Water is the most important element of the nature for every living creature. Without industrial waste water treatment plant we cannot live a single day. Three-forth of this earth is filled up with water. But, now a day this most essential element is contaminating in every moment. It’s very alarming news for us. The contaminated water also polluting the soil & air. In this way, it unstable the whole ecological system. If it cannot be prevented in time, then it will destroy human, animal, plants even the small bacteria. And the earth will destroy in very quick time. So we should be very careful right now.
What is waste water?
Waste water is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. It comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic residence, commercial properties, industry and agriculture a wide range of potential containments and concentration.
Where it came from?
We, only the people are responsible for the water pollution. Every moment we are polluting the water cautiously or un-cautiously. From our home to our factory, every where we are using plenty of water. After usage, the water is going into the river, land and inside the soil. All the water is not polluted. Waste water or sewage can come from:
Human waste, known as black water.
Septic tank discharge.
Sewage treatment plant.
Washing water, known as grey water.
Industrial site drainage.
Industrial cooling water.
Industrial process water.
Organic or biodegradable waste water from ceramics and ice cream factory.
Organic or non biodegradable waste from pharmaceuticals or pesticide factory.
Extreme pH from acid, alkali manufacturing.
Solid and emulsion from paper, oil manufacturing.
Waste water constitute
The composition of waste water varies widely. This is the partial list of what it may contain:
Water (95%) which is often used to carry waste through drain.
Pathogens, such as bacteria, virus and parasitic worms.
Organic particles such as feces, hair, food, paper, fiber etc.
Soluble organic materials such as Urea, proteins, drugs, pharmaceuticals etc.
Soluble in organic materials such as ammonia, G.salt, sea-salt, cyanides, thiosulfates etc.
In organic materials like sand, grit, metal etc.
Hydrogen (H2), sulphide (SO2), methane (CH4) and carbon-di-oxide (CO2).
Emulsion like paints, adhesives, colors, emulsifier etc.
Toxin such as pesticides, poisons, herbicides etc.
All these materials are very much deleterious for environment and human life.
How waste affect the water
We know water containing only Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2). Oxygen(O2)is very essential for any living creature. For existence of aquatic life in water, the dissolve oxygen (DO) should not be less then 5 ppm. But in our country, most of the river water losing it very quickly. Any oxidizable mater present in the natural water or in an industrial water will be oxidized by biochemical or chemical processes. The result is that the Oxygen (O2) content of the water will be decreased. Since all natural water contains bacteria and nutrients, almost any waste compounds introduced into such waterways will initiate the biochemical reaction. Biological oxygen demands (BOD) and Chemical oxygen demand (COD) are most important criteria of the water. But as a result of these reactions both BOD and COD are decreasing in an alarming rate. The color permissible limit in water for domestic use is only 20 ppm. But in most of our river and canal already have 150 ppm. So this water is for no use. Waste water also increasing the temperature of the water. This is responsible for global warming. The solid materials are very poisonous to our lands. It decreases lands food productivity. This water also increases the pH of normal water. The gases from the waste water like carbon-di-oxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide ( H2S), methane (CH3) are very harmful for environment.CO2 is responsible for green house affect. Excessive nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen can be harmful to aquatic life. Chlorine and inorganic chloramines can be toxic to algae and fish. Metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic can have acute and chronic toxic effect on species..
Effect of industrial waste water treatment plant
Sewage may drain directly into major watersheds (like river, canal, ponds etc) with minimal or no treatment. When untreated, sewage can have serious impact on the quality of the environments and on the health of the people. In many part of the world, including United States health problems and disease have often been caused by the discharging untreated water. Such water is responsible for spreading of disease, fish kills and destruction of other forms aquatic life. The industrial waste water treatment plant has a serious impact on all living creature and can negatively affect the use of water for drinking, household needs, recreation, fishing, transportation and commerce. This water is using in our lands. It causes the decrease in food productivity of the land. Pathogens can cause a verity of illness. Some chemical pose risks even at very low concentration and can remain a threat for long period of time because of bioaccumulation in animal or human tissue. Waste water from fertilizer plant contains nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon-di-oxide(CO2).This is responsible for liver and kidney damage. At last we can say waste water can be a life destroying cause for living creature and also for our environment.
Waste Water Characteristics and target parametres
Effluent characteristics Target
pH : 8.0 to 9.0 7.0 to 7.5
DO mg/L : 0 4.5 to 8.0
BOD mg/L : 300 to 500 < 30
COD mg/L : 900 to 1700 < 200
TDS mg/L : 200 to 1000 < 2100
TSS mg/L : Not Specified < 30
Temperature : Not Specified < 37 °C
Discharge Norms
DoE norms, BSR Guidelines
pH : 6.0 to 9.0 6.0 to 9.0
DO mg/L : 4.5 to 8.0 not specified
BOD mg/L : ≤ 50 ≤ 30
COD mg/L : ≤ 200 ≤ 200
TDS mg/L : ≤ 2100 not specified
TSS mg/L : Not Specified ≤ 30
Temperature : Not Specified ≤ 37 °C
Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant
The most effective solution of this problem is to use effluent treatment plant (ETP) in each individual factory. Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for desired end use. These can include as drinking water, industrial process, medical and many more uses. 70% of Israel’s irrigated agriculture is based on waste water treatment. The goal of water treatment plant is to existing contaminants in the water or reduces the concentration of those contaminants. So the water becomes fit for use. One such use water is returning that has been used back into the natural environment without adverse ecological impact. ETP is essential to save our lives and also the environment. For the future generation to be safe and secure, we should keep the water safe. Use of ETP will save a huge amount of water and as well as money too.
From the above discussion we can say, to save our world form undesired destruction we should keep the water safe and secure. And for that we must use the ETP in every individual factory. Or otherwise, one day there will be plenty of water around us, but not a single drop to use without an industrial waste water treatment plant
Md. Saiful Islam.Confident Engineering India Private Limited,
678 /1, kurichi village, Madukarai Road, Sidco industrial Estate Post ,Coimbatore – 641021 Tamilnadu, INDIA.
To ensure healthy and hygienic environment for suitable and comfortable work place at Auto Limited. This policy applies to all employees of the company regarding all aspects of healthy environment in respect to national and international laws. Bangladesh is earning substantial amount of foreign currency by exporting readymade garments product. The project is an 100% export oriented garment manufacturing industry Established in January -2001. It is well recognized that each industrial development has impact on the natural environment policy directly or indirectly. So, the environmental aspect of factory activities have been taken in to consideration and attention is paid to protect the environment. The first step in this process is to identify the potential impact of the factory and evaluate the intensity of the impact so that effective measures can be taken to mitigate adverse impact.
Risk assessment exercise
We provide a safe, accident free operation at our facilities and identify potential hazards before the manufacturing process begins. All manufacturing and R&D locations are subjected to a detailed safety audit and risk assessment exercise. We provide proper in-house education and training with an objective to in calculate in every member of the organization, a sincere appreciation for Environmental, Safety & Health concern. This policy has provided the information on impact of different environment policy issues due to the operations of the facility. The main objectives of this policy are: . To present the factory activities. To describe the existing environment. To identify the major environmental impact due to the implementation of the existing industrial development. To suggest the effective measures to mitigate the adverse impact.
Legal & Policy consideration
As per environment conservation act “95 and Environment Conservation Rules “97 Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of The peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
Project Description
Present status of the Factory: Our factory is now in running stage. The total capacity the Factory is about 1.5 million pcs (per month). Our factory has got Environmental no objection certificate (NOC) from the local authority and environment certificate from Department of Environment (DOE), Government of the peoples republics of Bangladesh.
Raw materials: The raw materials are using in the factory are different types of sewing thread, button, label, light detergent etc. Which are imported on basis of back to back L/C or sometime buyer nominated source. The packing materials are collected our own source or sometime buyer nominated source.
Baseline Environment
Physical Environment: AUTOKnit Wear Ltd has been set up
Water Quality: There is no permanent surface water body around the factory
Air Quality: Up-to-date Air quality data around the factory site are not available, as there is no provision for monitoring air quality in this area. But it has been observed that the apparent ambient air quality of the area is fairly good.
Hydrology:The factory area received sufficient amount of rainfall and there is a good availability of ground water which is being used after water treatment (Drinking and domestic purpose).
Evaluation of impact
Impact due to project Location: There is no potential bad impact due to our factory, as the factory situated in Industrial area.
Impact Due To Liquid Discharge: There are small amount of liquid discharge from the factory as the GMT is being with plain water and detergent. The insignificant liquid wastes generated from domestic activities. The water requirement for domestic purposes is 40m3/day. All domestic waste water has been disposed in a proper way for the recycling process so that it does not create any pollution in the surrounding environment.
Pollution From Solid Waste: Some sold wastes in terms of cut pieces of cut pieces of fabrics, domestic wastes are generated from this industry. These are properly collected and disposed of in a safe way to get rid of the environmental pollution.
Effect On Air Quality: AUTOKnit Wear Ltd has emission from its operation activity during operation. But small thermal pollution has been observed from the boiler and generator operation.
Occupational Health: The workers engaged in the GMTS Production inside the factory area face occupational health hazard due to different operational process. Safe and good occupational health and safety policy status is not important only for the persons working in the factory, but also for the better plant operation and maintenance.
Socio-economic Impact: Most of the significant positive impact of the factory is the earning of foreign currencies through exporting of ready-made garment. The other important positive impact of the factory is the employment of personnel for the operation of the factory. The factory employed about 3000 skilled and unskilled personnel. Apart from this two positive impact other beneficial impact include local transport business, local economy because of employment, community development etc.
Measure for Mitigating the Adverse Effects
For Project Location: There is no potential bad impact due to the factory situated in this area as the factory is in Industrial area.
For Liquid Wastes: It is already mentioned that all the factory building is situated in Industrial area.This group already set up Effluent Treatment Plant Equipment (ETP) for safe environmental purpose.
For Solid Waste: All types of solid waste in terms of cut pieces of fabrics and yarn are collected properly and handed over to small trades for recycling purposes. Other domestic solid wastes are collected and disposed of in safe way. Chemical drum, fused eclectic light and other items are properly stored and centrally disposal-system/ back to the supplier.
For Air Pollution: There is no emission or mitigation measure required regarding air pollution, But to disperse the hot air from the boiler and generator the company has installed a 15m chimney with these two equipment.
For Occupational Health: Protective clothing and accessories are provided to those workers who are subjected to exposure to hazardous substances and situation. Regular medical check-up are conducted to ensure the soundness of health and safety policy of the employees and workers. A separate Medical section and sufficient Doctor, Medicine & others operational equipment is present here. The doctor and his experience and background in occupational health problems has been employed to coordinate and implement a detailed and adequate training program conducted for workers in occupational health to ensure health and safety policy for all workers in the factory.
Disaster Management plan: It has been observed that the fire is the major risk factor for the garment factory. So the safety of the factory workers and the factory it self has been considered in a priority basis. The factory has fire Fighting, Risqué management team, first Aid management team, fire evacuation plan, fire alarm & heat detector system, emergency alarm system, smoke detector, sufficient number of fire extinguishers, fire fighting equipments, wide scale staircases. For ensuring regular practice of fire evacuation both announced and unannounced Fire Drill is conducted at least once in a month.
Other Provision: Beyond the above, the AUTOKnit Wear Ltd. also full provision of pure drinking water, toilets, first Aid boxes, Child care center, dining hall, medical center with full time Doctors Facility etc.
Health and Safety Policy
Lime-Washing and Painting: The interior walls, ceilings, passages and staircases of the factory are clean, dirt free and properly painted. Floor is clean and painted with Epoxy.
Health and Safety Policy
Cleanliness : Whenever dirt and refuges are accumulated, these are swept by the cleaner at once, from the floors and passages. The floor is cleaned at least once in every week by washing and house keeping of whole work room is done once in a month, using detergent and disinfectant where necessary. Record of this cleanliness is maintained in a Register, as prescribed by local laws.
Infestation: There are hardly any chances of staying of infest at the work space as cleaning is done regularly. Even though these comes from outside seasonally when excessive humidity and temperature takes place and during winter. These are taken care with various anti infest items in regular interval. In the toilets Phenol are used daily. Around the work space Aerosol is used regularly. At night around the window side anti-insect bulb are lighted and dark curtain are used so that light doesn’t attract insects from outside. At an interval of six months, with the help of Pest Control organization whole factory space are sprayed with pest control liquids and vapour to kill all alive infest and larva.
Wastages and Effluents : There are small disposal of fabrics cut pieces and loose threads that usually accumulated in the factory and once in a month it is disposed off through local vendor. They (vendor) crashed all cut pieces into cotton for various domestic uses, which is environment friendly. There is nothing effluent in factory floor. Effluents of latrines usually drained to under ground safety tank. Waste water (from wash room) drains has been constructed maintaining sufficient slope so that nothing can be accumulated on the floor and there is no bad smell.
Ventilation and Temperature : The factory floor is equipped with sufficient number of ceiling fans. North South and East side of the floor surrounded by wider window which provide proper ventilation and circulation of fresh air. Natural fresh air from the south swept over the whole floor and keeps the temperature reasonably comfortable for workers therein.
Lighting : Glass fitted wider windows are available which provide enough natural light as south side is being unobstructed. Glass at windows is kept clean on both the outer and inner surfaces and free from obstruction as far as possible. In addition to the natural lights, the factory floor is lightened with tube light sets having reflectors with that to intensify the lighting which is sufficient and suitable for work place and passages all over the work place and passages. Level of illumination is more then 600 lax in the working area.
Drinking water : There is sufficient volume of fresh natural pure drinking water preserved in jars kept at convenient place on the floor and marked “DRINKING WATER” in English and Bengali. The water jar’s usually washed with normal water, hot water, detergent etc and record of wash is maintained. After wash refilling is done with fresh water and purified with Water Purification Tablets and recorded.
Spittoons: There are sufficient numbers of spittoons kept at every entrance of the factory. These are filled with dry and clean sand and covered with a layer of bleaching powder on top of it.
There are total 19 separate toilets available for male and female workers. The toilet floor and wall is tiled and having hygienically proven sanitary system. Each toilet is provided with supply water line also equipped with cistern flashing system to wash down the pan/commode. Toilet/urinals are being cleaned once everyday with different types of liquid cleaner. Sufficient lighting systems are available inside the toilet. Toilets are fitted with industrial exhaust fans to accelerate the flow of fresh air. Human disposals drained out to under ground safety tank. This safety tank has been constructed according to design of local public environment policy , health and safety policy
The screw press dewatering machine is integrating with auto-control cabinet, sludge thickening & dewatering body liquid collection tank. Therefore, the high efficiency flocculation, continuous sludge concentration, dewatering and filtrate collection can be automatically completed all-in-one, the collected liquid will be reflux or emissions finally.
Application of Dewatering Screw Press:
Dewatering screw press is used for municipal sewage petro-refining, leather making, printing and dyeing paper, coalification dressing, biochemical biochemical pharmacy, steel pickling and chemical sugar, food processing etc.
Dewatering Screw Press
Advantages of Screw type Activated Sludge Treatment:
Low operation cost: below 30% of belt press and 10% of centrifuge.
Power saving: less than 6% of centrifuge required for activated sludge treatment process
Water-saving: less than 0.1 % of belt filter press.
Saving-drugs saving around 60%.
Compact: saving more than 60% of the investment for dehydration room.
Non clogging: handling the fiber sludge perfectly for activated sludge treatment process.
Features of Screw Dewatering:
Very simple processing,
Very low investment in system,
Energy efficient for dewatering
Activated sludge treatment
System can be programmed to make the operation more convenient and accurate
Different flocculating that make sludge dewatering easier
Uniform and accurate dispensing, saving costs
Flowchart of Dewatering Screw Press:
The process of dewatering screw press –
Flowchart of Dewatering
Soleenoid valve
Dry powder
Elec-control box
Polymer flocculants
Design pump
Measuring tank
Flocculation tank
Again Elec-control box
Screw Conveyor
Sludge thickner
Equipment of Screw Press Dewatering:
The equipment’s of screw press dewatering are listed below –
Counter seizing grate cleaner
Spiral screen
Circulation toothed harrow mid cleaner
Dosing system
Spiral conveyer
Sand separation
Solution preparation system
Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process:
When the machine starts running, the activated sludge tank treatment and disposal system is pushed into the filter cartridge from the feed inlet and then transfer to the sludge cake passage under the pushing of the helical axis blades. Because the gaps among the helical axis blades will gradually getting narrower, the sludge is undering heavier pressure. After that the water slowly comes from it as a result of burden differential and issues from the filtering space between the fixed plates and the moving plates. Trusting on the self cleaning functionalities of the stable plates as well as the moving plates block can be well avoided. At the end, the sludge treatment and disposal cakes are pushed by helical axis after being completely dewatered and then discharged from the outlet.
ETP Wastage Management Policy:
Applicable for:This policy is applicable for all the units of Auto Group.
Objective: The objective of this policy is to ensure proper management or disposal of wastages
Basis: To maintain clean and tidy workplace organizations need to properly manage its wastages and get rid of those. As Auto Group produces readymade garments, it produces lots of fabric wastages and worn out machine parts which required to be disposed properly. To address this issue and establishing a formal written guideline this policy has been formulated.
Policy: In broad category the wastages are classified in 4 categories which are –
Scrap fabrics & accessories wastage
Sludge from ETP
Soled waste
Defective products
The wastages which are sellable must be sold to the buyers based on bidding and that amount should be contributed to the Worker Welfare Fund. In case of hazardous and toxic wastages, proper disposing procedures will be followed to ensure health safety. Workers should be given training so that the rate of fabric wastages and defective products are lowered.
Regulations & Procedures: In case of disposing scrap fabrics and accessories wastages the steps which should be followed are as bellows –
Production department will gather the fabric and accessories wastages
Items should be weighed and chart should be maintained based on their categories and quantities.
Operation department will arrange bidding for the potential buyers and sale the wastages to the highest bidder and the amount should be contributed to the Welfare Fund (WF).
ETP sludge disposal –
The sludge which is being produced from ETP should be gathered and stored properly in containers or barrels.
These containers should be stored in a separate storage area rather than the places which are being used for storing other kinds of wastages.
Sludge should be taken away by government for treatment and landfilling.
Regulations and procedures for dealing solid wastes are –
Tube lights, electric item wastes will be charted and kept in separate area for disposal. These items should be returned to suppliers for recycling.
Worn out machine parts will also be gathered all together then charted and stored properly. These items should be sold to the scrap metal purchasers or to light engineering workshops (Dholaikhal).
Paper and wood wastes will be shredded and stacked. These will be given away to concerned parties for recycling.
Plastic items, office items should also be weighed and stored and later sold to recycling agencies.
Regulations and procedures regarding defective products –
In case of having defective products (garments) the labels should be removed at the first place, then those will be charted and contained.
Merchandisers will try to bring foreign stock lot buyers for buying the defective garments or those will be sold to local market for domestic consumption
Responsible Parties: Management will be responsible for deciding selling off the defective garments.
Merchandisers will be responsible for getting foreign stock lot buyers
Admin department will be responsible for storing wastages properly.
Operation department will be responsible for getting buyers and selling wastages
CSO will ensure security while selling wastage items
Communication & Implementation: The policies are to be communicated to all levels of management through regular and repeated discussions during meetings and implemented and followed up on accordingly.
The policy is to be published in the policy book, so it will be visible to all the employees. A Bangla version of the policy will be provided to the junior factory level staffs and workers.
Exceptions: Exceptions must have the prior approval of MD or management.
Feedback & Control: Factory heads will check whether all the wastages are properly being collected and stored. Also he will ensure transparency was maintained in the whole wastage disposal procedure.
Principal of Dewatering Screw Press:
The filter main part is formed by screw axis with fixing and moving plates overlapping. It dewaters adequately by the gravity and the power from back pressure plate during the process of propagation, the filter comes out form the space between fixing and moving plates, the sludge cake discharged from the discharged outlet.
Application of Dewatering
Rational model should be selected according to technical parameters
How to fix hard water is a major question of water treatment or water purification process. Water hardness test is a process of removing undesirable chemicals, materials and biological contaminants such as suspended particles, dissolved particles, iron content, bacteria etc. from contaminated water. Most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water) in the world but water purification may also be designed for variety of others purpose, including meeting the requirements of medical, pharmacology, chemical, textile and other industrial applications. A typical water treatment procedure for industrial use : Sand Filter, Duel media filter, Multi grade filter, Oxidation chamber, activated carbon water filter resin water filter, water softener hardness setting, Reverse osmosis system is used when it is required to remove TDS in large extent. Depending on hard water data treatment scheme is designed to submit economical offer to ensure desired quality of treated water.
Sand Filter:
Sand filter is the primary step of WTP- water treatment process for collecting pure water system from water hardness. Sand filter remove water substance from water. Sand filter remove iron from hard water and it is used for water purification. This is very old technique so at present it is not developing broadly.
Sand Filter
Types of Sand Filter :
There are three main types.
Rapid sand filters
Up flow sand filters
Slow sand filters
Maine use of pressure Sand filter:
To reduce the suspended solids very rapid level
To remove the odor
To get crystal clear water in outlet
To reduce the turbidity
Activated Carbon Water Filter:
Activated carbon water filter is a method of filtering that uses a bed of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities, using chemical adsorption to provide pure water systems. The activated carbon water filter is most fruitfull at removing chlorine, sediment and volatile organic compounds from water from water hardness. This process of activated carbon water filter remove water hardness by water hardness test
Activitated Carbon Filter
Resin Water Filter:
Resin water filter is widely used in different separation, purification, and decontamination processes which remove water hardness from watersoft. Resin water filter works like sandfilter.
Rasin Filter
Water Treatment Process gives pure water systems from water hardness
How do Water Softeners Work:
Water softener hardness setting is an ion exchange technique by which hardness of water is removed to supply pure water. Ion exchange is the process of water softener hardness setting to supply pure water system. This water softener hardness setting process of ion exchange will continue until all available exchange sites are filled at which point the resin is exhausted and must be regenerated by suitable chemicals.
Soft Water Store Tank :
This is a tank where soft water is stored after softner filter.
Total hardness
0.02 n edta solution
Conical flask
X ml of sample
2-3 drops ammonia buffer solutions
Pinch of drops of eriochrome black-t
Sample vs 0.02 n edta solution
Pink color changed to sky blue
Titration value ×0.02 ×50×1000
X ml of sample
X ml
Titration value
Calcium hardness
0.02 n edta solution
Conical flask
X ml of sample
2-3 drops 1 n naoh solution
Pinch of muroxide indicator
Sample vs 0.02 n edta solution
Pink color change to purple
Titration value ×0.02 ×50×1000
X ml of sample
Titration value
Calculation- ppm
Magnesium hardness
Total hardness – calcium hardness – ppm
Total alkalinity-methyl orange alkalinity
0.02 n sulfuric acid solution
Conical flask
X ml of sample
2-3 drops methyl orange indicator
Sample vs 0.02 n sulfuric acid solution
Golden yellow to red orange color
Titration value ×0.02 ×50×1000
X ml of sample
Titration value
Phenolphthalein alkalinity
0.02 n sulfuric acid solution
Conical flask
X ml of sample
2-3 drop of phenolphthalein indicator
Appearance of pink color
Sample vs 0.02 n sulfuric acid solution
Disappearance of pink color
Titration value ×0.02 ×50×1000
X ml of sample
Titration value
Calculation- ppm
0.02 n sodium hydroxide solution
Conical flask
X ml of sample
2-3 drop of phenolphthalein indicator
Solution is colorless
Sample vs 0.02 n sodium hydroxide solution
Appearance of pink color
Titration value ×0.02 ×50×1000
X ml of sample
Titration value
Calculation- ppm
Free residual chlorine
0 .025 n sodium thio sulfate solution
Conical flask
ml of sample
5 drop of 100 % acetic acid
Pinch of potassium iodide
2-3 drops of starch indicator
Solution turns blue
Sample vs 0 .025 n sodium thio sulfate solution
End point
Disappearance of blue color
Titrate value x 0.025×35.45×1000
X ml of sample
Titrate value
A x 35.45
B x 17.7
C x 8.8
0.027 n silver nitrate solution
Conical flask
5 ml of sample
4-5 drops of potassium dichromate as a indicator
Sample vs 0.027 n silver nitrate solution
Yellow color to brick red
Titrate value x 0.027×35.45×1000
X ml of sample
Titrate value
Delivery Pump :
Soft water is sent to different section like dyeing and washing from soft water store tank. To ensure smooth running of both process and machinery distribution of water to the system has to be at the right quantity and the pressure. Water Treatment by means of reverse osmosis requires high pressure and accuracy. Regulation must be a fast and smooth response to change in operating conditins – e.g. Clogging. In order to meet this we have developed a unique mix and match approach – for example customized pumps that can handle high inlet pressure.
ETP is stand for Effluent Treatment Plant. It is used in sewerage and wastewater system. ETPS is very important for Garments and Textile Industry. ETP purify waste water comes from different industry like textile, garments, ternary, pharmaceuticals etc. The industrial effluent treatment plants involve different stages of treatment including physio chemical treatment and biological treatment flowed by tertiary treatment. ETP reduce the cost of environmental control, the principal activities undertaken by Ministry of Environment and Forest consist of protection of environment, in the framework of egislations directed by the United Nations Environment program (UNEP)
List of Equipment for Common Effluent Treatment Plant :
Bar screen
Collection Tank cistern
Equalization Tank
Flash Mixer with Polymer
Biological Oxidation Tank
Bar Screen :
Bar screen are very well matched for removing suspended and floating coarse from wastewater such as weed, reed and rags. Bar screen is first step of etps – effluent water treatment process.
Bar Screen
Feature of Bar Screens:
Heavy accumulation of screening managed easily water pollution,
No moving parts permanently under sewerage
It is the process of cistern,
Confident engineering use bar screens
All unit easily accessible for lubrication of bar screens.
Collection Tank:
It is primary tank where wastewater stored from different section like dyeing, washing, knitting, finishing etc. Wastewater treatment plant is same meaning of effluent water treatment process.
Collecton tank
Equalization Tank for Effluent Treatment Plant in Textile Industry :
After primary mixing, the liquor passes to equalization tank by mixing of effluent from various process takes place
Equalization tank
Polymer Mixing Systems :
In flash mixer alum works upon sludge so that postponed solids settle down in etps. A polymeric material having a large number ion exchange sites. Generally polymer mixer is general system which is used in ETPs as flocculants and on some occasions as coagulants. Polymer mixing systems can be classified in 3 types e.g. cationic, anionic and nonionic polymer mixer.
Biological Oxidation Tank:
Echo system installed here. It is the last process of biological oxidation. ETP system use biological oxidation system, physical and chemical treatment process. Industrial water treatment and water recovery is the process for good environment.
Acid dosing pump of PP construction
2 nos (1W + 1S)
Fine Bubble Vertical Diffusers.
600 nos
FBBR Random Bio-Media
Effluent Feed Pumps (With motor and accessories)
2 nos. (1W + 1S)
Secondary Clarifier Mechanism and FRP Well.
1 set
Sludge Re-Circulation Pump.
2 (1W +1S)
Motorised Rotary Bar Screen
2 Nos.
Motors for Blowers
5 nos
Electro coagulation skid
3 nos (2W + 1S)
Polymer dosing pump of PP construction
2 nos (1W + 1S)
Flash mixer
1 set
Effluent Feed Pumps
4 nos (2W +2S)
HRSC Clarifier Mechanism and FRP well.
1 set
Screw pump
2 nos.
Filter press
1 no.
PH indicator & controller
1 no.
Level controller
4 nos
Temperature indicator
2 nos
On-Line DO meter
1 no
Inverter for Effluent Pumps
2 nos
Inverter for Aeration tank Blowers
2 nos
Lab Accessories
1 set
Digital TDS meter
1 no
Digital Portable pH Meter
1 no
Digital Portable DO Meter
1 no
ETP panel with PLC and D.C. pulse Power controller from CROSBY Controls, UK., Inverters and control Accessories.
3 sets
Screw press dewatering is better than general effluent treatment plan.
There are many types of ultrafiltration and water treatment plant design industries that use water in production process. At the end of production process water is contaminated and become useless unless it is treated. The contaminated water is called waste water or effluent. The effluent is discharged to the nature by water treatment plant design the effluent should be treated for ecological existence. The effluent water treatment plant design may be chemical or biological. Initial investment of chemical process is low but running cost is more than in the biological treatment process that requires high establishment cost. Treatment procedure is selected considering customer’s affordability and availability of required land.
Sewage Sludge Method:
The activated sewage sludge process, ulta filtration, nanofiltration, sewage sludge, electrocoagulation process are biological technique of wastewater treatment that is accomplished by a variable and mixed community of microorganisms in an aquatic environment. These microorganisms reach energy from carbonaceous organic matter in aerated wastewater for the production of new cells in a process known as synthesis during simultaneously releasing energy through the conversion of this organic matter into compounds that contain lower energy, such as carbon dioxide and water in a process called respiration.
Activated Sludge Process:
The activated sludge process consists by several functions such as solid liquid, sludge thickening, sludge de watering and sludge disposal.
Activated Sludge Process
The following equipments are manufactured by confident engineering for activated sludge process.
Sludge Thickener
Filter Press
Hydro Extractor
High Rate Solid Clarifier
Sludge Management
Fluidized bed Reactor:
Fluidized bed bioreactor eliminates hydrocarbons and BOD/COD in contaminated water. Oxygen transfer is used with a large protected biofilm attachment area for achieving high removal rates.
Fluidized Bed Reactor
Fluidized bed reactor is very easy to test influents and adjust biological parameters for maximum efficiency. The features of fluidized bet reactor is given below –
Fluidized bed reactor incorporates neutrally.
Fluidized bed reactor increases the effectiveness of the biological treatment process
Nanofiltration for Salt Recover:
Subsequently there are many raw materials are lost in the waste stream ending up in the environment as pollutants. When the other polluting components are treated with different treatment method mentioned in this article, the salt remains same in the effluent resulting in high TDS.
Advantages of Nano Filtration System:
Using nanofiltration and ultrafiltration technique 97% pure NaCl solution is obtained from the waste water.
Hardness less than 8 mg/L using nanofiltration process
Compliance of TDS value of less than 2000 mg/L is achieved as per Pollution control norms
Quicker Repeatability of Dyeing process using nanofiltration process
Improved repeatability of yyeing using filtration,
Electrocoagulation Process:
Electrocoagulation process is the latest technology successfully installed in developing countries. The main advantages of Confident electrocoagulation process are given below. Electrocoagulation process of water treatment is the technique of destabilize.
Electrocoagulation Process
The electrical current provide the electromotive force to drive the chemical reactions and it reactions are driven or forced, the elements.
Ultrafiltration System:
Ultrafiltration is effective reverse osmosis system. Reverse osmosis system is the available option for re cycling and reuse of waste water.
After the fruitful ETP and pretreatments the final outlet water is fed to the Reverse osmosis membrane system which gives the permeate more than 95% salt rejection.
Low cost after applying ultrafilter process
Bacteria removal up to 99.98% using ultrafiltration process.
Waste Disposal Policy of activated sludge process
Agreement to sale scrap–
The agreement to sale will be made with the concerned party in presence and understanding of GM Finance and GM Stores.
The agreement should be of a minimum period of 1 year and allowing reviewing the prices as and when required.
Rates –
These will be decided as per the agreement to sale mentioned above.
GM Finance and GM Stores to ensure than maximum possible items have been covered with rates mentioned under the aforesaid agreement.
Segregation of Scrap –
The decision to dispose of activated sludge process will be taken collectively by CFO, GM Finance, GM Stores and GM Security & GM Admin.
Once the decision to sale / disposal has been taken the scrap collected should be segregate in the presence of the following people :
Representative from Security and Security Chief.
Representative from the Finance Department.
Representative from Maintenance Department.
Representative from Stores Department.
The Segregation of activated sludge will take place so as to ensure that :
activated sludge process which can be reused for some other purpose are taken out and stored (proper place decided by GM Stores)
Value wise – The items with high value to be monitored carefully and discussed whether they can be reused.
Sale / disposal of activated sludge process – The sale of scrap can take place at any time depending on the amount of scrap collected. However, GM Store must ensure that this Sale or disposal of scrap takes place minimum once a month.
The decision on sale or disposal will be made in concurrence with the discussion between GM Finance and GM stores.
During the process of sale / collection of activated sludge . GM Stores and GM Admin to maintain the hygienic conditions of the area where the scrap is stored. They will also ensure that scraps which can hamper the environment viz. Chemical scrap etc. are disposed off with proper care and method.
GM Finance to ensure that proper permissions have been taken from relevant authorities for the sale and disposal of scrap.
Procedures before allowing scrap to go outbound –
The disposal material will not be allowed to go out of the factory gate before the following procedures are done:
The activated sludge has been properly packed and loaded to ensure that it would not offload in transit.
The amount as calculated for Sale of scrap has been paid or agreed to be paid in certain period by the Scrap buyer. Approval of Finance Department required.
GM Stores / Security will issue a Gate pass and allow the vehicle to leave the factory premises only after the approval of Finance Department has been received.
GM Security and GM Admin shall ensure that no other material should be mixed with the scrap being sold. Also, they should be satisfied that only the goods as agreed to be disposed off have been loaded and nothing else.
Documentation –
Records for disposal of scrap to be maintained at least past one year by Finance department and a counter copy to be maintained by Stores.
Records should contain the quantity and rate at which each item was sold // quantity of each item disposed.
Records should contain Full details viz. Name, address etc. of the party by whom the scrap has been disposed off.
Advantages of Ultrafiltration System:
The advantages of Ultrafiltration system is given below-
Permeate water TDS is less than 100 mg/L, Hardness Nil, pH 6-7 in Ultrafiltration system
Online Dosing of Anti calant, anti-oxidant and Acid using ultra technique for ultrafiltration
[1]Md. Saiful Islam.Confident Engineering India Private Limited,
678 /1, kurichi village, Madukarai Road, Sidco industrial Estate Post ,Coimbatore – 641021 Tamilnadu, INDIA.
Email :confidentindia@gmail.com
[2] Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web: www.autogarment.com, Email: autogarments@gmail.com, Cell# 017 92 52 53 54.]