What’s are The Safety Policies for Garments?

What’s are The Safety Policies for Garments?

Safety Policy for Garments

The buyers are committed to providing quality products. Part of this commitment to quality is, to make sure that buyer products are safe for buyer customers and end consumer, the environment and people involved in the production of garments goods. Failure to provide safe products can have severe consequences, including: Civil proceedings  (for negligence and breach of statutory duty) if an unsafe product causes injuries– Criminal proceedings if the products do not keep to the Consumer Protection –Negative and damaging relationship with buyer customers and reduced customer confidence in the products.

The General Product Safety Regulations 2016 state the following:

‘No producer should place a product on the market unless it is a safe product…… taking into account in particular-

  1. The characteristics of the product, including its composition, packaging, instructions for assembly and maintenance.
  2. The effect on other products, where it is reasonably foreseeable that it will be used with other products.
  3. The presentation of the product, the labelling, any instructions for its use and disposal and any other indication of information provided.
  4. Categories of consumer at serious risk when using the product, in particular children.’

(This final point applies regardless of whether the item is intended for use by children or adults, if that item is considered to be in any way appealing to children.)

It is essential that products manufactured must be safe to wear or use and must keep to all relevant laws. The below is subject to variation in accordance with changes in legislation or level of interpretation. It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all goods supplied comply with all current legislation and to keep up to date with any proposed change to current legislation.

Inadequate inspection procedures or poor supervision that could lead to a breach of safety are unacceptable and must be avoided.

Garments manufacturer must make sure that all products are safe. Garments manufacturer must make sure that all necessary precautions are taken during production to keep any risk to buyer customer as low as possible. Garments manufacturer must also tell us, if garments manufacturer find out about any issues that could risk the safety of buyer customer.

If garments manufacturer send buyer goods which are not safe, buyer will have to take the necessary action, which may include recalling the goods from buyer customer’s stores, cancelling that order or any other order made by garments manufacturer, having future orders inspected, recovering buyer charges, costs and possible loss of profits up to the possible termination of buyer business.

If an unsafe object, such as sewing needle, is found in a product there will be a charge. The charge for a first offence will depend on buyer customer. The charge for a second offence will be higher, e.g. double of the charge for the first offence (again depending on the customer) and buyer will have to review buyer business relationship.

The following pages will give advice on how garments manufacturer can keep to the relevant safety laws. However, garments manufacturer should check the laws and also take advice from appropriate bodies (including Trading Standards) to make sure that garments manufacturer are up-to-date with development and best practice.

Garments Policy

  • All parts of garments should be non-toxic.
  • Do not use staples.
  • Finish the top edges of zips so there are no sharp edges.
  • Poppers, rivets and snaps:

– Must be secure.

– Edges must be bevelled or finished so that the edges are not sharp.

– Must be applied on flat even surface

– Must be applied through minimum 2 ply fabric or through 1 ply with fusible         backing

– 90N pull test required

– Post fasteners required on woven fabric, prong attachment on knitted fabrics

– Correct die sets to be used

– Machine hoppers must not be overfilled

– Data sheet to be specified by the Fastener Manufacturer to be provided and to be            completed by garment manufacturer with 1st of line production

– Roll setting eyelets must be used (opposed to split setting eyelets)

– Compatible dies from the manufacturer must be used

– A manual check must be carried out to confirm that popper prongs/posts have all             been pierced into the basic fabric

  • All draw cords must be stitched from 2 or more pieces, unless a single cord is run from each side seam where it is securely attached.
  • All drawstrings – whether functional or mock – should be fixed securely at one point using bar tacking or lock stitching.
  • Hem or waist drawstrings must be securely fixed at the centre back or side seams for childrenswear, at a point equidistant to the exit points.
  • All cord ends must be finished to prevent fraying. Ribbon ends must be heat sealed.
  • Waist cord exposed ends must be no longer than 14 cm each side when the waist or hem is extended. This is to also include self-fabric ties.
  • Draw cord exposed ends at the hem or any other part of a garment must be maximum 7cm.
  • Draw cord that is a loop must be no longer than 5cm exposed.
  • Toggles at the waist and hem are not allowed for childrenswear age 2-8.
  • Ends should be either heat sealed or covered with securely attached plastic sleeves. Both must be free from sharp edges. Ends may be doubled or folded provided no entrapment hazard is caused. Please note that knotted ends are not allowed.
  • Garments with functional hood cords and flat chest measurements of less than 44cms will not be approved (sealed) for production, as it is illegal to have a cord all around the hood, when they are sold as childrenswear.
  • Functional draw cords, draw strings or decorative cords should not be used on the necks or hoods of children’s garments (9 years and under).
  • There should be no cord exit point at the back of a child’s garment.
  • For all childrenswear the ends of drawstring, functional cord must not have knots or any object that may cause entrapment e.g. beads, pom-poms.
  • Fixed loops protruding from the garment shall be no more than 75mm in circumference
  • Fixed loops which are flat to the garment shall be no more than 75mm in length between fixed points of attachment
  • Garments should keep to:
  • The Children’s Clothing (Hood Cords) Regulations 1976
  • Safety of children’s clothing. Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing. Specifications. (BS EN 14682)
  • Restriction to hearing and vision must be taken into consideration when designing integrated hooded garments.
  • Hoods must be designed to avoid close contact of the fabric to the child’s mouth and nose to make sure breathing is possible.
  • Elasticated drawstrings cannot be used in any garments for children.
    • Elasticated cords should only be used in hoods for adult garments, if the ends are inserted into the garment with a loop adjuster. Washed garments must be rinsed thoroughly to remove any grit, dust and sand residue and all stones must be removed.
  • Sand- & Stone washing must not be used for childrenswear due to the potential safety implications of stones remaining in pockets.
  • An acceptable alternative to stone washing is an enzyme wash.
  • Sand used during the washing process must be free from aluminium chips to allow metal detection.
  • Documentation of 100% inspection for adultwear must show thorough checks for the removals of stones/sand.
  • Garments washed or treated with chemicals, must have the chemical neutralised before shipment.
  • In the light of the adverse impacts of sandblasting/blasting on the health of workers buyer have banned all forms of blasting during the design and manufacture of buyer products.
  • Raised plastic motifs, rubberised prints and any other similar additions must be attached securely, stitched with no gaps, tested for durability and be phthalate free.
  • Bows must have a maximum tail length of 8cm or 3 ” when positioned at the neck point for childrenswear.
  • For all products, especially childrenswear, fusible motifs are unacceptable.
  • Under no circumstances must trims be attached using staples!
  • All garments must be clean of thread ends or floats longer than 0.5cm, as these can cause lacerations.
  • Products must be examined inside and out to ensure that there are no loose objects or threads left inside
  • All stitching must be finished securely to prevent unravelling.
  • Machine embroidery must be lockstitch attached and secured.
  • On embroidered panels, all non-woven backing material must be removed from around the embroidery and any large areas within the embroidery. All threads must be trimmed to 0.5cm minimum and maximum 1cm.
  • Any heavily embroidered/appliqué or metallised yarn embroidered products for childrenswear must have a knitted fusible interlining applied, to prevent irritation.
  • Embroidered garments are to have no floats longer than 1cm.
  • Loops of embroidery thread are not acceptable and should be secured and then trimmed.
  • Neck openings must have a minimum neckstretch which will be customer specific and will be mentioned separately for each order applicable.
  • The neck must return to its original shape and not show any sign of distortion.
  • Long floats or ends on reverse of knitted fabrics are unacceptable, in case during wear the threads become caught and do not break, causing injury.
  • Float length to be no longer than 1 cm on jersey and knitwear.
  • Metal objects such as pins, staples or clips MUST NOT be used in the packaging and presentation of any childrenswear products.
  • Where possible the use of polypropylene bags is recommended on all products, not just childrenswear. Although they cannot cause suffocation as polythene, they must still carry a safety warning.
  • Velcro fastening used must have no sharp edges and all corners must be trimmed.
  • Avoid positioning Velcro fastening close to the face.
  • Where positioned in an area that could have contact with the skin, loop fastener side to have direct contact
  • Velcro must be phthalate free.
  • Waddings and Quilted Waddings must be made from 100% Polyester, produced using heat bonding methods and low melt Polyester.
  • Resin treated wadding is not permitted.
  • A heat bonded scrim on the outer edge of the wadding must be used to prevent fibre migration.
  • All loose ‘down tough’ type wadding to be double bagged to prevent fibre migration.
  • Wadding fibres must not percolate through either the lining or the outer fabrics
  • Thread used to secure filling material must be able to withstand a tensile force of 70N
  • Wadding must be wash tested prior to production to avoid clumping and distortion
What is HIV Aids Policy in the Workplace ?

What is HIV Aids Policy in the Workplace ?

HIV Policy

This hiv policy in the workplace is applicable for all the employees of Auto Group ranging from workers to staff of different level in side of the organization. Auto recognizes the magnitude and severity of the development of hiv aids policy in the workplace epidemic worldwide. Auto is committed to develop safe and co-operative workplace where affected persons are not marginalized or shunned. Even in this age people are not that much aware about the HIV/ AIDS. To make a non-discriminating and harassment free work place along with appropriate awareness and prevention support, this policy has been formulated.

HIV Aids Policy in The Workplace

  • Auto will not and does not discriminate against employees or applicants having, perceived as having, living with or otherwise affected by hiv aids policy in the workplace
  • Company will treat HIV/ AIDS the same as other illnesses in terms of all the existing employee policies and benefits, including health and life insurance, disability benefits and leaves of absence.
  • All employees must adhere to the non-discrimination policy. Employees who refuse to work with, withhold services from, harass or otherwise discriminate against another employee because of his/her having HIV/ AIDS, being perceived as having, living with HIV/ AIDS, or being otherwise affected by hiv aids policy in the workplace, will be subject to discipline and/or other corrective actions.
  • Company will include sessions on HIV presentation awareness programs in its orientation training for workers and staff and will also touch upon the subject in refresher courses
  • Company will ensure that its welfare officers and doctors and nurses are trained in counseling HIV patients or those who are apprehending having been affected.

Regulations & Procedures

  • There will be no questions orally or in any application forms to be filled by applicants, through which it can be identified that the persona may be suffering from HIV/ AIDS.
  • Company will not have any separate category for hiv aids policy in the workplace in any of its formats, for any records needed for providing of any of the company benefits.

Responsible Parties

The Head of HR will be responsible for introduction or modification of this policy and the HR Department and welfare Department will be responsible for implementation of the policy. This is related with first aid policy 


Exceptions to this policy require endorsement by the Head of HR and/ or MD. Hiv policy in the workplace is very essential for the apparel industries.

What is Hard Plastic Glasses Control Policy?

What is Hard Plastic Glasses Control Policy?

Hard Plastic Glasses

To establish a hard plastic glasses Control Program in organization or outside at the side disposal side, to prevent serious physical hazards to employees of organization or human society outside or product and that could cause injury or death to the customer. The following procedures shall be adhered to by all company personnel to prevent possible hard plastic glasses safety hazards.

Program Requirements of Hard Plastic Glasses

  • No glass items or broken sharp hard plastic should be kept in open or undisclosed inside or outside at the disposal site.
  • No glass bottles allowed on production floors.
  • Wherever possible, try to use substitute product made of hard plastic glasses materials.
  • On all Glass doors, proper alert signs should be there.
  • Control on issuing and receipt of Tube lights.
  • Tube lights must be properly secured to holders. All holders must be inspected by electrician every month.
  • Inspection of Windows must be done every month.
  • Tube lights are installed with Safety control in case of loose holder.
  • All employees must be trained to handle the situation if tube light falls off down.
  • All used tube lights must be kept in quarantine area segregated clearly away from other disposable waste and must be disposed off with proper record.
  • All the garments contaminated with glass must be rejected and disposed burnt off.
  • To ensure that disposed tube lights are being recycled and not being disposed off in HAZARDOUS way to environment.
  • Every month a management audit to be conducted for all above clauses and top management to be updated on findings.
  • In case of any non compliance to any of above point, a proper corrective action plan has to prepare with involvement of senior management.
  • Certificate from Disposal supplier that tube lights recycled and not being disposed in a Hazardous manner to environment and society.
  • All the office and inspection room glass walls must be covered with curtains so that in case of glass breakage, the particles are not too much scattered.
  • Should have disposal policy

How to Handle Accident of Tube breakage

  • Respective Floor Manager
  • Respective Personal Manager
  • Production Supervisor
  • Operator working on work station
  • Production GM
  • Quality GM
  • Doctor

Emergency Action about Hard Plastic Glasses

  • Immediately quarantine the area with a rope and take account of physical condition of person involved in accident and fabric/garments in quarantine area.
  • Use hand gloves to collect glass waste.
  • Use medical assistance if required immediately.
  • Fabric/garments involved in accident area must be rejected and recorded in Glass Accident Register.
  • Collected hard plastic glasses must be disposed off as per disposal policy.
What is Jewellery Policy for Garments Labor?

What is Jewellery Policy for Garments Labor?

Jewellery Policy

To establish Jewelry Policy in organization to prevent any jewelry part to contaminate product. The following procedures shall be adhered to by all company personnel to prevent possible contamination of Product.  Policy will be applicable to all employees working in packing onwards process departments who are involved in carton closing points.  They will be counseled at the time of joining and will be verbally controlled by Supervisors. They should not wear ornaments with hanging parts, extra decorations and additional ornaments. As per basic human rights ground, however they can wear basic single ring ear rings and basic rings and watches; those are securely tightened to body parts.

How to Handle Accident of Contamination (2.0)

Action (2.1)

2.1.1 Immediately report to Supervisor and Manager in case any jewelry part is found lost by anybody.

2.1.2 100% cartons pre-identified from each finishing row with specific date must be re-checked.

2.1.3 An audit must be conducted by independent QA team with quality assurance tools 

Others Rules and Regulation for Labor

Applicable for: This policy will be applicable for all the units of Auto Group and for the employees working there.

Objective: The objective of this policy is to provide guideline on how to develop and implement rules and regulations in the company.

Basis:In every organization there needs to have a set of rules and regulations, based on which the company will be functioning. In the same way, to cope and adapt with the best practices in the industry Auto Group develops regulatory policies based on laws and various situations; and keeping those things in mind and to set a guideline regarding development and finalizing rules and regulations thins policy has been formulated.

Jewelry Policy: To set operational rules and regulations Auto Group will undertake certain options or paths. Which are –

  • At the first place Auto will try to apply law of the land and the labor laws to set and solve certain situations
  • Prior to setting any kind of own rules and regulations, labor laws and law of the land will be checked to develop law complaint policies
  • Auto should also check and verify the existing practices in the other companies in the same industry, and will try to implement best rules and regulation which are found to be beneficial for both the company and its employees
  • In case of facing certain situations which are not matched with the currently adapted rules and regulations Auto will try to identify and solve through the closely matched policies

Regulations & Procedures: In case of setting company rules and regulations based labor law and law of the land Auto Group will follow certain set of procedures –

  • Laws should be read and consulted with the company lawyer
  • Consulting among the management, HR, Compliance and the responsible parties who are to implement those
  • Problems should be identified and decisions should be taken and executed
  • After successful execution, the certain course of action will be recorded as policy and regularly checked audited by internal and external audit teams

In case of setting company’s own policies the following procedures should be undertaken 

  • Problem should be discussed with MD and the management
  • Pros and cons will be evaluated
  • If needed, existing rule and regulation system will be checked and modified
  • After that the decision will be written as policy and rectified by the management
  • Later the policy will be finalized in writing and published, also communicated with the employees through various means

Procedures of setting rules and regulation through emulation –

  • In such condition HR, Compliance and other relevant departments will collect examples
  • Gathered information should be verified to check the authenticity
  • Pros and cons of implementing those policies in the company will be evaluated
  • If needed, existing rule and regulation system will be checked and modified
  • After that the decision will be written as policy and rectified by the management
  • Later the policy will be finalized in writing and published, also communicated with the employees through various means

Procedures for contingency decision making –

  • This procedure will be followed if situation arises which is not exactly supported or covered by policy
  • Situation will be analyzed with the existing possible closest laws and policies
  • Decisions should be taken and implemented based on analyzing situations
  • Post implementation evaluation should be done to identify the feedback of the employees
  • If things found alright and convincing, then policy will be formulated in written format  other that implemented rules and regulations will be reconsidered

Responsible Parties: HR & Compliance departments are be responsible for gathering information from various sources and suggesting solutions. Management is responsible for ultimate approval of the rules through evaluation and discussion with company’s lawyer or legal advisor

Communication & Implementation: The policies are to be communicated to all levels of management through regular and repeated discussions during meetings and implemented and followed up on accordingly. The policy is to be published in the policy book, so it will be visible to the concerned parties.

Exceptions: Exceptions must have the prior approval of Head of HR Policy.


HR & Compliance departments as well as Welfare department will collect feedback from the employees regarding their point of view and reaction on certain or newly developed rules and regulations

What is Company First Aid Policy and Procedure?

What is Company First Aid Policy and Procedure?

First Aid Policy

This company first aid policy and procedure is applicable for all the employees of Auto Group to get initial treatment in case of having any kind of injuries in the work place. This company first aid policy and procedure establishes guideline for the deployment of first aid kits and the administering of primary health care in case of accidental injuries or incidence of bad health; at Auto Group to enable the provision of medical first aid treatment and follow-up minor injuries at the work place. The goal is to provide supplies for appropriate care for minor injuries. The law requires every factory and office to maintain a supply of medicines and health care equipment to tackle emergencies that may occur. In addition there are potential hazards in factory work involving machines, chemicals, needle, and so on. So the company has to be equipped to face emergencies that may arise.

Company First Aid Policy and Procedure:

  • Anyone who suffers from health problems or any injury is eligible to receive first aid.
  • All offices and factories of the Auto Group will maintain the number of first aid kits in the proportion of the number of the people, as stated in the law.
  • All offices and factories will have staff who are trained in providing first aid during emergencies and these people have to be identified and recognized by all.
  • The company will ensure replenishment of stock at all times.
  • Company takes the responsibility of providing 1st aid and then transferring the patient to a hospital and will not be responsible for providing health care beyond that point
  • 1st aid facilities can be used only by employees of the company and by any visitor who suffered some injury during his/her visit

Regulations and Procedures:

  • To encourage and promote a safe work environment with manageable stress levels. On the first aid box there are the names of the authorized persons who have proper training to medicate someone when necessary.
  • The box should be kept locked to make sure that, none of the medicines and equipment are being misused or stolen.
  • The supplies for the first aid boxes will be weekly checked by the authorized persons to make sure that, sufficient supplies are there and those are not expired.
  • In case of any sort of severe injuries which cannot be treated with the first aid supplies in that case the employee should be taken to in house doctor quickly, if not available then to  take to the nearest hospital.
  • The first aid box will be kept at the place where people of one specific floor can easily come and take the help of the authorized persons to treat the initial injuries.
  • Every week the authorized persons will scrutinize the first aid boxes to make sure the availability of the sufficient supplies and if required they will inform to the Welfare Department. Welfare Department will purchase the necessary supplies for the first aid boxes.

Responsible Parties:

Authorized persons whose names are provided on the top of the first aid boxes and Welfare Department will be responsible for maintaining and provide services.

Communication & Implementation:

  • First aid policy and procedure will be communicated through mail notifications to all and subsequent explanation by department heads to team members
  • Also will be explained by HR team members
  • Company first aid policy and procedure book will be provided to all department heads for reference


If injury is very serious, then the person could be immediately transferred to nearly hospital


There are reports made by the medical team, reports on medicine consumption, reports on treatment of injury cases. Regular review and tallying of the repots will be conducted by HR, Compliance and Welfare Departments will ensure timely requisition, rewards and proper disbursement and use of the medicines.  Garment company first aid policy and procedure should be exist in all department.

Fire Safety Devices. Safety and Security Management System

Fire Safety Devices. Safety and Security Management System

Safety and Security Management

The Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a comparative endeavor among the trade, community and US customs service to develop safety and security management system and maintain co-operative relationship that strengthen overall supply system and garment border security. The expectation for the trade on this program is to make commitment toward the common industrial goal of creating a more safety security  system and efficient supply chain through partnership. Fire safety devices is not intended to create any new “liability” for the company beyond their existing security practices. However, joining C-TPAT will commit company to follow the actions specified in the signed agreement. C-TPAT recognizes that a safe and security supply chain is the most critical part of both the vendors and the buyers. For this reason, a strong anti-terrorism partnership with the community through C-TPAT is required to safeguard the supplied commodities. The fire safety devices are listed here.

Fire Safety Devices

Network Access Control PG-2750 Installation Procedures

Access Control & Attendance Solutions

IT Security Policy for Apparel Industry

C Tpat Audit Checklist for IT Security

Prevention of Sharp Machine Tools in Garments

24 Hour Pest Control in Fashion Industry

GSM Fire Alarm Sound With Fire Safety Devices

How To Install CCTV Camera? 

What Does CCTV Stand For?

What is CCTV ? How Hidden Surveillance Cameras Work

Jewelry in Garments

Hard Plastic Glasses Control Policy

Fully Automatic Capsule Filling Machine 

Guidelines for Safety Security

Autogarment has developed guidelines for every employee in this factory to follow as part of the factory’s regulations and are posted on the readily accessible place to alert all employees concern on security. These guidelines were developed to cover the security of the following 7 areas:

Container/Covered van Security:Focus on the physical integrity of the incoming and outgoing covered vans prior to stuffing and the procedures of the seals and the reliability of the locking mechanisms of the doors.

Physical Access Controls: Focus on prevention of unauthorized access to the shipping, loading and cargo areas. Implement controls on identification of all employees, visitors and vendors. It also includes procedures for challenging unauthorized /unidentified persons.

Personnel Security: Autogarment shall enhance the factory’s recruitment system to include interviewing and background checks/verifications

Procedural Security: There are set systems and methodology to handle the incoming and outgoing goods. Engaged with Security Officers on controls of in/out cargo; record on shipping marks, weights, number etc; procedures for verifying seals on containers, trucks etc; reporting shortages and overages; storage of empty and fill containers to prevent unauthorized access; and a tracking system of all cargo movements.

Security Training and Threat Awareness: This security plan also provides to employees a security awareness training, that includes operation procedures, awareness, identity and reporting of crime, and determining and addressing unauthorized access. The training program encourages active employee’s participation in security controls.

Physical Security: Focus on buildings & constructions; external and internal locking devices; warehouse safety; lighting inside and outside the facility; shipping, loading & cargo areas; as well as internal and external communications systems for assurance of factory’s physical security.

Information Technology Security: Focus on the protection and accountability policy on the Information Technology (IT)

Safety and Security Management in Main Gate

  • Report to the duty place on time.
  • Know the scope of the security of the post.
  • Allow only the authorized persons to enter and exit the factory – checking the ID Cards are hanged with the neck.
  • Do body check of the out-going persons- workers, staffs.
  • Check the bags on suspicion — by showing courtesy.
  • Scrutiny for carrying anything by any worker or staff.
  • Be vigilant at the gate and out of the factory premises.
  • Observe for any suspected movement of any person- own or outsider.
  • Scrutiny about the vehicles coming for loading and offloading.
  • Examine the Challan and gate passes regarding the goods and enter the same into respective register.
  • Inform with full particular at the reception if any person needs to enter with car or other vehicle.
  • Shall not leave the post with permission.

Safety Security for Loading and Off Loading Point

  • While on the loading and off loading duty ask for the gate pass and delivery Challan to know about the number and quantity of the materials.
  • Ensure that concerned person is present at the time of loading and off loading.
  • Count the item in the tally sheet and submit the same to the supervisor for further record.
  • If it is observed that the quantity I number is not matching with the gate pass Challan or packet or bundle is torn or broken inform the matter to security officer / supervisor immediately.]
  • Check the lock before and after loading and off loading for its effectiveness.

Safety and Security Management in Floor Area

  • Restricting the movement of the unauthorized persons.
  • Frequently check and ensure the identity of the person working there.
  • Observe for any susceptive activities of any person.
  • Observe for any stealing and sabotaging activities.
  • Not to leave the post with any replacement
  • Be vigilant and alert by using the light and whistle.
  • Do not leave the post without permission.

Safety and Security Management in Guards Place

  • Main Gate
  • Warehouse Gate.
  • Loading Area.
  • Exit Gate (01)
  • Exit Gate (02)
  • Parking Area

Security Guidelines for IT Department

  • Password logon be set up to control employees to access to network and sensitive information
  • Conduct periodic internal audits of the IT system
  • Employees are required to change passwords on a regular basis
  • System in place to identify & the abuse of IT including improper access, tampering or altering of business data.
  • All system violators are subjected to appropriate disciplinary actions for abuse.
  • All system violators must be reported to the management and be recorded. All records should be kept for at least 12 months.
  • All illegal activities must be reported to the management and police.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

The following numbers are maintained by the security personnel

  • Nearest police station
  • Nearest Fire Brigade
  • Ambulance
  • Nearest Clinics & hospital
  • Key Factory Personnel

Safety and Security Management in Van

Arrangements and Procedures to meet different types of business needs after getting approval for loading cartons to ship, store team should count the cartons to be loaded physically. After counting, comparing and confirming with commercial invoice, the cartons should be loaded into covered vans. A delivery Challan & Gate pass should be made truck wise for each shipment. Company), security sign and van driver sign (on behalf of C&F agent). After loading a shipment into a truck from factory, Truck driver are the responsible persons to hand over the shipment to customer. The Shipment Truck/Van should be locked and sealed by the security in front of truck driver, Store person and commercial person. If the seal is found broken before handing over to customer, customer will not accept the Shipment. Goods of the truck and should inform the incidence to commercial personnel and to factory management immediately.

Awareness on Usages of Hazardous Materials

In order to ensure safe and secured work environment, the factory employees are trained on the hazards, precautions and procedure for the safe storages, handling and use of all potentially harmful materials relevant to each employee’s task and work area. Personnel are also trained in environment, health and safety mailers including accident prevention, safe lifting practices, safe handling of chemical and proper control and maintenance of equipment and facilities. Although PROJECT STITCH is not using any hazardous materials or chemicals right now the policy has been developed for future.

Customers Audit of C-T PAT:

The buyers make audit of the vendors’ factory security system to ensure overall trade compliance. The factory must pass the audit and get approval of the concerned buyers to continue business on a long term bais. The buyers may recommend additional guidelines, which the vendors need to follow for overall security of the supply chain.

Safety and Security Management in Drug Controls

Autogarment does not tolerate the introduction of drugs into its work premises whether it is by inmates, visitors or staff. The management intends to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law against those individuals involved in any illegal drug transaction into the frontier of factory premise, if any. To ensure the process, management has introduced the following guide lines and restrictions which every individual associated with PROJECT STITCH needs to follow and abide by:

  • Any campaign encouraging usage of drug or any kind of alcohol is strictly prohibited associating the company name.
  • The employees are kept under close observation during lunch hour, break hour and any other time through surprise visit of assigned personnel.
  • The management carries out surprise visit to the toilets, canteen area, and other suspected places where the employees take rest during off hour to restrict the employee intervention with any illegal drugs transaction.
  • The employee & the authority arrange drug eradication program by organizing workshop, seminars and training program to explain the hazards of taking drugs.
  • The factory is totally restricted of carrying, taking, selling or distributing of illegal drug of any kind of sensitive fire safety devices
  • The factory premise is a no smoking and nonalcoholic zone to ensure safety security system