Supplier and Vendor Management Process
Vendor Management Process
Supplier Management Software Feature
Supplier and Vendor Management Process Software can be handle by inventory people or supply chain department. It will be decide by management. Vendor risk assessment and vendor risk management will be easier by using this software. At first our software system we need to create a new supplier. During crate a new supplier we will provide the below information. For any queries, please Contact Us.
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Create Vendor/Supplier
Now we will crate a new vendor / supplier by providing below information. It is step by step procedure. Please follow the below screenshot

Input Text
The below data can be inserted into above screenshot
- Vendor Type : Buyer/ Supplier/ Agent
- Supplier Name: Full Name of the Vendor
- Opening Balance: 456700 Taka
- Vendor Local Name : This is local name of a vendor. It may short name
- Supplier Entry Date: 01/01/19
- Product Category : This is product category of a supplier like shirt/pant/ t shirt etc
- Branch: Dhanmondi
- Product Sub Category : This is product sub category of a supplier
- Vendor Status : Regular / Casual etc
- Preferred Currency Uom : This is unit of measurement of a vendors product
- Nationality: Bangladeshi
- Supplier Credit Limit: 766676 Taka
- Phone Number: +01812334458
- Mobile Number: +01812334458
- Email:
- Vendor BIN No. : BIN Identification number of a vendor
- Remarks: if any
- Description : If any
Company Information
In this screen, we will add more information of a suppler company by using , vendor management software
- Company Founded on : 09/09/2005
- Company Category : Current
- Vendor TIN No. : Tax Identification number of a vendor Website:Vendor VAT Reg. No. : VAT Identification number of a vendor
- Relationship: Individual
Company Contact Information
To minimize vendor risk management our erp software have facility to enter contact details
- Company Phone Number: +01812334458
- Company Mobile Number: +01812334458
- Company Email:
- Skype:
- Facebook:
- Whats app:
Company Accounts Information
To minimize vendor risk assessment our system preserve supplier bank information. As we can track payment for future use
- Company Bank: Islami Bank
- Company Account Type : Supplier
- Company Account Number: ASDE344534445450000009
- Account Start Date: 10/10/2005
Company Address Information
Our supplier management process software have facility to enter supplier information. Some example of information is given below-
- Country : Bangladesh
- Division: Dhaka
- City : Dhaka
- Thana: Ghatail
- Dist: Tangail
- P.O. : Loker Para
- Post Code: 1960
- Section : vill
- Road : Main road
- House : 3/1
Vendor Profile for Vendor Risk Assessment
He you can find a specific vendor list just typing some information. The user can set logo / picture for a vendor in this section. Vendor risk assessment and vendor risk management is very easy comparing the vendor information here. This is huge database archiving day to days. Using this archive in future company can take better decision from where they will purchase their products. For Vendor risk assessment each vendor have its own identification number generated by this software