Dismissal Letter of A Factory

Dismissal Letter

This  refers to the show cause notice issued to you on  26/02/2018  against you for collecting  & carring on money lending  on duty  with other employees .As the Management did not find your reply to the show cause notice as satisfactory, a constituted committee enquired in to the matter on February  27 , 2018 wherein you were given full opportunity to defend  yourself against the charges.

The  enquiry committee after cross- examining   the concerned witnesses ,found you guilty  of  the charges (a)Continuous absence for more than 10 days  without permission and satisfactory cause of absence.b) Collecting or canvassing or the collection of any money within the premises of the enterprises/company/factory for any purpose not approved by the company. c)Carrying on money lending or any other private business within the premises of the factory /company.BEPZA Instruction no:1 of 1989 section 1

According  to your statement wherein  you have pleaded guilty of the offence and as per the report of the inquiry committee and decision of  the management ,you are here by dismissed from the service with immediate effect.You may ,therefore collect your dues(if any) from the Accounts Departments.

Yours truly,


Other Letter

This refers to your telephonic quotation in connection with the above mentioned subject.It is our pleasure to issue this work order for repairing our above Micro the terms an d conditions stated below.

a) Opening rear & front brake wheel blending & adjusting

b) Repair & newly replace Acceletor plance

c)One Acceletor plance

1)No amount will be given in advance.Only after supply of above genuine spare parts ,we

shall pay within 7 days upon receipt of bill.

2) Our drivers will take delivery of above spare parts from your shop.

If  you are agreeable with the above terms and conditions,please sign the duplicate of this work order as a token of acceptance.

Transfer order

It  is here by  notified  for information  of all  concerned that  the Authority  has decided to transfer the following  personnel  in the manner shown below  keeping  her existing pay scale intact.

Termination letter.

Dear  gg

This is to inform you that Management no more requires your service with us. Accordingly today onward you are terminated from our company.

You have to collect your all dues from Accounts dept. with immediate effect.

Yours truly,

For Auto Garments Limited

Letter of Warning and Explanation

Letter of Warning.

A letter was issued to you to explain your absenteeism and late attendance habit. From the review of your explanation it was decided that your excuse was not least acceptable. However I considered you for that time thinking that you will become punctual and respected with company rule. But with great regret I followed that you became careless from past. You are continuously doing absent and late comer without any concerned permission.  It is nothing but the reply of the previous letter that you are ignoring your reporting cannel and the existing office rule. It’s became gone to a extreme habitual absenteeism or late attendance behavior which is totally unacceptable.

Your reporting concern also still in dark about your problem if any or you are ignoring them. Without any proper excuse such practice is treated as misconduct.

In view of the same, you are being warned for last time to be responsible with office rule, otherwise drastic official action could be occurred against you.

Letter of Explanation

From the review of last three months of your job card we have seen that you are commonly irregular in office. It’s gone to a habitual absenteeism or late attendance behavior which is out of the rule of office management. You have ignored the office circular which was delivered to the all staffs regarding attendance in office at due time. Your reporting concern also still in dark about your problem if any. Without any explanation such practice is treated as misconduct.

In view of the same, you are said to submit a written explanation within 3 days on receiving the letter to the undersigned, why management not take an official action against you?

Extension of Confirmation

We are sorry to inform you that, your performance during your probation period was not satisfactory. Your probation period has been extended by another 3 (three) months. Now your confirmation will be due on 1st October 2013upon satisfactory performance.

We are sending the assessment form attached herewith as observed by your appraiser.

Exit Interview of an Employee/ Workers


Employee Name:


Division Job Title:

Hire Date Separation Date:

1. Why are you leaving Autogarment ?

2. What circumstances would have prevented your departure?

3. What did you like most about your job?

4. What did you like least about your job?

5. What did you think of your supervisor on the following points:

.                                              Excellent Good Fair Poor

Was consistently fair ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Provided recognition ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Resolved complaints ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Was sensitive to employees’ needs ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Provided feedback on performance ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Was receptive to open communication ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Followed Autogarment policies ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

6. How would you rate the following:
.                                                    Excellent Good Fair Poor

Cooperation within your department ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Cooperation with other departments ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Personal job training ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Equipment provided (materials, resources, facilities) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Company’s performance review system ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Company’s new employee orientation program ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Rate of pay for your job ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Career development/Advancement opportunities ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Physical working conditions ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


7. Was the work you were doing approximately what you expected it would be?

Yes No


8. Was your workload usually: Too heavy ( ) About right ( ) Too light ( )

9. How did you feel about the employee benefits provided by the company?

.                            Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion

Paid holidays ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Medical plan ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Sick leave ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Leave encashment ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Service benefit ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

10. Would you recommend the company to a friend as a good organization to work for?

Most definitely ( ) With reservations ( ) No ( )

11. What suggestions do you have to make Autogarment a better place to work?:

Human Resources Division Employee

Import Documents Template Instructions

Import Documents Template Instructions

General Instructions:

A separate template exists for both the Carter’s brand and the Oshkosh brand. Vendor populated cells are Blue in the Carter’s template and Yellow in the Oshkosh template. These instructions apply to both templates.

The templates include the following spreadsheets:

  • Full Package Document Guide
  • FCR
  • Bill of Lading / Airway Bill (scanned doc-if needed)
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Commercial Invoice Page 2 (If needed)
  • Packing List
  • Packing List Page 2 (If needed)
  • Multi-Country Declaration
  • Single Country Declaration
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Quota Charge Statement
  • Textile Export License (scanned doc)
  • Evidence of Receipt (scanned doc)
  • Government Issued Country of Origin (scanned doc)
  • Certificate of Compliance

Put the following information in the designated area of first page (this will follow through on consecutive pages):

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Phone Number
  • Company Fax Number
  • Company E-Mail Address

Certificate of Origin:

If this is not a government required document for the country of origin then please list all PO’s on the same certificate of origin. This will reduce paperwork.

  • If Government Issued Country of Origin scanned documents will need to be added
  • Certificate of Compliance Letter
  • For each style produced for Carter’s, the factory MUST complete and submit a Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
  • Procedure for Completing the Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
  • Factory must completely fill out the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) to include the below information
  • Style Number
  • City & Country of Origin of the specific factory that produced the garment
  • The lab that tested the style to ensure compliance
  • The completed Certificate of Compliance along with all of the test reports supporting the passing results of each of the above federal requirements
  • Confirmation that the submitted CoC satisfies the proper requirements MUST be received by the factory from Carter’s BEFORE the style can be loaded for shipping for the first time.
  • After confirmation is received, the Cargo Ready Date (CRD) must be added to the certificate as the date manufactured.
  • This date will be different every time a style ships.  You do not have to send to Carter’s for confirmation each time.  We only need to confirm accuracy once per style per season. However, you must send the CoC with the different date to coc@carters.com each time you ship that style.
  • The completed CoC MUST accompany the shipping paperwork with the style since it will be required by Customs before a style can be received into the country.

More Guide Line

  • Use only the tabs/spreadsheets that are required by your company for the shipment. For example, you will not need to use both the Multi-Country & Single-Country Declaration for a shipment.
  • When e-mailing the scanned documents you must reference the corresponding ESPS number in the subject line of the e-mail. This will allow Schenker to link with the correct document template.
  • Insert electronic signature on all pages as necessary.  Please keep these to a 15K maximum file size as to not make the entire invoice file too large.
  • Currently the only original documents required are TPL certificates for qualifying CAFTA shipments. If trade laws or US Customs regulations should change requirements in the future you will receive revised instructions from Carters/Oshkosh Customs Compliance.
  • All subcontractor factories must use the Import Document Template.  Please forward this instruction listing and the template to them as well.  Also provide them with all necessary e-mail addresses.
  • When sending scanned docs, please ensure that you use a scanning software package that is supported by Microsoft Windows 95 or greater. This will ensure that Carters/Oshkosh and our Broker will be able to open and work within the documents.
  • Email these documents no later than 2 days after ocean shipment departs or 1 day after air shipment departs to ensure timeliness of Import Documents arriving to the broker for pre-clearing.
  • When you e-mail the template docs for a shipment please use the ESPS number as the Subject Line of the e-mail. This will allow Carters/Oshkosh and Schenker (our broker) to trace & organize the documents.
  • Certain cells have been locked for your protection.  You will only be able to enter into designated cells (Blue-Carter’s, Yellow-Oshkosh).  Invoice number, AWB number/Ocean B/L number, ESPS number, Date, Country of Origin and Shipped Via data entered on the Commercial Invoice will carry over to other spreadsheets automatically.
  • Set up all spreadsheets (tabs) to print on 8.5 x 11 inch paper & fit all information on one page if possible. You may use more than one page if required; please ensure that there are not any columns/rows that overlap on another page.  Please set your page breaks accordingly

Scanned Documents:

5 documents must be scanned and inserted into the template. They are:

  • FCR
  • Bill of Lading (ocean shipment) or Airway Bill (air shipment) – (If required)
  • Textile Export License w/Visa stamp (if required)
  • Evidence of Receipt
  • Government Issued Country of Origin (if required)

Document Guide:

Check X in the box for each spreadsheet completed for the shipment. This will help ensure that all required documents are completed and there will be no shipment delays.

Commercial Invoice:

  • Please enter multiple Purchase Orders on the same Commercial Invoice page.
  • Garment data on the Commercial Invoice must be complete and include the following: Lot number (Oshkosh only), Style Number, PM number (if applicable), PO number, Component Number (if applicable), Gender, Description, Fiber Content, Knit/Woven, Construction Type (stitches per CM if knit), HTS number (10 digits) and Quota Category.
  • ESPS ASN# when using multiple ESPS numbers, key a slash between numbers
  • Actual Manufacturing Name & Address on Commercial Invoice spreadsheet must be the name and address of the factory that actually produced the goods.
  • Country of Origin on Commercial Invoice spreadsheet must match the address of the Actual Manufacturing name & Address.
  • Ship To location must be the correct warehouse location for the shipment.
  • Carter’s template only – insert the correct buying agent name in the Agent Statement section.

Packing List:

  • Fill in appropriate Lot number (Oshkosh)/Style number (Carter’s), Color, Size, PO#, Description, Quantity/carton for each carton.
  • Include Net Weight, Net-Net Weight and Gross Weight for each carton. Include carton measurements in inches or CM this should match information on the actual carton.
  • Include total dimension of all cartons in CBM’s – lower left of spreadsheet

Multi Country Declaration:

Ensure that form is filled out by appropriate personnel who have knowledge of the manufacturing & processing.

Single Country Declaration:

Ensure that form is filled out by appropriate personnel who have knowledge of the manufacturing & processing.

CTPAT Checklist – Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

CTPAT Checklist

As part of Carter’s/Oshkosh’s participation in, and commitment to, the C-TPAT program, our manufacturers are required to take necessary steps to develop and implement a sound security program to protect against terrorism. To help us evaluate our supply chain security we ask that you complete this Security Profile.

Access Controls

Unauthorized access to the shipping, loading dock & cargo areas should be prohibited. Controls should include:

  • An employee identification system must be in place for positive identification and access control purposes.
  • Employees should only be given access to those secure areas needed for the performance of their duties.
  • Procedures in place to control the issuance, removal, and changing of access devices.
  • Visitors must present photo identification for documentation purposes upon arrival. All visitors should be escorted and visibly display temporary identification. Security personnel must adequately control the issuance and removal of identification badges.
  • Proper vendor ID should be presented for documentation purposes upon arrival.
  • Procedures in place to identify, challenging, and address unauthorized/unidentified persons.

Personnel Security

Application information, such as employment history and references, should be verified prior to employment.

  • Background checks and investigations should be conducted for prospective employees and periodic checks and reinvestigations should be performed.
  • Procedures in place to ensure that all information used in the clearing process is complete, accurate, and protected against the exchange, loss, or introduction of erroneous information.
  • Procedures must be in place to ensure that information received from business partners is reported accurately and timely.
  • Procedures in place to ensure cargo is properly marked, weighed, counted, and documented.
  • Procedures for detecting and reporting shortages and overages.
  • Procedures for tracking the timely movement of incoming and outgoing goods.
  • Procedures to notify customs and other law enforcement agencies in cases where anomalies or illegal activities are detected or suspected by the company.

Security Training and Threat Awareness

Security training and threat awareness programs should be in place. Programs should include:

  • A threat awareness program should be established and maintained by security personnel to recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists at each point in the supply chain.
  • A security awareness program is provided to employees including recognizing internal conspiracies, maintaining product integrity, and determining and addressing unauthorized access. These programs encourage active employee participation in security controls.
  • Additional training should be provided to employees in the shipping and receiving areas, as well as those receiving and opening mail.

Information Technology

Systems should have security to prevent unauthorized access. Controls should include:

  • Automated systems must use individually assigned accounts that require a periodic change of password. IT security policies, procedures, and standards must be in place and provided to employees in the form of training.
  • A system must be in place to identify the abuse of IT including improper access, tampering, or altering business data. All system violators must be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions for abuse.

Physical Security

  • All buildings should be constructed of materials, which resist unlawful entry and protect against outside intrusion. Security should include:
  • Perimeter fencing should enclose the areas around cargo handling and storage facilities.
  • Segregation and marking of international, domestic, high-value, and dangerous goods cargo within the warehouse by a safe, caged, or otherwise fenced-in area.
  • Gates through which vehicles and/or personnel enter or exit must be manned and/or monitored.
  • Parking area for private vehicles should be separate from the shipping, loading dock, and cargo areas.
  • Buildings must be constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry.
  • Adequate locking devices for external and internal doors, windows, gates, and fences.
  • Adequate lighting provided inside and outside the facility including parking areas.
  • Internal/external communications systems in place to contact internal security personnel or local law enforcement police.

Container Seals

A high security seal must be affixed to all loaded containers bound for the United States. Controls should include:

  • All containers bound for Carter’s & Oshkosh in the U.S. are sealed with a high security seal that meets or exceeds the current PAS ISO 17712 standard for high security seals.
  • Written procedures exist stipulating how seals are to be controlled and affixed to loaded containers. These include procedures for recognizing and reporting compromised seals and or containers to local authorities or U.S. Customs.
  • Only designated employees have access to seals.