Top Embroidery Machines -No needle replacement records with broken parts kept.
Approved embroidery artwork and instructions are not in local language. Approval samples are not displayed at the workstation. QC check reports do not include seconds that are repaired/replaced.
Embroidery Machines are not maintained periodically. No machine maintenance schedule (catalog basis). No SOP is posted in place.
Finished cartons to be on pallets.
No policy for label control was established in this factory. Some irrelevant labels were found on the table of sewing machines.
Broken needle control policy not implemented in practice. Broken needles, redundant new needles found and pins not controlled.
The metal detector calibration process of the factory was found 9 points 1 time everyday detecting instead of request 9 points 1 time per hour.
Products must be properly checked if they have failed the metal detector check and re-checked with the metal detector afterwards.
Broken needles taped onto record incomplete and no cause given for missing parts.
Any chemicals including lubricating oil must be stored in an area of restricted access.
No smoking sign and specified drinking area were available, but it was found some workers had water in personal stations.
Lights at packing area and finished products storage area were not protected against breakage.
Quality procedure should be present in place.
Formal customer feedback system is needed to ensure that any customer comments are dealt with and implemented.
No relevant complaint handling records with root cause and corrective action etc were kept for the past 12 months.
Control points should exist for seam strength, tension strength, needle control, polybag holepunch (to be included in risk assessment) as well as use for use of sharp tools and hand sewing needles.
Top Embroidery Machines Compliance Issue
Drinking water sign was not posted.
Floor west keeping area sign was not posted.
No smoking sign was not posted.
Notice board was not found.
First aid Box was not found.
Floor wise First aider , Fire fighter & Rescue team list was not posted.
PPE Use sign was not posted.
Artificial Respiration instruction was not posted.
Chemical Handling was not Maintained Properly.
Floor Evacuation Plan was not posted on Exit.
Aisles Marking & Arrow marking was missing.
Rubber mat missing under all SDB & MDB.
Fire Alarm Switch & alarm sign not posted.
Fire extinguisher user instruction was not posted every area.
Fire hose boxes/Cabinet user instruction was not posted.
01 Fire hose box found but 40 mm (1.5 Inch) pipe was missing inside the box.
Fire hose box responsible person list was not posted.
Fire Hose box sign was not posted.
Emergency light sign was not posted.
Electrical wiring go through inside the floor without cable tray and lot of thread dust are gather with the cable.
Exit light was not found.
Toilet sign was not posted.
Toilet (Number of toilet) layout was not posted.
Drinking water test report was not posted.
Drinking water sign was not posted.
Floor west keeping area sign was not posted.
No smoking sign was not posted.
Notice board was not found.
First aid Box was not found.
Floor wise First aider, Fire fighter & Rescue team list was not posted.
PPE Use sign was not posted.
Artificial Respiration instruction was not posted
Chemical handling was not maintained properly
Floor Evacuation Plan was not posted on Exit.
Aisles Marking & Arrow marking was missing.
Fire Alarm Switch & alarm sign not posted.
Fire extinguisher user instruction was not posted every area.
Fire hose boxes/Cabinet user instruction was not posted.
01 Fire hose box found but 40 mm (1.5 Inch) dia pipe was missing inside the box.
Fire hose box responsible person list was not posted.
Emergency light sign was not posted.
Exit light was not found.
Electric wiring found inside the Central Raw Material Store.
“Light not used without protection” sign (Bengali & English) was not posted in storage area for Top Embroidery Machines
Auto garments is demonstrated a management led commitment and an education of staff to the effective prevention of metal contamination of their products. Auto Fashions Ltd. management strictly follows the Metal Disposal policy. Our factory management is able to identify the problems in production floor due to needle and metal disposal with following the metal disposal policy. To prevent the metal contamination, we established the below policies/ procedures: …
Needle Control Policy
Each Operator should only be in the possession of the number of the needles or nessecery metal device only required to operate his/her machine.
Need replacement procedure
Sharp tools control procedure
Metal free zone with air port type metal detector
Environment Related
All workers and supervisors are trained in sewing floor to collect the broken needles or any kinds of metal objects from floor.
Air Emission
Environmental Assessment
Heavy lifting & carry Procedure
Training Program on Wastage Handling for Loader & Cleaner CTPAT
Training Program on Environment Issues
Awareness Program on Chemical Handling CTPATProcedure
Environment Consumption Report
Earth Quake Training File
Wastage Destroy Policy
General & PPE Machine, Metal & Medical
In the event if some parts of a broken needle has gone missing, the correct action plan is to check all the ready garments/parts surrounding that particular machine to ensure that the broken bits of needle has not fallen into the garments/parts or sewn into seams. The next step is to check is to check the area surrounding that particular sewing machine.
Training Program on Company Rules Regulations, Rights &
Responsibility for Employee
Training Program on Working Hours, OT Rate, Weekly Holiday etc
Awareness Program for Pregnant Workers
Induction/Orientation Program for Newly Recruited Employee CTPAT
Awareness Program on PPE
Training Program on Grievance Handling Procedure
Training Program on Health &Safety
Training Program on Using Sharp Tools
Risk Assessment & Awareness Record
Assessment of Medical Issues
File on Injury Report
Medicine expanding Report File
Awareness Program on Aids
Awareness Program on First Aid Friends
Training Program on Leave Management
Training on Gender Equality and Preventing Violence Against omen1.
If the broken needle parts not found, with big magnet or using Metal Detector it should be confirm. Then the garments/part should through in to disposal box to dispose if broken parts not found.
Job Description of All Security Persons
Training Program on CTPAT for Packing
Training Program on Security
Training Program on CTPAT for Security
Training Program on Factory Security & Safety Issues Security Guard
Training Program on CTPAT for Loader
Threat Awareness Program for all workers
SCS (CTPAT) Audit Report – 2014
SCS (CTPAT) Internal Audit Report
Supplier Information
Supplier Information All
Internal Audit Report
Like same process, all parts of the broken or used metal are kept in to the metal disposal box of the each separate floor. These wastage metal materials are handover later from disposal box to the respectives by the authosisation of factory management. Moreover, these records are kept in a different register of Metal Contamination Policy
Needle Replacement – To avoid any metal contamination with children’s products Auto garments must pass metal detected prior to delivery the goods as well as all aspects of the Safety Requirements stated in agreement we followed accordingly.
Below steps shall be taken for all children’s products:
Needle Replacement and Control Procedure
Clippers or scissors must be securely attached to the work station or machine.
Drill holes, spikes, Kimball gun Needle Replacement, notch punchers, tweezers, knives / blades etc must be counted out and in at the end of each shift by a Line Supervisor.
General housekeeping must be of an acceptable standard to avoid stray metal components.
Goods coming into the factory must be contaminant free, and the pass responsibility for this up the supply chain to component and raw material suppliers and sub-contractors, such as printing and embroiderers.
Products should be passed through the metal detector as finished goods after ticketing, but prior to being hung or boxed. By positioning the metal detector at this point, the manufacturer can ensure every piece of completed product has been detected and that no further metal contamination can enter the product. That means all children products should be metal free and packing into carton should be at metal free zone.
Due Diligence Policy
To ensure compliance with all laws and regulations that are applicable to the safety of the various products produced for sale, we operate a simple but practical approach to show that:
Auto garments has taken all reasonable steps or precautions (metal detection, disposal / separate marking of accepeted / rejected goods…etc.)
have exercised all due diligence to avoid committing the offence.
ensuring an audit trail of our sealing paperwork is available and complete and includes 3rd party / nominated party’s test reports.
Below step have been taken to ensure Due Diligence
the products’ characteristics tested by nominated testing lab
packaging as per customer instruction
instructions for assembly, maintenance, use and disposal
the effect on other products with which it might be used
labelling and other information provided for the consumer
Needle Replacement – the categories of consumers at serious risk when using the product, particularly children. We must through the children items onto metal detection.
The following must be adhered to with regard to finish on any Children’s product where embellishments are used. No product will be accepted if deemed
unsafely finished. No hand sewing is to be used for embroideries / embellishments/ badges/ appliques /sequins or buttons for any products under 35 months. Machine lock stitch only accepted.
Single Jewel Stone.
Single jewel stone must be securely attached with Polyester double thread stitch on any fabric type & also glued where possible. .
A Vilene or self fabric backing placed on the inside of the product at the back of the stone, through which the stone is sewn to ensure a secure attachment base and the threads must be securely knotted off. Must withstand a strong manual pull test.
Acrylic Jewel stones must not have any burrs, sharp or rough edges that can cause injury and/or have a grating affect on the thread resulting on the thread fraying and the stone inevitably coming loose owing to thread break down.
All purpose Polyester Thread (100% Polyester ) or Cotton – wrapped
Polyester to be used for all applications.
Small Diamante Stones (Rhinestones)
All stones must be securely stuck to the main body of the product using either glue especially made for the purpose . These are very strong, dry completely clear and invisible and last a very long time, or using Hot-Fix (or Heat-Fix) which are stones backed with special glue and are set using an iron or a specially developed tool. The later is a much faster, easier and more economical method.
Stones must not be placed across seams or uneven surfaces or directly onto plastisol prints .All stones must withstand the ruler test for secure attachment. Any stone which loosens or starts to peel away, even slightly, is not acceptabl
Rhinestone Banding (strands)- e. A connected ‘Chain’ or row of individual stones where each stone is held in a plastic cup (metal not accepted for
Children’s products), must be securely sewn in spaces of 1cm and no floaters.
The fastener must be selected on the basis of compatibility with the fabric, style and thickness. Prong fasteners used for knitted fabrics and post for woven fabrics.
Fasteners /Ring Snaps must not be applied across seams or any other area of thickness variation. They must not be damaged in any way during application resulting in protruding burrs or sharp/damaged edges.
Fastener / Rivet attachment must be secure through at least 2 plies of fabric and withstand a pulling force of 90 Newtons.
Lightweight fabrics may require reinforcement to provide sufficient strength to withstand popper/stud application / wear and must pass through a min of 2 layers of fabric.
Studs / Rivets must be placed through a min of 2 layers of fabric and should not be placed across seams or any area of thickness variation. Should withstand a pull force of 90 Newton.
Bows must not have ribbon tails exceeding 5cm in length and ribbon ends must not ravel. Laser/Sonic cut ends only accepted. Heat Seal is not acceptable.
Bows must be securely attached to the product through the centre knot area ensuring the bow is secure and cannot come undone or come away from the product easily.
Glitter Prints
Glitter used on any area of a product print should not shed or transfer and should not have a harsh handle. Small particle glitter (securely applied) only to be used.
Written By - Robert Dkay, Manager, Golder Accessories Ltd. Narayangong
There is only one head that is comprised of the needle. This single head single needle embroidery machine also can design computerized machine embroidery. A single needle embroidery machine has only one hoop attachment and often has smaller hoop capabilities than a multi needle machine. Its looks like a traditional sewing machine. Single needle embroidery machine is designed as flat bed bottom including a removable embroidery unit. When a single needle machine is embroidering, the needle stays stationary and the embroidery arm moves according to the digitized design. It can used for general sewing, creating decorative and utility stitches
Metal control of single needle embroidery machine environment
Metal stock should be placed in the trims stores and locked away.
Small stock of single needle would be transferred to production floor to a designated person in charge.
All records must be maintained for six months
2 boxes are required one is for the needles accommodating up to 10 different types of needles, and one box for broken needles.
Those boxes should be locked and lock codes should be changed frequently every week.
Person in charge of needles procedures (production floor) should carried an inventory card identifying the stock movement in and out per type of single needle embroidery machine. The in process stock locked in all time.
Person in charge of needles procedures (production floor) should have in possession one file per production line that contains the following information:
Samples of each type of single needle embroidery machine
Copy of single needles procedures
Report identifying the time, and the employee required the new needle or a needle replacement and the reason signed by the supervisor.
Supervisor should carry all damage needles in a transparent box similar to the box of the needles in order to transport the damaged or replaced needle to the person in charge of the needles procedures.
Needle Replacement / Metal Contamination – General Guidelines and Procedures:
The supervisor or nomination person should hold all the spares in a secured location, and only he shall be permitted to allocate to the operators.
Mechanics must ensure that no double needles are left on the machines after servicing
The operator must not hold any spare double needles.
The issues of needles against broken should be one for one basis.
Old and multi needles should be disposed off securely in a sealed container.If a needle breaks, all parts must be found or case defined ( in case part of the fragments cannot be found) before the work is allowed to continue. The supervisor must ensure that proper searches have been carried out if all the parts of the needle have not been located.
Person in charge of needles procedures (production floor), should compare the parts of the broken single needle vis-à-vis the original sample to avoid any piece left around the sewing machine in question.
Single Head Single Needle
In case of missing parts of the broken single needle, the person in charge of the needles procedures should scan the sewing machine area in a circle of 2 meters diameter using hand held scanner.
Factory must keep a record of broken record (for six months) in a secure location for auditing. Recommend to keep by machine type, single needle size, and by production line to establish a history so that trends can be recognised.
No operator should in any circumstances be in possession of any single needle other than those, which are in the machine carrying out the sewing operation.
Other metallic objects, i.e. pins, nails, tacks and staples must not be used in any production area such as: cutting, warehouse, laying up, making up, inspection, packaging or any other operations where garments or components are handled.
Fabrics, boxes, cartons, reels of elastics, lace, binding, etc., must not be secured by metallic objects.
If pins or hazardous tools are used, then this must be a controlled auditable procedure.
If all the parts of the broken multi needle cannot be found, all work in progress at the workstation should be removed to a specifically designated metal free area and checked thoroughly with a metal detector.
If after checking the garment is clear, it should be processed as normal. If however, metal is detected it must be found and removed before the garment is processed. But if metal detected and cannot be found, the garment must be destroyed.
The Operator will approach the nominated person with all the parts of the broken needles.
In Case of all parts of broken needle are not found –
The concerned person should notify the production supervisor and mechanic.
Depose the garment or panels being stitched.
Uncover the machines oil tanks by mechanics for checking
Check the working area with a needle detector to ensure that broken fragments are not fallen into the ready garments / panels.
If the broken fragments are still not found after the said searching procedure, the supervisor is allowed to rite onto the reports that “confirm garments are free from single needle fragments”
Only the nominated persons should reissue the single needle to the operator.
Final Control at Packing Stage :
Needle detector machine should be provided to provide the final check of the garments.
The checked garments should be packed into the cartons immediately after passing through the needle detector machine so that garments are not susceptible to contamination.
Corrective actions when metal is found:
Following actions should be performed if any metal item is detected in the process of packing by the single needle detector :
Remove all the garments on the conveyor belt to a lockable storage zone.
Then the affected garments should be again passed through the needle detector machine one at a time and deemed safe if on rejected on that occasion.
Any item rejected for the second time should be physically checked for the contamination and located and removed.
After removal, such garment should be again passed through the needle detector machine. This garment can be accepted if found ok else it has to be destroyed.
Full records have to be made and kept for the last 12 months showing date. PO #, style #, inspected quality, results (contamination found or not), corrective action taken etc and it should be signed by the supervisor.
Calibration :
A report should be carried on the hand held scanner calibration, twice a day, mentioning the day and the time.
The hand held scanner should be tested before and after usage for battery failure.
Needles should be removed off the non-operated sewing machine and return to stock.
Needles used on Hand tagging gun should follow same procedures as per the needles of the sewing floor.
Supervisors and management must check all production areas on a regular basis for needles, pins, staples, etc, or any other metal fragments.
Disposal of Needles / Metals:
Collect the single needle embroidery machine parts for the Floor and past it in the card and sent to Stores.
Collected parts are kept in the Stores in transparent containers.
After 3 months, the container is buried underground with the cement layer both in top bottom of the container.
Record of the Burial is mentioned in the top part of the cement layer which is visible on the surface.
Other Points:
No operator should in any circumstances be in possession of any single needle embroidery machine other than those, which are in the machine carrying out the sewing operation.
Other metallic objects, i.e. pins, nails, tacks and staples must not be used in any production area such as: cutting, warehouse, laying up, making up, inspection, packaging or any other operations where garments or components are handled.
Fabrics, boxes, cartons, reels of elastics, lace, binding, etc., must not be secured by metallic objects.
If pins or hazardous tools are used, then this must be a controlled auditable procedure of single needle embroidery machine factory
The computer automatically controls the towel embroidery machine, with no need of human intervention. The M- axis drive mechanism, the Z-word needlepoint independent motor control, and the newly designed mechanical transmission chain have reduced transmission errors and minimized the run-out tolerance of embroidery guide rope components.
Embroidery Towels:
Both monogram and towel embroidery machine can make embroider on towel. Monogram is same like towel machine. The functions are also similar.
Embroidery on Towels
Monogram Machine:
Monogram machine is suitable for all kinds of high precision embroidery and embroidery craft, including Zhang Zai, precise LOGO, tridimensional embroidery, erect thread embroidery, tuft embroidery. Three- dimensional embroidery machine, etc. They improve the additional value of products.
Monogram Machine
Electronic Control of Monogram Machine:
The monogram machine adopts 5* 10-inch (optional) true color display screen, USB pattern input, real-time pattern tracking capability, and emergency stop (machine) operating function.
Embroidery Quality of Monogram Machine:
According to the pattern design with different color configuration, automatic color change in embroidery. And can automatically adjust the towel embroidery stitch length
Body Frame of Monogram Machine:
Design the automatic lifting gear of presser foot and make a perfect combination of independent motors and precision mechanical components. The lifting is entirely controlled by computer, easy and fast. The special embroidery heads significantly.reduce operating noise and improve the working environment
Sequin device (single sequin and double sequins for your choise)
Automatic refueling device
Needle Management Standard Operation Procedure:
Introduction:The Needle management Policy to be strictly maintained and this is highlighted in the code of conduct of almost all buyers.
Needle Receive & Submission of Report.
The Needle supplier will collect required needle for use from the store by using store requisition.
The amount of Needle expenditure to be registered in a register every day by needle supplier.
At the end of each month the monthly needle expenditure, broken needle & used needle closing summary to be preserved with Store Manager.
The closing summary prepared by Needle supplier to be handed over to the Store Manager and after checking it the Store Manager to sign it and preserve it to the store.
After completion of the preservation of needle closing summary of the previous month, the Store Manager will issue new needle, to the needle supplier for as per the requirements
Without the closing report of the types of needle use in previous month and also other than returning the broken and used needle, no new needle to be issued to the needle supplier.
Needle Distribution & Issue.
If a needle is broken in the machine while in use, the machine operator can collect a new one from needle supplier after depositing the broken one.
If some needle become unusable also can be replaced in the same way after deposition.
In the event of broken needle the whole part of the needle has to be deposited to the Needle supplier. Other than this no new needle can be issued.
Before replacement of broken needle all the parts of the broken needle to be checked and confirmed that those parts belong to the same needle.
The re-issue of the broken needle to be of same type and same size in compare to the previous one.
If the Broken Parts of Needle are Not Found.
Deliberate searching of the needle must be done. In this event Magnet can be used to find the small parts of the needle itself.
If broken part of the needle not found then immediately all Garments part near those machine areas are to be checked through needle detector machine,
If any garments part / body do not pass through the needle detector then that part / garments body to be kept in the Needle Detection Failure Box and to be deposited as rejected material.
Issue of Needle Without Submission of Broken Part of the Needle.
Requisition to be given as per prescribed form.
The requisition to be signed by proper authority. (GMP/GMA/QAM)
This requisition to be preserved
Broken Needle Preservation.
All broken needle part to be attached with scotch tape and systematically to be kept in a register / paper.
All used needle to be also kept as per format attached with scotch tape and must be kept under lock and key.
All has to strictly adhere to the above mentioned broken needle policy and no violation is accepted on this.
Specifications of Standard Embroidery Machine:
Effective stitch: 0.1mm-12.1mm
Motor type : Full servo motor drive
Highest speed : 1100rpm
Number of needle bar: 6/9/1If Needle selection
Head number : 2-30 heads for your choice
Embroidery range In X direction: 1200mmUT Below 1200mm
Embroidery range in Y direction : 1500mm tt T Below 1500mm
Embroidery pattern : The S single head and G separate head for your choise
Function of Monogram Machine:
Achieve different functions in one monogram machine. A variety of traditional embroidery methods can be realized in one machine for one embroidery piece, which can also be added with towel stitches effects. A variety of designs and materials are integrated into one machine, reflecting the highest embroidery level. It makes trimming embroidery towels on tablecloths, blankets, hats and leather garments and so on.
Alec, Zhejiang Shenshilei Group Co. Ltd., Email: