Points to consider when carrying out a 5 Whys template analysis
On average 4-5 Whys? are required to get to the root cause. If you have only filled in 1 or 2 Whys your analysis is likely to be incomplete for 5 whys template Analysis
Once you have got to your last Why? you should know what your corrective action taken should be as it should link to this last Why?
This corrective action taken is your longterm corrective action plan (s. below) and should be filled into the relevant column of your CAP.
Usually a longterm action will lead you to a written system, procedure or SOP, as most non-compliances arise because of a system failure.
Any shortterm action required would be mentioned in the right hand side column of the 5 Whys? analysis (s. below).
The correct reason must be identified for the non-compliance as otherwise your analysis might head in the wrong direction.
There can be several reasons for a non-compliance. If that is the case please carry out several root cause analysis’, as they will lead you to different corrective actions required.
intends to increase the FOB price on our purchases by 5% beginning January 1st 2016 and continuing until further notice. This FOB cost increase will be added to the agreed FOB pricing negotiated between and Target Pty. Ltd.’s Buyers. The additional FOB increase will be used by Target for further investment in the growth of our mutual businesses.
If your Why? question identified e.g. a lack of space you cannot ask why, as space is a premises/building limitation, but the issue is then that planning was not done according to the space available. So if you are aware of the lack of space and a non-compliance has not occurred for the first time your question must be why nobody has done anything about it yet, if the lack of space was known as 5 whys template Analysis
Internal Audit Checklist for Manufacturing Company
Internal Audit Checklist for Manufacturing Company – Workers’ dissatisfaction with the management personnel was discussed with due importance. Plant Manager said it is very important issue for maintaining a congenial working environment and Production Manager,Production Manager and In-charges of the Knitting sections have been withdrawn accordingly. Chairman gave due importance on the issue and he requested everybody to pay more attention and enhance more monitoring system on this issue to those who are working in the factory. The Management thanked all the persons for attending the meeting on time. At the beginning of the meeting the Management Representative reminded all the agenda of the meeting. The agenda discussed are the following: …
Audit Results
Customer Feedback
Process Performance and Product conformity
Preventive and corrective actions status
Need for changes to quality management system (if any)
Review of the last management review meeting outcomes
Recommendation for Improvement
The summary of the audit reports were shown on the slide using the projector by the Management Representative. In the discussion, emphasize was given on finding out the causes of the existing minor non-conformities, accordingly necessary correction, root cause and corrective actions to be taken to avoid repetition of the same. A detailed discussion was held on fixation of piece rate for the Knitting operator which is not published before the salary disbursement date. Regarding the discontent of the workers the management has decided and already implemented to inform piece rate clearly and regularly to them at the end of the month before the salary disbursement date.
To ensure periodic review of effectiveness, adequacy and suitability of Quality Management System and to coordinate and control the activities of the quality management system. All the members of factory Family have realized thatQuality Management System is really an excellent tool to uphold the quality of the product and at the same time continual improvement indicator. The trend analysis of different department reflects the continual improvement.
Quality Management System
Documentation requirements
Determination of product requirements
Review of product requirements
Customer communication
Design development
Purchasing process
Purchasing information
Verification of purchased product
Production and service provision
Control of production and service provision
Quality Manual
Control of documents
Control of records
Management Responsibility
Management Commitment
Customer Focus
Quality Policy
Identification and traceability
Customer property
Preservation of product
Control of monitoring and measuring devices
Measurement, analysis and improvement
Monitoring and measurement
Customer satisfaction
Internal audit
Monitoring and measurement of processes
Monitoring and measurement of product
Control of non-conforming product
Analysis of data
Continual improvement
Corrective action
Preventive action
Planning fo internal audit checklist for manufacturing company
Quality objectives
Quality Management System planning
Responsibility, authority and communication
Responsibility and authority
Management representative
Internal communication
Management Review
Resource Management
Provision of resources
Competence, awareness and training
Work environment
Product Realization
Planning of product realization
Customer-related process for internal audit checklist for manufacturing company
Internal Audit Checklist for Manufacturing Company Location
Department heads should increase the frequency of factory (std) visit to gather some new ideas and good practices, which will enhance our race to reach the goal. All elements of the ISO standard for the QMS has been covered during the audit except the clauses which are excluded from QMS . The total features of the audit are given below to show the current status of the audit results:
Dyeing, Finishing & Batch
Dyeing, Finishing & Batch
Quality Control
Human Resources
Dyeing, Finishing & Batch
Quality Control
Human Resources
Dyeing, Finishing & Batch
Quality Control
Human Resources
Dyeing, Finishing & Batch
Quality Control
Human Resources
Quality Control
Human Resources
Using trend analysis all departments are monitoring their process performance. The trend analysis, which reflects the status of departmental objectives and targets. One corrective has been taken in dyeing department. Using softener in exhaust we were getting poor hand feel suddenly. Then we’ve started softener application in padding process instead of exhaust. The result was found better hand feel using less or same amount of softener
Technical Audit – Factory Compliance Board operates with the belief that ‘FIRE PREVENTION’ is better than Fire Fighting as well as aiming to ‘GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME ROUND’. There are 4 sections to the technical compliance evaluation and they are: –
Housekeeping and Maintenance of Equipment
Pre Production Measures for Compliance Audit
Quality Assurance Process
Product Integrity
Points will be given for the technical compliance evaluation. Each Buyer customer has a different standard in quality acceptance, therefore the minimum points required will be different from each customer. In the event a factory does not meet the minimum points, the factory will fail the technical compliance portion of the factory evaluation and will be required to make corrections and improvements within an agreed time frame.
The only exception to this ruling is that the factory does not comply to Garment Buyers mandatory requirement of a broken needle policy or control of sharp tools (ie. Knives, trimming scissors etc). A factory that does not meet these mandatory requirements cannot start business with Garment Buyers customers.
Housekeeping and Maintenance of Equipment
Under this section, Buyer evaluators will be looking at how the factory maintains its premises and its equipment (which includes machineries) to prevent possible dirt, dust, oil contamination as well as potential issues with quality. Some examples of poor housekeeping and maintenance of equipment are: –
Factory has no storage in all parts of their factory or storage areas are compromised by sharp edges causing possible snagging on materials
Machines are rusted or leaking oil and there is no written records of maintenance Compliance Audit
Fabric and/or materials in the warehouse are exposed to direct sunlight causing color fastness issues
Lighting at areas in the factory that affect quality (i.e. inspection, sewing, painting, etc.) is insufficient (i.e. Garment Buyers standard is 500 lux but affected area is only 250 lux)
Pre Production Measures for Technical Audit
Under this section, Buyer evaluators will be looking at how the factory ensures ‘fire prevention’. In this section of the evaluation, written records are mostly required. Some examples of processes evaluated are: –
Is there a fabric/yarn/inspection process? There should be written records to verify this inspection process and also an inspection standard (4 or 10 point system or ISO) that is used.
Is there a garment shrinkage/elongation test process? Shrinkage/elongation between garment and fabric is never the same, which is why this process is necessary. Again, the before and after results should be documented and tested both of washed and non-washed garments.
Is there a fusing control process? There are 3 elements to a good fusing (pressure, timing and temperature) therefore it’s crucial that there are written records of each fusing machine at least 3 times a day.
Is there a Pre Production Process? Before any bulk production commences, there should always be a pre production process to discuss customer’s comments with all parties involved in production. Again, there should be written documentation on this process as there are a lot of parties involved in bulk production and follow-up is therefore required by an appointed person.
Quality Assurance Process
Under this section, Buyer will be evaluating how the factory ‘gets it right the first time round’. In this section of the evaluation, written records are once again required. If the factory cuts an extra 5%, they should be targeting to ship an extra 3% instead of under shipping 5%. If the order quantity is 10,000 pieces, an over cut of 5% would be an additional of 500 pieces therefore if the factory under ships 5% at USD 10.00 per garment, that would be a waste of USD 10,000. Some examples of what a Buyer evaluator will be looking for: –
Is there a fabric relaxation process? All knitted and stretched (including woven) fabric should be unrolled and relaxed for at least 24 hours prior to spreading. Thereafter, the fabric should be further relaxed for another 6 hours after spreading (if the factory does not have an over feed automatic spreader) as manual spreading will put tension back into the fabric during spreading.
Is there an inline inspection process (for cut & sewn only)? We strongly recommend the ‘traffic light system’ where inline QCs will visit each sewer twice a day (minimum) to review their performance and inspect at least one bundle (but no less than 12 pieces) per sewer. Based on the number of defects found, the inline QCs will grade the sewer and give her a color (green for good, amber/orange for marginal and red for poor). Again, there should be documentation and recorded follow-up actions by the supervisors.
Is there a finished garment inspection process? 100% inspection should take place at this stage of inspection and QCs should not be found in possession of trimming scissors, as this is not their job.
Product Integrity
Under this section, Buyer evaluators will be walking the lines as well as visiting the packing section to determine product integrity of the factory. Here are some examples of what a Buyer evaluator will be looking for: –
Is there a broken/used needle policy? A broken needle policy should be enforced as it protects Garment Buyers customers from possible law suits by consumers. It should be documented and with all broken/used needles attached. The factory management should also use the information to identify possible quality problems.
Is there a control on the use of sharp tools? Sharp tools like knives, blades and trimming scissors should be tied down and/ or accounted for on a daily basis to avoid misplacement.
Was the seam intake consistent? If an over lock sewer is taking off ¼” on some seams and ½” on others (of the same style), there is inconsistency and factory will be penalized with point deductions.
Were garments already packed free of quality issues? Our evaluators will pick garments that are already packed for
Note : In the event that a factory does not meet the requirements of broken needle policy or sharp tools control. Even if they meet the required minimum score, no business can be placed for a new factory while an exit strategy is in place for a current factory for Compliance Audit