by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Compliance
What is Maternity Benefit Policy
Principle :
The management of Auto Garments Apparel Ltd. is committed to provide maternity benefit as per law and help maintain good physical and mental health of Mother & child.
To ensure compliance related to the maternity benefit rules and regulations as per law of Bangladesh.
This policy is applicable for all the female employees who are employed by Auto Garments Apparel Ltd.
Provided that a female employee shall be entitled for such maternity benefit if she has worked with the company for at least 6 months up to the immediate preceding day of her delivery.
Provided that the benefit entitlement is only for the employee’s first and second child birth.
Payment Criteria:
Employee is entitled for 112 calendar days of Maternity Leave (ML).
Maternity Benefit is payable at the rate of monthly average wages which is calculated by dividing the total wages earned by the employee during the 3 months immediately preceding the date on which she gives notice by the number of actual working days during this period.
Payment must be given within 3 working days of receiving application or formal notification.
In case of those who will go to maternity on first week of any given month, HR will provide the pay slips of previous month with HRA concern signature.HRA/Compliance will send a requisition of estimated figure & HC of the persons going to Maternity Leave to Finance and Finance will deposit estimated amount to HRA/Compliance.
Any other matters relating to Maternity Benefit will follow the Bangladesh Labor law.
Documents to support payment:
Employee shall duly submit the application with supporting documents stated in Annexure 1 (Maternity Checklist) to HRA or Compliance Department (as appointed by the management).
Payment procedure:
Pre-maternity Benefit: 8 weeks Pre-Maternity Benefit shall be paid within 3 working days after providing the certificate of expected delivery date from a registered doctor along with the application supported by related documents.
Post-maternity Payment: Post-Maternity Benefit (Balance payment) shall be paid 3 working days after providing the proof of child birth i.e. Child birth certificate and related documents.
Central HR is responsible for implementation
Factory HR is responsible for execution and compliance in the factory
Factory HR is responsible for Custody of documents relating to Maternity Benefit
Any matters arising related to this policy to be communicated with Central HR.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Sewing & Production
Preservation Process for Delivery Products
To ensure preservation of products during internal processing and delivery to the customer destination. Full details of the audit methodology and the way in which the findings are reported are available publicly The audit will involve an assessment of your production site including any accommodation provided against the following standards:
- The national and local laws in your country of operation,
- Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, covering the nine topics of labour standards and Health & Safety (see– ‘Scope of a GARMENTSPEDIA Audit’).
It will be necessary to interview a cross section of workers, approx. 5- 10% of the workforce. These interviews may be in groups or one to one. Management must not be present at these, to safeguard the confidentiality of individuals, and where interpreters are necessary there must be no links between the site and the interpreter to ensure total impartiality (see document 5E – ‘Principles of Worker Interview Information for Sites’). Applies to products made by Auto Garments Ltd.
- Production Managers are responsible for proper identification, handling, packaging and storage of products.
- Commercial is responsible for preservation of products up to its destination.
- Quality Control is responsible for assessing storage condition.
Document Review (see document 5C attached for more detail) Part of the audit will include a detailed review of documents, such as time cards, payroll, wage slips, and personnel records (see document 5C – ‘List of Required Documents’). Ensure conformity of products during processing and up to destination during delivery.
Products will be identified by main label, price sticker, size label, main hang tag etc. as per instruction by the buyer.
Adequate precautions will be taken to prevent damage of products and shippers during processing and loading into containers.
Corrugated cartons will be used for shipping of products.
Quantity and size assortment in the shipper carton will be done as per instruction of buyer mentioned in Purchase Order.
Storage and Protection:
Shipper cartons with products will be stored in Carton Transit area.
Products will be delivered to customer via containers to ensure prevention of damage during transportation.
A GARMENTSPEDIA audit carried out to the above topics is known as a 2-Pillar audit.
In addition there are 2 optional extra modules to GARMENTSPEDIA included by some Auto members as relevant for their supply chains. These are:-
- Environment
- Business Practices
If included these result in a 4-Pillar GARMENTSPEDIA audit – please check with your customers as appropriate to establish whether the required audit is a 2-Pillar or 4-Pillar.
If an issue is raised, and the local law differs from the ETI base code, the auditor will use the standard which gives greater protection to the worker. Therefore an issue may be raised against e.g. the ETI base code even if the local law permits the practice. * see 5 J. ‘Non-Compliance Process and Auto ’ for more details.
To ensure protection during storage at Auto garment Quality Control shall assess storage area condition once a month.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Finishing
Sketch, Fabrics, Accessories
To ensure identification, verification, protection and safeguard of customer property provided for use or incorporation into product. As an additional support for good auditor conduct during an audit, auditors/audit companies are making available their own code of conduct for auditors, which describes the need for impartiality on behalf of the auditor. You are requested to sign this to confirm you have received and understood the content.
Where non-compliances are found we hope to agree both the corrective actions and the timescales at the end of the audit (see document 5J – ‘Non-Compliance Process and Auto ’), and you can familiarise yourself .This procedure applies to control of sketch, measurement, fabrics, accessories and packing materials supplied by the customer to Auto Garment Ltd. for use in making sleeping bags and incorporation into products.
If you are commissioning this audit at the request of a Auto member we ask that you register on Auto as a B member and give our administrator access to upload the audit. Our administrator can then access your details from your completed Supplier Audit Questionnaire (SAQ.)This will allow our administrator to use your SAQ details to complete your Supplier details (see supplier Guidance Pack Stage 3 [Link]). This should be done before the audit.
- MCD Officer shall ensure proper storage of all customer supplied fabrics, accessories and packaging materials
- Manager, Quality Control is responsible for verifying quality parameters.
- Merchandiser, Production Manager are responsible for control of customer approved sample, sketch and measurement.
- General Manager is responsible for notifying customer any lost, damaged or unsuitable for use.
- To control of sketch, measurement, fabrics, accessories and packing materials
- supplied by the customer for use in making sleeping bags and incorporation into products.
- Report customer any lost, damaged or otherwise unsuitable for use of customer supplied products.
- Customer supplied products shall be stored and identified by buyer name, yle /order number, color, and item name (as applicable).
- Customer Provided Sample and Specification:
- Customer approved sample will be identified and controlled by Style
- Order No., Approval Date, Size and Buyer Name.
Customer supplied products (fabrics, accessories, etc.) will be verified as per Quality System Procedure for Monitoring and Measurement of Product
Customer measurement and sketch will be reviewed and checked as per Quality System Procedure for Customer Related Process (07-01)
Notification and Action on Lost, Damaged, Unsuitable for use for Customer
- Managing Director shall notify customer or customer representative any loss, damage or otherwise unsuitable for use of customer property immediately after receiving report via e-mail.
- A competent person will be assigned by the Managing Director to investigate the cause of the problem. This shall be recorded in Non- conforming Material/Product Report
- Managing Director will give decision of the non-conformity upon consultation with buyer or buyer representative.
- If necessary corrective action project will be taken as per Quality System Procedure for Corrective Action
- At the end of the audit we can upload both the CAP and the report onto Auto so that your clients (ones you have linked to on Auto ,) can review the report automatically.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Compliance
Incoming Materials Identification
To identify products throughout the product realization and to specify product status during internal processing. With this letter please find attached a list of the documents we have included to give you detailed information on the GARMENTSPEDIA process.
Finally if you have any queries regarding this audit or any questions once you have read this communication, please contact us for more information, for example, we have many of these documents in other languages. Applies to incoming materials, in-process stages and products made by AUTO Camp Ltd.
- Manager, MCD is responsible for proper identification of incoming materials at the warehouse.
- Cutting In-charge is responsible for identification of cut components.
- Production Manager, Quality Control Manager/In-charges and staff of Quality Control is responsible for assigning and maintaining appropriate inspection and test status.
- Identification of product by suitable means throughout product realization.
- Identification of product status with respect to monitoring and measurement requirements.
- Fabric and accessories will be identified by buyer name, style/order number, lor and item name.
- Cut components bundles will be identified by style number or order number and size.
- Sewing in-process sleeping bags will be identified by line number/name, style details, items and Buyer (the following information for each line shall be identified): ame/number, – running style number , item name, – buyer’s name
- Finished sleeping bags will be identified by main label, price sticker, size label, main hang tag, etc. as per buyer instructions.
- Cartons containing sleeping bags will be identified with printed marking on them as per instruction provided by buyer in the Purchase Order.
- The following color marks will be used for the different inspection and test of in-coming materials, cut components, in-process products and final sleeping bags described below:
– Quarantine: Blue
– Pass: Green
– Non-conforming: Yellow
– Reject: Red
– Stock Lot: Orange
During issue and use of in-coming materials, in-process and finished sleeping bags inspection and test status shall be checked.
Non-conforming in-coming materials, in-process and finished seeping bags shall not be issued or used.
For our administrator to gain access to your SAQ and to upload your audit on Auto , it is important that you do the following within the Auto system:
- Enter the audit details
- Choose us as your auditor
- Choose the person who will upload your audit (either from a pre populated drop down list called ‘auditor’ OR using details given by ourselves – our administrators will help)
- Ensure the box is ticked to give us access to your SAQ and to allow your auditor to upload the audit.
To help you register on Auto , there are a number of guidance documents which will assist the above processes
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Sewing & Production
Production Control and Service Provision
To ensure the production processes are carried out under controlled conditions. -,
This procedure applies to production of AUTO Camp Ltd.
Production Manager, Manager Quality Control, Quality In-charge, Maintenance Manager, MCD Manager and Merchandiser are responsible to follow this master procedure.
- Ensure availability of Purchase Order to production
- Ensure use of suitable equipment
- Ensure availability and use of monitoring and measuring equipment.
- Inspection and measurement of sleeping bags
- Implementation of release, delivery and post delivery activity.
- Availability of Information and Guidelines:
- Merchandiser shall provide sketch and measurement of the sleeping bags along to Production and Quality Control personnel, which are be followed during production.
- Approved PP/salesman sample of buyer or buyer representative will be followed.
- A copy of buyer Purchase Order will also be made available to
- Manager, Merchandiser/ Merchandiser shall provide the TRIM Card to production and quality control for correct identification of fabrics and accessories.
- For every style, Manager MC shall prepare Shade Card containing sample swatch from each roll of same color of an order arranged as per shade variation. The shade card will be arranged in such a way that any shade variation comes in a continuing fashion. The shade card will be approved by the Production Manager and Manager Quality Control.
- Production shall be carried out according to the production program prepared by the General Manager.
- Availability and Use of Monitoring and Measurement Equipments:
- Manager Quality Control shall ensure availability of measurement instrument such as measuring tape to Quality Control and Production personnel.
- Only calibrated measuring equipment will be used.
- Implementation of Monitoring and Measurement:
- Manager, Quality Control shall ensure required recording forms in the line to Quality Control personnel.
- Products found non-conforming during production will be handled as per
- Quality System Procedure for Control of Non-conforming Products