When the reed count is not changed on a specific loom, the ends of the fresh beam are tied with of the exiting one with the help of TODO – knotting machine. The selector no. is set according to the count of warp in the beams. If the counts of warp in the exiting beam and that of the fresh beam are different .The m/c can work at a speed of 200-500 knots /min and it is fisherman knot .Two person set the beam in position while one runs the TODO machine. One knotting machine is sufficient to serve all the 95 looms.
Work load assignment
Total no. of looms: 95
Picanol delta X: 30
Picanol omni: 16
Picanol gamma: 25
Sulzer: 24
There are two methods which are followed to prepared the beam for mounting on the loom.
These are:
Warping trying or knotting
Drawing in
Warping trying or knotting
The method has some limitation to used where an exactly same article or quality of fabric is to be made that is already running on the loom before knotting the following points should be consider
The total number of warp ends should be same as that of already running into the loom.
The count of warp yarn and weave design be same.
Drawing in
This method of mounting weavers beam on the loom is adopted when the design and quality differs from the existing one. The yarn as it comes to drawer hook is then drawn through dropper, then through the eye of heald wire. All the warp yarn thus drawn one by one finally pass through the split of the dent of reed is called denting
Equipment Used
For Tying a sized and leased beam with the already running beam in the loom. Following typing of machines are used: Knotex warp typing machine for mono color fabric.
Key Accessories:
Key accessories used for drawing are : Drawer’s hook, Reed knife
Key accessories used for warp tying are: Brush, Leasing band, Stand frame
In order to ensure floor and personal safety are instructed to following the safety guideline given bellow:
Smokey is strictly prohibited in the department
Operators are instructed not to touch any rotating or operating parts until the machine comes to complete
Put a sign on the machine when knotting work are progress
Cheek before Production:
Check the correctness of the knots
Check the whether any are crossing
Check whether any empty dropper is left or not
Warp tying process:
The operation procedure for warp tying is enumerated under the following points
The beam is loaded on to a specific loom and mounted on beam bracket. The tying frame is set in the roper position.
The ends of the old beam and the ends of the new beam are accurately brushed and gripped by the frame so that older and new ends makes a upper and lower set of yarn placed in proper tension.
Then warp tying head is mounted over the tying frame
Then machine is started, operator will check the correctness of the knot and start again by switch
Thus knotting will be completed up to the end of set tying upper set of older yarn with lower set of new warp
Thus knotting is completed tying head and frame are removed, the old pieces of knotted yarn is pulled through the frame and thus new warp set is allowed to pass and made reedy for run.
Operation staff for knotting section:
Knotting machine in charge
Drawing in process:
The operation procedure for drawing in is enumerated under the following points
Generally for new quality drawing n done on the machine
When article is completed the machine is ready for drawing in
As per quality drawing in charge make a program for drawing in
After drawing in / denting is complete then all frame reed are set in the machine
Then new yarn from the beam pulled and set in the loom with dropper, healds properly positioned and new yarn are tied with the old piece of cloth wrapped around the pressure roller with a small number of kno
Operation staff for drawing section:
Drawing in charge
Process Definition:
Interlacement of two or more yarns/threads warp and weft yarns in a definite order to form a fabric which is suitable for dress material, domestic and industrial purpose is called weaving. The machine used for this purpose is called weaving machine or loom.
The knotting machine used to the purpose of weaving can be categories are as follows:
The key accessories used for weaving are as follows:
Weavers hook
Weaver’s cutter
Pick counting glass
Measuring tap
Check before production:
Operator must be checking the following points prior to operation:
Check safety switch
Check drawing, denting, fabric width, weft density and other fabric defect
Check yarn count and manufacturer
Operation Procedure:
After article is done a new weaver’s beam set on the machine and drawing or tying is done. It is the duty of the loom technician to check and set all necessary setting, gauging and operating values through mechanical means after setting is done. He hands over the knotting machine to beam pieces/ beam fitter
Singeing machine is the process passed out for removing loose hairy fiber protruding from the surface of the cloth there by giving it a clean looking surface. If the fabric is to have a smooth finish than singeing is essential. Singeing and desizing is a dry process used on woven goods that removes the fibers protruding from yarns or fabrics.
Schematic Diagram Singeing Machine and Desizing Machine
These are burned off by passing the fibers over a flame or heated copper plates. Singeing and desizing improves the surface appearance of woven goods and reduces pilling. It is really useful for fabrics that are to be printed or where a smooth finish is desired. Pollutant outputs associated with singeing include relatively small amounts of exhaust gases from the burners.
Objective of Singeing Machine
To remove loose hairy fibers.
To obtain a smooth Surface.
In order to impart a clearly defined & sharp design.
To prepare fabric for next process.
The process to remove the size material applied in weaving section and increase the absorbency power of the fabric is called desizing.
Desizing unit
Machine specification
Gas singeing machine:
Name: Osthoff-(Senge-Desize m/c)
42327 wuppertal
Origin: Germany
Machine description with process
Fabric inlet section: Gray fabrics are directly feed into the inlet of singeing machine. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller, guider & expander to ensure open width entry. Here there is a control panel to control fabric speed.
Fabric inlet section
Cleaning unit 1: Through fabric inlet then fabric is passed through cleaning unit which contain a brush as well as provide a vibrating motion for effective cleaning. From this unit dust are collected through duct in which suction is occurred by a high power motor. Big dusts are collected in dustbin and inferior particles are released in environment.
Machine Cleaning unit
Singeing unit: After passing cleaning unit then fabric comes into contact of flame for singeing. Fabric is passed over the water roller & in water roller flame is attacked tangentially or horizontally depending on fabric type & quality required.
Machine Unit
Cleaning unit 2: when singeing is occurred, the fabric contains few flame sparks on its surface & selvedge. Those are removed by cleaning unit & the dusts are passed through water because they contain fire spark. The inferior particles are moved away through duct in environment.
J Box: if fabric is feed as roll form then two j box is required one after inlet & another before cleaning unit. In continuous process j box is required for the continuity of fabric processing without machine stoppage which saves time.
Singeing Machine J Box
Desizing unit: finally the fabric is passed through desizing unit. Its contain desizing liquor. For desizing wetting agent, Enzyme, sequestering agent, acetic acid is required. Temperature is maintained around 80-100’C.
Chemical mixing unit: Beside desizing unit there are two chemical tank one of them is called reserve tank where chemical is mixed & circulated, another is storage tank where agitated chemicals are stored for using in bath. From this chemical entered in bath as required for even immersion.
Chemical mixing unit
Batching unit: After desizing fabric is collected in rolled in batcher in uniform tension. Then the fabric goes for rotation of 10-12 hours. For proper decompose of starch it is essential.
Batching unit
Rotation: After batching the fabric is packed by poly bag. Then it goes for rotation for 8 to 12 hours. In this time water react with starch in presence of enzyme & decomposestarch as water soluble glucose.
A typical Recipe for Desizing
Solid dyed fabric desize Recipe-
Wetting agent: Rucolase F.W.K– 7 gm/lt
Enzyme: Rucolase H.C.H – 8 gm/lt
iii. Dearting agent: Rucowet V.L-1g/lt
Sequestering agent: Verolaw N.B.O – 1 gm/lt
Acetic acid – as required to maintain pH
Yarn dyed fabric desize Recipe-
Wetting agent: Rucolase F.W.K – 5 gm/lt
Enzyme: Rucolase H.C.H – 5 gm/lt
Enzyme: Enzyme can make soluble the sizing chemical in H2O.
Wetting agent: it is used to increase the wettability of textile substrate and dye-stuff in water to easy penetration and obtain smooth paste. i.e. T.R oil.
Sequestering agent: It is used to minimize the impact of hardness of the water. i.e EDTA.
Dearating agent: It is used as antifoaming agent and increase the penetration of wetting agent.
Note: – In woven fabric processing Gas singeing machine is widely used. -The singeing is not applied above 45 count of fabric.
Material and Chemical used
Steam, compressed air, water, natural gas, Desizing agent, wetting agent, sequestering agent and dearating. Sizing Machine also work similar process.
Check list before production
Operator must check the following before starting production of the fabric named bellow:
All cotton colored fabric = Singing & Desizing.
All cotton colored peach finish fabric = Desizing.
But we will have to ensure that every side can absorb equal amount of chemical.
The amount of times which are fabrics take in passing the desizing chamber can be calculate as-
By dissolving test:Here 1’’ grey cloth with square cross section (□) will have to take in a 500ml pot. Then we will have to take the times which the fabric takes to dissolve in this solution.
Clip test: Here a clip is used to measure the times which the fabrics take in desizing chamber. In this process we will have to pass the clip from pressing roller to padder cylinder and have ti calculate the passing time of clip by stop watch.
Problem of Singeing Machine and Desizing Machine
During operation there are several problem occurred such as:
Sometime fire comes out unevenly due to breaking of burner surface. This can make uneven singeing.
Problem in bearing of roller. This is the most common problem.
High temperature in singeing machine section that occurred when even cold water is not flowed. When temperature is so high machine stopped automatically.
Dr. Joshep, DGM, Textile Division, Seotex Limited, USA
Rag Tearing Machine is using for textile recycling on woven fabrics and non woven fabrics for Waste management. In this maste management method we can know the fabric/cloth quality and other specification of cloth. That’s there is no way to make choice the normal type of fabric. We can make it the desired quality of fabric by help of this machine.
Function of Rag Tearing Machine :
To know the fabric quality for implementing waste management process
To select the appropriate fabric for implementing waste management process
To know the task of machine
To make sure the required quality product
To make rag bag
Used in textile industry for textile recycling
Used for Waste Management
To make polyester fabric
Used for recycled fashion
Used for recycled clothes
Rags Tearing Machine
Specifications of Tearing Machine:
[label type=”label” title=”Specifications Name”]
[label type=”label” title=”Specifications Value“]
Product Category
Machine Category
Fabric Rags Tearing Machine
Product Name
Fabric Rags Machine
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
Brand/ Manufacturer
Name of Manufacturer
Agent in Bangladesh
Production Capacity
Rollers diameter
1,5kw each
green or blue or violet
Wire size
800 kg
Motor power
Fabric/Cloth/Textiel rag machine
Features Recycled Fashion Machine:
It can lose remove the fabric waste, hard waste, prepare for further process by GM textile waste recycling machine series for recycled fashion
Help to keep the polyester fabric length of t he finished product and reduce the damage to the wire of GM machine series
Scrap metal is used to make recycled fashion of polyester fabric by this machine
Advantages of Recycled Fashion Process:
Its removes the hesitation of the quality of recycled fashion and create the locality with the market or suppler.
Waste Disposal Procedure
The management of AUTO emphasizes on establishing Environment Management System (EMS) inside & outside its factory premises to ensure environmental protection in the process of using raw materials, manufacturing products and discharging wastes. The management is firmly committed to comply all the relative obligations to ensure environment friendly condition in and around the factory.
The company has developed certain systemic procedures for the disposal of its wastes to prevent any environmental pollution and also for the safety of the workers & staff as well as the overall community.
Disposal wastes in AUTO are Empty Drum, Waste Accessories, Waste Metal Items & Waste Glass Items etc. Specific guidelines for the disposal of wastes are mentioned below.
Day to day wastes inside the production system will be kept in the respective area or waste boxes and at the end of each working day all of these wastes will be dispatched outside the factory in a designated safe place.
Empty Drums, Empty Container, Empty Bottle, Waste Plastic etc. we keep in a designated area & then send to the supplier for Recycle. The empty container of Thinner & other chemical container should not be used in the factory and not be given to workers for any other purpose.
At first, we try to repair the wastage metal items & if it is not possible then we keep it temporary in the wastage store & sell to the producer for recycle.
We keep all the accessories Waste items such as Carton, Poly, Gum Tape, offset items, Plastic clip & others Wastage in a designated area & & then send to the supplier for Recycle.
Others Items such as fused tube light & Broken Glass we keep in a designated area & then send to the supplier for Recycle.
During the removal of wastes it will be ensured that no nuisance is created because of the removing process and it does not affect the workers staff and also the tenants in and around.
Store & Administration of HR will maintain records of all waste disposals.
To sell the waste one team of three dept. (1 person – Admin, 1 person – store & 1 person from security dept.) will inventory item wise qty. Finally by a challan it will be out from the factory.
Waste which are not sellable, will be destroy by burning at a designated place.
Accumulated list of wastes & disposal procedures:
Segregated wastes are finally disposed of when they are no longer required. Disposal procedure depends on waste category. Some wastes, such as chemical wastewater requires treatment by ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) and some require simple disposal procedure such as dumping on landfilling site. On the contrary, some other wastes are reused and recycled. In the following tables, we have mentioned all the wastes and their disposal procedures-
This type waste if thorough here & there then fabric do not melted with the soil from which environment may pollute.
Incoming waste fabric firstly is kept segregate in certain area. One / two times in a months handed over to supplier for recycle.
Factory supervisor is responsible to monitor as rule and he is maintaining register with records as well.
Plastic / poly
Plastic & poly is generated from sewing section & finishing section
This is also not mixable item with soil. Relevant chemical is involved with the plastic. So its infected impact goes with air.
The company is also segregate in area from where is delivered to supplier for recycle as same way.
Factory supervisor is responsible to monitor as rule and he is maintaining register with records as well.
Metal / tin
This item is generated from machinery workshop and pattern making section.
This is not also mixable with the soil.
The company does not through outside of the factory. Its infection impact may involve with the air which is harmful for environment.
The company is also segregate in area from where is delivered to supplier for recycle as same way.
Factory supervisor is responsible to monitor as rule and he is maintaining register with records as well.
Tube Light
Tube Light is generated also from all section of Manufacturing Process.
Tube light making ingredients are not mix with air or soil. So its harmful radiation may occur any diseases on human body.
The company is also segregate in area from where is delivered to supplier for recycle as same way .
Electrical In charge is responsible to monitor as rule and he is maintaining register with records as well.
Paper is generated from Admin, Marketing, commercial and Accounts section .
Paper do not melted with the soil. If it is thorough outside of the factory then it’s infected impact may spread with the air .
The company is also segregate in area from where is delivered to supplier for recycle as same way .
Factory supervisor is responsible to monitor as rule and he is maintaining register with records as well .
Dirty water , stools & Urine
This item is comes from toilets .
This is very much polluted item for environmental pollution . It is directly impacted with air & water.
From the generated area sealed line has connected with municipality sewerage lines. So no scope to pollute by it.
Factory supervisor is responsible to monitor whether line is leaked in some where and he is maintaining periodically .
Medical Item
This type is generated only from medical room. Here some waste item is that blooded cotton, shirring, cap of tabs etc.
Same things is that such a item do not mix with the soil . As a result it’s impact is directly falls on environment .
This type of medical waste is disposed periodically as per disposal procedure .
company staff nurse is responsible to monitor and dispose.
She maintain & disposed records as well .
Disadvantages of Scrap Metal:
Its little bit costly for producing recycled fashion / recycled clothes
Conclusion :
By using these machines we can esily understand the tearing strentght of fabric and tearing strenght is the important factor each and every fabric. This machine played a vital role in textile sector ,so it’s very important to know about it .
[1] Rahamat Ullah Joy, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Daffodil International University, Reporter of apparelbangladesh24, Email: rahamat.tex@gmail.com
Sizing machine is a weaving machine in textile mills and this machine is used by textile manufacturers to apply size material to the warp yarns before weaving. This machine is not necessary for knitting which used for textile sizing . It is used to protect the yarn from abrasion and improve the breaking strength of the yarn of textile world.
Function of of the Machine for Textile Industry Process
Used for shuttle and shuttleless looms length of textile industry process
High speed during textile manufacturing
Best support after sale service for textile sizing
Specification of the machine for textile industry process is given below-
[label type=”label” title=”Specifications Name”]
[label type=”label” title=”Specifications Value”]
Product Category
Machine Category
Product Name
Sizing Machine
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
Name of Manufacturer
Agent In Bangladesh
Ring size
Production Capacity
30 Piece/Pieces per Month
Range Of Application
6’s—80’s staple yarn in cotton
Weaver’s Beam Width
3200 mm
Warper’s Beam Width
1800 mm
1200 Crawling speed
Squeezing Pressure
40 kN
Drying Capacity
800 Kg/Hr
Weaver’s Beam Diameter
1000 mm
Warper’s Beam Diameter
1000 mm
Max. Winding Tension
7 kN
1.6 /2.0 Kw
2600*5600*4300 mm
40 T
With automatic machine for the measurement and control of residual moisture in warp sheet.
Process definition
Sizing is a process by which films of chemicals are applied over the yarn.
To impart more strength in the yarn.
To impart more resistant to abrasion.
To impart flexibility in the yarn.
To reduce hairiness in the yarn.
Process requirement
Direct warp beam sizing machine.
Sectional warp beam sizing machine.
Details of warping machineries
For Head stock-1
M/c name
BENNINGER Zell sizing machine
BENNINGER Co. Ltd. Germany
M/c Model
Manufacturing year
Creel capacity
Double size box, 10 drying cylinder
For Head stock – 2
M/c name
BENNINGER Zell sizing machine
BENNINGER Co. Ltd. Germany
M/c Model
Manufacturing year
Creel capacity
1 Sectional warp beam, Extra – 20 capacity
Single size box, Double dip, 10 drying cylinder
Both the machine is equipped with BEN SIZEMIX size cooking and storage apparatus. A total of 20 (maximum) direct warp beam can be combined and sized to make weavers beam. Moreover an additional unwinding frame provides the facility to size sectional warped beam (beam to beam)
For Head stock – 3
M/c name
KAWAMOTO sizing machine
KAWAMOTO system corporation, Nagao, Japan
M/c Model
MBB 923: C14 : SS20 : PSDM 1218X2
Manufacturing year
Creel capacity
Single size box, Single dip, Double squeeze 14 drying cylinder.
Key accessories: Refractometer and viscosity cup.
Materials and Chemicals used:
Adhesive materials: Like modified starch, synthetic chemicals.
Starch – Kottotex T5N
Avetex K
Gem size PS
Tap size 364
Siam modified starch
Anilose – E
Sizeanil LV – 100
Penetrose – 50
Wetting agent
Quick solan SPR
Perfectly ASP
Quick solan Pec – 2
Elvanol PVA
Quick solan CMS
Texsolan ASP
Acrylic sizing agent
Size CA – 20
Multitex – AS30
Trisize SY – 50
Lubricants softener
Solwax – 50
Sizewax – 50
Piniwax – 300
Pinitex – K
Antifoaming agent
Resplimite – BU
Fig. Chemicals used in the size bath
Factor on which recipe depends
Composition of yarn
Yarn count
Total no. of ends
Weight of yarn
Size beam width
X=Total Ends/Ends /inch
If the value of X is more than 60, then the size beam width is 72-74.
If the value of X is lower than 60, then the size beam width is 67.
Machine setup:
Machine range
Set values
Sizing speed
1-120 m/min
40-45 fine count yarn
45-50 yarn dyed mtl.
50-70 solid dyed with medium count
Typical size recipe
M/c no – 1 (For Direct warp):
. 50×40
Construction: —————- X 59″
. 133×80
Fiber composition
Total ends
Warp length
Beam space
Squeezing pressure
7.5 KN
Pick up
Dry temperature
Starch (T5N)
72 Kg
Wetting agent (PVA)
24 Kg
Size wax
4 Kg
Binder (Tri size)
16 Kg
580 Lt.
M/c no – 2 (For sectional warp)
. 45 x 80/2
Construction: —————- X 59″
. 130×70
Fiber composition
Total ends
Warp length
2548 meter
Beam space
Squeezing pressure
8 KN
Pick up
Dry temperature
Starch (T5N)
73 kg
Wetting agent (PVA)
28 kg
Size wax
4 kg
Binder (Tri size)
13 kg
530 lt.
Practical Yarn Recipe
Practical Yarn Recipe
Size cooking procedure
PVA (10 minute steamed 700c)
Starch (30 minute steamed 900c)
Size + Wax
Steam (20 minute at 900c)
Cooked size
Determination of size% by Refractometer
Take the meter
Cooked size collect
Give on the tip of the matter
Observed the scale inside
Rating find in the scale
Determination of viscosity by viscosity cup
Take the viscosity cup
Collect the cooked size in the cup
Determination the time required to drop out the liquor from the bottom hole of the cup
If 22-30 second required then the viscosity is OK
Sizing fault and their remedies
Fault name
Uneven sizing
a. Worn out pressure roller.
b. Incorrect size level in size box.
c. Higher viscosity.
a. Change or grinding pressure roller.
b. Proper level of size in box.
End missing
a. Weak yarn.
b. Excessive speed.
a. Tension and speed. according to quality.
Joint end
a. Improper leasing.
b. Improper combing.
a. Proper leasing.
b. Proper combing
Excessive dried
a. Low speed
a. Proper speed should be maintained.
Wet warp
a. High speed
a. Proper speed should be maintained
Pattern breaking
a. End missing.
b. Improper leasing.
a. Proper leasing should be controlled
Conical beam
a. Mechanical fault in winding
a. Repair mechanical fault.
Excessive hard or loose beam
a. PVI (Pressure Variable Index) not work properly.
a. Maintenance of the PVI box.
List of Others Weaving machinery
Brand name
Winding section
FADIS Winder
RJK Winder.
HARISH Winder.
Warping section
KAWAMOTO High speed warping m/c
BENNINGER High speed warping m/c
BENNINGER Sectional warping m/c
Sizing section
BENNINGER Zell sizing m/c.
Weaving section
TOYOTA Air jet loom
SOMET Rapier loom
Quality assurance section
Thread counter
G. S. M tester
Measuring tape
Alphatens tensile strength tester
Elmendorf tearing tester 1653
Alphatens seam slippage tester
Nu-Martindle Abrasion & Pilling tester
ICI pilling box
Roaches thermal stability tester
Shirley crease recovery tester
Gyro wash fastness tester
Perspirometer & Carbonile water fastness tester
Perspirometer & Carbonile sweat fastness tester
Light fastness tester
Wascator washing stability tester
Maintenance of sizing machinery
Problem 1: Creel housing vibration.
Solve – Change the key of creel housing.
Problem 2: Pressure does not adjust properly.
Result: Uneven sizing.
Cause: Worn out pressure roller.
Remedies: Grinding the roller/ Change the roller.
Problem 3: Winding tension does not correct
Result: Hard/loose warp beam.
Cause: PVI box does not work correctly.
Remedies: Maintenance of PVI box of Sizing Machine
Jacquard loom is weaving machinery for weaving looms generally used in the weaving of various kinds of elastic jacquard tapes,jacquard fabric etc. The machine should adopts new electronic jacquard and computerized embroidery programming system. It can apply to produce all kinds of elastic and unelastic tapes and these tapes are used as safety belt, shoe, fabric etc.
Function of Jacquard Weaving Looms:
These series needle loom is used to make kinds of elastic and un elastic tapes. As ribbon, webbing, shoe lace, carpet tape, underwear band, seat belt and so on. Custom configured Jacquard Weaving Looms can be used to weave practically all fabrics such as jacquard fabric, linings, labels, dress materials, table cloths, bedclothes, velvets, toweling and carpets. The Jacquard Weaving Looms are designed to fullfill the requirements of textile production and to take account of the weaving parameters for the looms of the styles .
jacquard function
Features of Jacquard Weaving Loom:
Jacquard weaving loom is equipped with new electronic jacquard heads and computer punching systems
Mechanism for fast, precision and easy for procedure
Human based design and large space.
Jacquard weaving loom is safe and easy for operation to increase effectiveness.
Real-time storage system to reduce the loss system
Jacquard weaving loom simultaneously saving more than patterns.
Jacquard weaving loom parts and components are made by high quality materials
Compatibility of parts for easy maintenance and adjusting;
Jacquard weaving loom has excellent lubricating system for easy maintenance.
Specifications of Needle Loom:
[label type=”label” title=” Attribute Name”]
[label type=”label” title=”Value”]
Product Category
Machine Category
Needle Loom
Product Name
Jacquard Needle Loom
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
According to Manufacturer
Agent in Bangladesh
Production Capacity
10000 Sets / Year
Weaving Head
Number of Frame
Jacquard Hooks
Reed Width
Tape Width
Pattern Chain
1: 32
Weaving System
Computerized Jacquard System
Pick Per Inch
Machine Power
Motor Power
To achieve the high speed running necessary for ,two steel bead bearings share the load
Machinery and Equipment of a Weaving Loom:
Comber Boards:
The comber boards are designed and built to order. For example the loom depth is matched to the number of sinker rows, the density, the type of weaving loom thread and their link to heald. An optimized drilling pattern improves the functioning of the loom and weaving process. The comber board frame makes it easier to change the fabrics widths.
Single Thread Link:
Two recesses serve to retain it when removing. The link between the heald and the spring is fitted with damping system to reduce vibration.
The new sectional aluminum draw-down frame is suitable for all densities. The fixing strips can be selected with 32,16 or 2*8 suspension elements to suit the various densities. A draw down plate with individual harpoon fixing is available for velour and carpet weaving loom.
The lease is fed into the weaving loom threads in the required sequence in our works with complete accuracy and great care. This saves time when it comes to inserting the weaving loom and commissioning.
Double Density:
With a double comber board it is possible to use the same weaving loom for two different densities or to switch from single to double fabric width. Switching is a quick and easy operation and does not change the loom leveling.
Some machine manufacturer has developed the automatic blowing device to facilitate cleaning of the loom springs. The blower is located behind the return motion frame. The pneumatic blower reduces the accumulation of dust deposits and facilitates manual cleaning. The blower system compact format makes it compatible with many types of weaving looms.
Wrap Threads into the Healds:
The loom can supply with wrap threads, e.g. with texturized yarn PES 167 dtex S/Z cotton yarn Nm 40/2, cotton yarn Nm168/2 and PA 470 dtex. This makes commissioning of new plant much quicker and easier.
Weaving looms maintenance
Preventive Maintenance:
Preventive Maintenance is a predetermined routine activity to ensure on time inspection / checking of facilities to uncover conditions that may lead to production break downs or harmful depreciation.
Corrective Maintenance / Break down Maintenance:
In this case, repairs are made after the equipment is out of order it cannot perform its normal function.
Schedule of maintenance:-
In AUTO Fashions Ltd. planning and scheduling various maintenance tasks to be carried out on each machine during the course of a year. They are scheduling the right men and facilities at the right place and at the right time.
They maintain following schedule for maintenance:
Daily maintenance.
Weekly maintenance.
Monthly maintenance.
The actions which are carried out in the above three types of maintenance program are discussed below:
Daily cutting table maintenance:-
To cleaning the cutting table before starting fabric lying.
To cleaning after completing the cutting.
To cleaning dust and jhute around cutting table at least three times each day.
Daily sewing machine maintenance:
Machine inside and outside cleaning and checking.
Timing system checking.
Machine adjustment checking.
Power connector and cable checking.
Machines needle plate checking.
Dust collector filter cleaning.
Thread stands checking
Machines Eye guard, Pulley guard, Finger guard and Belt tension checking.
Weekly sewing machine maintenance:
Machine oil check if necessary then refill/change.
Machine stitch plate opening and cleaning.
Machines wheel checking and cleaning.
Machines face plate opening and cleaning.
Weaving machine maintenance after two or three month:
All Electronic components checking and cleaning.
Machines servo motor and control box opening and cleaning.
Machine oil completely might be changed.
Advantage of Weaving Machinery and Equipment:
Computerized system loom weaving is used for jacquard fabric
High quality and carefully optimized components
High quality loom weaving parts of machine.
Rapid installation for the loom weaving
The components are made by stainless steel
Vibration damping and optimized drilling pattern
Compatibility to match various software
Easy for operate weaving machinery for how to make a loom weaving
Low energy consumption fro weaving machinery
[1] Amit Dhalan, B.Tech. in Textile Technology, Merchant at Parvati Fashion, India, Email: 24amitdhalan@gmail.com
Projectile Loom makes weaving patterns for looming in textile industry. The loom follows weaving techniques those use a projectile equipped with a gripper to carrying weft yarn across the shed is called projectile loom. It allows the insertion of practically any yarn such as cotton, wool, polypropylene ribbon, mono and multifilament yarns, jute and linen.
Specifications of Projectile Loom for Looming:
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Product Category
Machine Category
Loom Machine
Product Name
Projectile Loom
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
cool loom bands
Agent In Bangladesh
Production Capacity
200 Set/Sets per Month
Plain Weave
500-600 weft/min
350-400 weft/min
Work Width
2300 (mm)
Into The Latitude Rate
2280 m / min
Maximum Speed
Weft Insertion
Motor Power
1.5 /2.0 Kw
This machine adopts the automatic adjusting the let off part of the crankshaft for bead loom patterns and cool loom bands
Features of Projectile Loom for Weaving Techniques:
The features of different looms with weaving techniques is stated here-
Projectile receiving units are different looms from the stirring sley whe the sley carries the reed & gripper guides,
The gripper projectile made with fine steel to help for making nice weaving patterns
For the duration of its flight through the shed of the projectile runs in a rake likes steel guides as a result the warp threads are touched neither by the projectile nor weft thread,
Generally the gripper projectile is selected across the warp shed on very high speed where the picking energy derived from the energy stored in a metal torsion bar that is twisted for different looms
All picks are cut off at the picking side near the selvedge after weft insertion for the loom
The color changing machinery is less complicated for making weaving patterns
The weft is marked directly from a large stationary cross wound package.
The reed is not joint as in a shuttle the loom but rocked about its axis by the pair of cam.
The reed & projectile guides are stationary for the duration of pick insertion.
Small shed opening because of the smaller size projectile. [2]
Short notes of Auto Projectile Loom Limited
Auto Projectile Loom Limited. was incorporated in Bangladesh as a Public Limited Company with limited liability on 8 March and commenced commercial operation in 1995 and also went into the public issue of shares and debentures in the same year. The shares of the Company are listed in 2013 the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges of Bangladesh.
Air jet Loom Limited. is the most modern composite mill in the region. Auto Projectile Loom Limited has an installed capacity of 588 high-speed air-jet looms in its weaving section and a high-tech dyeing and finishing section with a capacity of 600,000 yards of finished fabric per day. This company is located at the Auto Garment Park.
Auto Projectile Loom Limited.. has a state of the art composite knit fabric production mill,. has a state of the art composite knit fabric production mill, which serves the growing needs of high-quality knit garments exporters in Bangladesh. The project was set up as a state of the art knit fabric knitting, dyeing and finishing facility. During the year the Company produced and sold high quality of knit fabrics and bringing forth all the latest in hard and soft technologies in knitting, dyeing and finishing of knit fabric.
Auto Projectile Loom Limited.. also has cotton and polyester blended yarn-spinning mill, with 22,000 spindles is one of the largest spinning mills of the country. The mill was set up to feed the country’s export oriented industries. Auto Projectile Loom Limited.. produces specialized finishes of denim cloth for export in finished as well as cloth only form.
Quality management of bead loom patterns
In aut garments quality management system of bead loom patterns are independent. The quality assurance department is assigned to maintain consistently uniform quality of the material in process & various stages of its manufacturing.
Why quality is important?
Quality sells brand reputation or image (Levis, Nike etc). No quality means no order. No order means no production. Customer’s satisfaction to the products. The products must look good to attach consumer’s attraction. If the product is dirty madder no proper packing consumers will not give it a second look.
How to control quality:
Quality controls or quality assurances must have the knowledge to do the checking. He must have the proper quality assurance package & the Audit from or inspection report. Process of checking from cutting of fabrics to finished package.
Jacquard to be checked for defects (no shading, bowing, slubs, broken picks, hole etc)
In line inspection roving & checking on all sewing operation & document the defects. Take immediate action to correct & fix the defects or problems. Sewing machine has problem causing puckering, skip stitch, needle break so check it. The sewing worker should stop sewing.
Quality control chief should receive the audit report of the quality controller in a timely manner. May be one hour interval to ensure the quality of the operation is under control. If there is quality issue quality controller chief should take the matter to the factory manager for him to follow up with the sewing operators for action & correction line supervision should stay with the sewing operator to ensure that the quality is maintained & no more defects.
Factory manager must connected with inventory department for all the trims, accessories for the production.
Objective of quality control:
Selection of raw material
Process control
Process development
Product testing
Specification check
Accessory of weaving patterns Inspection Procedure
The following level should be applied:
For countable items (such as labels, buttons etc.)
For non-countable items (such as interlining, ribbons etc.): At least 10% of order quantity with an acceptable defect rate of 2%.
If any accessories fail the first inspection, then a second inspection is to be carried out and if the second inspection fails again then the factory must immediately notify the concerned product controller at Auto weaving patterns ltd. At the same time the factory should notify the relevant supplier immediately for any necessary corrective action / replacement if required.
Accessories of weaving patterns should be checked as per the below mentioned guideline
Backboard: As per approved sample and make sheet
Material quality
Weight of board
Box end label: As per approved sample and order sheet
Scan barcode to ensure it is scannable
Material quality
Colour & Print
Butterfly: As per approved sample and make sheet
Shape & Size
Material quality (clarity & thickness)
Buttons: As per approved sample and testing to be carried out
Embossing (if applicable)
Material quality
Button to be attached to bulk fabric (as per production) & carry out pull test – requirement 90N or as advised
Nickel test (For metal items): To be done by auto weaving looming ltd.
Ferrous test (For metal items): Metal Buttons to be passed through metal detection machine prior to production start to confirm them being non-ferrous.
Carton: As per approved sample, make and order sheet
Cardboard quality
Punch panel functionality (if applicable)
Clips for looming: As per approved sample
Material quality
Collar bone: As per approved sample and make sheet
Ref. no.
Shape & Size
Material quality (incl. thickness)
Collar insert for looming: As per approved sample and make sheet
Ref. no.
Shape & Size
Material quality (clarity & thickness)
Dennison Loop: As per approved sample and make sheet
Material quality
Gum tape: As per approved sample
Material quality
Hangers: As per approved sample and make sheet
Ref. no.
Material quality
Condition (e.g. broken)
Hanger seal for Looming: As per approved sample
Material quality
Hanger sizer: As per approved sample
Shape / Sharpness
Condition (e.g. broken)
Interlining: As per approved sample and make sheet
Colour / Shade
Material quality (incl. fault rate)
Fuse a piece to assess quality after fusing as per approved pre-production sample
Kimbals (incl. price sticker): As per order sheet
Scan barcode to ensure it is scannable
Information (incl. price)
Print (where applicable)
Sizing (where applicable)
Material quality
Information & symbol check
Label to be attached to Bulk fabric & wash according to care code, review appearance after wash
Neckboard: As per approved sample
Material quality
Pack label: As per approved sample and order sheet
Scan barcode to ensure it is scannable
Material quality
Placket support: As per approved sample and make sheet
Ref. no.
Shape & Size
Material quality (clarity & thickness)
Polybag/Poly Liner: As per approved sample and make sheet/order sheet
Ref. no.
Material quality (incl. clarity, print)
Seam durability
Information / Warning
Airhole punch
Ribbon/Tape: As per approved sample and testing to be carried out
Material quality
Colour fastness
Security Tag: As per approved sample & make sheet
Swingers: As per approved sample and order sheet
Ref. no.
Shape & Size
Material quality
Scan barcode to ensure it is scannable (if applicable)
Thread: As per approved sample and make sheet
Thread count
Colour continuity check of sewing thread in the light box
Colour matching (as per approval / pantone reference)
Tie: As per approved sample & make sheet
Weaving defect
Label instructions (e.g. care code, composition etc)
Tie clip / Tie pin: As per approved sample
Material quality
Tissue: As per approved sample
Material quality
Printing quality & information (if applicable)
Wrapband: As per approved sample and make sheet
Ref. no.
Material quality
Advantages of the Loom for looming:
Advantages of the loom with weaving techniques is given below-
Projectile Loom
As the projectile is passing through guides and there is no reed to projectile or projectile to yarn contact.
More than one cloth can be woven simultaneously with different looms for looming[2]
[1] Md. Ferdus Alam, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Southeast University, Cell # 1723300700, Email- ferdus.j@gmail.com
[1] Subrota Kanti Nath, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Chittagong Textile Engineering College.(CTEC) , Email: nsubrotakanti@gmail.com