Question: How to check unique content in google search engine?
Answer: Input your text that you want to check into ” “ and hit enter. e.g “football is the best game”
Question: How can I understand my site is indexed or not in google search engine?
Answer: Go to google search box and type and hit enter. As a result you can all URL list here. You can see total number of result
Question: How can I check back link from google search engine?
Answer: Go to google search box and type and hit enter. As a result you can all URL list here. You can see total number of result
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How to Submit Your Query
Dear Sir/Madam I am trade agent and contract committee products sourcing company. We have a mandate to search for reliable exporter or supplier, to handle contract to supply bulk quantity of White Plain Round Neck T-Shirts. Please confirm if you can handle the contract which will be 1 Million Pcs( One Million Pcs), for a period of 12 months. More details will be given to you after you confirm your interest to handle the contract. Send your full company details, prices and specification. Quantity of White Plain Round Neck T-Shirts, 1 Milion Pcs. Thanks and best regard. XYZ
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An Example shown with below screen
Rules for Fashion Guest Post (Free)
Minimum 1000 words for each article
An unique original image
No Backlink facility
Relivent article
Gaming and Sexual content will not publish
Rules for Fashion Guest Post (Paid)
$20 for Nofollow link
$50 for multiple Nofollow link
$100 for dofollow link
$200 for per link for sponsord post. you need not to write content for this option
$300 for Gaming Nofollow link
$500 for Gaming Dofollow link
More than 500 words for each article
Unique images require
Sexual content will not publish
Payment Methods
Wire Transfer in Bangladeshi Bank (1st Choice)
Paypal (2nd Choice)
Offer from Customer
I get frequent offer form customer. Examples are show below –
Hello. My name is SSS. Our company would like to cooperate with you. Could you tell us, is your site available for guest or sponsored posting? Or maybe some other article advertising? We are owners of some sites in tech niche and we would like to post an article with a permanent do-follow link on your site. If you are interested in our proposal, please, tell us your working conditions and prices. Thank you for your time, we waiting for your answer.
Hi, I need high quality 2019 websites for Paid guest posting Websites , I need the below niches, 1) Education 2) Technology 3) Health 4) Home Decoration 5) General Theme 6) Travel 7) Sport 8) Casino 9) website-building 10) antivirus software 11) games 12) and Other all Niches 13) Except Lone Site 14) Fitness 15) Food
DA 50+ CF 20+ TF 20+
Please tell price for 1 post and also tell for bulk Order i.e. we are company and we need guest posting services on regular basis, the one with best offer will get long term orders I’m sure.
Waiting for your Reply,
My name is James XYZ and I’m a blogger and content writer. I came across your site ( ) today and was really impressed by the content that you published. If possible I’d like to write a sponsored post, similar to your past content. With that in mind I’d like to ask: 1. Are there any terms and conditions for submitting a sponsored post/Guest Post to your website? 2. What are the charges for publishing the sponsored post?Let me know if you’re interested. Best regards, xxxxxx
Hello, How’s it going on today? I know you probably get a ton of emails from startups looking for your expertise. So, I won’t make it long. I was checking out some of your other posts and noticed that you published fantastic content since the beginning of your site. It got me thinking: I would love to be your guest author with an interesting topic that may help your audiences! I can send you the topics I have in mind if you are open to a new guest author. I look forward to hearing from you. Either way, keep up the great work! Thanks
Hi Guys, I’m a new reader of your site. I’m writing to you because I’d love to contribute a guest post to your website. Are you still accepting them? I’ve been brainstorming some topics that I think your readers would get a ton of value. Would you want to check the title?
Hi , I have been following your blog – for some time and I enjoy what you do here. I was wondering if I could contribute a guest post on your blog. I promote content for some good brands also.Platform like yours is a good fit for high quality and informative content for your audience. I would like to cover topics that are very much relevant to your blog. In case, you need some review fees, let me know. I do not have a generous budget but I can afford a small amount if needed. I really look forward to your positive reply. If you manage any other quality blogs, please share them as well. Thanks a lot for your time. regards,
Hi, I am xxxx Strategic Partnerships Manager at eeeee. I would like to build a long-term working relationship with you that can benefit us both. Our firm will need a Do Follow backlink from your website for which I’ll pay via Paypal or Payoneer. I’ll send you plagiarism free, high-quality articles that are relevant to your blog. You don’t even have to include any sponsored tags. Please let know if you would be interested in working with our firm. Feel free to ask if you have any query. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards,
Thanks for your quick response. Is it possible to link back from an existing post? Of course, it will be relevant and almost natural. I’ll pay $10 for that. Is it okay with you? Best Regards,
Honorable sir, I am professional blogger and want to publish my posts on your site. So, please let me know what would you charge me per post? Terms and conditions: Article will be unique and length 500 – 1000 words Link will be do-follow and permanent Article will be related to seo, essay writing, technology, your site niche and etc. If you are interested in any other niche let me know
Hello there, Hope you are doing well at Are you currently accepting guest contribution? If so, I would be happy to write one for you. I’ll try to pay you an editorial fee for the dofollow links. Please let me know the details and I’d be happy to get started the right way.hanks for your time. Kind Regards
Hi, My name is rrrr. I hope you’re doing well and having a great day. I am a blogger outreach and I find your site really good for my clients so I really want to post an article on your website with a Do-Follow link. We would only provide you with unique and high-quality articles that are relevant to your blog and you don’t have to include sponsored tags. We want a long term relationship for mutual growth. If this is something you’d be interested in doing, I will pay you Via Paypal or Payoneer. Kindly reply to me because your concern is important to us. Kind Regards,
Hi I found your website while stumbling the internet and found it very interesting. I hope you are already doing great. You have some amazing categories on your website like “Garments” & “Embroidery”. I would like to contribute as a guest blogger to your website. My guest post will be a good addition for your readers. If you are interested. Please let me know the topics you would like or I will send you the suggestion suited best to your website. Thanks in advance. As a gesture of gratitude please also let me know if I can do something for your website. Have a great day. Regards,
Hello, I mentioned some titles below. Please select the Title which is best for your page. 1.Facts you should know about casino game development 2.3 Secrets to spy Kik clone app messages via android phones 3.Five hacks That You Shouldn’t Know About Kik Clone Appwhat is e-commerce and what is the importance of e-commerce? 5.Merits and Demerits of casino game developers 6.Marvelous 7 tips to play casino game 7.7 Benefits of game development 8.5 Tips for Making an awesome Casino Games Even Better 9.5 Best Mobile Apps for Game Development 10.5 Myths About Game Developer Thank You. Regards,
Hi There, I am writing because I would like to contribute to your website. My name is iiii and I am the Content Manager and a blogger focusing on health and automotive. I know you are busy, so I won’t take up too much of your time. I would like to write an article for your website and I’m more than happy to tailor this article to your specifications and ideas. Would this be of interest to you? The article I write for you will contain useful references. However I would really appreciate a link back to our main website. Please let me know if we can work together. Best Regards,
Hi, I’m interested in any available opportunities to advertise on your website via sponsored content? This could be in a form of a quality blog post matching your website topic. We’d like to insert a link to an iGaming related site within the article along with some others to reputable sources. Is this something you are interested in doing? If so, please let me know the details or forward me to your sales department. Appreciate it!
Hello! We are looking for a sponsored posting opportunity on The article we will send you will contain a link to . We will write a good, relevant to your site article, So if it’s possible, please send me your answer. Thank you. If you ready for publishing articles with links to gambling or adult/dating site. We have a few. It’s the right way to make some money.I am waiting for your answer. Regards
Hi, Hope you are doing well. We want to submit a Press Release for our sign making software to your website. Please download the attached press release and image. We would be very grateful if you could publish it on your website or social media.Thanks and Happy holidays!Best regards
End Rules for Fashion Guest Post Free and Paid Option
Hope you are doing Great!
My name is SSSand I’ am Marketing Manager in PEERR Firm. I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now, and I love your content and the topics you share with your readers on your site Such a great blog and I do appreciate your insights and thoughts.
I noticed that you have a few opportunities for Paid posting. I’m interested in contributing content to your blog.
The Articles which I will be providing you will be 100% Unique, Copy Scape Protected. Please let me know if you are interested in this. We will discuss topics and charges.
Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.
Let me know what your views.
I’m Jahan. I would like to introduce myself as a blogger. I’ve been an enthusiast reader of your blog on a regular basis.
I loved your incredible insights that you provide to your readers. It struck me that my contribution to this niche would be appreciable.
So it would be great to feature on your blog. I would like to know whether you are interested in a sponsored post.