Accounting Compliance Guideline for Garments.

Accounting Compliance Guideline for Garments.

Accounting compliance guideline

In addition to the missing/inaccurate/ late document charge back, if factory is unable to make timely customs entry resulting in storage, demurrage and/or detention charges being incurred, those charges will also be charged back at the rate …

  1. Bank statement up to date
  2. TDS, VDS treasury challah
  3. Withholding tax (Return on withholding tax)
  4. Mushok-11, Mushok-12 (kha)
  5. Compliance audit fees+ Inspection and service charge (VDS)
  6. Lab test (VDS) , Mushok-11, Mushok-12 (kha)
  7. Fixed Assets addition
  8. Insurance premium (premium copy)
  9. Electricity + Gas bill
  10. Telephone bill as Accounting Compliance
  11. Car registration bills + Advanced tax
  12. Land registration + Acquisition bills
  13. ERC+IRC renewal copy
  14. Trade license renewal copy
  15. Bond license renewal copy
  16. Patent + Lease
  17. Audit fees + professional fees + consultancy fees
  18. Wash bill
  19. Overseas travelling bill
  20. FDR copy + interest + B. statement
  21. Advertising + Magazine fees
  22. Dividend paid (pay order+ Bank transfer)
  23. Legal advisors fees
  24. Human resources suppliers and training and development
  25.  Salary TDS
  26. FDR Instrument
  27. Directors remuneration with bank documentation ,TDS
  28. Bond license renewals
  29. BGMEA/BKMEA membership renewals
  30. BGAPMEA renewal fees
  31. Product registration fees
  32. Boiler maintenance license renewals
  33. Fire license renewals
  34. Environment license renewal fees
  35. Factory License renewal fees
  36. B2B LC copy with bill of lading
  37. Chemical Consumption for Dyeing Fabric

Non compliance penalty

Auto  Group is a diversified business house and engaged with more than 205 businesses under the umbrella of about 2.2 legal entities. For the entire group the accounts and finance service is provided with a central Finance Department. But the structure of the Finance department was not designed in such a manner that can cater the need of the group with proper controlling and safeguarding company resources. The issues under this category are listed below:

  • Late create shipment ID (against that particular impact of shipped PO quantities) fine = USD 250. Currently entire finance department is divided into only two sub-functions which are Costing and Treasury. As a result, many of the basic roles of finance are defocused and unattended or ignored. To keep the current limitation in mind, the finance functions are now divided into seven units.
  • There is a huge lack of segregation of duties and jobs in Finance. This structure prevents internal check of transactions naturally and therefore it is conducive for occurring unwanted transactions either intentionally or unintentionally. Restructure and segregation of duties will allow overcoming this flaw.  For SEA shipment, when we found NGC ID is not able to close on Day 3 after vessel ETD reason to vendor’s insufficient input.
    For AIR shipment, when Logistics cannot close the shipment ID (reason to vendor’s insufficient input) after vendor’s goods delivered to forwarder.
  • Late Document (per business working day) fine = USD 100
    For SEA shipment, when we are unable to receive the documents from APLL on/before Day 6 after reason by vendor’s late submission, charge back note will raise against vendor.
  • For Air shipment, when VFAT Logistics unable to collect full set documents from forwarder’s 2nd pre-alert after goods aired reason to vendor’s late document submission.
  • Wrong Document incurs custom delay (per occurrence) fine = USD 250
    For both SEA & AIR shipment, when we found custom delay reason to vendor’s documents.
  • Many of Finance jobs are technical in nature and therefore people who lead and carry out those jobs should be technically sound. It seems that there was huge shortcoming in people selection in terms of academic and professional knowledge and skill over the periods. To solve this issue collective leadership based on skill and competency can be explored. In addition, over a certain period of time few people who cannot meet the requirement need to be declared redundant. 

Process Costing:

There is lots of Accounting Compliance Guideline for Garments inconsistency among employees in terms designation, status, and salary package. Promotion and salary increment should be based on performance. This matter is to be solved over a period of time. Employees have a tendency to work counting time that needs to be overcome.     

  • Weighted Average & FIFO,
  • Addition of Materials, Spoilage & Defective Units
  • Joint Product & By-Product Costing  
  • Standard Costing
  • Target Costing
  • Quality Costing
  • Marketing Cost Analysis
  • Back-flush Costing and Project Control.
  • Life Cycle Costing & Strategic Cost Management
  • Service Costing / Operation Costing
  • Theory of Constraints (TOC)
  • Cost Control for Discretionary Costs

Process improvement

In practical sense it can be said that organization is a collection of processes and they are the grammars for conducting any business or transactions.  So, the processes of the organization/ specially Finance should be defined and must be robust.  The following processes should be looked at in the primary level:

  • Standard Operating procedure for Payments.
  • Standard Operating Procedure for Petty cash payment.
  • Standard Operating Procedure for Fixed Assets Management.
  • Standard Operating Procedure for Advance Payment.
  • Standard Operating Procedure for product costing.
  • Standard Operating Procedure for inventory/assets/receivable write off
  • Authorization Matrix.
  • SOP for L/C procurement and non L/C procurement

System improvement

In addition to the process improvement a number of systems should be redesigned. These are:

  • Central Cash System is not properly designed and seems to be overcrowded. Unrelated and unnecessary duties were assigned to this unit which is highly risk prone proposition for the company. Central Cash should be maintained centrally and this should not be spread over different locations. All people of Central Cash should sit in Head Office. People who work in Cash department should not have any access to General Ledger. Cheque preparation and control over it should not be in the hand of Central Cash. Daily reporting system should be introduced for Central cash.
  • Factory Petty Cash system should be maintained under Imprest system. Factory Petty cash will be monitored by Central cash sitting in Head Office.
  • Payment other than Cash will be handled by Accounting Compliance Guideline for Garments Payable Department who will maintain and control Cheque payment.
  • Voucher Audit should be done before payment including re-imbursement of petty cash. Payment Vouchers should be accompanied by original bills and relevant documents to bring transparency and avoid wrong doings.
  • Confidential payment should have a different mechanism and should be handled by top management.
  • Code based accounting software should be introduced.
  • Accounting manual incorporating Accounting Compliance Guideline for Garments Heads should be prepared.
  • Manual jobs specially costing system should be replaced with Software to save huge man hours and reduce mistake.

VAT and Tax Management

In fact Group does not have any visible and effective Tax and VAT management system. This is a serious threat for the group as laws are becoming stringent day by day. Doing business with less disturbances depends on proper VAT and Tax Management system. Overnight Group cannot change everything but following issues should be taken care immediately:

  • Knowledgeable people should be assigned for this area.
  • VAT and Tax is to be deducted at sources where applicable.
  • Good rapport is to be maintained with Tax Consultant.
  • Company should have participation in preparing tax return.
  • Proper monitoring is to be established over the activities of Tax Consultant.
  • Tax consultant should be guided and sufficient documents should be provided to them.
  • Proper filing is to be ensured for tax documents which is now seriously lack.

Recruitment, employee development and Annual evaluation process.

  • All recruitment in Finance should be done based on required skill and knowledge in the relevant field.  Right people in the right place will be the power of Finance.
  • Every employee must have job description to bring clarity and improvement.
  • Employee should be developed through continuous learning process including training. The basic capital of finance people is proper and updated knowledge.
  • Job rotation is to be established to enrich the people capacity.
  • People in Finance should be evaluated with more visible and more specific KPIs/ target. All members should be given 8-10 targets at the beginning of the year based on which annual evaluation will happen at the end of the year.
  • All costing people should sit in Head Office together to bring work efficiency.
  • Moreover, for productive working relationship grouping, negative communication etc should be avoided.


These are the basic areas where we should pay our attention at the first level. Here it is worthy to mention that people by nature do not want to accept the change by heart but proper communication and right kind of inspiration from top can help them motivated towards changes and improvements. Logistics will issue charge back note against vendor when there is non compliance. Logistics will deduct the charge back from vendor’s bulk payment directly. End of Accounting Compliance article

Business Code of Conduct Examples for Apparel Industries

Business Code of Conduct Examples for Apparel Industries

Business Code of Conduct Examples

If a sample size does not cover an order, then use the next sample size to auditFor order qualities up to pcs per audit, if 3 or more defective garments were found of the same kind, then select another sample lot and look for this defect. If there is less than the limitation, you may release the order. Auto as a fast growing multi national Apparel Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Company has the responsibility to ensure all our authorized suppliers and subcontractors are producing quality product & at the same time taking care of all the workers who are involved in the production. The following set of standards spells out our company’s policies towards all business activities. We sale Garments Quality Control Inspection Report Software

GENERAL PRINCIPLE: Our general rule is that all our suppliers must, in all their activities, follow the national laws in the countries where they are operating. If any of the following requirements by us be in violation of the national law in any country or territory, the law should always be followed. In such a case, the suppliers must always inform us immediately upon receiving this business code of conduct examples.

1. CHILD LABOUR: For order qualities over pcs per audit, if 4 or more defective garments were found of the same kind, then select another sample lot and look for this defect. If there is less than the limitation, you may release the order.The manufacturer does not employ any person below the age of 15 years base on the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child, article 32.1. Where local standards are higher, no person under the legal minimum age will be employed and relevant age verified documents should be available to confirm exact date of birth.

2.  FORCED LABOUR: There shall not be any use of forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded, uncompensated or involuntary labor or otherwise. We also do not condone the practice of involuntary employee “deposits”, withholding of identity papers or any other practice that would restrict free movement of employees.

3.  DISCRIMINATION: The maximum lot for an audit is 35, pcs per order. However for certain factories we may require that audits are performed in partial lots of 20, pcs per orderNo person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, or social or ethnic origin.

4.  HARASSMENT OR ABUSE: A major defect is considered a visual defect that does not conform to specification or standard and is considered a defective product where it is highly likely the consumer may not buy or may return after purchasing and use.Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity.  No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.  Corporal punishment will not be tolerated. Under no circumstances do we accept that our suppliers or their subcontractors use corporal punishment or other forms of mental or physical disciplinary actions, or engage in sexual harassment.

5.  FAIR WAGES & BENEFITS: The manufacturer provides each employee at least the minimum wage, or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher. Wages should be paid regularly, on time and be fair in respect of work performance. Also provides all legally mandated benefits i.e. bonuses, leave, holidays, provident fund, insurance etc to employees.

6.  WORKING HOURS/OVERTIME: While it is understood that overtime is often required in garment production, factories shall carry out operations in ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures humane and productive working conditions. Weekly working time must not exceed the legal limit according to local law, and overtime work should always be voluntary and properly compensated. We also expect workers will be entitled one day off in every seven-day period.

7.  SAFE & HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT: Employers shall provide a safe and healthy working environment to minimize risks of accidents and injury arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of manufacturing operations. The factory complies with all applicable local laws regarding working conditions, including worker health and safety, sanitation, fire safety, risk protection, and electrical, mechanical and structural safety.

8. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Employers shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining; where law prohibits these freedoms, facilitate parallel means of association and bargaining.


The factory should develop/define company policy in order to maintain strong management system. Proper documentation procedure should be maintained in workers personal files and registers and updated regularly. Management personnel should be responsible for awareness of legal rights and obligations to the workers’ from time to time through training/other procedure. All these training / other procedure materials should be documented properly and up-dated accordingly.

NON-COMPLIANCE: If Auto determines that any factory has violated business code of conduct examples we may require the factory to implement a corrective action plan. If corrective action is advised but not taken, Auto will consider this attitude while placing new orders in future. If we find repeated violations, we may not place any orders in future.

TEX – Code of Conduct Compliance Commitment

A minor defect is considered a visual defect that is not very conspicuous and PEI will no longer use this category for deciding a shipment’s acceptability.We hereby confirm that we have taken part of and fully understand Auto business code of conduct examples

We confirm that we have full knowledge of all relevant laws in the countries where we are operating.

We confirm that the requirements in Auto Code of Conduct are not in any way contradictory to the national law.

We agree to comply with Auto Code of Conduct, to take the responsibility for informing all our subcontractors about the content of the business code of conduct examples, and make sure that they also comply.

We acknowledge that Auto or any independent party appointed by them has the right to make unannounced inspections at our factories and subcontractors at any time.