by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Merchandising
Method of Garments Costing for Polo Shirt
Method of Garments Costing for Polo Shirt – A garments merchandiser is too much efficient who can make perfect costing of any garments. Costing is an important part of garments merchandising. Order profit is totally depends on it. As its importance on garments merchandising, today I will present an easy method of garments costing for knitted polo shirt.
You may follow How to Calculate Apparel Costing for T-Shirt?
Method of Garments Costing for Knitted Polo Shirt:
At the starting of garments costing for knitted polo shirt, a knit garments merchandiser should be known about the following matters:
Yarn Price ,
Knitting and Washing Cost,
Dyeing Cost,
Printing cost,
Embroidery Cost,
Cost of Making (CM),
Accessories Cost,
Commercial Cost,
Others Cost.
Important tips***
The second duty is to calculate the fabric consumption and costing.
Normally, we calculate the grey fabric consumption.
The third duty of a knit merchandiser is, all the required fabrics processing cost (knitting+ washing cost, dyeing cost) should be added with grey fabric cost. After that, we can achieve the actual fabric cost.
At last stage, all the others necessary cost should be added with actual fabric cost to achieve total cost of a garment.
Labor Rules
Corporate T&D department of Babylon Group conducted a day long workshop on Bangladesh Labor Rules-2015 on 17 October 2015. Md. Shah Alam, AGM-Corporate HR & Compliance and Certified Auditor of SA-8000 & IMS was key person of this workshop. Factory Concern person participated in this workshop to be more clear & conscious about newly published Bangladesh Labor Rules-2015.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | QC QA
What is Internal Quality Audit Management?
What is Internal Quality Audit Management?
Internal Quality Audit
To carry out objective audits in order to determine if the quality management system has been effectively implemented and conforms to ISO 9001:2008 requirements. dddd
Applies to internal audits performed on a periodic basis at Autogarments Ltd.
Audit: Is a systematic and independent examination to a determine whether quality system activities and related result comply with planned arrangement and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are submit to achieve objectives.
Auditor: A person who has qualifications and is authorized to perform all or any portion of a quality system audit.
Audit Objectives:
To reveal deficiencies in the documented system
To reveal deficiencies in the implementation of the documented system
To constantly measure achievement in terms of management compliance.
To serve as a tool for corrective action.
To examine effectiveness of improved system
To identify opportunity for improvement.
Observation: A factual statement about a witnessed event.
Objective Evidence: Observations, statements of facts or the information contained in record that can be verified.
Management Representative is responsible for scheduling audit dates, selecting and assigning auditors for audit quality elements of the standard at OFMA Camp.
Internal audit will be done every elements of the quality management system twice in a year.
Audit may be done more frequently in particular area or all areas on the basis or previous audit results or importance of the processes.
Auditors shall not audit their own work.
Detected nonconformities shall be eliminated by the Management responsible for the area audited in accordance with the agreed completion date.
Follow –up audit shall be done to verify effectiveness of the action taken
All audit results will be reported to management.
Audit Plan and Scheduling
Management Representative shall plan, schedules and delegate personnel to perform internal quality audits.
At the beginning of each year, Management Representative shall prepare two years audit plan or rolling basis.
Internal audits shall be carried on every element of the documented quality system at least twice in a year.
Audit schedule shall be notified in advance to the manager / head responsible for the area or element to be audited.
Auditor Qualification and Independenc
Only qualified auditor shall participate in internal auditing. Qualification may be obtained via training or experience.
Auditor shall be assigned such facilities for which they are not directly responsible to perform the activities being audited
Non-Conformity Recording
Non-conformity detected during audits shall be recorded in Non- conformity Report (F-OFMA-02).
Upon completion of the audit, a closing meeting shall be held between
The auditor(s) and the Manager / Head responsible for the area being audited. At this time, any observation / Non-conformity detected during audit shall be brought into attention. A copy of the Non-conformity report (NCR) shall be forwarded to the Manager / Head of the area responsible for Non-conformity.
An audit report mentioning the date, area and person(s), quality element audited, shall be prepared by the respective department
and submit to the Management Representative.
Corrective Action
conformity is studied and corrective actions taken by the competent people of the department responsible for Non-compliance.
Follow-up audit on non-conformity after agreed period of corrective action shall be performed by the same person(s) who conducted the audit or person(s) designated by the Management Representative
Implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action shall be verified and recorded through follow-up audits.
A report on follow-up audits will be prepared by the Management Representative for the top management.
Closing of Corrective action Request / Report
Management Representative shall close the Non-conformity Report upon receipt of follow-up audit report if corrective actions are implemented properly and found to be effective.
Record Retention
All audit reports shall be assigned by a unique number and relevant records to be maintained period of two (2) years by the Management Representative.
Management Representative shall annualize the trend of Non-conformity department and element wise upon completion of each audit using Internal Audit results analysis.
Internal auditors shall check for the following points during audit:
revious Non-conformities are closed and effective.
Audit being held as per approved plan and schedule.
Audit reports of previous audits are available at the department
activity and documented system.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Sewing & Production
Guidelines for Clothing Products of Drawcord
Guidelines for Clothing Products of Drawcord –
All products with a drawcord must have a completed risk assessment sheet submitted with the pre-production seal (blank attached).
These guidelines are applicable to drawcords at;
Hood and neck openings
Cuff and ankle hems
Waists, both tops, bottoms and jacket hems
For drawcords in other areas, please refer to dept technologist for guidelines.
Cords must not be continuous; either cut in half and re – joined by lockstitch (fig1), or the cord cut and sewn into a seam (fig 2).
Cord to extrude max 15cm when cord channel is fully extended (fig 3).
Cord to extrude a max of 10cm when cord channel is fully extended (fig4)
Cord must be looped back and not ‘dangle’ (fig4)
Low stretch elastic to be used – 75% stretch max.
Cord to extrude max 10 cm when cord channel is fully extended (fig 5 &6)
Cords must not be continuous; either cut in half and re-joined by lockstitch (fig1), or the cord cut and sewn into a seam (fig 2).
Cord to extrude max 25cm when cord channel is fully extended fig 7 &8)
Cords must not be continuous; either cut in half and rejoined by lockstitch (fig 1 ), or the cord cut and sewn into a seam (fig 2)
Where this is not possible due to product/machinery limitations ie: knitwear/bonadex elatication- please discuss with the relevant technologist and assess using risk assessment form.
Vision : Our vision is to be a symbol of commitment, manufacture fashionable and quality knit products, delivery in a timely manner in regard to meet customer satisfaction and ensure the Socio-economic & Environmental standard in the company. To satisfy and retain customers through employee involvement, team work, personal excellence, approaches in our quest to become the leading manufacturer of Knit products.
Employment policies : Auto Fashions Ltd abides by the principle that decisions on hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, termination or retirement are based solely on the ability of an individual to do the job.
Child labor : Auto Fashions Ltd abides by the principle of Child Labor . Auto Fashions Ltd does not employ any person Child labor to produce apparel, accessories or equipment.
Forced labor : Auto Fashions Ltd does not use forced labor in any form :- prison, indentured, bonded or otherwise.
Discrimination : There shall be no discrimination based on race, gender, marital or maternity status, religious or political beliefs, age or sexual orientation.
Toggles – avoid potential risk of swallowing by children, toggles must constructed in a manner that will not break or separate and must be securely attached so cannot be parted from the garment.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | Compliance
All documents of external origin related to the Quality Management System are listed on Control Document Master List. The issue number or document number is not allocated simply because the company is not authorized to modify such documents. QMR & EMR will be responsible to keep close contact with the issuing or publishing authorities of such documents. To define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records. …
The QMR & EMR keeps all the documents of the Quality Management System & Environmental Procedure are stored in the computer and for safety purpose a back up in the form of floppy disks and in a Compact Disk. Applies to all quality records generated at Auto garments as an evidence of conformity to ISO 9001:2008 and effective operations of the company.
The EMR has responsibility for directing activities relating to this procedure. Where other functions have responsibility, they are so indicated. Records, as distinguished from documents, are static historic information. They do not change, and so do not have to control for change, as documents need to be.
The appropriate personnel involved with the activity write documents. Maagement Representative is responsible for specifying what records are needed to document conformance to the operative quality system as per ISO 9001:2008 as well as the records needed for the effective operation.
Department Manager or his/her nominee has the responsibility for retention and maintenance of quality records.
Copies of documents are distributed to the appropriate personnel who sign the Circulation Record
Uncontrolled photocopies are only allowed for use by external parties, e.g. customers, auditors, etc. These are stamped on the front page as “Uncontrolled Copy”.
Identify records to provide evidence of conformity to requirements of effective operation of the quality management system.
Ensure records shall be remaining legible, identifiable and retrievable.
Ensure control needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention
time and disposition records.
Management Representative shall specify what records are needed to conform to met legal and customer requirements in quality records list.
Records generated at Auto garments shall be identified in corresponding Quality System Procedure, Standard Operating Procedure and Quality Records List.
Management Representative shall identify retention time and disposal methods of quality records in the quality Records List. Retention period shall be sufficient to accommodate the purpose of the particular record. Attention should be paid to legal requirements for retention.
Records shall be filed, indexed in a way that they are readily retrievable and shall be protected in suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss. To achieve this, the following methods may be followed:
Records will be filed based on type. If different types of records preserved in one file, then the file will be indexed.
Each file shall have unique identification number & name.
Prson responsible for maintenance of files shall maintain a list of files with custodian location.
Permanent ink shall be used in writing quality records.
Department Heads shall make quality records available for audits or review.
Customer or customer representative shall be permitted access to quality records where provision is made in contract or by the approval of General Manager/ Managing Director.
Computer System Security
Electronic data and records will be controlled and secured using a back-up system. Backup will be taken every day or week as required. Instead of type backup, preserved as backup.
Several Personal Computers can be made available in different departments to aid in the work. The person using the PC shall be responsible to secure files containing quality records by using password.
Disposal of Quality Records:
Upon completion of the minimum retention period, department may, at its discretion destroy the quality records by burning or shredding.
Copies are allowed for working activities.
Changes are made according to sections and the issue number advanced.
Amended issues are sent to the QMR & EMR for inclusion in controlled copies of the relevant document. The Change Proposal and a copy of the obsolete document are kept in the Obsolete Document File.
Department heads are responsible for withdrawal and destruction of old issues and distribution of new issues to the concerned work areas.
Department Manager shall review:
that all records used in his/her department are in the quality records list.
permanent ink is being used in preparing records.
all information are properly recorded, records are filed and files are
indexed where necessary.
record files are kept such a place which ensure lost, damage, etc.
Document Name
- Safety Committee Meeting – 2018
- Awareness Training Program – 2018
- PPE Training Program – 2018
- Risk Assessment 2018
- Management System Meeting – 2018
- Observation ( Master File) – 2018
- Training Evaluation Docs
- Revised Policy – 2018
- First Aid Docs – 2018
- First Aid Meeting & Training
- Welfare Meeting & Training
- WPC Meeting & Training
- Policy Meeting
- Participation Committee (L.M) – 2018-2019
- New Workers’ List
- New Workers’ Training Program: Fin-1 & 2
- Induction Training On Fire
- Awareness On Family Planning & AIDS
- Child Care Program
- Grievance & Suggestion Docs
- Health & Sanitation Meeting – Cleaner
- Disciplinary Log ( For Buyer)
- Black Listed Workers
- Disciplinary Action : Fin- 1 & 2
- Resign Docs – AKM – 2018
- Internal Audit – AKM
- Internal Audit – Washing
- Internal Audit – Accessories
- Internal audit – Pacific
- Orientation – 2018
- Absent Register
- Health & Safety Register
- Letter Issue
- PA System Policy
- PA System General
- Pregnant Workers Follow Up
- Maternity Leave Entry, Update of Pregnant Workers’ Personal Files, Debit Voucher of 1st & 2nd Installment, Letter Issue of Maternity Workers, etc.
- All Staff Files
- All Operators Files
- All Promotion Files Update
- All Q.I, LPS, Cleaner Files
- Internal Resign Report
- All Meeting & Training Docs Update
- Office Order, facsimile
- Welfare Fund & Education Fund
- CAP for different buyers
- Policy
- Revised Policy – 2018
- Policy Meeting
- PA System – Policy
- Office Order, Facsimile, Showcause, Warning Letter
- Safety Committee Meeting – 2018
- Whole Factory Investigation, Report, Disciplinary Action
- Safety Committee Meeting – 2018
- Awareness Training Program – 2018
- New Workers’ Training Program: Fin-1 & 2
- Absent Register
- Health & Safety Register
- Black Listed Workers
- Internal Resign Report
- All Q.I, LPS, Cleaner Files
- Maternity Leave Entry, Update of Pregnant Workers’ Personal Files, Debit Voucher of 1st & 2nd Installment, Letter Issue of Maternity Workers & other maternity related docs.
Any anomaly found shall be reported to Management Representative and department head for corrective action. The original document, signed, unstamped and dated, is retained in the Central Quality File. All Level 1 & 2 documents copies issued to a department are stamped “Controlled Documents” and are recorded on a Controlled Document Master List, , for each department/function. A Circulation Record, accompanies each original document.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 25, 2021 | RMG Document
Document Management System
To ensure that pertinent issue of documents which affect product, process and quality system are available at the point of use. To ensure that all documents comprising the environmental management system are controlled and distributed so that those employees requiring them use only current issues. …
Applicable to all documents which affect product, process and quality system.
Documents: Policies, Quality System Procedures, Standard Operating Procedure or any other piece of paper or information that defines a requirement of the company, and/or describes how or what to do, and is subject to change.
Blank Forms are therefore, documents, as they serve the purpose of a checklist, and may be changed to reflect a change in a procedure. However, a form that is filled with information ceases to be a document, and becomes a “record” of some particular action. Records are not subject to this procedure. Records are subject to Quality System Procedure Control of Records (No. 04-03).
Controlled Documents: To ensure that the right information is available at the right place at the right time, documents need to be controlled. This “control” signifies that the Quality Management System will ensure that such distribution occurs as a matter of routine. It is the distribution that is being controlled.
Policies: These are documents that define the requirements to the QMS.
Standard Operating Procedure: These are documents that support Quality System Procedures and/or written to meet the requirements of some other clauses of ISO 9001:2008 which are not covered in by the users of the procedures.
The original document, signed, unstamped and dated, is retained in the Central Quality File.
All Level 1 & 2 documents copies issued to a department are stamped “Controlled Documents” and are recorded on a Controlled Document Master List, , for each department/function.
A Circulation Record, accompanies each original document.
Copies of documents are distributed to the appropriate personnel who sign the Circulation Record
Uncontrolled photocopies are only allowed for use by external parties, e.g. customers, auditors, etc. These are stamped on the front page as “Uncontrolled Copy”.
General Manager, All Department Heads, Management Representative, User of the Documents and Internal Auditor.
Approve all internally generated documents prior to use
Review, and update as necessary and re-approve documents
Ensure changes and the current revision status of documents are identified
Ensure that relevant versions of the current documents are available at points of
Changes required are raised on a Change Proposal, and submitted to the QMR & EMR.
The review and approval of proposed change is only by the functional authorities, which initially wrote and approved the document.
If the changes are approved a new issue is published. The issue number advances, that is, Issue 1 becomes Issue 2, etc.
The change(s)/new addition(s) are identified by underlining the amended section.
Ensure that documents remain legible and readily available
Ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution
Prevent the unauthorized use of obsolete documents and to apply suitable
identification to them, if they retained for any purpose.
The amended document is issued and distributed according to
The Controlled Document Master List is updated.
All obsolete copies are withdrawn and signed for according to the Circulation Record.
The original copy of the obsolete document, along with its Circulation Record and Change Proposal, is collected and give the Obsolete Sill and then its finally destroyed.
All remaining copies are destroyed.
The author of the document shall sign his/her name at the designated place of the document and data.
Document shall be reviewed and approved for adequacy by the Managing Director or any other person designated by him. The signature of the Managing Director/designated person on the designated place of the document shall signify that the document is reviewed for adequacy and approved.
It is the responsibility of the department heads that the current revision of documents is available at all locations that are conveniently accessible to people who need the documents.
Officially distributed copies of controlled Quality System Procedures; Standard Operating Procedure shall be identified by a red “CONTROLLED” stamp on each page. However master copies of all such procedures shall be retained with Management Representative without Controlled seal.
Controlled Procedures shall be distributed according to the distribution list of each document. In case of department / position change the custodian shall hand over the document to the new person designated to perform the function.
Issuing & Amending Formats
Generation of formats is the responsibility of department heads.
They are printed on white paper and include a code number and issue number.
A blank copy is attached to the relevant procedure or work instruction in the Central Quality file.
Each document recipient shall maintain an Index of all controlled
document of his / her possession. The list shall include:
Management Representative shall maintain Master List of control document. The Master List shall include:
Department Head may redistribute photocopy of controlled document to his department personnel if deemed necessary by him.
Such redistributed copy shall be stamped with “REDISTRIBUTED” stamp on each page with “Blue” color.
Department Heads shall redistribute photocopy of controlled documents.
Department Head shall ensure that the obsolete redistributed documents are promptly returned to him by all points of issue or use. These will be destroyed.
Management Representative shall maintain a list of pertinent issue of external documents (such as ISO standards, etc.), which affect the quality of product and process.
Customer sketch, Customer specification, measurement, etc. relevant to the order will be distributed among the concerned department with a mark ORDER NO. P.O. No.
Management Representative and department heads shall ensure that pertinent issue of external documents is available at locations of use.
Management Representative shall ensure that the obsolete documents are promptly returned to him by all points of issue or use. These will be destroyed except for the archival copy.
Copy of obsolete document shall be archived by the Management Representative. All archived documents shall be identified with the word “OBSOLETE” on each page.
Obsolete documents will be maintained for a period of minimum 1 year.
Only legible copy of controlled documents will be issued.
Person receiving the documents shall ensure that the documents are legible. If any document not legible, he/she shall return it to the Management Representative and request for legible one.
Management Representative shall replace the document.
Merchandising department shall issue the amended purchase order or
amendment information in writing to the departments received
original/initial Purchase Order. The page of the order where amended
is made, shall be identified by AMENDED NO. ———— and Date.
Each internally generated document will be reviewed at least once in two years
for continuing suitability.
Management Representative shall check all externally originated documents used
in the system at least once in two years to ensure that use of such documents is
necessary and if the new version of the documents is available.
Documents need to be updated shall be modified as per Quality System Procedure
for Re-Approves of Documents (No.04-02).
User shall check the following points during use:
Legibility and availability of required documents
Pertinent issue is being used
Required signature, mark, etc. available
Continuing suitability of the documents
User shall propose change of the documents as per Quality System Procedure for Re-Approves of Documents (No.04-02) for documents are not suitable at the current practice or when improvement is required.
Management Representative shall initiate document change as per
Quality System Procedure for Re-Approves of Documents (No.04-02)
if request is raised or as a result of audit finding or as a result of
periodic review.
Management Representative shall also assess with users need for
replacing previous version of documents of external origin in use with
the current available version and replace if identified essential.