Audit Report

Audit Report – Environmental Management System Implementation for verification the effectiveness of the system in compliance with the ISO 1401 requirements. aaaa

Maintenance coordinated the review meeting as the Environmental Management representative while the meeting was presided. All the Department Heads attended the meeting as per the schedule. The Managing Director welcomed and thanked all the persons for attending the meeting on time. At the beginning of the meeting the Environmental Management representative reminded all regarding the agendas of the meeting, which was discussed individually with the recommendations and the actions rising from the concerned department head. The following agenda were discussed:

  1. Internal Audit.
  2. ETP present condition and future development program.
  3. Environmental program (Targets and Objectives)
  4. Complain from Neighbors
  5. Suitability and Effectiveness of EMS
  • From the above features of the non-compliance report of the last audit, it is seen that a total of  03 NCRs were identified in the different Departments.
  • Almost all the NCRs were identified due to the lacking public focussing, Preservation of emergency telephone numbers, etc.
  • A systematic follow up audit was conducted to against corrective and the preventive actions that were taken by respective departments.
  • Out of the total NCRs 03 were closed within the estimated time frame and 03 closed after exceeding the time frame.


  • According to the suggestion of the Managing Director, the CFT member will be more sincere and regular on their activity. 

Internal Audit Result :

  • Third Internal audit was held on September 27th, 2004 and conducted by the consultant and qualified auditors from the Auto  internal auditors panel according to the schedule.
  • All elements of the ISO 14001 standard for the EMS have been covered during the audit.
  • The total features of the audit are given below to show the current status of the audit results:

Status of ETP

  • Total water preserving capacity was three Lac litters
  • At previous plants wastewater equalized by underground mixer motor
  • At previous plants submersible pump capacity and quantity was not sufficient.
  • The place where the operator stand for operating the lime dosing system was not sufficient.
  • At previous plants acetic acid was mixed with waste water at step # 01
  • Its capacity raise on twelve lack liters
  • Now its developing by compressed air-mixing system.
  • Now we purchase more capable of exerting great physical force submersible pump and other relative materials.
  • Now we make a completely different modification in lime dosing system where have an automatic lime mixing system, In addition it will uplift limewater in the lime mixer tank.
  • According to new diagram it will be mixed at step # 02

Environmental Program (Objectives & Targets)

In the meting, progress about environmental program including objectives and targets has been discussed.

Requirements have been submitted as per E.T.P step-1, and step-2. Because of some communication problems and settle of rainwater, we could not continue our activities smoothly.

Several training programs have been arranged for proper disposal of solid waste. First, EMR trained the CFT members and department heads.  Then the Departmental heads trained their employees respectively. After providing training on the basis of Training Needs Matrix and Training plan, we recorded all the training provided. Then we conducted an evaluation report for the provided training. We are now on the way of arranging refresher training. It was excepted that we shall be able to achieve the target within the scheduled time.

Action: At that situation, EMR has called an immediate CFT meeting. As per the dissection of CFT members, Maintenance department has taken the rapid action.

The pump was damage and immediate one new pump replace their. In that time with help of construction department close that way where from waste water go throw to the neighbours land and fishery project. In this way, wastewater leakage has been solved and it was reported to the neighbour.

Then they ware satisfied and given no objection letter.  


Audit Report -In the meeting the company environmental policy was reviewed for suitability.  All the person agreed that we progressing towards our policy and its continuous process to improve continually. Concerns and consensus about stakeholders were discussed.