First Aid Medicine Kit for Garments Worker. Child Care

First Aid Medicine Kit for Garments Worker. Child Care

First Aid Medicine and Kit

First Aid Medicine – Injured personnel must receive prompt first aid treatment of their injuries by designated, qualified first-aiders. Where there is any suspicion of internal or skeletal (and especially spiral) injury, the person should not be moved unless he is in danger of further injury and then only after his neck has been stabilized using an adjustable cervical collar…

  • Small Volume Perenteral Products like 1ml ampoule to 20 ml ampoule filling facilities. first aid training not provided by doctor but other trainer e.g. sr. executive ..
  • Large Volume Perenteral Products: we are able to produce 100ml to 200 ml infusion bottle. trained first aid personnel on each production floor not sufficient
  • Lyophilized Injectables: we have a (180 sqft) 100 class area for this type of product manufacturing. N.B another 3000 sqft for further extension.
  • Injectables (Cephalosporin) :
  • Dry fill – range about 50mg to 1.5g/single dosing. We sale Garments Quality Control Inspection Report Software


First Aid should be administered to stop bleeding and ensure breathing while professional medical assistance is summoned. In cases where lesser injuries are involved, the person may be moved to a safe place for the administration of first aid. The special treatment of injuries caused by frost-bite or cold burns, as well as chemical burns, must be applied immediately.

  • Normal Low and high dose Tablet.
  • Effervescent tablet and granules: we have a low humid granulation and compression suite like 22 ±50c temperature and RH 25 ± 5%, which is specially designed for this type of sophisticated drug delivery system.
  • Chewable tablet.
  • Chewable gum tablet.
  • Dispersible Tablet.
  • Flash Tablet.
  • Orodispersible tablet like ibuprofen.

Capsule :

  • Solid in Hardgel.
  • Liquid in hard gel.(Substitute of Soft gelatin Capsule)

Oral Liquid Line :

  • Liquid line equipped with fully cGMP complied automatic Filling, sealing, and labeling machine, capable to produce 15ml with 200 ml fill volume.
  • From this line we are capable to manufacture all types of solution, emulsion and suspension

PFS line (Powder for suspension) :

  • We have fully automated PLC controlled PFS filling and sealing line which is also cGMP complied.
  • There is a specially designed dehumidified bottle holding area, where we kept the bottle for 24 hours before filling the PFS.

Sachet Filling Facility’s (SFF):

  • ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt).
  • no accident record kept with root cause identification
  • factory does not have nurse/paramedics/full time doctor for ambulance room covering ALL worked hours incl. OT and excessive OT (Bangladesh requires full time doctor at all times, not just nurse or paramedic)
  • vehicle not on stand-by for hospital trip
  • AIDS training not conducted with newly recruited or current workers
  • Single served PFS (Powder for suspension) .
  • Regular vitamin and mineral supplement (Zinc, Vitt A, Vitt D3, Vitt C,Folic Acid, Iron etc. premix), for 2-6 years old children.

Ointment and Cream :

  • There is a dedicated area for Ointment and cream, where we can produce laminated and collapsible ointment.
  • less than 1 first aider per floor per shift provided
  • first aiders are not well trained, certification and training not kept up to date or not available
  • first aiders are not wearing identification (e.g. uniform, armband or badge)
  • first aid boxes not filled sufficiently and not checked regularly
  • first aid boxes kept too high
  • list of medicines inside not posted on the outside of the box
  • first aid boxes not easily visible when on the floor
  • Eye and Ear ointment can also be prepared in this area.

Eye Drop :

We are also capable to produce sterile eye drop.

Taste Masking of API :

We can produce taste masking Bulk of bitter tasted API like Cefuroxime Axetil by Spry Chilled technique (Micro spheres of stearic acid). We have another technique of taste masking, like microencapsulation or powder coating.

Pellets: We have pellets manufacturing facilities. By   which we can produce the following pellets:

  • NPS ( None perial seeds)
  • Ferrous Sulphate TR pellets.
  • Ascorbic acid pellets.
  • Ascorbic acid SR pellets.
  • Folic acid pellets.
  • Carbonyl iron pellets.
  • Vitamin-B complex pellets.
  • Nicotinamide Pellets.
  • Diclofenac SR pellets.
  • Zinc sulphate pellets.
  • Omeprazole Pellets.
  • Lansoprazole Pellets.
  • Esomeprazole Pellets.
  • Paracetamol Pellets.
  • Iron Polymaltose Pellets.
  • Ciprofloxacin micro capsule and pellets.
  • Azithromycin micro capsule and pellets.
  • Erythromycin pellets.
  • Cefuroxime Axetil Pellets
    auto first aid kit

Child Care

  • wash facility i.e. toilet and sink not provided in child care room
  • child care room found near generator room causing excessive noise levels amount of toilets/urinals per male and female workers is not as per law
  • no doors or curtains at toilet cubicles to ensure privacy
  • no slippers provided in toilet area
  • wash facility missing in toilet area


If caustic soda should come into contact with clothing or the skin, the person affected should run instantly to the nearest water shower and drench the clothing and skin freely, then release the rubber hose of the irrigator from its clip and drench the clothing or skin freely with Boric Saline Solution. The contaminated clothing should be removed and the underlying skin again drenched.

These actions will neutralize the caustic and will, if done quickly enough, prevent a caustic burn from taking place or at least prevent one which may have occurred from becoming deeper.

A sterile first aid dressing should be applied and the person sent to a doctor at the first opportunity.

In order to prevent burns, the most satisfactory precaution it to insist on the use of protective clothing.


To ensure that there are sufficient qualified first aiders on site and to enhance their abilities both at work and home.


  • Liaise with QSE Department and have at least 5% of the work force trained.
  • Post he names of the first aiders in strategic areas i.e. guardroom etc.
  • Place copies of certificates in file 5.16
  • Ensure that expiry dates of certificates are checked so to keep the first aid trained persons current.
Top 100 Compliance Articles for a Factory

Top 100 Compliance Articles for a Factory

Compliance Articles

We sale HR Solutions and Employee Management Software for RMG

What is Environmental Legal Register

What is Environmental Legal Register

Environmental Legal Register

This environmental legal register summarizes the main environmental legislation as it applies to the activities products and services of the Auto  Group. Read more electronic document management system

The objective of this document is to provide guidance to the officials of Auto  Group regarding the environmental legislation that may be applicable during the normal execution of their duties. It should be noted that this register is not a compendium of all environmental legislation and officials are advised to obtain clarification from the environmental services directorate regarding environmental legislation should there be any doubt regarding the Auto  Group. `Obligation should questions regarding the interpretation of legislation as summarized in this document arise, then the reader is advised to consult the original legislation. Copies of policies, bills, acts and regulations can be obtained from the office of the senior executive (environment): Environmental Management Systems

The inclusion of draft legislation in this register has been kept to minimum in order to maintain the focus of the document on existing legal obligations. This register includes a summary of the main environmental bills and some proposed regulations published before 2011 . The exclusion of policies, white papers and draft bills from this register does not imply that are not applicable or that they may or may not result in additional legal obligations for Auto  Group.

 Please Take Note:

The facility is in the process of updating its by – laws. Some of the by – laws included in this legal register might have been slightly changed incorporated in to other bylaws.

Emergency Incidents

Section 30 provide for the control of “emergency incident” which could cause potentially serious pollution or detriment to the environment. The responsible party is obliged to remedy the effects of the incident. The relevant authority (the local authority in the first instance) must direct the responsible parties to contain, minimize and remedy the effects of the incident or to undertake these measures themselves and claim responsible costs from the responsible party. A verbal directive must be confirmed in writing within 7 days. A relevant authority must prepare a comprehensive report on the incident and the report must be made available.

Applicability to Auto Group/Required Actions

Auto  Group have a dual obligation in terms of this section. In the event of an emergency incident which was potentially detrimental to the Environment, caused by one of Auto  Group employees, they have the responsibility to:

  • Report the incident to the relevant authorities (the provincial environmental authority);
  • Contain & minimize the effects of the incident and clean up;
  • Remediate any damage that may have occurred;
  • Take measures to prevent the recurrence of the incident. In the event that an incident occurs, Auto  Group are obliged to direct
What is Methods of Waste Management Procedure

What is Methods of Waste Management Procedure

Methods of Waste Management

Purpose & Scope:

Method of Waste Management  – This procedure details the system to be followed in order to ensure that all industrial wastes generated by the Auto  Industry Ltd. Are managed and disposed of in an environmentally safe and correct manner in accordance with statutory and company requirements. Another achievement in current Accord is establishing OHS committees in factories and Accord is conducting OHS training programs in these factories to secure functionality of committee which plays a key role during remediation plan process and keeping fire and building safety standards in factories. So far 160 factories approved for H&M have joined Wastage  OHS committee training program.

Method of Waste Management  Responsibilities:

We have observed good improvement in Bangladesh RMG industry through Accord initiative. Though good improvements have been made, there are still some issues to be remediated. It is the responsibility of the EMS Team to ensure compliance with this procedure.

Auto  Industry Ltd. Environmental Manager Representative has the day-to-day management responsibility for the administration of waste management and disposal. This includes general commercial/industrial waste and special waste.

Canteen wastes if any are classified as household waste and are collected by the local authority with no administrative requirements.

It is the responsibility of the EMR to ensure that all personnel in their areas of responsibility are aware of the waste disposal provisions and familiar with this procedure and regulations.

All personnel are responsible for ensuring wastes are stored correctly, in the designated area/corner or drums.


It requires specialist knowledge, availability of international safety equipment and the necessary technical know-how. Due to this reason H&M has decided to continue with Accord to secure completion of 100% of remediation plans; at the same time, we also we would like to ensure that a competent national regulatory body takes over the responsibility of implementing fire and building safety standards in Bangladesh RMG industry.

Waste is defined in s75 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 as:

any substance which constitutes a scrap material or an effluent or other unwanted surplus substance arising from the application of any process

any substance or article which requires to be disposed of as being broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled (except explosives)

anything which is discarded or otherwise dealt with as if it were waste

The 1994 Waste Management Licensing Regulation 1994 also introduced the term” Directive” waste i.e. waste as defined by EC Directive 91/156/EEC on Waste. This term has now replaced the UK term of “Controlled” waste.  However, the broad categories of waste still stand:

Household waste: waste from a domestic property, caravan, residential home, educational establishment, hospital or nursing home.

Industrial waste: waste from a factory etc.., and includes construction and demolition wastes.

Commercial: waste from premises used for a trade or business or of the purposes of sport, recreation or entertainment.

Special: comprising wastes which may be dangerous to life or health as fully defined by the control of Pollution (Special Waste) Regulations 1980 (Note: these regulations are anticipated to be replaced during 1996 with new definitions in line with European requirements).

Identification and Labeling.

As a waste producer, Auto  Industry Ltd. responsibilities do not cease once a waste contractor has removed waste. Under the Duty of Care established by the 1997 Environmental Protection Act, Auto  Industry Ltd. has a statutory responsibility to ensure contractors are competent, that waste is disposed of properly and that adequate records are kept.All wastes must be identified and classified correctly, in accordance with the definitions provided above. Where further clarification is needed, consult legislative sources and request guidance from environmental protection Act. Never dispose of waste if not clear of the classification.

All waste storage areas on site must be clearly designated and labeled. Where appropriate, waste storage areas should be secure, covered and contained.

All waste storage areas must be marked and in labeled on a site plan.

General Waste

Gneral waste segregated area marked is available at each place. These are located to the front of the loading/unloading area in the designated and labeled area.

These places are for the disposal of general, non-hazardous wastes only and must not be used for:

Chemical wastes

Solvent wastes

Other special wastes

General waste skips will be removed for disposal when necessary. The EMS Team is responsible for initiating and coordinating collection and replacement of skips.

Hazardous Waste

The hazardous waste storage compound is located to the site and must be used to store all wastes which are classified as special or are otherwise not suitable for disposal in the general waste skip, e.g. liquids, difficult wastes.

Hazardous wastes which should be stored in the compound include, but are not limited to:

Drum storage of Solid waste such as drawing sludge

Miscellaneous oils from maintenance and vehicle activities.

Special wastes must be identified and stored separately from other wastes within the hazardous waste compound. EMR will be responsible for ensuring the correct

Classification and management of special wastes generated in their operating area. The HSE Manager, as necessary will provide expertise support.

Inspection of waste  storage Areas

The EMR must conduct weekly inspections of the waste storage areas and of the site in general, to identify any wastes stored properly in accordance with regulatory requirements and this procedure.

Management of Waste Contractors

All registration and licensing documentation must obtain from waste contractors and maintained indefinitely by contracting, prior to establishing a contracting agreement.

Treatment and disposal facilities owned or used waste contractors’ must be inspected within a six months of having first use the facility. Thereafter, inspections must be conducted annually. The EMR is responsible for conducting these inspections, with assistance from corporate, provide as necessary.

Where a facility fails an inspection, the EMR shall request corrective action from the facility. If corrective action is not completed to be satisfaction of the EMR or if it is felt that the facility represents a significant liability to Better Packaging. The EMS Team shall ensure that the facility and/or waste company is “black-listed”

Waste Targets and Minimization Opportunities

All Transfer and Consignment Notes data on type of waste, volumes, disposal routes and costs must be entered onto a spreadsheet database for tracking waste generation this database will be managed by the EMR, with assistance provided by the Accounts department.

The EMR will use the information in the database to identify performance targets, including opportunities to reduce waste generation.

The EMR will report annually to the Production Manager on waste management performance, in terms of:

Sources of waste

Types  of  wastes

Monthly volumes of waste, according to source/type/disposal route

Achievement of performance targets.

Awareness and Training:

Comprehensive in-house training must be provided to Managers, assistants and supervisors by the EMR and refresher courses given annually.

General awareness training must be provided to all appropriate staff by EMR.

Each dept. Manager is responsible for maintaining training records and coordinating future needs with the EMR (e.g. refresher training, new staff induction).

Changes in legislative requirements must be communicated to staff as soon as practicable.

Method of Waste Management  Documentation

Disposal of the solid waste are documented and record maintained in the solid waste register.

All waste records are maintained properly and retained for the statutory length of time by the EMR.

Weekly inspection must be recorded in written form identifying date and all non-compliance noted (if any). Corrective action is identified in this report, together with costs, responsibilities and dates of completion. Conformance action are documented and kept with the original non-completion reports for Method of Waste Management

Top 100 Compliance Articles for a Factory

Minor Non Conformance for Technical Audit

Non conformance

To ensure that Non Conformance fabrics, accessories, packaging material and sleeping bags are promptly controlled and reviewed by authorized person and to ensure appropriate disposition of the non-conformity. 

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure any non-conforming products are either repaired or taken out of the manufacturing process as to ensure they do not reach the customer.. 

All non-conforming fabrics, accessories, packaging material, in-process products and sleeping bags. Disposition of Non-conformity: Action to be taken to deal with an existing non-conforming entity in order to resolve the non-conformity.


The Production Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the reason the non-conformity has appeared is corrected before any further products are manufactured and that previous products from the operation do not contain the non-conformity. 

  • Identification and segregation of non-conforming materials and products
  • Any non-conformities found in the manufacturing process by an operator is clearly marked by a coloured sticker. Taking action to eliminate the detected non-conformity
  • Authorizing the use, release or acceptance by a relevant authority or by the  customer. All repairs are handed back to the Production Supervisor who checks that the repair is adequate to conform to specified standards.
  • Taking action to preclude its intended use or application
  • Pre-identified non-conformities that reach the end of the line are placed into the non-conforming container where they are checked through by the designated auditor and sent back for repair. Maintaining record.
  • Implementation
  • All in-coming fabrics, accessories, packaging materials and sleeping bags will be nspected as per applicable guideline.
  • Segregate and store the in-coming materials which do not meet the established specifications with YELLOW marked board identifying their non-conforming status.
  • Generate Non-conforming Material/Product and submit to the General Manager.
  • Record the in-process cutting non-conformance in the Parts Inspection Report ecord the in-process non-conforming products identified during the checking in he Sewing
  • Record the finished non-conforming products in the Finished Goods Inspection The non-conforming products will go for rework and record shall be maintained in the Defect Repair Re
  • After finished the re-working process the re-work quantity and type of defects are recorded in the Finishing Inspection Report
  • If a lot of products are found non-conforming at the final inspection the lot will be  re-inspected and record shall be maintained in Non-conforming Material/Product Report (F-
  • If a non-conformance is found during the out of sewing or shipment audit it is sent back for repair if it cannot be repaired it is rejected.  If the out of sewing batch fails the whole batch is rescreened and any non-conforming products taken out Factory profile
  • Industrial fan must clean and maintained with checklist.          …
  • In front of inspection table to be kept with Ok box, Reject box, and alter box.
  • All toilets must clean with check list.
  • All electrical channel / DB board must clean and covered.
  • Packing room and finished cartoon room must restrict and all workers must have identification.
  • Finished cartoon should be on pallets in finished cartoon room
  • The suppliers’ performances were not reviewed at least annually for the Lap Dip Delivery & Approval performance and testing performance data.
  • There was not clearly marked and dedicated quarantine area for the material storing before inspection and testing.
  • No in-house colour fastness testing and records were made for the fabrics in receiving checking.
  • The light box was not calibrated. Second, it was placed in the 2nd floor and not easy for the IQC to conduct colour validation. 3rd, the client approved colour standards were not provided onsite when the IQC checking the fabrics.
  • There was not a clearly marked quarantine area to holding the trims waiting inspection and testing in receiving.
  • The trim inspection rate was only defined for AQL system and they did not require the inspector to check at least one sample from every box, roll or bag for the quality checking. And also no requirements to require have 10 samples from each box, roll or bag for the quality checking if the multiple trims packed together.
  • Some of the cutting blades were not stored in secure area when not using. Second, no records were made for the blades’ replacement.
  • Some packaged goods were placed very close to the wall and they were placed on the floor directly. There were some tables in the packing & finished goods storing warehouse and the tables was dirty while some un-packaged products were placing on the tables.
  • The factory formally used AQL 1.0 for all defects inspection in Pre-Shipment sampling checking. But, the Tesco requirements were AQL0, 1.5 and 4.0 for Critical, Major and Minor respectively.
  • The ‘Seconds’ finished goods were not clearly & individually identified with fault category or reason. No regularly analysis of the amount and type of ‘Seconds’ was made.
  • The pins and staples were not restricted in the production floors. Some of them were found in the metal free zone and packing areas.
  • No KPI for shipment and customer satisfaction were measured and monitored by managements for continuous improvement.
  • The Emergency Product Withdrawal procedure did not have clear procedure to handle. How to report to Tesco and How to fully identify and recall all of the products affected, including in production, warehouse and shipped out.
  • Factory to define incident and key personnel to understand what incident means. Relevant corrective action procedure to be established and used.
  • No technical training records were kept.
  • Internal audit policy & procedure was not available in the factory.
  • Suitable pest prevention. Records to be available to proof prevention taken.
  • Calibration procedure for testing/measuring tools to be established and documented. All relevant est & measuring equipment (incl. testing gram weight) to be calibrated & uptodate and readily accessible incl. tension tester, measuring tapes etc. Records must be available to document calibration and calibrated equipment must be labelled with date of calibration and result as well as next date of calibration.
  • Any on site lab equipment to be calibrated including washing machine and light box and records to be available for review.
  • All calibrated equipment to be labelled and to have calibration logo and valid calibration certificate.
  • Written environmental policy to be established.
  • Insufficient formal procedure to ensure management of environmental matters like reducing wastage use of energy, recycling of wastage material etc.
  • Record working hours accurately and ensure wages and working hours comply with law. Factory to understand issues with subcontractors and ensure workers are not exploited. Contracts to include hours of work and rest breaks.
  • Payroll is not showing OT separately nor does working hour records.
  • The factory didn’t establish social accountability system for their subcontractors.
  • Water cups found on workstations.
  • Factory to provide ear plugs in areas of loud noise.
  • Jute room need clean and segregated by material.
  • Spot removing room equipped with PPE (Musk, eye guard, globs)
  • When a Quality Auditor finds non-conformity the traffic light procedure comes into effect.
    Metal/ Needle detector report with calibration record.

Managing Director shall review the in-coming non-conforming materials and give disposition decision. If required, situation of non-conformity of in-coming materials will be discussed with buyer or buyer representative and disposition will be taken as per   buyer/buyer representative decision. Production Manager shall review cutting non-conformity and give disposition decision. Review and disposition of finish products will do as per management decision. Action In-coming non-conforming materials will disposed as per decision of the Managing Director or buyer/buyer representative as directed in Non-conforming Material/Product  Disposition of in-process sleeping bags will be re-worked.

Disposition shall be recorded in appropriate form. If any non-conformity is identified after shipment of the sleeping bags, Managing Director shall notify to buyer immediate via e-mail, fax or telephone. erform disposition of the product as per buyer’s decision. rrange an investigation to find out impact and take further action as per Quality System Procedure for


Any non-conformances found in packing are placed into the non-conformances Bin that is collected at various times throughout the day and taken to the recovery area. If the garment cannot be repaired to customer specification, it is de-tabbed and processed for outside disposal.

What is Safety Toolbox Talks?

What is Safety Toolbox Talks?

Safety Toolbox Talks

-Safety Toolbox Talks – Many Retailer/brand members of Auto  have agreements with their supply chain to have immediate visibility of audit data whoever owns the audit, however the auditor will always proceed on the basis that the information belongs only to the audit payee unless informed otherwise.The objective of the talk is just to overview the hazardous tasks as well as making the workers aware of all these. For this purpose a small group known as Safety Circle was formed.

Job: Change of V-belts from cooling tower.

List of critical steps of this job

  • Permit to work must be issued during this sort of job,
  • Working at height rules will be applicable to this job,
  • Proper tools to be used,
  • Loosen the motor base from the fan pulley base,
  • Remove the V-belts and insert the new ones,
  • Always replace all the 03 belts at a time,
  •  No material should be thrown from above.


As circulating oil in the machine is very hot, heat resist container must be used to collect oil. Leather hand gloves and face shield must be worn. Oil collecting point valve to be opened very slowly.


Describes the normal ownership of audit information and highlights the importance of obtaining ‘audit release’ information from the supplier site if the customer /interested others expect to see details.

The party who pays for the audit would normally be assumed to be the audit owner.

The audit owner (normally the supplier site) is in control of access to that data, and the Auto  system supports this process in ensuring that the supplier site is able to decide who should have visibility of their audit information.

If there are other authorised third parties who are entitled to view the audit details with the agreement of the supplier site, the auditor must ensure they have a documented release statement before audit data is released to parties other than the payee.

Scissor/ Cutter must be tied with machine/ table so that it does not fall on the ground causing unwanted accident.

The ropes used to tie such tools must not be more then 26” long.

All Scissor/ Cutter users should attached their name to the cutter/ scissors.

In no case knife/ needle to be used without tide on the floor.

All workers of sewing machine must use musk.

Every one has to abide by needle policy formulated for MIM Design Ltd.

Needle of all idle machines to be untied and deposited to the needle man.

In no case operators workers should preserve extra needle in their position.

Controlling policy of tag gun in finishing floor is as under.

The name of the user must to clearly written on the tag gun.

Needle of the tag gun must be covered and deposited to secured place after use of Safety Toolbox Talks.