Hotel Policy for Overseas Guest Management

Hotel Policy


To ensure standard/suitable & comfortable hotel accommodation with a convenient budget for  Auto  Hotel Overseas Management or Honorable guests who are coming to Bangladesh for official purpose.


All overseas operations management/expatriates/guests who are working under  Auto  Hotel are entitled to enjoy the hotel accommodation facilities arranged by company.


  1. All overseas management/consultant/guests are entitled to get hotel accommodation facilities. Currently we are arranging accommodation service in Platinum Hotel.
  2. Hotel accommodation cost should be borne by the company.
  3. Laundry cost should be borne by the company.
  4. Dinner, Breakfast & other refreshment cost should be borne by the visiting guest. Lunch should be arranged in factories/office in work days but in holidays lunch should be arranged by visiting guests.
  5. We have housing facility for our expatriates where we have reserved some rooms with nice condition for our overseas guests. For long stay or if any guest wants to stay in our housing we will arrange to prepare dinner and breakfast for the guest in work days and Lunch will be arranged in Factories. In Holidays breakfast, lunch and dinner will be arranged in Expats Housing.
  6. All visiting guests are entitled for single room accommodation.
  7. Visiting guests shall inform to respective department or central admin by mail regarding the visiting schedule to Bangladesh. Hotel booking request should be send by mail at least one week before but it is not restricted for an emergency.
  8. Visiting guests shall send the flight schedule (preferably e-ticket copy) by mail to reserve the hotel with a precise time/date and arrangement of airport pick up & drop facilities.
  9. As per request the central admin should arrange to reserve the room and notify the guest accordingly.
  10. Hotel room should be standard, comfortable, clean & tidy and air-conditioned.
  11. Central admin shall arrange airport pick up & drop facilities by company’s pool vehicles, if pool vehicles are not available then arrange from the hotel/rental vehicles. Central Admin will inform the details of driver and car by mail along with accommodation confirmation.
  12. For any amendment or cancellation of booking the information must be provided by the guest to central admin 48 hours prior to check-in date (if required).

Audit Report of a Washing Factory

Audit Report of a Washing Factory

A security audit was carried out at Auto  Washing Ltd on 15 August 2009

Personal Security.

  • Physical Security.
  • Information Access Control.
  • Storage and Distribution.
  • Contractor Control.
  • Drug Interdiction.

The audit team consisted of the following persons of Corporate Head Office.

The audit started at 1015 hrs and concluded at 1700 hrs. The following are the observations:

Personal Security

  • Some lefty workers ID copy not displayed in the main gate.
  • Security Awareness among the workers needs to be geared up.
  • Background checks of old workers are not up dated frequently.
  • 9 New Workers were found not issued with IDs.
  • Employment history checks are not conducted correctly.
  • Background checks are not completed for some new workers.
  • The plant has some isolated security related policies but missing a comprehensive Security Policy contained in a single book.
  • Missing ID card cases not investigated properly.

Physical Security

  • The tree situated between the perimeter wall and the factory building should be covered with barbed wire.
  • Chassis number of incoming cargo Covered Van not recorded in the Vehicle In/Out Register.
  • Some lights were found fuse near the perimeter wall.
  • There are no distribution records of keys.
  • Phone number of nearest Police Station not displayed with other important number in the gate.
  • Parking lot is not properly monitored.
  • Back ground checks on all applicants are not documented.
  • CCTV monitor recording is of 32 days only.
  • Auto intrusion detection system not yet installed in the factory.
  • Guards on patrol duty are not provided with torch lights at night.
  • Training and awareness on Cargo Integrity, recognition and detection of dangerous substances, internal conspiracies etc are to incorporated in the training classes.
  • Restriction on employees’ access must be restricted to own relevant areas.
  • Some portion of perimeter wall needs more lights to illuminate during hours of darkness.
  • Parking Lot for visitors and employees not separated.
  • Internal patrolling of guards is not documented in Guards Patrol Register.

Information Access Control

  • Computer back up system is not stored properly.
  • Incidents of unauthorized IT system access are not investigated.
  • Invalid password attempt to access file is not reviewed periodically.
  • Information access related security and procedures are not documented and verifiable.
  • The facility should implement intrusion warning system into its network system.
  • Factory must possess a policy for disciplining IT system violators.

Storage and Distribution

  • Cargo units are labeled but not weighed before loading.
  • Storage and distribution security procedures need improvements.
  • Restriction of movement of uninvolved persons in the loading dock.
  • There is no security control system in place to prevent introduction of foreign materials at the point of loading.
  • The sentry on duty at the store area needs to be trained further on counter intruder procedure.
  • Partially loaded cargo vans are not sealed.
  • Contractor Control
  • Security related aspects are not incorporated in the agreement.
  • Contractors records which are not documented in a separate register.
  • While selecting contractor the facility does not consider contractor’s security control.
  • Contractors back ground checks are not made.

Sickness Analysis of a Garments Factory

Sickness Analysis of a Garments Factory

For the month of August-18

SLCold &HeadacheBody PainDysenteryAcidityDiarrheaOthersTotal    
01148 Persons        76 Persons28 Persons52 Persons    63 Persons171 Persons538 Persons    
02            27.51 %14.13 %5.20 %9.67 %11.71 %31.78 %100%    

(Others Contain = Menus train pain + Cold fever+ waist pain + Allergy +Weaknesses +Abdominal pain + Etc)

Report: After analyzing the sickness data for the month of August-2009 We got the information about several type of sickness that is giving below.

  1. Cold & Headache : ………….….27.51 %………………….. 148 Persons
  2. Body Pain : ………….….14.13 %……………………..76 Persons
  3. Dysentery : ……………..05.20 %……………………. 28 Persons
  4. Acidity : ……………..09.67 %……………………..52 Persons
  5. Diarrhea :…………………..11.71 %……………………. 63 Persons
  6. Others : ……………..31.78 %……………………171 Persons

Analysis:- Our analysis says that 27.51 % out of 538 persons were suffering from Cold & Headache that caused for seasonal Hot & cold weather. But this is not final figure the final figure is out of 1568 (Approx) workers 148 persons were suffering from Cold & Headache which is 09.44 % of the total man power.

Corrective Action: Our Paramedic and counselor counseled the worker to take care of their health and be aware of seasonal cold weather.

Paramedic                                                 Doctor                                                    Admin & Compliance                                               Asst. General Manager

Working Hours Recording System:
A functioning working hours recording system that can capture workers’ clock in and clock out time reflecting the actual working hours.
No matter which recording system factories use (e.g. punch card, swipe card, manual recording and fingerprints detection system), it shall be able to differentiate amongst normal working hours, overtime hours on weekdays, weekends and holidays.
An assigned responsible personnel to check the working hours records on a daily basis to spot inconsistency and errors.

Wages Communication System:
Provide workers with a clear pay slip indicating how workers’ wages are calculated. This includes but is not limited to: number of normal working hours, overtime hours worked on weekdays, week ffs and public holidays, any type of deduction and benefit payment.
Ensure that all legally required payroll documents, journals, and reports are available, complete, accurate, and up to date.
At the time of recruitment, workers are provided in writing an introduction and explanation of the compensation system, including rate for normal and overtime hours, deductions and benefit policy.

Production Management System:
A production tracking system in place to track number of units per worker or per group/line.

Production Tracking Sheet
Working Hours Analysis Tool
Wages and Working Hours Analysis Tool.

Assessment of Security of Apparel Factory

Assessment of Security

An assessment o security was carried out on 16 April 2009 to review the security of Auto  apparels ltd. the security inspection and audit was based on the board spectrums-Pat requirements which include all aspects of Physical Security, Personal Security, Information Access Control, Storage Formalities, Contractor Control, And Export logistics.

Aim:- The aim of this audit was to find out weaknesses prevailing in the security aspects of the factory and thereby adopt remedial measures so to correct the existing gaps, overcome the prevailing difficulties and thereby ensure a fool proof security arrangement in the factory.

Concept: The assessment covered the following facets:

  1. Personal Security.
  2. Physical Security.
  3. Information Access Control.
  4. Record and Documents.
  5. Storage Security.
  6. Shipment Information controls.
  7. Contractor Control.

Personal  Security:

  1. New workers orientation has to be more effective especially on Product Integrity, IT Security, and Factory Security Sensitive Area etc.
  2. Update back ground checks of some employees were missed out.
  3. Some reinvestigation of for some workers in the Finishing Section is missed out.
  4. Copy of National ID is not obtained from many workers till now.
  5. Threat Awareness Program is to be presented in a more effective manner so that all workers are aware of it. Just attending a lecture on the same won’t be understood or retained by the workers.
  6. All workers must be made aware of the system the company is following to address any given situation or crisis and also how to report it, like if they find out a lock is broken or window is broken etc, then how whom to report.

Physical Security:

  1. CCTV is not having uninterrupted recording, due to power problem.
  2. Some signature were found missing in the KEY Control Register.
  3. Up to date names of Key persons who has privilege access to security sensitive zones, not posted outside the Finishing Section.
  4. Handing / Taking certificate over of keys not maintained when any key holder gets changed.
  5. Some signature were found missing in Patrol duty register.
  6. An up to date list of names and address of all contractors, repairman etc was found missing.
  7. Awareness of workers to prevent tampering of goods during production has to be geared up.

Information Access Control:

  1. Security longs for failed password attempt registers is empty without any entries. If no attempts were made then ‘Nil’ has to be recorded.
  2. Unannounced surprise checks on the whole system has to be increased.
  3. Password Changed Register must contain an inspection sheet.

Storages and Distribution:

  1. Store personals must be given adequate knowledge on the verification procedure non manifested cargo from being loaded.
  2. The concerned persons must be given proper training on departing cargo verification against purchase and delivery order.
  3. Some signatures found missing in the seal control register.
  4. Periodic unannounced related to storage and distributions are being performed properly.

Employee/ Visitor Packing:

  1. Parking lot must keep under observation.
  2. Identification logs must be used for all types of vehicles parked.
  3. Undercarriage of all vehicles must be checked by button viewers.

Loading/Unloading Shipment:

  1. The second sweater accompanying the Cargo Container up to port has put his signature in the concerned register.
  2. MAERSK logistics be asked to enter seal number in the Bill of Lading.
  3. The second sweater accompanying the cargo up to port should report long traffic jams.

Contractor Control:

  1. All contract workers must attend orientation training like own workers.
  2. Contract must be summoned time to time for brief and up date of security.
  3. All contractors must undergo proper background checks.

Arrangements Maintenance of Stores

Arrangements Maintenance of Stores

You were already alerted of the impending audit by Otto Group for Euro Centra vide the above quoted letter. I understand that since the facility is still under construction, as such there could multifarious problems concerning many aspects including – neat arrangement of the factory area as a whole. But the facilities like fabric store, yarn store, chemical store etc, which are already being used as functional units, has to be arranged in a neat, tidy and organized fashion. All points of health and safety have to be adhered to, in complete form.

But, the present conditions of all the stores of Aswad are in a ‘horrible’ state. I am constrained to use the term “horrible” because of the fact that there are no bin cards, most of the stores lack pallets, and worst of all in many portion of the stores different categories of goods, are all mingled up in a haphazard condition. In the same premise while some stacks are piled below six feet level, whereas in the same facility some packages are stacked up to ceiling height. Most of the floors are very dirty.

Please harness your available concerned manpower who are related to stores and mobilize them effectively, to fix up this problem before the audit takes place. Organize the stores in a neat and tidy fashion, if anybody neglects or disregards, his/her own responsibilities, please take administrative action as per rules. Besides the sweepers must be fully activated and well triggered to do own jobs. Please be reminded, that if the audit takes place in the condition as is existing in Aswad now, it will certainly fail.

Forwarded for your information and necessary action please.

Rework rate by person, by production line and by production department
Defect rate by person, by production line and by production department
Number of units produced per worker, per production line and per production department
Number of days needed from day 1 to the time when a new worker can perform their jobs independently.
A functioning working hours recording system that can:
Accurately track workers’ clock in and out time;
Differentiate working hours by worker, amongst normal working hours, overtime on weekdays, on week offs and on public holidays;
You have assigned responsible personnel to review clock in and out record on a daily basis to spot inconsistency and correct data in time.