The conditions of exhaust processing on a jet
are simulated.
The capacity of a penetration accelerant to
destroy foam or control foaming during a dyeing cycle is assessed by measuring
the foam level in a Mathis laboratory overflow jet.
mathis lab dryer overflow jet JFO with Datex
200 control
( 70
mm jet )
Liquor circulation
100 l/min.
Fabric speed
20 m/min.
Textile material
750 g Tersuisse tricot ( item No. 5-4204 )
0.15% Terasil Yellow 4G
0.40% Terasil Red 5G
0.15% Terasil Navy BGLN 200%
(dispersed in 500 ml de-ionized water )
1.35 g/l Univadin DIF
g/l ammonium sulphate
(dissolved in 500 ml de-ionized water)
load fabric into jet
add 6 lt. water and heat to 60°C
pump liquor into preparation tank
add dissolved chemicals, dyes and test
product to preparation tank
adjust to pH 4 – 4.5
run liquor back into dyeing machine
bulk liquor to 7.5 lt.
(programme No. 2)
raise temperature at 1.5°C/min to 130°C and
hold it there for 30 min.
note foam level at intervals of 10°C and
enter in the separate table ( enclosure 1 )
cool at 1.5°C/min to 80°C
then rinse cold
mathis lab dryer -The foam generated is measured in cm, and the results are plotted in the form of a graph.
Procedure for starting the FOAMY
o Switch on FOAMY
Press “ON/OFF” button of B. Display of A flashes !
o Briefly press key "0" of A --> flashing stops --> A ready for program selection
o Program selection
Hold down key “0” of A. In display of A “00” or a figure appears above Step. Press the key “+” or “-” of A at the same time to select the program.
In the case of the antifoams it is program 01. —> enclosure 3
o Choice of liquor flow rate
Press key “Const” of B , then button “liquor flow rate control” of B. “Liquor flow rate” is activated in the display of B.
Set the desired value by pressing the key “+” or “-” of B .
In the case of the antifoams this is 1.6 lt/min.
o Preparation of program start
Press key “+” or “-” of A until the number “01” appears in the A display in the Step field.
The program is now ready to start.
o Textile material
Load the textile material loosely on the support and insert it into the cylinder of the FOAMY. Close cylinder.
o Foaming medium
Pour 1000 ml foaming medium into the foam generating cylinder. Close cylinder.
o Starting the program
Actuate the “Press” key of B. The system is pressurized. At 0.9 bar actuate the “Press” key again to stop the pressure increasing further.
o Press the "Pump" key of B. Liquor circulation starts.
Wait until the rate of liquor flow has stabilized at about 1.6 lt/min.
o Press key "S" of A .The time/temperature program starts running.
The entries and the current temperature, time and program step status now alternately appear in the A display.
o When the layer of foam in the foam generation cylinder has reached a thickness of 30 cm, meter in the required amount of antifoam via the sluice.
o Foam thickness in cm: note and record with reference to table "Foam measurement FOAMY ". --> enclosure 4
o On completion of testing, drain off liquor, remove material and clean FOAMY by a separate program.
Air tray dryer unit: should be able to investigate convection drying of solids on 4 corrosion resistant plates in a drying channel by air flow velocity via adjustable fan speed. It should have air heating with controlled heaters as well as sensors for measurement of humidity and temperature of solid samples before & after the completion of drying process. It should also be provided with digital weighing balance for measuring the overall change of weight during drying process. This unit should preferably be supplied with following specifications
Plastic Staple Machine used for tacking the garments after washing this garments will marked where the tag is attached.
The composition/wash care labels
Labels must be in white polyester satin with printed information in black.
Exception- all the garments that undergo an overdyeing process, you are allowed to use a woven label OR you will have to protect the labels with a polybag before the overdyeing process., if the label is printed.
There are three labels –
The composition label
The wash/care label
Label with the reference number+ supplier code (which shall be communicated to you by the concerned buyer at the beginning of the season
The composition label
Dimensions 12cmx3,5cm
Type of information
The composition of the garment outshell and the lining should be mentioned in the following European languages and in the following order -ENGLISH/ FRENCH/ GERMAN/ ITALIAN/ SPANISH/ PORTUGUESE/ DUTCH
The repartition in percentage must appear in the decreasing order e.g. 50% COTTON / 48% POLYESTER / 2% ELASTANE
the country of origin in the aforesaid language order.
the wash care label
Dimensions 12cmx3,5cm
wash care instructions. You must communicate to the buyer the wash a specific garment may or may not undergo, who in turn shall make the final decision depending on the saleability of the product and making sure that a particular washing instruction does not hinder the selling of the garment.
The respective size of the garment
Wash/care symbols
Be careful, you have to put the wash care symbols in the following order from this year
first letter represents the washing symbol
second letter the bleaching symbol
third letter the tumble drying symbol
fourth letter the ironing symbol
fifth letter the professional dry-cleaning symbol
sixth letter the wet-cleaning symbol
seventh letter the natural drying symbol (ISO 3758 only)
the style name and supplier code label
Dimensions 5cmx3,5cm
The style name e.g. M1GATOR J2
The supplier code in 3 letters e.g. GRE
(Greenhouse exports becomes GRE)
All the three labels must be placed in the following order
The wash-care label on the bottom
The compo label on top of the wash care label
The style name label on top of the compo label
Hydro extractor
Hydro extractor is the m/c by which water is remove from garments . After wash we put the garments into hydro. When hydro is moving with high speed that time materials and water wants to go out side butmaterials can not out but water will go. About 70%-80% water is removed by this process.
This dyer m/c is used for drying the garments after wash is called dryer. Dryer are basically two types.
Gas dryer : In this dryer gas is directly burned & heat is produced then applied on garments.
Steam dryer : In this dryer steam is converted to heat exchanger then the heat is applied on garments & dry.
Plastic Staple Machine is very essential for rmg industry
Best industrial washing machine is the most common operation during wet processing. A wet processed fabric goes several times in washing chamber. In woven fabric processing each machine having continuous washing ranges. But after few process no additional washing option for that an individual washing machine is required. After cold pad batch, peach finish fabric goes through an individual washing machine.
Chemical used by a best industrial washing machine
Compressed air
Best Industrial Washing Machine Specification
M/C Name: Ramisch Kleinewefers
M/C Speed: For dark shade = 25 – 30 m/min, For light shade = 40 – 60 m/min
Washing chamber = 6
All padder pressure = 2.5 bar
All compansator pressure = 3.5 bar
1st washing unit = 1 shower cylinder
2nd washing unit = 2 shower cylinder
Sketch Diagram of Washing Machine
Sketch Diagram
Flow diagram of Best Industrial Washing Machine
Fabric inlet
Cold washing chamber – 1 (40) 400 L
Washing chamber – 2 (90 / 100 ) 400 L
Washing chamber – 3 (90 / 100 ) 400 L
Washing chamber – 4 (90 / 100 ) 400 L
Washing chamber – 5 (90 / 100 ) 400 L
Cold washing chamber – 6 400
Fabric outlet
Operational procedure of Best Industrial Washing Machine and Dryer
Fabric inlet of Best Industrial Washing Machine : Fabrics are directly feed into the inlet of washing machine. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller, guider & expander to ensure open width entry. Here there is a control panel to control fabric speed.
Fabric inlet
Washing chamber: Fabric passes through washing chamber where following works are performed:
Cold wash (1 & 6): In the first chamber & last chamber of washing cold wash is performed. Here temperature is around 30-40’c.Here padder pressure 2.5 bar.
Hot wash (2 – 5): After cold wash squeezing is occurred then the fabric is passed through the chamber for hot wash. Here temperature is around 90 – 100’C.In 2 / 3 chamber chemical or soaping is applied.
Here padder pressure 2.5 bar.
Soap :- 4 gm/lt
Acetic acid: As required to maintain ph.
M/C Speed: For dark shade = 25 – 30 m/min
For light shade = 40 – 60 m/min
Recipe for Reactive Dye: Fabric construction:- 108 X 52 / 45 X 34/2
Nova yellow CRG = 0.76 gm/l
Nova Red C- 2 BL= 0.72 gm/l
Nova Blue CR = 0.53 gm/l
Primasol-v = 10 gm/l
Primasol-NF = 2 gm/l
Urea = 50 gm/l
Soda ash = 10 gm/l
Fabric Speed – 5o m/min
Temperature – 120 -130°C
Recipe for Reactive Dye: Fabric construction:- 133 x 60 / 20X 16
After chemical padding by using above CPS chemical steaming and washing is done.
Dryer of Best Industrial Washing Machine: After washing & neutralizing for drying process 2 stage vertical cylinders dryer is used. It is heated by steam. Here the temperature is around 120 – 150’C.
Cooling Roller of Best Industrial Washing Machine:Dried fabric is passed over two cooling roller. It is cooled by cold water passing through roller by contact of which fabric become cool.
Cooling Roller
Batching: Finally the fabric is rolled in batcher. Then it is transferred to finishing section for finish process.
By using industrial washing machine and dryer such as Pad-dry-cure m/c, Pad steam m/c, Cold pad batch dyeing machine, Jigger m/c, Washing m/c.The entire bulk of the material is changed physically or chemically and fabrics look mono uniform colored.
Dr. Joshep, DGM, Textile Division, Seotex Limited, USA
Tumble dryer is a household appliance and appliances online that is used to take away moisture from a load of clothing and other textiles generally shortly after they are cleaned in a washing machine. Tumble drier is washing machine for tumble drying may cause clothes to shrink for its functionality. Tumbler drier of washing machine nonstop draw in the cool, dry and ambient air heat it before passing it through the process. Programmable automatic dry cleaning machine with built in programs for sensitive and high sensitive textile fabrics and garments testing for durability and shrinkage testing. This dryer is used after Hydro Extractor Machine [1]
Parts of Tumble Dryers :
Some important parts of tumbuler is given here-
Parts of Tumble Dryer
Rating Plate
Condenser Cover
Water Container
Model and Serial Numbers
Condenser Cover Handle
Air Intake Gril
Specifications of Tumble Dryer for Household Appliance:
Specifications Name
Specifications Value
Product Category
Machine Category
Tumble Dryer
Product Name
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
Brand/ Manufacturer
Name of Manufacturer
Agent in Bangladesh
Production Capacity
15 Kg
Consumes of Steam
40-50 Kg
Steam Pressure
0.4-0.6 Mpa
Heating power
14 Kw
Motor power
0.55 Kw
Fan power
0.55 Kw
Rolling Container Dimension
840x1200x1620 mm
320 Kg
This is very good Machine is used for household appliance and hotpoint service
Cleaning Fluff Filter for Tumble Dry:
Fluff Filter
Step one open the door of your dryer
Step two put out the filter using the two finger grips
Washing machine clean any fluff deposit from the filter mesh.
Refit the filter. Make sure the arrows are facing you.
Never run the drier of washing machine without the filter in position
This is hotpoint service which have built in manual how to use a tumble dryer
[1] Bhavdip Paldiya, Assistant Manager at Dwarkadhish cotspin pvt. Ltd, Bachlor of Engineering in Textile Technology and Gujarat Technological University