TESCO Technical Audit Document list

TESCO Technical audit Document

  • Factory rules (including induction training programme for new joinees)
  • Employment records with Age proof or doctor certificate; labour contract
  • Any workers union; workers committee (welfare; fire safety; discrimination & harassment)
  • Training Program, Training plan, Training records (induction training, On-job training, Needle/ Sharp Tools control training, Fire prevention training, Health and Safety training, etc)
  • Quality Manual (including quality policy)
  • Document control procedure (Relevant law and Regulations control procedure)
  • Management review procedure and Management review reports of the most recent 2 months
  • Internal lab facility to check minimum buyer requirements (like gsm; shrinkage; etc) & procedures
  • Risk Assessment (Pest/ Glass/ Scissors/ Blades/ Needle/ Awl/ microorganism/ Heavy metal/ Blood stain/ fustiness etc) and Key controlling point procedure
  • Glass control procedure (including testing equipment dial plate, tube light, window glass, etc)
  • Equipment and machinery list, equipment maintaining procedures, plan and records
  • Metal detection procedure and sharp tools control procedure (broken needle, band-knife broken blades, trimmers, scissors, hand sewing needles, etc
  • International and national Product safety Law and Regulation (if applicable)
  • Research and Design & Development control procedure (if applicable)
  • Supplier selection; Approved supplier list; Evaluation of supplier and Purchasing order
  • Supplier approval procedure and supplier assessment reports
  • Certificate of analysis of Raw materials (fabric; button; zippers, etc)
  • Fabric / In-line / Final Inspection procedure and reports
  • Non-conforming / rejected products control procedure
  • Procedure and reports for Corrective action taken (including supplier assessment; internal audit; in-process and customer complaint handling etc)
  • Customer complaint handling procedure and records
  • Customer requirements; specifications and approved sample in all the places (production supervisor; QC)
  • Business License
  • management structure chart/ Organisation chart
  • Building permit (Building stability certificate) / Fire service inspection certificate
  • ISO 9001/ ISO 14001 certificate or other certificate
  • wastes (Solid wastes; sewage, gas) discharge permit, Environment inspection certificate
  • Production Flow chart
  • International / national standard and requirements (MIL STD 105-E = AQL level / measurements tolerance / fabric inspection procedure [if applicable] for each and every buyer requirements)
  • Pest control procedure and records of baits usage
  • Metal detector (where applicable) calibration procedure and calibration records
  • Broken needle. Needle replacement controlling procedure and records (atleast the most recent one year records for garment factory)
  • Button pulling test report (for garment factory)
  • Product release procedure for all the department (knitting, dyeing, finishing, cutting, sewing, QC control, ironing, packing, final inspection) and records
  • Definition of “Incident” and “Product Recall” Procedures.
  • Test equipment calibration equipment claibration ure for all the department (knitting, dyeing, finishing, cutting, sewing, QC control, ironing, packing, fiprocedure and records (weighing machine, GSM cutter, measurement tape, etc) – Internal or external calibration records)
  • (if applicable) Sub-contractor assessment procedure and records (embroidery, printing, washing, etc)
  • (if the factory has canteen facility) Hygiene permit and Health certificate
  • SEDEX membership
  • Independent 3rd party ethical assessment reports.
  • Fire drill records and Fire escaping procedure
  • Employees health check records and accident records
  • Medical staff certificate & contracts (if any)
  • Environmental policy; Environmental objective and Assessment reports
  • Work environment cleaning procedure and plan
  • Personal Hygiene standard (to be added with induction training programme itself for new joinee)
  • Job responsibilities of each level of staff

List of required Documents for factory Evaluation.

  • Training schedule & record (Job training /Health & Safety)
  • Internal audit record
  • Disposal policy/record
  • Quality Manual
  • Needle/Blade Control register
  • Customer Feedback
  • Factory Profile
  • Factory Organo-Gram Chart
  • QA department organogram chart
  • Factory work follow chart/Manufacturing flow chart.
  • Test equipment record
  • Rejected/Faulty goods record/Register
  • Complete order executing flow
  • Inline inspection & corrective action plan
  • Pre final/Final inspection system & record
  • Machine maintenance record
  • Calibration record (Metal detector/Measuring tape/other measuring equipments)
  • Total work force
  • Production record
  • Machinery List
  • Fabric Inspection report
  • Shade band/GSM/Shrinkage test record

HRM Officer Job Description

HRM Officer Job Description

Under policy guidance of Central (HRM) and supervision of the concerned factory head within the limit of Auto  Group of Industry’s policies, procedures & practices; the purpose of the position is to deal with of all facets Human Resources Management (HRM) of the factory.

Position Responsibilities :

  • To Participate in factory Opening and Closing as per roaster by Factory Management.
  • To arrange – conduct – process worker’s Recruitment & Selection as per set Recruitment & Selection Policy & Procedure.
  • To process / Up-date Age Estimation papers by the Director.
  • To issue Appointment letter to the factory workers Properly as approved by the Management.
  • To issue the new worker’s Time card and Register them to the Attendance Registers.
  • To issue / distribute worker’s Time card / Proximity / ID cards & maintain corresponding Register.
  • To prepare “Daily Attendance Report” in coordination with IT Officer and forward them to factory Management. Send another copy to Central HRM department regularly.
  • To compile data / Information about factory’s working hours, prepare the list accordingly.
  • To check / verify exact number of O.T. work being done as per requisition made.
  • To maintain all data, records papers in relation to Recruitment & Selection, Wages, O.T. and allowances.
  • To coordinate Factory Accountant for preparing worker’s “Wages & O.T. Sheet”.
  • To maintain workers “Resign List” and “New Recruitment List” for every running month and send those to Central HRM Department by 22-25th day of the running month.
  • To process, prepare & maintain the worker’s Personal File with all related papers as up-dated.
  • To maintain spontaneous coordination with concerned Admin & Compliance personnel, Accountant, IT Officer and HRM Labor Relation Manager / Officer & Officer (Welfare & Counseling).
  • To maintain following Books, Registers, Lists & Files in a timely manner: –
  • Recruitment Register.
  • Attendance Registers.
  • Leave Registers.
  • Maternity Leave Register.
  • Employee Hand Book Issue Register.
  • Proximity / ID Card Issue Register
  • Personal Files.
  • Attendance / Time Cards.
  • Total Personnel List.

And any others assignment given by the Management from time to time.

Human Resource HR Manager Job Responsibilities

HR Manager Job Responsibilities

  • Implement and monitor the company HR plan and policies in the factory and provide full and professional HR services to the factory.
  • Prepare, plan and implement a recruitment and selection program in line with the Group’s policy and procedure.
  • relations, communication as well as grievance handling issues.
  • Ensure congenial IR (industrial relations) environment in the factory and provide appropriate advices while dealing with workers’ representatives.
  • Develop and update compensation and benefits structure of the factory and undertake all related activities as per the Groups’ policy.
  • Take on proper leave management system in the factory.
  • Maintain Organogram as per company policy.
  • Carry out performance management of employee.
  • Implementation of local law.
  • Develop new valuable customer to ensure sustainable business growth.
  • Conduct audit according to buyer’s code of conduct & local law. (Ethical Standard/ Social Compliance Audit, GSV/C-TPAT Audit, Technical Audit & Environmental Audit)
  • Prepare CAP, adaptation, follow up & submit to buyer.
  • Monitor to ensure all business licenses of the company.
  • Comply buyer’s code of conduct (COC).
  • Communication with buyers and other internal and external stakeholders.
  • Handled development project of buyers for compliance sustainability.
  • Coordination with significant department to ensure compliance.
  • Coordinate and organize the monthly compliance meeting.
  • Conduct monthly internal compliance audit and take corrective measures on audit findings considering sustainable development.
  • Perform audit at sub-contract factories.
  • Carry out buyer’s business and technical compliance visit in the factory.
  • Ensure proper health & safety provision in the factory.
  • Monitor welfare activities of employees.
  • Monitor to ensure discrimination, harassment & abuse free work place.
  • Conduct and monitor the compliance related training.
  • Carry out the risk assessment and obtain corrective measures.
  • To promotes healthy labor management practice and safe environment.
  • Make sure compliance of the employee dormitory.
  • Ensure sustainable compliance of the company.
  • Develop new valuable customer to ensure sustainable business growth.
  • Ensure environmental compliance of the business unit.
  • Implementation of local law.
  • Monitor to ensure all business licenses of the company.
  • Conduct audit according to buyer’s code of conduct & local law. (Ethical Standard/ Social Compliance Audit, GSV/C-TPAT Audit, Technical Audit, Environmental audit).
  • Prepare CAP, adaptation, follow up & submit to buyer.
  • Ensure proper application of company policy, code of conduct and rules and regulation.
  • Ensure proper application of buyer’s code of conduct (COC).
  • Communication with buyers and other internal and external stakeholders.
  • Coordination with significant department to ensure compliance.
  • Conduct and monitor the compliance related training.
  • Handled development project of buyers for compliance sustainability.
  • Carry out organization development program in terms of compliance
  • Coordinate and organize the monthly Compliance meeting.
  • Prepare budget and different monthly reports on Compliance and take corrective measures.
  • Maintain compliance Organogram as per the company policy.
  • Evaluate trend of company Industrial Relations environment through relations build up with employees and generate essential reports to ensure healthy labor management practice and safe environment.
  • Carry out employee performance management of compliance dept.
  • Conduct monthly internal compliance audit and take corrective measures on audit findings considering sustainable development.
  • Perform audit at sub-contract factories.
  • Carry out buyer’s business and technical compliance visit in the factory.
  • Ensure proper health & safety provision in the factory.
  • Monitor welfare activities of the employees.
  • Monitor to ensure discrimination, harassment & abuse free work place.
  • Carry out the risk assessment and obtain corrective measures.
  • Implementation of local law.
  • Conduct audit according to buyer’s code of conduct & local law. (Ethical Standard/ Social Compliance Audit, GSV/C-TPAT Audit, Technical Audit & Environmental audit).
  • Prepare CAP, adaptation, follow up & submit to buyer.
  • Ensure proper application of company policy, code of conduct and rules and regulation.
  • Ensure proper application of buyer’s code of conduct (COC).
  • Communication with factories, corporate office and buyers.
  • Conduct internal compliance audit at respective factories & subcontract factories.
  • Prepare report on internal compliance audit and submit to the authority.
  • Analysis all reports and find out route causes for implementation and improvement.
  • Conduct and monitor the compliance related training
  • Carry out buyer’s business and technical compliance visit in the factory.
  • Ensure proper health & safety provision in the factory.
  • Monitor welfare activities of the employees.
  • Monitor to ensure discrimination, harassment & abuse free work place.
  • Carry out the risk assessment and obtain corrective measures.
  • To promotes healthy labor management practice and safe environment.

Compliance Manager Job Responsibilities

Compliance Manager Job Responsibilities

Plan, organize and implement the best practices to meet the compliance requirements of The Auto  Garments and provide expert services thereof to the Business Units to ensure that The Auto  Garments is recognized as a compliant entity to all the existing and prospective buyers. …

  • Obtain and institute compliance standards and carryout regular assessment and gap analysis for individual buyers’ compliance requirements
  • Ensure implementation of the compliance by the Business Unit as per the compliance manuals.
  • Carry out regular compliance audit in the Business Unit and put up recommendations, follow-up for implementation and provide reports thereof.
  • Provide compliance training to the concern staff as and when needed.
  • Develop and maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills on compliance affairs in the buyers’ world.
  • Strive to achieve continuous improvement and adhere to the best practices of the world class apparels industries as regards to the compliance.
  • Prepare and update assessment of labour laws’ requirement from compliance point of view.
  • Help Business Unit HR Manager in implementing compliance related labour laws as practicable as possible.
  • Ensure and maintain a clean and tidy site.
  • Carry out any other jobs as assigned from time to time.
  • To ensure sustainable business in terms of HR & Compliance of the company, the major responsibilities are as follows:
  • Implement and monitor the company HR plan and policies in the factory and provide full HR services to the factory.
  • Ensure recruitment and selection program in the factory as per policy and procedure. Manpower Requisition, Personal file, ID card, Proximity card, awareness, service book,
  • Advise and guide the other managers of the factory on organizational, employee relations, communication as well as grievance handling issues.
  • Ensure congenial IR (industrial relations) environment in the factory and provide appropriate advices while dealing with workers’ representatives.
  • Ensure monthly compensation and benefits of the factory and undertake all related activities. Like wage & Salary, Overtime, bonus, earn leave, yearly atten. Bonus, AND it’s payment
  • Take on proper leave management system in the factory.
  • Maintain Organogram as per company policy.
  • Carry out performance management of employee. Increment, promotion,
  • Maintain proper disciplinary action in the factory.
  • Ensure full & final settlement of employees as well as maternity benefit.
  • Arrange various types of training & meeting.
  • Attend meeting and established the meeting issues as per decision.
  • Implement various type of work as per notice instruction.
  • Ensure proper application of company policy, procedure, code of conduct and rules and regulation.
  • Leave graph, Absent graph
  • Follow up for workers uniform, scarp/cap, drinking water, medical test of relevant Employee, housekeeping, sharp tools control,
  • Internal auditDifferent development works have been implemented in the factory considering compliance.
  • Implement and monitor factory’s security and other policies as appropriate and develop those further.
  • Maintain close liaison with all the relevant Govt. offices, Employers’ Association and other National Trade Bodies.
  • Carry out any other jobs as assigned from time to time.
  • Ensure canteen administration
  • Ensure workers transport facility
  • Implementation of local law.
  • Develop new valuable customer to ensure sustainable business growth.
  • Conduct audit according to buyer’s code of conduct & local law. (Ethical Standard/ Social Compliance Audit, GSV/C-TPAT Audit, Technical Audit, Environmental Audit &  Safety audit)
  • Prepare CAP, adaptation, follow up & submit to buyer.
  • Monitor to ensure all update business licenses of the company.
  • Provide training to workers and staffs on compliance issues
  • Ensure/ Conduct PC meeting / Health & Safety meeting/GDC meeting
  • Maintain health & safety related work in the factory
  • Comply buyer’s code of conduct (COC).
  • Communication with buyers and other internal and external stakeholders.
  • Handled development project of buyers for compliance sustainability.
  • Coordination with significant department to ensure compliance.
  • Coordinate and organize the monthly compliance meeting.
  • Conduct monthly internal compliance audit and take corrective measures on audit findings considering sustainable development.
  • Perform audit at sub-contract factories.
  • Carry out buyer’s business and technical compliance visit in the factory.
  • Ensure proper health & safety provision in the factory.
  • Monitor welfare activities of employees.
  • Monitor to ensure discrimination, harassment & abuse free work place.
  • Conduct and monitor the compliance related training.
  • Carry out the risk assessment and obtain corrective measures.
  • To promotes healthy labor management practice and safe environment.
  • Required key skills (functional/technical)
  • An in-depth knowledge on standard compliance.
  • Knowledge on compliance audit and welfare activities.
  • Knowledge on occupational health and safety issues.
  • Knowledge on labor law.
  • Required qualifications/experience
  • Tertiary, Degree in related field
  • 4-5 years experience in relevant field.

Goal orientation, Communication & collaboration, Critical thinking & Problem solving, Leading people, Positive & proactive, Planning & organizing and Information sharing & Transparency, Detail oriented and goal seeker personality.

Standard Hours of Works

Standard Hours of Works


Contractor must have a system to ensure compliance with legally mandated hours of work; must ensure that overtime is used only when each employee is compensated according to local laws; and must ensure that each employee is informed at the time of hiring if mandatory overtime is a condition of employment.  Where local limits for regular and overtime work per week are less than 60 hours, the contractor must follow those limits.  Where such limits are greater than 60 hours, every hour worked above 60 hours must be voluntary as evidenced by the employee’s signature not less than once each week indicating a desire to work the additional hours.


Regular Work Hours

Contractor must comply with local regulations for regular work hours.  Contractor must provide a mechanical or electronic time-keeping system for employees to record their work hours and must retain those records for a minimum of twelve months.


If overtime is mandatory, each employee must be informed of this policy at the time of hiring.  Total work hours including overtime must not be required in excess of the local labor laws or 60 hours per week on a regularly scheduled basis, whichever is lower.

If local labor laws allow the contractor to apply for special permission for employees to work additional hours beyond those regularly permitted, the contractor must obtain the permit and post it in the workplace.

Auto  limit for hours of work is no more than 60 hours per week on a regularly scheduled basis, which means no more than 25% of any 12-week period, and due to extraordinary circumstances*.

Under extraordinary circumstances*, when hours of work exceed 60 per week, the contractor must obtain each employee’s signature on a weekly basis, stating that he or she understands the difference between mandatory and voluntary overtime and that he or she voluntarily chooses to work more than 60 hours in that particular week.

Extraordinary circumstances are defined as situations that are outside the control of the contractor (i.e., power is shut off by city, contractor has a flood or some other disaster, etc.) and do not include situations where the contractor must work to complete orders that exceeded their 60 hour/week capacity or capacity which meets lower overtime limits as mandated by local law.

Days Off

Every employee should receive at least one day off in seven on a regularly scheduled basis, which is defined as at least 75% of the weeks in any 12-week period.  Whenever possible the day off should be scheduled on the same day of the week so that the employee can plan for that day of rest.  If the day of rest is changed with less than one day’s (24 hours) prior notice that day should be paid as a regular rest day, if in accordance with local labor law.  Under extraordinary circumstances, when the regular day off is worked, contractors must obtain each employee’s signature stating that he or she understands the difference between mandatory and voluntary overtime and that he or she voluntarily chooses to work this time.


Where exemptions to the local overtime regulations are needed and where it is legal to do so, a contractor may apply for such allowances with prior written approval from the Nike Compliance Manager.  Once Nike approval is granted, contractor must complete the following steps:

Receive written, official approval from local labor authority

Have a system in place to ensure additional overtime work is voluntary

Obtain each employee’s signature, on a weekly basis, stating that he or she understands the difference between mandatory and voluntary overtime

Maintain a copy of  Auto  written approval on file

Overtime Wages

All overtime must be paid in accordance with local labor laws.  (See Nike Standard on Wage.)

Document Retention

All time keeping records, time cards and other accounting documents must be retained on the contractor premises for a minimum of twelve months.