Internal EHS Audit Procedure

Internal EHS Audit

Purpose & Scope: To ensure compliance to the Company’s quality management system by a program of internal audits of all departments participating in the system.

Responsibilities: The EMR & EMR has responsibility for directing activities relating to this procedure.


  • An Audit Schedule,, is prepared to conduct at least two audit in one year. Interval of audit is six month.
  • Qualified auditors are selected and team leader appointed. General Manager (EMR & EMR) will act as Team Leader. They will not be from the same department being audited.
  • All audit findings i.e. detail of people interviewed, documents checked etc. are recorded on Activity Log .
  • Any nonconformity found during the audit is reported on Nonconformity Report, Department heads will decide on corrective action and target dates.
  • For each audit, an Audit Summary Report, is prepared.
  • The EMR & EMR keeps the Nonconformity Reports and Audit Summary Report, with copies to the concerned personnel.
  • Follows up checks/audits are arranged as necessary, after the target dates for corrective action, to close nonconformities.
  • If in the follow up audit it is observed that action taken on any nonconformity is not effective or not taken then a CPA form is raised.

A Standard CV of a HR Director

To work in an environment where there is an opportunity of being useful by means of self-assessment and self improvement in both individual and group based work that will ultimately lead the future development of the organization.

I prefer to work in an organization where friendly organized environment with team sprit that I can get a good opportunity for career development to any area of job particularly in the computational activity area which is suitable for me according to my qualification that I would be able to use my knowledge and experience.


Name of Organization


Job Description  Official Documents Maintain.
 Manpower Planning.
 Staff Development.
 Developing HR Policies.
 Job and Role analysis.
 Selection & Recruitment.
 Job Satisfaction Survey.
 Revising Guidelines on employee benefits.
 Prepared & Formulated HR related various ç. Programs, Schedule, Rules.
 Provide necessary support to management in performing activities in the area of labor.
 Factory Compliance
 Human Rights issues
 Security, Health & Safety
 Health & Safety.
 Hygiene & Employee Welfare & Compliance.
 Handling Factory Compliance
 Supervising all work of personnel/ HR
 Monitoring Labour Industrial law
 Making Salary Sheet
 Making Attendance Report
 Maintaining leave, Maternity & Accident Register.

Name of Organization :

Position :

Job Description :
 To ensure factory security of plant, premises & personnel.
To participate/ arrange in factory’s transport service system.
To participate in factory establishment & asset management.
To participate in factory’s construction, expansions, resource mobilization, renovation program.
To supervise all installation, fixing, construction work.
To deal with all procurement, distribution & provisioning activities:-
a) To asses/identify all purchase/procurement requirement of the factory, process the requistion, for warded these to head office as recommended by the concerned factory head and follow-up same.
b) To check/verify all purchase related requisition from all departments, process these and forwarded then to head office as recommended by the concerned factory head & follow-up.
To ensure that all ultra…/trash/Jhut are in regular disposal/sale.
A.To maintains the factory always prepared/ready for following audits:-
Social compliance Audit.
Technical/Quality control audit.
Security System audit (C-TPAT).
B. To supervise/ensure that health and safety issues as per in house checklist are properly and finally maintained as in complicate.
To ensure that no force employment occurred in the factories.
To ensure that employment of no child/young looking workers are made.
To ensure non decimation in course of employment, paying/ providing wages/salary/benefits/facilities/welfare.
To attend/participate workers welfare committee meeting. Offer frequent hearing to the agreed workers in.
To coordinate with manager/asst. manager/officer (labour relation) from time to time in respect of disciplinary/ IR issues and refer the issues to him.
To ensure access/right to inspection during buyer’s audits.
To check all data, records, reports, formats, statement, rack, files, books & register of all departments are properly prepared, issued, up-date & maintained as per compliance requirement/standards:-
To take instant corrective action in auditors certain minor findings/ discrepancies during audit.
To ensure that all corrective action has been taken
 monitoring round to each and every section of leave and every section of the factory to observe the general discipline, cleanliness, health and safety issues etc.
 Compliance check list drive along with compliance executive in any line/ section of the factory.
 Ensure compliance documentations to meet the requirements of ES Audit.
 Report to the higher authority for the issues and incidents in the factory

 Awareness Program about BLL-2006
 Awareness on Health & Safety issues
 Training on selected personnel on fire fighting equipments
 Awareness Program on PPE equipments.
 Conduct Fire Drill.
 Nominate employee of the month


 Ensuring proper implementation of Bangladesh labor law in the factory.
 Ensuring proper implementation of Buyers Code of Conduct in the factory.
 Ensuring all facilities as per law and Buyer’s COC.
 Corresponding with buyers and 3rd party Audit firm for factory evaluation.
 Preparing Corrective Action Plan (CAP) as per Audit report.
 Implementation of CAP.
 Taking necessary steps before compliance Audit.
 Daily monitoring of compliance issues as per check list.
 Monitoring Occupational Health & Safety issues in the factory.
 Finding Health & Injury risk, occupational disease assessment & take action to reduce.
 Preparing Fire safety Committee & arrange training.
 Arranging Fire Drill.
 Arranging Fire equipments operation training PPE using training and First aid training
 Arranging training on worker frights based on labor law.
 Ensuring portable drinking water, arrange to test the drinking water.
 Ensuring hygienic toilet facilities to workers.


 Tendency to develop skill in the relevant job field.
 Posses a positive, balanced & pleasing personality
 Skilled in better communication.
 Able to face and stress in profession.
 Accommodation and open minded.
 Co- operative
 Highly trainable
 Strong leaderships
 Self- motivated
 Imaginative, Intuitive and creative
 Able to work under extensive pressure
 Young energetic, dynamic & goal oriented
 Strong organizing & time management skills

Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct

Code of Integrity

We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation during our auditor’s visit to your factory. At the same time, we would like to remind you about our Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct regarding “Gifts and Gratuities”. Everyone in our company, including our auditors/inspectors, fully understands the company policy and would appreciate your compliance to avoid any misunderstanding.

While we respect that certain practices vary between different cultures, we also ask you to understand that we cannot allow any practice that might undermine or be perceived to undermine our commitment to integrity. Under the procedures our auditors / inspectors are required to report any potential intimidation or any offers of benefits / entertainment to their local management and this in turn will be forwarded to our principals. The audit company may also take further action against any parties who offer such inducements.

We also assure you that our auditors have been fully trained on correct audit a procedure which includes the auditor not requesting any personal benefits as part of the audit process. If you have any concerns on this point, please contact the office names on this document.

Again, thank you for your support and cooperation. Please indicate your understanding by signing on the space provided below.

Flow Chart of Garment Finishing Process

Flow Chart of Garment Finishing

Finishing input – style, size color & country wise

Initial quality check for finished garments

Garments Spot Removing

Ironing or Pressing

Inspection by QC

Hang tag

Get up change

Garments Folding


Set Bar code (buyer wise sticker)

Pass metal detector machine

Cartooning or Packaging

Inspection of ready to ship garments

Dispatch shipment

Flow Chart of Quality Control in Marker Making

Flow Chart of QC in Marker Making

To check notch and drill mark

Width of fabric must be higher than width of marker

Fabric length must be higher than marker length

Green line Matching

Checking pattern size & dimension

Matching of check & stripe taking into consideration

Considering garments production plan

Cutting table length consideration

Pattern direction consideration