Subcontractor Scan Questionnaire

Subcontractor Scan Questionnaire

General Safety, Health and Workplace Conditions
1 Are overall conditions of the workplace and the production facility safe for workers and do not harm
their health and life?
2 Are electric connections, wires and fuse boxes protected and properly attached to prevent fire and
3 Is there fresh air at the workplace?
4 Is room temperature acceptable? (If available, insert hear stress factor ________)
5 Do workers have enough light to work?
6 Are emergency exits and escape routes clearly marked?
7 Are exits, escape routes and working places unblocked and unlocked?
8 Is proper and immediate medication assured?
9 Do workers receive training on how to react in case of evacuation or medical emergency?
10 Do workers have access to enough clean and potable water?
11 Is the workplace generally clean?
12 Are clean and sufficient toilets for workers available and accessible at any time?

Working Time and Compensation

13 Does transparent documentation exist on
14 Do workers receive the legal minimum wage for regular work?
15 Are wages paid on a regular basis (monthly/weekly/daily)?
16 Do workers receive payment in monetary value?
17 Does transparent documentation exist on working hours?
18 Is regular working time generally within 48 hours plus a maximum of 12 hours of overtime per week?
19 Do workers have at least one day off after six consecutive days of work?

Child Labour

20 Are all workers at least 15 years old? (Please indicate number present at visit ______ )
21 Do all young workers (15 -18 years) have a fitness certificate from a certified doctor indicating
permission to work? (If not applicable, please mark N.A.)
22programs? (If not applicable, please mark N.A.)

Forced Labour and Dignified Working Conditions

23 Can workers enter and leave the workplace by their free will?
24 Can workers resign from their work at any time as per contract/legal regulations?
25 Does the overall working atmosphere seem respectful and free of signs of physical or psychological
threats or pressure?
26 If workers sleep at the workplace: Do they sleep in another room than the production site?
(If not applicable, please mark N.A.)
27 Is the sub-contractor generally cooperative?

Competence, Training And Awareness Procedure

Training And Awareness 


To ensure adequate competency of employees to fulfill their job responsibilities. To provide guidelines for the identification of individual competency needs to develop adequate skills for performing specific tasks assigned and to create awareness among employees.


This procedure applies to all employees of Autgarments Limited.


General Manager is responsible for creating awareness on importance of employee’s activities and their contribution to the achievement of the quality objectives.

Department head is responsible for determining competence and arranging training. He is also responsible for ensuring effectiveness evaluation of training and maintaining records.



Determining competence for personnel performing work affecting quality.

Evaluate skills of the personnel and provide training where necessary

Evaluate effectiveness of training.

Create awareness among employees on importance of their activity and contribution

to achieve quality objectives.

Maintaining records of training, education, skills and experience.


Determination of Competence

Competence required to perform work will be identified in position wise

Job Description.

Training On Quality Management System

Every employee shall be trained on all Procedures related to the work they

perform. At a minimum, all employees that fit the job requirements must

be trained in those procedure. At least once a year every employee shall undergo awareness training on:   the organization’s quality policy

employees duties and responsibilities in meeting customer


role of the employees in meeting customer, statutory and legal


importance of employees role in achieving quality objectives.

Within an appropriate time from issuance or revision of a Procedures, or

an employee assigned to a new job, the respective department head shall

ensure that the necessary training’s are provided to the employee.

Records of training will be maintained in Training Record and Evaluation form (F- OFMA-06).

Training On Safety

Once a year each employee shall receive training on Safety.

training records shall be maintained by the Administration



Competency Assessment

All employees will be evaluated at least once a year against their

competency requirements. Their respective supervisors will do this.

Competency  Assessment Form (F-OFMA-07) shall be used.

Effectiveness Evaluation of Training

Upon completion of training on procedures and identified training needs,

an evaluation on effectiveness of training will be done within one month.

Effectiveness of evaluation may be done by interview, by reviewing

performance, written test, demonstration or any other method determined

by the concern department head.

Records of evaluation of training effectiveness will be maintained in

Training Record and Evaluation form (F- OFMA-06).


Department head will make a Training Plan

Training will be arranged as per plan.

After effectiveness evaluation, if any person needs further training,

What is Audit Follow-up Information?

Audit Follow-up Information

Audit follow up is a process where an auditor verifies the corrective actions already completed by a site. It can take the form of:

A desktop follow-up – where corrective actions can be verified remotely e.g. by photographic or documentary evidence or,

A site visit follow-up – where an auditor needs to review corrective actions at the site.

Where auditor verification of adequate corrective actions, requires are visit to the site, it is important that the site is aware of the content and purpose of the re visit.

A site re visit is required when corrective actions cannot be verified via evidence supplied by “desktop” review only.

To ensure that the site visit follow up audit is carried out in the most effective manner it is strongly recommended that:

Auditors send a copy of the CAPR previously left with the site as part of the pre audit communication. It is crucial that the site is clear on what they will be measured against as part of the follow up audit

Decision: Manager-BUHR said that it takes some time as we can take that opportunity before three month earlier of shifting our corporate head office.

Some other special point and decision:
Missing file list must be shown before next BUHR meeting
Finger punched device adapter should be stocked more
Uniform making and distribution policy preparation
Maternity payment delay in every month

The site is made aware ahead of the audit that the purpose of the re visit is to verify the corrective actions which were discussed and agreed at the previous audit.

The opening meeting should focus on the CAPR from the previous audit and the audit allows the site to demonstrate those corrective actions

The auditor will be responsible for verifying whether corrective actions have been taken and then recording verification of these actions.

Where only one auditor is carrying out both the auditor and the worker interview roles at the follow up audit, it is necessary to consider the auditor’s gender, especially where there is a majority gender at the site.

Point: a) From now and onward monthly attendance summery not send to floor.
b) Weather newly joined workers can perform OT or not?

Decision: a) Manager –BUHR asked to continue this system and immediately issue a general notice and at the same time ensure announcement time to time to implement the both.

Point: Some of the device capacity is full in different floor-for this reason we can’t register new workers ID.

Decision: Manager –BUHR asked to delete all inactive ID from now and onward. At the same time in assistance with floor people prepared device wise ID & name list of all workers for proper tracking of all ID.

Point: Workers nominee form issue not yet settled.

Decision: Manager-BUHR asked all floor officers to give nominee form to each & every existing workers and collect it within next ten days then file it accordingly.
Manager-BUHR also said to maintain it for new workers also

Point: a) Floor compliance check list issues.

Decision: a) It’s a pending agenda as it’s not maintained properly by all officers so maintained it accordingly.

Point: PVH Requirements-Like
All employee of floor A & B transfer to
All file transfer from Autgarments to Young one
New ID card preparation
Attendance preparation
Decision: Manager –BUHR asked to prepared ID card first then others issue taken place at priority basis.

Point: Maximum personal file were incomplete till now.

Decision: It’s also a pending agenda as it’s not completed within pre schedule time.

Manager –BUHR also noticed to all concern that after next BUHR meeting we will not continue this issue any more.

Point: Asst. Officer nnn point out some issues like:
Want to getting training (internal/external)
Personal assessment for NMS of BUHR
Want to learn recruitment system

Decision: Manager-BUHR to take initiative in assistance with T & D dept. as what training we can provide to our officers and in what ground.

For personal assessment we development a system immediately.

For learning recruitment opportunity we already prepared a recruitment roster and continue it accordingly.

Point: Jhumur need KORMEE training and some access of it.

Environment Policy for RMG Factory

Environment Policy

Dust / Wastage food / Wastage paper disposal procedure: All these wastages are kept in the dustbin of the certain floor. Cleaners / Sweepers regularly clean up the dustbins after dumping the garbage in the designated dustbin of the  city corporation near by the factory.

Plastic wastage disposal procedure: Empty drums / used containers / empty bottle rejected plastic, all these are gathered in a separated area and once in a month are disposed off through local vendor for re-cycling.

Wooden wastage disposal procedure: Broken wooden boxes, broken tables, chairs, broken stationeries are usually repaired first. If repair is not possible then disposed off through local vendor for re-cycling.

Wastage accessories disposal procedure: Cartons, buttons, hanger, fabrics, poly, zippers etc are usually repaired first.  If repair is not possible then store it in a separate place for the time being, afterwards sold it to the manufacturer for re-cycling.

Reduce wastage of portable water:

All employees must know the proper use of drinking water while taking water from tap. Must be closed after taking water.

While taking water from the container it must be taking care not to throw any water on floor. Employees are instructed to be more careful about use of water.

While using toilet employees must be careful not to waste water. After using toilets taps must be keeping close before leaving toilet.

Garbage disposal procedure: All the garbage of the floor is kept in the certain baskets. Cleaners / Sweepers regularly clean up the baskets after dumping the garbage in the designated dustbin of the city corporation near by the factory.

Liquid wastage disposal procedure: Effluent of latrines usually drained to under ground sewage system. Wastage water drains have been constructed maintaining sufficient slope so that nothing can be accumulated on the floor and there is no bad smell.

Reduce wastage of Electricity:

Employees are instructed to keep up off all lights and fans during lunch hour.

All machines must be switch off while it is nor bring in use.

All air conditioner / fans / lights must be switched off during lunch hour and after office hour.

Reduce wastage of tread:

Employees are instructed to be more careful about use of tread.

Excess tread must be return back to store.

Company asset:

In general chair, table, scissors, needles are considered as company assets.

While using company assets employees are advised to be caring more careful not to destroy any thing.

No machine is keeping in running unnecessarily as this is the wastage of electricity and may cause any danger any time.

All machines / equipments must be clean regularly. Maintenance department is responsible for maintenance of all machineries.

Lastly if we all are taking proper care about the above mentioned issues then we could reduce the wastage of every thing and could save our environment.

Manpower Authorization Policies for RMG Factories

Manpower Authorization Policies

Auto garments Ltd. presently holding 230 main machines – fully equipped with other auxiliary machine support. But according to the floor space of the factory, company has taken up the policy to operate the day to day production with 210 machines only. Based on the above capacity we have calculated the total Manpower requirements, which are shown below.


As per authorized “Man power” requirement, company recruits its employees through

Following system.

(a) Advertisement:

1)    Add. In Daily Newspaper.

2)    Through  personal contact by our own employees.

3)    By serving notice/posters in important locations.

4)    By head hunting. (Only for Executive)

  1. b) Selection Process :

During interview we examine the following requisite qualities of the


1) Good physical appearance / fitness, not disable

2) Age not less than 18 years.

3) Educational background as per job profile

4) Skillness test (Practical test for operators).

5) Wages / Salary Negotiation.

6) Joining date.


Within 07 days from the date of  joining, all new recruits will fill-up the company’s

Prescribed form and will deposit the under mentioned documents to personnel department of factory office.

1) Job prayer application.

2) Two copies passport size photograph.

3) Nationality Certificate from Word Commissioner / Union Parishad  Chairman.

4) Educational certificate.

5) Medical fitness certificate.(Check-up Report), including blood  grouping.

6) Experience Certificate from previous employer. (if any)

Service Confirmation :

One completion of 3 months satisfactory job performance, company confirms the employees

Service permanently.

2)    Skilled Recruits who fails to show satisfactory performance within this time his / her apprenticeship period are generally extended for 1 to 3 months maximum by written notice. If he / she cannot coup-up within this given period then his / her service is terminated.


All employees of Auto garments limited are classified in 07  categories as per their rank and nature of job. The grading and  wages scale of workers effective


We pay the salary / wages along with Overtime on or before 7th day of following months. If

the last payment date falls on holiday then it is given on next  day.


Leave is a privilege and can not be claimed as a matter of right.       Management deserve the

right to refuse / cancel the leave of any       individual if his service exigency is badly required.

  1. Annual Leave

After completion of one year continuos service all staff and employees are entitled to enjoy 1

day annual leave. For every 22 working days. As per Section 78(I)(i) of Factory act of 1965

If anybody failed to avail earn leave, the leave is brought forward and added with the next year earn leave or en-Cashment is made with basic wages/salary.

l      Earn leave dues are intimated to each individual when required.


Company provides minimum 10 days festival leave to employees with full pay. Festival leave

are circulated to workers before hand through notice as festival leave.

OccasionTotal Days
Shahid Day01
Independence Day01
Bengali New Year01
May Day01
Victory Day01

All Emloyees enjoy 10 Days casual leave in a year with full wages


#  For Employees – 14 days with 50% wages.

#  For staff         – 14 days with full salary.

In support of sickness concerned employee must produce medical documents from

company’s In- House Physician.


After completion of minimum 9 month service, female employees are entitled to enjoy 12

weeks maternity leave with full pay   (twice only) for in her whole service tenure with us).


# 52 days Annually with full pay.

# If any weekly holiday is at all utilized as working day then Company give one alternate

holiday (with in that 10 working days).


During probation / apprenticeship period all leave are entitled except E/L. This leave to be

adjusted after confirmation..

Without submission of leave application & leave sanctioned (For sick leave- intimation) no

Staff  & employee is allowed to enjoy leave. Violation of this rule will be treated unauthorized absenteeism &    punishment will be given as per rule.

  1. Personnel department to issue show-cause Notice to the defaulter absentee for 10 days absenteeism without permission or on expiry of 10 days after leave.
  2. Unauthorized absenteeism for 10 days or more will loose his service lien if he can not show genuine reason.

Daily Working Hours

Not exceeding 10 hours a day including 2 hours over time. Which will not exceed 56 hours

per week in average Annually

Break Time

For normal working day        – 30 minutes for lunch/meal at 12:30-13:00 Hrs.

For Tea break                  – 30 minutes. 16:30-17:00 Hrs.

For Friday if need be         – 60 minutes for Jummah prayer and lunch.

Over Time Rate

Double of basic wages.

  2. After completion of 6 month service from the date of joining, all employees will be entitled for contributory provident fund by depositing 10% of basic wages to the company and in turn company will bear the same amount to the fund in favor of employees welfare.
  3. After four years of continuos service the total amount along with the interest may be drawn by the employee.
  4. If any body leaves the job before 04 years, will get back the   deposited  amount which has been contributed from their side along  with bank interest only, not the company share.


  1. Employee serving for seven years or more will get one month basic salary / wages (Last drawn) for each year as gratuity.

Festival Bonus

  1. a) 02 festival bonuses (Only basic wages / salary) are provided to each employee who has completed one year of service. 02 festival occasions are :



A package of gift Hampers  is given to each employee on this 02 auspicious occasion even if one year of service is not completed.

Attendance Bonus

For full attendance in a Month, Employee gets  Tk 300 as attendance bonus.

Target Bonus

For fulfilling the production target in due time, a handsome Target Bonus in cash and kind is given to the all employees of group of people achieving the target. Amount is equal for all ranks.


  1. Company has In-house Lady Physician and a trained nurse for      facilitating the  treatment of It’s employees .
  2. Company is providing medical allowances @ Tk 150/- to each individual as per minimum wages 1961 section -5.
  3. First aid facilities with trained first Aider is available for it’s employee.
  4. 100% free medicine and hospitalization or cost of surgery are borne by the company (any amount)
  5. Provide multi-vitamin free of cost for each worker daily.
  6. Accident register for injured person is being maintained.