsing bath (hot water) – liquor change – enzymatic peroxide removal – dyeing without previous liquor change.

Heavy Duty Washing Machine List . Machine Description

Heavy Duty Washing Machine

Heavy Duty Washing Machine – One of the most important options to reduce the environmental impact of industrial processes is to minimize the number of required process steps necessary to produce the desired quality of products. As an example, instead of traditional pre-treatment of textiles, the minimum required treatment processes can be applied. The pre-treatment of the fabrics depends on the desired colour depth and other characteristics of the finished product. For example, fabrics that will be dyed in dark colours should not be strongly bleached.

Oftentimes, reducing the number of process steps is possible through treating the fabrics in wet conditions, without the need to dry them first. This allows certain process steps to be combined which normally are carried out separately. Examples that have been implemented include:

  • Improvement of the feel of yarn directly after painting without drying the material first;
  • Making wool moth repellent during dyeing;
  • Development of a single step pre-treatment of the fabric that combines washing, scouring and bleaching in such a way that one washing / drying stage can be omitted. Depending on the type of textiles treated, one step pre-treatment can yield substantial energy and water savings because two or even three of the wide washing steps can be reduced to one. One-step pre treatment is especially feasible for textiles that are relatively light weight;
  • Wet-in-wet impregnation of treatment chemicals, in order to skip a drying stage. Many treatments of fabrics can be applied directly on the wet cloth after the wide washing process. In that case, the cloth is impregnated “wet-in-wet”, followed usually by a reaction step in order to let the chemicals work on the fabric. Afterwards, the cloth is rinsed on a wide washing machine. Examples of this process include: (1) The wet-in-wet pre-treatment on a continuous pre-treatment line; and (2) the wet-in-wet application of a cationic treatment chemical after rinsing out unabsorbed reactive pigments;
  • Combined dyeing and application of crease repair agents (synthetic resins) so the material only has to be dried once.
Washing Machine Sut & Lic Singapore 250 KG EACH
Asian Star China 250 KG EACH
Panyu Xin Xin China 250 KG EACH
Local Machine Bangladesh 250 KG EACH
Sample Washing Machine Asahi Laundry Washer Japan 30 KG
Asahi Laundry Washer China 200 KG
Local Machine Bangladesh 150 KG
Local Machine Bangladesh 20 KG
Hydro-extractor   Sut & Lic Singapore 250 KG
Asian Star China 250 KG
Steam Dryer   Sut & Lic Singapore 200 KG
Asian Star China 200 KG
Local Machine Bangladesh 160 KG
Gas Dryer Sut & Lic Singapore 250 KG EACH
Steam Boiler 40% use in washing Cochran Scotland 5 Ton

For Denim-

  • Yellowish marks come from chemicals & from back staining.
  • Indigo dyes have big molecule structure, so after washes it’s come back to the garments again. Sun lights affect those molecules & make the garments yellow. So we have to wash it clearly and use the anti ozone (O3) softener.
  • To prevent crease marks reduce RPM & temperature at desizing stage.
  • To avoid uneven increase pH. At lower pH bleach work quickly & makes uneven.
  • Use buffer solution to stable pH. For pH changing shades will change also.
  • Hypo must be clear to prevent Yellowish effect

For Dyeing-

  • Important parameters for dyeing-
  • Hydrophilic
  • Base color (bleach slowly for even dyeing)
  • pH
  • Circulation
  • Temperature
  • Anti Ozone softener improves the fastness of Sulpher dyeing. Don’t use any non-ionic softener.
  • To improve the light fastness, protect the surface.


  • To make garments soft, use good desizing agent. Then use micro & macro emulsion together. Dry in the steam dryer.
  • Improve tearing strength by using polyurethane
  • NaHCo3- pH doesn’t change with temperature  
  • Na2CO3- pH change with temperature
  • Polyethylene (LEPN) used for color fastness. It makes the fabrics slippery & hence improve the color fastness (Only rubbing)
  • Densoft Ultra for Sulpher dyes.
  • Densit-AT- acid buffer to stable pH.
  • New Developments-
  • Crinkle Effect on denim garments-
  • Tie the garments inside of a net
  •  Wash at 80’C for 10 mints.
  • Open the net.
  • Enzyme (Neutral) with anti-back staining agent for 30min at 30’C.
  • Rinse 2times.
  • Bleach with KCI (10g/l) at 50’C for 10-12min
  • Neutralize with Hypo
  • PP
  • Neutral with meta
  • 10% solun of cationic softener+ Polyurethane (250g/l) & brush by hand.
  • Dry with iron & then curing
  • For fluorescent dyeing-
  • Heavy Duty Washing Machine List – Deraw-FX 2gm/l——at 60’C for 30min, pH-9———-rinse——dyeing—fixing

Frequency Inverter Price List. Network iIfrastructure

Frequency Inverters

Frequency Inverters – Power deficit: Latest statistics reveal that Bangladesh faces a power deficit of up to 2000 MW against a demand of 5000 MW daily. It may be noted that for proper ICT development an uninterrupted power supply is a must.  

Sl. Description of items Qnty Unit Price Amount/Tk.
01. HITACHI FREQUENCY INVERTERS, MODEL: SJ300-150HFE, CAPACITY: 15 KW, 400V AC, 3 PHASE, 50 HZ, MADE IN JAPAN. 4 Nos. 112,000.00 448,000.00
02. HITACHI FREQUENCY INVERTERS, MODEL: SJ300-300HFE, CAPACITY: 30 KW, 400V AC, 3 PHASE, 50 HZ, MADE IN JAPAN. 1 No. 195,000.00 195,000.00
03. HITACHI FREQUENCY INVERTERS, MODEL: SJ300-450HFE, CAPACITY: 45 KW, 400V AC, 3 PHASE, 50 HZ, MADE IN JAPAN. 1 No. 267,500.00 267,500.00

Note: The above prices are included all costs for upto delivery at your factory.


  • Validity of offer: 30 days from the date of offer. 
  • Payment: 50% amount in advance on order confirmation and balance 50% before delivery at your factory.
  • Delivery: 21 days (to checked during order confirmation).
  • Made in Japan. It is used in 6Kva UPS
  • Installation: Charge not included.
  • Warranty: 1 year from the date of delivery.

Network infrastructure: Outside Dhaka, at present a few computer network infrastructures have been developed so far. Apart from some educational institutes outside Dhaka, observation finds that most of the LAN setups are Dhaka centric. This observation reveals the reality of the digital gap even within the country. Frequency Inverter Price List. Network iIfrastructure

Use of Internet: For the ICT development Internet users of the country must be increased. In this case our position is the worst one among the South Asian countries. The latest statistics (ITU, 2007) revealed that Internet penetration in our country is only 0.3%. Whereas, in Pakistan and India, it is 7.3% and 5.3% respectively.

Under sea submarine cable: Since 2006, Bangladesh has been connected to worldwide Internet Super High Way through an under sea submarine cable. But this single submarine cable frequently faces disruption resulting in slow bandwidth. End of Frequency Inverter Price List. Network iIfrastructure

What is Ultra Tube Dispenser? Applying Single Desizing

What is Ultra Tube Dispenser? Applying Single Desizing

Tube Dispenser

  • Tube Dispenser -To disperse, stir and homogenize
  • Type: Tube or sonicator
  • Tank Volume max: 16 Liters or more Ultrasound frequency: 30 KHz or higher Speed (rpm) 400-6000
  • Carrying handles
  • Adjustable test duration
  • Pressure up to 7 bar or more Power: 0.46 HP
  • Voltage 220v ..

Sampling and Traditional Parameters

Installing light sources close to the work place is potentially profitable in case there are variations in the illumination required in the halls. In storage facilities this is usually not an option. Installing light switches in each hall and even over each working place is applicable when there are a number of halls for different production processes. It is not similar to Tubeless Lab Dispenser
The pay back time of this measure is usually between 1 and 3 years.
The International Commission on Illumination (CIE, and the International Standard Organization ISO have jointly published a standard governing lighting for indoor work places, taking into account energy efficiency. This standard ISO 8995:2002/CIE S 008/E:2001 called “Lighting of Indoor Work Places” may be obtained The member price is USD 51, whereas the list price

Parameter Limit Value
Temperature* ≤37℃*
pH, Standard Units 6.0-9.0
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) ≤30 ppm
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) ≤30 ppm
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ≤200 ppm

*Should the facility be located in a region with an ambient temperature consistently above 37℃, the discharge temperature should be not exceed the temperature of the receiving body of water.

Chemical Constituents

Parameter Lower Limit Value
Antimony ≤0.50 ppm
Arsenic ≤0.01 ppm
Cadmium ≤0.01 ppm
Chromium ≤0.10 ppm
Cobalt ≤0.02 ppm
Copper ≤0.25 ppm
Cyanide ≤0.20 ppm
Lead ≤0.10 ppm
Mercury ≤0.01 ppm
Nickel ≤0.20 ppm
Zinc ≤1.00 ppm
Color ≤150 ADMI units OR 150 CO-PT units

Other Parameters

Parameter Limit or Requirement
Coliform 400 bacteria per 100ML
Foam No visible discharge of floating solids or persistent foam
Domestic Sewage All wastewater, including domestic sewage, must be properly treated before being discharged to the environment. If a public treatment facility is not available then the factory must properly treat sewage onsite before discharging.
Lab Equipment The facility shall have a pH meter, Imhoff Cone, and Thermometer in good working order.
Flow Meters The facility shall have, at a minimum, functioning flow meters are the input and output points of their wastewater treatment facility.

Applying Single Desizing

Cellulosics and their blends with synthetics could be desized, scoured and bleached in a single stage. This could reduce the processing time by a considerable extent, apart from reducing the water consumption and wastewater generation.

This measure has been implemented in number of units in India, particularly for the batches where the final dyed product is of a dark shade. In these situations no adverse effect on the quality was observed. The improved environmental impact is due to the fact that all three processes could be carried out in just one bath (instead of three different baths for thrice the duration and having rinses in between). Furthermore, as in earlier mentioned options, the industry concerned would need to make a few trials before commercial implementation.
Reduced process time and energy
Reduced water consumption
Reduced wastewater generation
Reduced cost of effluent treatment
Applicable for cellulosics and their blends only. Combined process for desizing, scouring and bleaching is particularly suitable for fabrics in dark shades, where the bleaching requirement is low. However, this could also be applied for medium shades, depending on the efficiency of the combined process.
The savings are obvious because of the reduction in the number of stages as well as the process time and water.


Tube Dispenser -Illegal discharge of wastewater or bypassing treatment facilities will not be tolerated