Fuel Delivery System
The whole Fuel Delivery System of the gas engine is observed form a control room adjacent to the engine room. The Shift engineer is responsible for activities in the control room. He is assisted by other engineers to take regular readings from different instruments of the control room. In case of any emergency the engineers can shut down any engine even the whole plan, if they want from the control room. It has Gas Diffusion Apparatus Unit
Gas Generator Specification
- Serial Number…………………………… PAAE106678898
- Engine Type……………………………… V-engine
- Cylinder Bore……………………………. 340mm
- Stroke…………………………………….. 400mm
- No. of Cylinder…………………………… 20
- Firing order……………………………….. Al -El -A7-B7-A3-B3-A9-B9-A5-B5-Al
- 0-Bl0- A4- B4-A8-B8-A2-B2-A6-B6
- Speed…………………………………….. 720/750 rpm
- Mean Piston speed…………………………10 rn/s
- Engine Weight…………………………….86 tones
- Engine Capacity……………………………9000 KW
- Engine Output …………………………….8700 kW
- Rotation……………………………………CCW
- Electrical Efficiency………………………..46.5%
Gas Engine Components
- The Engine Block Exhaust Valves
- The Cylinder Liner Turbocharger
- Main Bearing Charge Air Cooler
- Crankshaft Oil Sump
- Pistons Centrifugal Filter
- Cylinder Head Pre-Combustion chamber (PCC)
- Inlet Valves Main Combustion Chamber (MCC)
Control room of Gas Engine
The whole operation of the engine is observed form a control room adjacent to the engine room. The Shift engineer is responsible for activities in the control room. He is assisted by other engineers to take regular readings from different instruments of the control room. In case of any emergency the engineers can shut down any engine even the whole plan, if they want from the control room

he whole operation of the engine is observed form a control room adjacent to the engine room. The Shift engineer is responsible for activities in the control room. He is assisted by other engineers to take regular readings from different instruments of the control room. In case of any emergency the engineers can shut down any engine even the whole plan, if they want from the control room
Before Starting Condition of Gase Engine
- Low lube oil pressure
- HT water temperature >45C
- Starting air pressure >(18-32) bar
- Engine speed=750rpm
- Valve power supply>24 v DC
- Turning gear disengaged
- Exhaust gas ventilation
- Engine is not running
- Stop command inactive
- Shut down alarm inactive
- Tripping alarm inactive
- Breaker truck in service
- Pre lubricating performed
- PLC — WECS communication.
Details of Various Systems of JPP
- Fuel Delivery System or Gas System
- Lube oil System
- Cooling System
- Compressed Air System
- Charge Air and Exhaust System
- Ignition System
- Other Equipment (Miscellaneous).
Details of Various Systems of JPP
- Fuel or Gas System
- Lube oil System
- Cooling System
- Compressed Air System
- Charge Air and Exhaust System
- Ignition System
- Other Equipment (Miscellaneous).
Fuel System
The purpose of gas Fuel Delivery System is to provide the engine with clean gas fuel at right pressure. Before start the gas fuel system for the engine the following should be checked:
- Make a visual check of the entire unit (all connections are installed and secured).
- Dispose of any unsecured items.
- Ensure that the engine room is well ventilated and gas free.
- Check that the main gas valve on the gas regulating unities closed.
- Check that the gas inlet pressure is normal.
- Check that the control air pressure is sufficient to operate the system.
- Check that the electrical control system is active & power available.
- Control the gas regulating unit is functioning properly.
- Control that the shut –off valves are tight.

Operation of fuel System
The Fuel Delivery System in JPP is Gas. The gas is supplied to the engine through a regulating unit. This unit includes filter, pressure regulator, shut-off valves and ventilating valves. The unit has separate outlets for the main gas and pre-chamber gas. The gas outlet pressure in the unit is controlled by the engine system (WECS) according to engine control. On the engine, the gas is led through a common pipe via individual fed pipes to each cylinder. A separate pipes system provides the pre-chambers with gas.
The normal operation and supervision of the gas regulating unit consist mainly of simple daily checks, such as:
- Check temperature & pressure in the system.
- Check the pressure drop over the filtration unit.
Shut-down of Fuel Delivery System
Normal Shutdown –
- Close the main gas inlet Valve on the train.
- Close the main shut –off valve outside the building
- Open the manual ventilation valve if the gas regulations unit shall be shut down for any prolonged time.

Emergency Stop –
If the engine condition requires an immediate stop of the supply to the engine or engine room, an emergency stop must be performed as follows:
- Shut – down the engine – use any of the emergency stop buttons.
- Close the main gas inlet valve.
Lubricating oil system
The primary function of the Lubricating system is to provide the engine with a sufficient quantity of clean LO at the required pressure and temperature. The LO lubricates the engine and removes heat and contaminations generated by the combustion process

Operation of LO System
Following readings and measurements have to take and fill up the log book daily:
- Check the oil level in the engine sump.
- Check the Function of the centrifugal filter.
- Check the Pressure drop over the automatic filter.
- Check the Pressure and temperature of the system.
- Check the System for leaks.
Shut down of LO system:
In AUTO position the sump starts when the engine is stopped and respectively stops when the engine starts.
Cooling System
The main function of the engine cooling system is to remove the heat generated by the normal functions of the engine. The cooling system is provided into a HT & LT circulation system. Each system is fitted with its own circulation pump driven by the engine.
The HT circuit cools mainly the cylinders and the cylinder heads. A centrifugal pump circulates the water through the HT circuit. The LT circuit cools the charge air cooler and the lube oil cooler. The common circuit is cooled by radiator units.
In reciprocating engine, following are sources of heat from where cooling water carries away heat:
- Engine Block
- Cylinder Liner
- Cylinder Head
- Charge Air Cooler
- Lube Oil Cooler
- Turbocharger, in case it is water cooled
The specifications of Radiator of JPP are following:
Motor Power Capacity…………………………….7.5 KW
Total Radiators Fans………………………………48
Speed………………………………………………725 rpm
Space between Cooling Fins………………………2.5 mm
Internal of Cooling Fan per Radiator of Fuel Delivery System………………6