Textile ERP
Textile ERP and Garment Software which is fully web base solution for RMG & Textile industry. Management can access from anywhere of the world via internet. User can access when global internet is down via local network. Textile ERP platform has been developed using latest web technology but it also provides desktop client interface facility for desktop base user. Textile ERP platform is very user friendly even can use who has normal English reading capability and understand the business terms. No need to use highly educated & trained person to use this solution. No hidden cost to setup this solution that needs other traditional software. This solution supports World recognized browser. We use qualified team as implementer who has a good knowledge in RMG & Textile related business process.
We have largest Garment and Textile ERP software collections in Bangladesh. We sale customized ERP for the factories. We are agent of all Garment and Textile ERP software company. We will forward you to the best ERP software company based on your requirements. We are trouble shooter of fashion industrial software like Willcom, Barudan, Lectra, Gerber, iEcho, Datacolor, Shedomaster, Batch, Qc etc. Please contact us by submitting a comment below on Leave a Reply box. Cell# +880 17 92 52 53 54. For any queries, please Contact Us.
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Advantages of ERP Textile:
Security is higher like we can provide user login history including IP address any time to find out the unauthorized user. Advantages of ERP Textile is given below-
- Merchandiser has a (Zero) sec involvement preparing TNA
- Generating automatic fabric & trims booking.
- 100 % return on investment guaranteed monitoring progress by platform
- Enhancing Management Capacity.
- Increasing Productivity in Garments Industry.
- Optimum and Utilization of All Resources.
- Smoothly Business Running With Extra Volume.
- Managing your business from anywhere of the world
- Managing Wastage To Minimum Level
- Reducing Cost of Production to Minimum
- Maximizing Surplus of production
- Having RMG and Textile domain specialist.
- Implementation conducted by Textile & Business background personnel.
- Fully web base solution provider.
- Platform has been developed sitting in floor of a large composite garment removing the pain of management.
- Lots of Analytical report.
- Highlighting problem areas by red color.
- Highly secured than other solution.
- Hugh investment in R&D.
- 24/7 customer service in emergency case.
- We also provide cloud computing Server hosted in our own data center with 99.99% uptime
Covered Area of ERP Textile:

- Marketing & Merchandising
- Time & Action ( TNA)
- Commercial :Export Zone, lmport Zone
- Inventory : Yarn. Cremicsl. Fabric, Trims. General Store
- Production : Fabric, Garments. Production wages
- Subcontract Management : Sub contact order, Knitting, Weaving proouctton Textile ERP. fabric dyeing, processing, garn1ents production. subcontact billing and inventory.
- Planning : GSD. Lay & cutting planning, Sewing planning, Fabric production planning
- Hr & Payroll Solution
- Finance & Accounting
- User Access Control
Feature of of ERP Textile:
- Web based business solution
- Yearly Sales projection facilities
- Automatic Task Execution date plan and updating completion status
- Automatic daily E-mail / SMS shooting as notification of pending work and remainder of next task
- Marker basis fabric consumption determination
- Order wise yarn requirement for order in hand
- Automatic Fabric and trims booking
- GSD based sewing planning facilities
- Back to Back liability coverage and control tools
- File wise foreign currency surplus / shortage monitoring tools
- Lot wise yam allocation monitoring tools
- Party wise yarn reconciliation
- Party wise yarn and dyes & chemical loan register
- Color wise fabric production recap
- Auto excess cut monitoring tools
Technology & Security:
- Huge Data maintenance capability
- Easy Operating and attractive User Interface
- Independent Data base
- Easy Reporting
- Many users can operate the Software at a time (i.e. Multi using facilities)
Web based ERP for Textile Industry:
Platform has been developed using latest web 2.0 technology which is already recognized worldwide. Tools used in ‘Platform’ PHP. JAVA. Ajax. jQuery. Moo Tools. CSS3. Data base used MYSQL as default.
Desktop Enabled:
Though Platform is developed using web technology but it also provides desktop client interface facility for desktop base user.
Mobile Compatibility:
Iphone OS. Android. windows mobile
MySQL. SQL. Oracle
Application Security and User Access:
- Access restricted by user authentication.
- User specific permission / privilege to forms
- Button level permission / privilege control
- Passwords and login information stored as encrypted format
- All History preserved in encrypted format.
Data Back-Up and Storage:
Automated or manual backup system of database is available for user. User can configure scheduled backup.
Why ERP for Textile Industry:
ERP for textile industry require for following reasons-
Less cost involved:
Platform is fully web base solution. As you know the traditional solution is complicated to implement. Installation and lots of expensive hidden cost involved. ERP for textile industry solution reduces that type of cost like
- Reduces up gradation cost of existing PC
- No yearly renewal charges for user license
- Reduces internal hardware support personnel since system not require to install in user PC
- Reduces antivirus license cost of all users PC
And Platform:
- Less implementation pain involved on existing work force getting goes live.
- Used generally accepted business term in entry pages
- System has been designed exactly process followed in Bangladesh context for that reason our solution is attractive to users than other foreign solutions
- Platform never detach you form business because it is always in your pocket/ hand
Do Platform work:
if global internet is down? Yes. since the server is in your premises. system runs over local network
Return on investment:
System returns your investment by following way
- If save 1% fabric consumption controlling excess cutting percentage that’s cost more than software price
- System reduces involvement of management in micro level, as a result management capacity increased and able to manage extra work volume that returns extra money
- Since all the information is available by a click. all the resources can be utilized optimally meaning wastage goes to minimum and cost of production reduce as a result profit increased.
Report of ERP for Textile Industry:

- Monthly Order Wise Booking Status Report
- Order Wise Monthly Yarn Requirement Report
- Oder Wise Monthly Cost Break Down Report
- Order Wise TNA Gantt Chart
- Shipment Date Wise Work Progress Report
- Shipment pending report erp for textile industry
- Back to back liability coverage report at any point of time
- Order Wise Process Loss Report
- Daily Line Wise Hourly Production Report
- File Wise Cost Analysis Report
- Closing Stock Report
- Monthly Order Wise Trims Receive & Issue Report
- Weekly Shipment Schedule Report
- Post Cost Analysis Report
ERP Modules of Garment Software:
The ERP modules of garment software are listed below-

Merchandising Garment Software:
1 Order Tracking
1.01 Sales Target Entry
1.02 Sample Development
1.03 Price Quotation
1.04 Order Entry
1.05 Color and Size Breakdown
1.06 Pre-Costing
2 Fabric Booking
2.01 Main Fabric Booking
2.02 Short Fabric Booking
2.03 Sample Fabric Booking -With order
2.04 Sample Fabric Booking -Withootorder
3 Trims Booking
3.01 Main Trims Booking
3.02 Short Trims Booking
4 Service Booking
4.01 Service Booking
5 Approval Tracking
5.01 Sample Approval
5.02 Lab Dip Approval
5.03 Trims Approval
5.04 Embellishment Approval
TNA Garment Software:
1 TNA Template Entry
2 TNA Update Entry
3 TNA Gantt Chart
4 TNA Progress Report
Planning Garment Software:
1 Knitting Plan
2 Dyeing Plan
3 Cutting Plan
4 Sewing Plan
4.01 GSD Entry
4.02 Planning Entry
4.03 Planning Board
Commercial Garment Software:
1 Work Order
1.01 Yam Work Order
1.02 Dyes And Chemical Work Order
1.03 Spare Parts And Other Work Order
1.04 Stationary Work Order
2 Export
2.01 Sales Contact Entry
2.02 Sales Contract Amendment
2.03 Export LC Entry
2.04 Export LC Amendment
2.05 Post And Pre-Export Finance
2.06 Export Invoice
2.07 Non LC Export
2.08 Document Submission
2.09 Export Proceeds Realization
3 Import
3.01 Pro Forma Invoice
3.02 BTB/Margin LC
3.03 BTB/Margin LC Amendment
3.04 Non LC Import
3.05 Import Document Acceptance
3.06 Import Payment
Inventory for Clothing Software:

1 Purchase Requisition
2 Gate Entry
2.01 Gate In Entry
2.02 Gate Out Entry
3 Yam Store
3.01 Yam Receive
3.02 Yam Issue for clothing software
3.03 Yam Receive Retum
3.04 Yam Issue Return
4 Grey Fabric Store
4.01 Knit Grey Fabric Receive
4.02 Woven Grey Fabric Receive
4.03 Knit Grey Fabric Issue
4.04 Woven Grey Fabric Issue
4.05 Grey Receive Return
4.06 Grey Issue Return
5 Finish Fabric Store
5.01 Knit Finish Fabric Receive
5.02 Woven Finish Fabric Receive
5.03 Knit Finish Fabric Issue
5.04 Woven Finish Fabric Issue
5.05 Finish Fabric Receive Return
5.06 Finish Fabric Issue Return
6 Dyes And Chemical Store
6.01 Dyes And Chemical Receive
6.02 Dyes And Chemical Issue
6.03 Dye/Chem Receive Return
6.04 Dye/Chem Issue Return
7 Trims Store
7.01 Trims Receive
7.02 Trims Issue
7.03 Trims Receive Return
7.04 Trims Issue Return
8 General Store
8.01 General Item Receive
8.02 General Item Issue
8.03 General Item Receive Return
8.04 General Item Issue Return
9 Item Transfer
10 Order to Order Item Transfer
11 Material Allocation
12 Service Acknowledgement
13 Computerized Inventory Control System
Production of Clothing Software:
1 Knit Fabric
1.01 Fabric Approval
1.02 Knitting Production
1.03 Batch Creation
1.04 Recipe Entry for clothing software
1.05 Dying Production Entry
1.06 Finish Fabric Production Entry
2 Woven Fabric-Non Denim
2.01 Warping Production
2.02 Sizing
2.03 Knotting/Drawing
2.04 Fabric Approval
2.05 Weaving Production
2.06 Fabric Processing
3 Woven Fabric- Denim
3.01 Warping Production
3.02 Dying Production
3.03 Sizing
3.04 Knotting/Drawing
3.05 Fabric Approval
3.06 Weaving Production
3.07 Fabric Finishing
3.08 Inspection And Grading
3.09 Packing
4 Garments Production
401 Cutting Entry
4.02 Embellishment Issue Entry
4.03 Embellishment Receive Entry
4.04 Sewing Input
4.05 Sewing Output
4.06 Finish Input
4.07 Iron entry
4.08 Packing And Finishing
4.09 Buyer Inspection
4.10 Ex-Factory
5 Production Wages
Subcontract of Clothing Software:
1 Marketing
1.01 SubCon Order Entry
2 Inventory
2.01 SubCon Material Receive
2.02 SubCon Material Issue
2.03 SubCon Material Return
3 Production
3.01 Knitting Production of clothing software
3.02 Dyeing Production
3.03 Fabric Finishing Entry
3.04 Cutting Entry
3.05 Embellishment Entry
3.06 Sewing Output
3.07 Delivery Entry
4 In-Bound Billing
4.01 Knitting Bill Issue
4.02 Dyeing & Finishing Bill Issue
4.03 Cutting Bill Issue
4.04 Embellishment Bill Issue
4.05 Sewing Bill Issue
4.06 Payment Receive
5 Out-Bound Billing
5.01 Knitting Bill Entry
5.02 Dyeing & Finishing Bill Entr)
5.03 Cutting Bill Entry
5.04 Embellishment Bill Entry
5.05 Sewing Bill Entry
1 Chart of Accounts
2 Budget
1.01 Head wise Entry
1.02 Cost Center wise Entry
3 General Ledger
3.01 Journal Entry
3.02 Single Entry
4 Accounts Receivable
4.01 Sales Invoice Entry
4.02 AR Adjustment
4.03 Credit Note
5 Accounts Payable
5.01 Purchase Invoice Entry
5.02 AP Adjustment
5.03 Debit Note
6 Recurring Journal
7 Voucher Approved
8 Integration Journal Acceptance
9 Service Cost Allocation
10 Transaction Synchronization
11 Year Closing
12 Reports
HR & Payroll for Garment Software:
1 Employee Basic Infonmation with
1.1 Employee Name (Bangia & English Entry facility)
1.2 Address (Present Address. Permanent Address. Alternative Address entry Facility)
1.3 Photo ( Multi Photo Upload Facility).
1.4 Salary Break Down ( Auto
1.5 Generated Salary Head )
1.6 Bank Information.
1.7 Fund. Piece Rate Based. Weekly Wages Based)
1.8 Education Information
1.9 Employment History
1.10 Employee Family Information Employee Document Attach
2 Attendance Management
2.1 Manual Attendance ( Multi search option facility. Date Range wise single attendance)
2.2 Movement Registered
2.3 Duty Roster Process under garment software
2.4 Define Holiday (Multi Date Handle Facility).
2.5 Define Weekend (Multi Day Handle Facility)
3 Leave Management
3.1 Leave Entry
3.2 Maternity Leave
3.3 Opening Leave
3.4 Leave Year closing
3.5 Auto Generated Leave Application (Bangia & English)
4 Payment Management
4.1 Salary Process Facility
4.2 Salary Adjustment Entry Facility
4.3 ManualOJ Entry Facility
4.4 Bonus Process Facility
4.5 Increment Entry Facility
4.6 Electronic S Development
5 Loan
5.1 Loan Entry Facility
5.2 Payback Schedule Facility
5.3 Early Adjustment Entry Facility
5.4 Job Separation ( Multi Employee Separation Facility)
5.5 Job Reactivation ( Multi Employee Reactivation FaCility)
5.6 Resource Allocation
5.7 Item Issue Entry Facility
5.8 Item Return Entry Facility
5.9 Disciplinary Information under garment software
5.10 Employee Pick & Drop Management of clothing software
5.11 Policy Tagging With Employee of textile erp
[1] Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Automation Technologist Email: Cell: +88 017 92 52 53 54
[2] M.J. Abedin Bhuiyan Sumon, Manager Marketing and Implementation, Logic Software Limited
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