by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Compliance
Compliance Verification Audit
A compliance verification audit was carried out at Project, in view of the impending All records, documents, ledgers, registers were scrutinized apart from the floor visit and assessment of Worker’s knowledge in different matters of compliance. Unfortunately the evaluation result depicts a dismal picture of the whole factory. You are aware of the fact that Knit is in ‘Orange’ status of And this result was due to the fact that one odd document was discovered during the last audit, by the auditors while moving round the floor. After this incident many letters, instructions, conferences were held to caution all concerned especially the management to be extra careful and keep everything in order. Wal-Mart will enter any day for audit in and everything is supposed to be in perfect order now. But own audit shows the following anomalies:
- Some worker still not paid the salary of last month.
- Unpaid workers letter not yet issued for the month of February 2009.
- Lefty workers entitled to and unpaid with Earn Leave not issued with letters for the year 2008.
- Lefty workers who did not receive Eid Bonus not issued with letters.
- Pay Slip missing signature of workers.
- Excessive and Night work sheet found hidden in Security Room’s drawer.
- Excessive Work Hour (Over Time ) sheet found in HRM Section.
- Tiffin Allowance Sheet found.
- Friday work document found.
The other observations which were also observed are already handed over to you after the audit. This kind of a deplorable condition is not acceptable and you are being instructed to take whole hearted effort to improve upon the situation. The violations shown must be corrected immediately and the factory must be made ready in all aspects for the forthcoming audit.
In the event any sewing operations will be performed at a proposed manufacturing location outside the country or jurisdiction that is intended to be the country of origin of the goods in question (for example, subassemblies performed in one jurisdiction on goods that are to be the origin of another jurisdiction), such sewing operations will not confer origin under the origin rules.
To evaluate the country of origin compliance of our vendors/factories, our evaluator will randomly check the following documents or records (where applicable) of vendors/factories previous or current shipments. These documents and records include, but are not limited to:
Raw materials records, including purchase orders, invoices, inventory records and payment records;
Production records for each manufacturing location, including specification sheets, costing reports, cutting, sewing and knitting tickets and records, records detailing daily work performed by each worker and by work order/lot number and daily production book;
Employee records for each manufacturing location, including records verifying the employees’ ages, employment contracts, reports detailing how wages are calculated for each worker (piece-rate and/or day wages), payroll and payment records and time cards;
Transport records, including delivery receipts, packing lists, bills of lading and customs clearance records covering movement of raw materials, garment parts and finished Goods to and from each manufacturing location;
Government forms and registrations, including approved factory license and registration, import and export licenses, notifications and manifests, outward processing applications and registrations and applications in respect of and for Certificates of Origin;
Machinery and general records, including utility bills and machinery purchase and maintenance records; and
Any additional documents including production summaries, declarations, letter of credit, certifications or undertakings that Buyer and our customers may request.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Compliance
Preventive Measures on Eid Holidays
Some Preventive measures are for your kind action as below:
- Please check whether all Doors, Windows & Main Gate are closed properly.
- Please inform management if any Doors or Windows are broken, and repair as urgent basis before going Eid-Holidays.
- Please check all Doors are sealed with authorized signature in a proper way.
- Please make sure whether all Electrical connections are switched off (disconnected) properly to avoid fire accident.
- Please make sure there is no source of fire, ignition and smoke during closing the factory.
- Please make sure whether all workers were out of the factory building before closing.
- Please make sure whether the security patrol duty in place at different gates and surrounding the factory building in 24/7.
- Please instruct security guards to inform management without delay, if any incident (e.g. Accident, Theft, Damage, unauthorized personnel access, any terrorist activities, etc.) take place in the factory premises.
- Please make sure all the Fire Equipment (e.g. Fire Hose reel, Fire Hydrant, Sprinkler, Water Source, CCTV, Fire Alarm, and Fire Extinguishers etc.) are in order and functional.
It is our continuing effort to ensure that our vendors/factories comply with the country of origin rules for textiles and apparel. Vendors/factories who do not comply with country of origin rules are subject to severe sanctions under law, including criminal and civil penalties, and blacklisting. The US publishes lists of foreign vendors/factories (1) found to be in violation of US origin laws, (2) convicted or assessed administrative penalties in their own jurisdictions for origin violations, (3) as a result of jump team visits by United States Customs Service (“US Customs”), determined to be illegally transshipping or closed or have no production records and (4) in the case of certain vendors/factories, banned from shipping goods to the United States. These lists presently include hundreds of companies from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other jurisdictions. Local customs authorities may also impose a variety of administrative and judicial penalties for origin offences.
Further, where it has any suspicions regarding the origin of goods, US Customs can detain, exclude or seek redelivery of goods. At the very least, these actions seriously disrupt the businesses of our customers and at worst may result in our customers suffering substantial monetary losses.
Specifically, we will not do business with companies that appear on any of the lists mentioned above or are otherwise found to have engaged in origin malpractice.
Buyer will send evaluators to complete a factory evaluation for each proposed manufacturing location for our orders. Any sewing, knitting, linking or looping operations that are proposed to be carried out will be confirmed that the factory has the ability (in terms of machinery, employees and otherwise) to carry out the operations to be performed and that the proposed operations are in compliance with laws of country of origin.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Compliance
Pre-Evaluation Questionnaire
Name: Designation: Date: ———–
Education: DOJ: Time: One hour.
- Answer the following questions to the best of your ability:
- Write about yourself.
- Describe admin officer activities?
- What are the HR officer activities?
- Describe Compliance officer activities?
- What are the welfare officer responsibilities?
- What type’s document have to keep in personal file?
- What is the full meaning of WRAP, BSCI, CT-PAT, EHS, COC, FLA, SEDEX, COLA
- How many principal of WRAP? Write down the WRAP principal?
- Describe the flowing policy? Discrimination & Non Harassment.
- Describe Maternity benefit & calculation?
- Describe earn leave benefit & calculation?
- Describe Punishment procedure?
- What are the misconducts?
- Write down Dismissal benefit &Termination benefit?
- What is the Complain procedure?
- How many kinds of leave? Write down?
- What are your career goals in the next 5 years?
Compliance Issue
Thank you for taking time in reading this manual titled This manual is written to assist you and your organization to better understand Garment Buyers commitment towards our customers standards and how we will be able to achieve these standards.
Garment Buyers factory evaluation is divided into the following evaluation categories and your factory may be subjected to all or a minimum of two mandatory evaluation categories, depending on the type/s of business you conduct with Buyer and its customers.
Social Compliance Evaluation (Mandatory)
Technical Compliance Evaluation (Mandatory)
Legal Trans-shipment (C/O) Compliance Evaluation
C-TPAT Compliance Evaluation
The following information will provide you with a better understanding of what we expect of our vendors and factories with regards to the above categories of evaluation. It will also outline for you what you must prepare for a Buyer evaluation.
Prior to Garment Buyers evaluation, it is compulsory for a set of Pre-Factory Evaluation Documents (Section 2) to be submitted. Please read and fully understand the requirement to avoid the delays for Physical Evaluation. Please also take time in reading the Self Assessment Form (Section 3) for better understanding what we are looking for
If you have any questions after reading this manual, you are welcome to contact the Factory Compliance Board (FCB) for further clarification.
Continuous Improvement (CI)
When a Continuous Improvement (CI) rating is given to either a new or existing factory, Buyer will allow the factory to make corrections and comply within a certain time frame (up to 24 weeks) set by Factory Compliance Board. In the event the factory still does not comply upon the expiry of the agreed time frame, Factory Compliance Board may upgrade the rating to Immediate Action (IA) and require the factory to make corrections within a tighter time frame. Exemptions for a further extension beyond the set time frame may be granted by Factory Compliance Board upon request by vendor/factory to a case by case basis. Some examples of areas requiring Continuous Improvements (CI) are: –
Factory to further improve on conditions at work place
Factory to further improve on educating workers on health & safety
Factory to further improve on educating supervisors on treatment of workers
Factory to further improve on conditions at dormitories
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | RMG Document
Job Responsibility of HR Officer
To maintain/supervise following activities:
To arrange different meeting, seminars and workshop related HR & Admin functions.
To leading, coordinating and supporting all activities of social compliance Audit, Technical Audit & C-TPAT Audit
To establish audit instruments, specific standards and guidelines to support the Code of buyer Conduct and to ensure the corrective action plans are being implemented.
Responsible for wide range of HR issues, such as recruitment, training & development, job review, performance appraisal, employee relations, and disciplinary issues in accordance with relevant policies, procedures and legislative requirements
To ensure standard administrative and HR related support for better working environment throughout the organization
To handle employees’ grievances, disciplinary procedures and employee’s relation issues
To ensure overall Facilities Services and Security of Personnel and Physical Assets
Overall responsible for monitoring daily attendance & movement system
Preparing & developing the factories for buyers visit or third parties, communicating with factories, audit companies, buyers and other agencies
To maintaining communication with all government/compliance related organization
To responsible for ensuring healthy workplace maintaining efficient operation of safety, hygiene and environment.
To update all of the company policies, documents as the requirements of buyer and according to local law.
To assist. Recruitment & selection procedure.
To assist. Proper implementation of policies, rules and regulation of the company.
To prepare Compensation and benefits.
To conduct so many training session as per yearly training calendar such as Induction, Firefighter & Rescuer ,First Aider, Health & Safety, P.P.E & M.S.D.S etc.
To follow up Health & Safety & Housekeeping issue as per compliance.
To monitor and follow up grievance handling procedure.
To concern buyer code of conduct such as SEDEX, BSCI, CT-PAT, WRAP, etc.
To conduct all kind of audit & visit.
To prepare & follow up internal monthly & quarterly social audit plan.
To follow up CAP as per buyers requirements.
To coordinate and arrange all kinds of Admin, Compliance & Welfare related meeting.
To keep corrective action plans up-to-date and monitor buyer and factory performance.
To look after factory overall administration & security functions.
To filled-up all Buyer compliance, quality & security related form.
Maintain employee’s personal files and personal data.
Develop and update employee’s job descriptions.
Assisting in recruitment and selection process.
Maintains and updates employees leave related data in HR Software
Maintains and updates all kinds of leave reports
rganize Interviews and interview sessions of the job applicants, evaluate applicants skills and assess suitability.
Prepare various types of HR related letters (Appointment, Confirmation, Warning, Show-cause, Transfer, Annual Increment, etc.)
onitoring the organizations compensation and salary structure and benefits.
ook after the overall Human Resources & administrative functions to implement the HR & Admin strategies in the region.
Development of a good and reliable industrial relation and assist to settle different grievances under Bangladesh labor Act 2006.
Assist in maintaining overall floor compliance, housekeeping, health & safety and welfare issues.
o assist audit procedure.
Engage with employees on a regular basis to understand the motivation levels of people in the organization.
onthly salary distributes.
To assist Training & Development.
Any others jobs assign by the management as and when required.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | RMG Document
Joining Report – Format 1
The Asst. Manager (HR, & Compliance)
……………… Dhaka.
Subject: Joining Report.
Dear Sir,
With due respect and humble submission, I am glad to inform you that with reference to your appointment letter no. 7655 dated 26th April, 2016 I hereby declare that the terms and conditions mentioned therein are accepted to me and I would like to join your company for duty as a General Manager (GM), Marketing & Sourcing In the department of Merchandising at Factory Office from dated 2nd May, 2018.
Therefore, I am submitting my joining report for your kind consideration.
Yours Faithfully,
Subject: Employment Offer Letter. – Format 2
Dear Mr. …………..,
With reference to your interview date on 26th April, 2018, the management is pleased to offer you an employment in the company as a General Manager, Marketing & Sourcing on the following terms and conditions.
- Probationary Period 6 (Six) months on successful completion at probation period. After that you will be appointed to a permanent position.
- Salary & Allowance as per Management negotiate on your interview.
- Other terms & Conditions will be applicable as per prevailing laws of the country as well as rules & regulations of the company.
- On the joining date, please bring original documents such as education certificate, experience certificate and any other relevant documents.
- Your joining will be 2nd May, 2018.
If you accept the offer of appointment on the terms and conditions stipulated above you should report yourself for duty on 2nd May, 2018.
Yours Truly
On behalf of the company
I am confident of my communication skill and believe that I am quick learner and have ability to take challenge and work under pressure. Able to lead a team. I am confident about your job requirement. I can control over migration, unique process to keep worker in control, develop worker and owner’s relationship, confirming decent workplace and making efficient audit.
Application for a suitable position of Electrical & Electronics sector in your Organization – Format 3
Dear Sir / Madam,
With due respect, I would like to express my interest to work with your one of the largest reputed Company in Bangladesh. I am a graduate of Presidency University, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. My academic background and some previous experiences in this field of Executive- IT track makes apposite for the position. I am ready to accept challenges and work under stress.
I would really appreciate if you kindly give me an opportunity to work in your organization.
Yours Sincerely