Uster Classimate Quantum Machine automatically classify thick & thin places as well as foreign fibers in yarn on the basis of classing matrix. Quality is a pre-condition for marking of any products in the present competitive yarn world market. For maintaining proper quality of products provision for a number of textile quality control equipment for testing and analyzing raw cotton to finish fabrics including computerized equipment of Uster Classimate Quantum Machine has been considered in the project cost.
Test Code #1
Fiber Content :100%Cotton,100%Linen,Ramie,Hemp,Wool,Silk and Blends
If micronaire is low, blow room process parameters become very critical like speed frame process.
It is better to do a perfect pre-opening & reduce beater speeds in fine opening. If required one more fine opener is used with as low as beater speed, instead of using very high speed in only one fine opener.
If micronaire is lower than 3.8, it is not advisable to use machines like CVT4 or CVT3.
Neps increase in cotton after blow room process should be less than 80%.(i.e 180% of raw cotton neps)
If neps increase is more, then beater speeds should be reduced instead of feed roller to beater setting.
If trash% in cotton is less & neps are more in sliver, no of beating points are reduced. 3 beating points should be more than enough.
Variation in feed roller speed should be as low as possible especially in feeding machine.
Beater types & specification should be selected properly based on beater’s positions & type of raw material (fibre mike & trash %).
The material pressure in ducts should be as high as possible to reduce feeding variation to cards.
Feed rollers in chute should work continuously without more speed variation if pressure filling concept is used. (i.e. Balancing of chute should be done properly). For others, feed roller should work at maximum speed for a longer time.
Material density between different chutes should be same & difference should not be more than 7%.
Duct pressure difference should not be more than 40 Pascal’s in chute feed system.
Air loss should be avoided in chute feed system, to reduce fan speed & material velocity.
Blow room feeding should be set in such a way that draft in cards is same for all cards & variation in feed density is as low as possible.
Fibre rupture in blow room should be less than 2.5%
Available testing facilities in LAB :
Yarn testing facilities:
Yarn count test:
Yarn twist test:
Yarn appearance test:
Finish fabric’s testing facilities:
a) Pilling test : Testing Method: ISO-12945-1:(2000) E
b) Colour Fastness to Rubbing Test : Testing Method: ISO 105X12: 1995
c) Colour Fastness to Perspiration Test : Testing Method: ISO 105-E04: 1994(E)
d) Colour Fastness To Washing : Testing Method: ISO 105-C06:(1994) E
e) Dimensional Stability To Washing: Testing Method: BS EN 26330
f) Spirality Test : Testing Method:
g) Colour Deviation Report: CMC 2:1 (using by spectrophotometer, Model Spectraflash 600 PLUS-CT)
Also we’ve tested TC or CVC fabrics, using by 70% Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4).
3) Check up the strength of the basic chemical:
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2):
Acetic Acid (CH3COOH):
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3):
Caustic Soda (NaOH):
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4):
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl):
Some M/C Problem of Finishing Department
M/C Name: Dewater
Camera Problem at Stretcher.
Ring wheel movement problem.
Folder adjustment problem.
Round table problem.
M/C Name: Slitting
Automation problem of Round Table.
Automation problem of De-twister.
Camera light problem
Automatic camera problem.
Overfeed switch problem.
M/C Name: Santex Dryer.
M/C doesn’t start at first time after cleaning 1st
Front camera problem.
Exhaust fan problem.
M/C Name: Unitech Dryer
1st burner doesn’t show the actual temperature.
2nd burner doesn’t show the temperature.
M/C becomes stop if it run with minimum speed.
M/C Name: Stenter
Camera problem at MAHLO.
Chain Clip Problem.
3 no burner problem.
M/C Name: Open Compactor
Lower bowing roller problem.
Compactor monitor alarm problem.
Compactor blower problem.
Fabric Speed up-down if m/c run at high speed.
Compactor steam main line problem.
M/C Name: Tube Compactor
Camera problem at lower felt.
Compacting vaj creates if m/c stops with alarm.
Felt emergency doesn’t work of upper felt.
Camera problem at upper felt.
Camera problem at Stretcher.
Water drop fall from steam box.
Some switch doesn’t work at monitor.
Some Fault in Quality
Joint stitch
Washing damage
Fabric fault
Side seam over lock uneven
Side seam ok
Open stitch
Loop slanting & ok
Button misplaced
Waist band width uneven
Waist band mouth closing ok
Needle mark
Pen mark
Fusing mark
Pleat at side seam
Dirty sport
Broken stitch
Curve waist band mouth
Loose tension at embroidery
Hi-low waist mouth
Zipper attach waving
Bartack ok & not ok
Poor waist band shape
Waist band shape ok
Oil mark
Uncut thread
Waist band mouth slanted
Rawedge at mesh at in side garments
Question: How many ways temperature loss from human body?
Ans: Basically, there are four methods of temperature loss from human body. They are-
Transmission or convection
Human body losses temperature constantly by the above mention method and gain temperature from foods, through metabolic activities.
(b) Mention the human body temperature as per medical science.
Ans: As per medical science, human body core temperature should be 37°c and skin temperature should be 33°c to feel comfortable. Skin temperature may vary from place to place of human body e.g lower at lip of place and hands and highest of under arm when body temperature drops. Then skin of hand, leg, body, face etc. starts working to squeeze blood cells to protect loss of body temperature and maintain constant core temperature of body and brain at 37°c.
(c) Show the relation between TOG value and CLO value.
Ans: Loss of heat through the clothing is expressed by thermal resistance and thermal resistance is expressed by TOG value. Higher the TOG value, higher the thermal resistance means lower heat loss.
In America and some other countries thermal resistance is expressed as CLO value. The relation between TOG & CLO can be expressed as follows-
TOG value= CLO 1.55
(d) Describe the measurement of thermal resistance of clothing ( by TOG method)
Ans: Measurement of thermal resistance of clothing is a very complex process. Thermal resistance of clothing is measured by dividing the thickness of clothing by its conductivity and expressed as TOG which is one tenth of such unit. That means 1 mk/watt= 10 TOG. Higher the value of TOG, lower the heat loss through that clothing. The TOG value and CLO is related as per following equation:
TOG= CLO value 1.55
To measure the thermal resistance of clothing, TOG meter is used. With the help of following sketch the method of thermal resistance measurement is explained.
In this m/c, known temperature of heated plate is passed through the reference sample of known thermal resistance and then through the test sample.
The temperature is measured on the top surface of each layer and thermal resistance of the test sample is calculated by using the following equation.
Where, T= Lower surface temperature of reference sample
T2= Upper surface temperature of reference sample
T3= Upper surface temperature of test sample
Rs= Thermal resistance of test sample
RR= Thermal resistance of reference sample
For the above equation except Rs value, all other values are known hence thermal resistance of any clothing can be determined by using TOG meter.
Question: Write down the fabric construction for fiber fire fighting suit.
Ans: The people engaged in fire fighting needs protective clothing which can save their body and life from the affect of flame and heat. It is sometimes observed the fire fighter becomes injured or even died during fitting against fire for this reasons it is necessary for then to use protective clothing during fight against fire.
Fire fighter suit should be made from three ply fabric:
Outer ply fabric: Outer ply fabric should be flame retardant. Outer lays fabric may be made from aramid fiber, blend of aramid and Novoloid fibre, flame retardant cotton or woolen fiber.
Middle ply fabric: Middle ply fabric should be vapour barrier. It is made of coarse and brushed woolen, works as heat resistant.
Inner ply fabric: Inner ply fabric should be thermal barrier. It works as lining made of light weight cotton fabric.
(b) Describe the fabrics/clothing for coal miners.
Ans: Clothing for the coal miners should be having flame resistant property. Fabrics suitable for this purpose has been developed by IJIRA (Indian Jute Industries Research Association). This fabric is made of jute fibers as per ISO specification 4355-1997 and satisfied all requirements.
This types of fabrics are finished with flame retardant finishing agents. The fabric is normally 183 to 274 cm wide, compactly woven and low air permeability property and this fabric is finished with urea phosphate by pad dry cure method.
This above specified fabric is used for making clothing for the coal miners, have been considered save, comfortable and effective.
(c) Show the effect of fabric construction and garments characteristics on thermal protection.
Ans: Fabric construction and fabric weight plays an important role on the effectiveness of clothing used for different purpose. Higher the thickness of clothing higher the protective index. In the following graph the protective index is shown below
From the graph it is clear that for any fixed weight of fabric (gm/m2) the heat protect index incase with the increase of fabric thickness. It is also clear that for any fixed weight of fabric per square meters. Multilayer fabric shows higher protection performance than single layer fabric.
Fabric structure is also related with heat resistant properly of the clothing. For a fixed weight of fabric (gm/m2) satin and twill weave structure shows better heat resistant property than the plain weave fabric.
Yarn construction of the fabric is also related with heat resistant property of the clothing. Clothing made from more twisted yarn shows better heat resistant property than the clothing made from less twist yarn. The reason behind it is that the heat or flame cannot damage the yarn easily made by more twist method.
Dr. William Jons, Textile Technologist, Osaka Textile Division, Germany
Fabric Spirality tester is a equipment for dimensional distortion in circular plain knitted fabrics. This In House Test Method describes the method of test in order to determine the spirality test method which occurs in a material resulting from laundering procedures. We sale textile machine and garment erp.
The correct number of test specimens are to be prepared and tested as specified within this test method in order to achieve a performance assessment of the product/fabric as described within the scope. Wash garments in accordance with relevant cycle of. If a garment is not available make a bag by cutting 2 samples of fabric, place one on top of the other and sew together on three sides leaving one side open. Ensure the open end is perpendicular to the wale direction. Wash as above.
To determine whether weft knitted garments will twist or distort after being subjected to the relevant washing cycle. This test can be carried out on both fabric and garment.
The test specimens are to be conditioned in the standard atmosphere of 65% Relative Humidity (RH) +/- 2% and 20°C +/- 2°C for a minimum of 4 hours. Preparation of Test Specimens/Materials
Fabric Spirality
Fold the fabric along a Wale line.
Place the marking template on the fabric parallel to the wales and drawn round.
Cut out the double thickness specimen accurately g the knitted wale lines and cut at right angles to these to produce a “bag” square.
Note: The second cuts are not necessarily parallel to the knitted courses.
Sew the two pieces of fabric together to form an open ended bag i.e. similar to a garment. Overlock the single edges of the fabric to prevent unravelling.
Test the garment in its finished state.
Record whether any spirality test method is present in the garment prior to washing.
Measure original length and width dimensions.
Note: It is recommended that garments that already exhibit Spirality are not tested because deceptive results will be produced.
Test Procedure
Carry out Washing/Drying procedure as agreed, or specified
Results of Spirality Test Method
After conditioning, lay the specimen on a flat smooth surface so that the natural fold in the washed specimen is flat and free from wrinkles.
Measure the distance “d” to nearest 1mm from the natural dried fold of the fabric square to the inner edge of the seam (see diagram). Repeat on the other edge by gently lifting back the opposite edge to the seam.
On garments these measurements are made at the hem.
Measure the length and width dimensions in order to determine the dimensional change.
Results of Spirality Test Method
Reporting Of Results
Determine the average of the two measurements (in cms), call this “D”.
Calculate the %Spirality
i.e. “D” x 100
L = Length of test Specimen (Fabric)
Or = Underarm to hem (Garment) (After Washing).
Effect of Yarn Twist On Spirality of A Fabric.
Finished fabric spirality may vary depending upon yarn twist.
Generally high twisted yarn may cause high spiraled of fabric and vise versa.
We know that,
TPI=TM*(Yarn Count) 1/2
Say for example 30 count yarn:
TPI= 3.5*(30)1/2
= 19.17
For Knit fabric yarn Lowest TM is 3.5 and the Highest TM is 3.7
For Viscose yarn TM is 3.5 because viscose is long staple fiber (near about 38 mm long, where as cotton is near about 28.5 mm long)
For woven fabric yarn, TM is given to 4.5 because woven fabric yarn needs more strength.
Skewness / Spirality Test Mechod
To determine the Skewness/ Spirality /Torque of fabric Or Garment after repeated home laundering procedure
spirality test method Method 1= (38×38cm)(Length & Width)
spirality test method Method 2 = (38×66cm) )(Length & Width)
Specimen Size
ISO 16322-2
Procedure A = (38×38cm)(Length & Width)Diagonal Marking Method
Procedure B = (38×66cm) Inverted Marking Method
580 ×510 mm , Mock Garment Marking Method
Specimen Size
ISO 16322-3
Procedure A = Within Garment Panel (Inverted Marking Method)
Procedure = B Garment Side Panel
Marking Procedure
Method 1 = Tow Pair’s of 250mm Benchmark Length & Width To Make a Squire Box (See Fig.)
Method 2 = Inverted Marking Method ( See Fig.)
Marking Procedure
ISO 16322-2
Procedure A = Tow Pair’s of 250mm Benchmark Length & Width To Make a Squire Box (See Fig.)
Procedure B = Inverted Marking Method ( See Fig.)
Mock Garment Marking Method Face Side Together Length =580mm Width=510mm, Sew 12 mm from edge Tow Length and one Width wise .Turn Inside Out for making a Garment Mock.( See Fig.)
Marking Procedure
ISO 16322-3
Procedure A = Within Garment Panel (Inverted Marking Method) See Fig.)
This In House Test Method of sock abrasion tester describes the method of test in order to determine the sock in the stretched form to simulate wear conditions using a linear motion under a standard pressure. The correct number of test specimens are to be prepared and tested as specified within this test method in order to achieve a performance assessment of the product/fabric as described within the scope.
Sock Abrasion Equipment
Sodemat Sock Abrasion Tester.
Leg Formers.
Abrasive paper abradant, AO.P.1000.3M.314.
Foam backing
Elastic bands (1″ elastic strip with velcro ends).
The test specimens are to be conditioned in the standard atmosphere of 65% Relative Humidity (RH) +/- 2% and 20°C +/- 2°C for a minimum of 4 hours. All tests should also be carried out in this atmosphere.
One whole sock/test, two socks minimum to be tested. Tests are carried out at four different places on the sock (two on the sole and two on the leg (one either side of the reinforcement area).
Sock Abrasion Tester Procedure
Select the correct leg former as follows: Sock size 6 – 8½ =39, 8 – 9½ =42, One size and 10 – 12 = 44
Pull the abrasion tester onto the former and ease the abrasion tester into position by firmly pulling the sock down until the pick line is in line with the projected heel line of the former. The sock should be central on the former as it would be on a wearer’s foot.
Secure the former on the machine on the leg position (see diagram 1).
Mount the previously prepared foam/abradant pad onto the slipper ensuring no creasing or sharp edges are present.
Position the slipper. by sliding along the bar, at the correct place for testing as required in the report.
Place the elastic holding bands 5cm apart with the slipper in the central area.
Sock Abrasion Test Procedure
Preset the counter to 100 cycles.
Lower the slipper onto the sock and put the protective cover in position (Safety).
Start the machine.
After 100 cycles lift off the protective cover and slipper. Brush off any loose fibre from the
test area and examine for wear (thinning, yarn breakdown, hole) in relation to the specified end-point (see Note 1).
Continue by repeating steps 8 – 10 until 500 cycles.
Replace foam/abradant pad and change every subsequent 500 cycles.
Repeat Steps 5 – 12 for the other leg position.
Repeat Steps 3 – 13 for the wear on the sole areas.
Repeat Steps 2 – 14 for the other sock by abrasion tester
Assessment/Results Of Tested Specimens
Record the number of cycles:
a) when thinning occurs
b) when hole appears.
Reporting Of Results
Report the mean of the two results for each area tested. The end-point is deemed to be when thread break-down creates a hole. Thinning is deemed to be when surface yarns have worn away, leaving the base structure intact. Sock abrasion tester is used in textile industry
This In House Test Method circular sock knitting machine describes the method of test in order to determine any dimensional change which may occur to socks when subjected to washing. The correct number of test specimens are to be prepared and tested as specified within this test method in order to achieve a performance assessment of the product/fabric as described within the scope.
A minimum of 1 pair of socks is required for the procedure. You should know more about Sock Abrason Tester
Test Procedure of Sock Knitting Machine
The size of the socks to be indicated to the laboratory at the start of the procedure.
Place each sock on a flat surface and place marks as indicated in Diagram 1.
Measure the length dimension and record the measurement.
Measure both leg (a) and foot (b).
Test Procedure of Sock Knitting Machine
Select the appropriate sized TS stretch board for the sock under test
Pull each sock in turn onto the board stretching it fully, extending the leg and massaging the foot into position around the toe and heel. The heel pickline must fall in line with the heel pick indicator on the sock board.
Observe if the sock fits the board
is too large (eg excess at the toe).
Take hold of the fabric at the top of the heel (bottom of the leg) as indicated in Diagram 2 and pull towards you. If the fabric extends beyond the second line (after the heel pick line) on non elastomeric socks or beyond the third line on elastomeric socks, then the sock should be recorded as “large”.
Is too small (eg if the heel pocket is creeping back to the underfoot).
Assessment/Results Of Tested Specimens
Record these observations along with the flat measurements.
Subject the socks to the required washing and drying procedure as indicated in the appropriate specification or as per Care Label.
Re-measure the flat dimensions and record the results.
Calculate the dimensional change in terms of a percentage of the original dimensions
Re-fit each sock onto the board, fully stretching, extending and massaging and observe the nature of the fit as before (Para 4).
Record the observations with the dimensional change results.
General Requirement for Sock
Washing label: need wash under 40C for Cotton and Wool
Test by SGS only because they have full equipment for sock testing
Tension of welt elastic can’t too tight, must follow approval sample
Elastic are well finished and can’t broken or expose outside
Reporting Of Results
Size of socks tested.
Size of sock board used.
The average percentage dimensional change of the leg and foot of the two socks.
Fit observations.
Washing and drying procedure applied.
Circular Sock Knitting Machine for Sale
We will sale circular sock knitting machine. Please contact us
Texturizing machine is used to synthetic filament yarn. A texturized yarns are made by introducing durable crimps, coils, and loops along the length of the filament yarn. Texturing yarns which are found in yarn market are used for the fabric for air bags due to low air permeability. This textiles equipment is also used for swimwear, sportswear, outerwear and sewing thread for extensible fabrics.
Function of the Textile Equipment for Filament Yarn :
The functions of the textile equipment for filament yarn is given below –
Crepe Yarn for the textile equipment
Twisting yarn
Heat-Setting filament yarn
Texturising in Single Process for tall production efficiency.
Texturing machine is suitable for 60-300 denier Polyester FDY and other fabric
This textiles equipment allows higher yarn speeds.
Specifications of Texturing Machine :
Specifications of the machine is stated here-
Specifications Name
Specifications Value
Product Category
Machine Category
Texturing Machine
Product Name
Texturizing textiles equipment
Product Model
According to Manufacturer of yarn market
Product Class
Made in China
Brand/ Manufacturer
Agent in Bangladesh
220watts/100 watts
Production Capacity
Spindle Type
Twist Range (Tpm)
Spindle Spee(Rpm)
Feed Package Dim
Feed Package Weight ( Gms.)
Take-Up Tube Length (mm)
Package Dia (Mm)
Weight On Take-Up( Gms)
Heater Type
Electric 4000mm tube
Temperature Adjustable Range
False-Twist Spindle
Magnetic 150000 rpm
Suitable for texturing continuous polyamide and yarn paradise from dtex 34 to dtex 156.
Textile Fiber from Jute
Another important characteristics of a textile fibre is its dimensional fineness. The thinner are the cross-sectional areas of the filaments the more of them can remain in the cross-section of a yarn of a specified diameter. Thus it follows from the textile considerations that very fine fibres are capable of under going high drafts so as to produce a fairly thin yarn and yet can maintain the requisite yarn strength. But in the case of jute fibre the dimensional fineness is worked out by the breakdown of the meshy structure through machine processing. The fibre entities produced at the card machine have divergent crosswidths and are capable of splitting further laterally to different extend till thein dividuals of similar category of fineness are obtained. B ut even with the finest filaments jute yarn as thin as very fine cotton yarn has not yet been a practical possibility. The thinnest all jute yarn which has been experimentally produced with the existing jute processing machinery is about 1/1/2 lbs/spyndle which is equivalent to only 7’s cotton count whereas the cotton yarn of 100’s count and even finer has been spun. The reason for this lies in the fundamental difference in cross widths of jute and cotton filaments dimensional fineness of jute is about five to ten times bigger than that of cotton. Fineness of individual jute filaments is somewhat, comparable to that of the coarse wool fibres such as corriedale wool. The general impression from the spinner’s point of view that jute is an important textile fibre as it is coarss and rough to the feel and does not have the pliability, smoothness and suppleness without fluffiness possessed by a good class textile fibre.
A jute filament is considered stiff and hard, which mean that the elastic qualities particularly suitable for very fine spinning are lacking with jute. This is because jute prior to mechanical processing needs treated with batching emulsion to improve its suppleness and to reduce its stiffness to some extent. L ow bending property and moderately high tensile elasticity fovour the application of more twist but torsional rigidity of a jute filament is about ten times higher than of cotton and about five times than that of wool fibre. While its torsional rigidity is about two third that of cotton and about three-fourth that of wool.
With these characteristics of jute in view, possibilities should be explored to break through into specialized outlets in which jute would be able to substitute cotton, wool, linen and other textile fibres natural and synthetics, either as all jute texture or in union or in blends. From the scattered records of indigenous literatures and memoirs of the foreign visitors it is evident of Bangladesh. Mainamati folksongs mention about patsari a kind of all jute handloom cloth which was extensively used by the poor people particularly of the Eastern and Northern Bengal. Dyed jute fabric with red strips was also used for making mosquito nets. Thus there is nothing new about the idea that jute can be made into coarse fabrics for weaving apparel. There has been fantastic changes and innovations made in the textile technology since the handloom age, but in the field of jute spinning not much advancement has been made since the machine processing started at Dundee about the middle of the last century. Neither cotton nor woolen textile machinery can suitably be adopted for jute processing. The present jute processing machinery which are by no means designed to make fine yarns although it has been possible to produce 2/1/2 lbs. yarn with them at a much reduced rate of production
Raw material (Yarn) used:
In Auto Knit Fabrics Ltd. cotton of carded, combed, compact, polyester in filament or textured form, mélange of ecru or cotton mélange etc. yarn of different brand used according to buyers’ requirements. Insertion of elastomeric filaments like spandex of various international brands is common here. Stripes are knitted with dyed, undyed, mercerized, non mercerized yarn. Organic cotton yarn can also be provided if required.
Fabric Design produced:
Auto Knit Fabrics Ltd. is capable of producing stripes of any width and enormous colors. The engineering stripes machines are used for producing such fabrics. Except this feeder stripes are also produced. Single jersey fabrics and its derivatives like la-cost, polo-pique, terry fleece etc are produced. Rib and interlock fabrics and their different derivatives such as 2×2, 6×3 etc are also produced. Different figured fabrics can be produced by semi jacquard machined by varying the tucking lengths and looping sequences.
Collar and cuffs of any designs are produced here in the semi jacquard and jacquard machines. The jacquard design can be computerized and easily transferred to the knitting machine by Floppy disks. The yarn that used in the body fabric is also used in producing collar and cuff.
Production capacity:
The circular knitting section has 14 – 15 ton per day production capacity.
Recently it is producing 9 – 10 ton per day.
Fabric inspection and quality check:
Before any finishing process quality of a fabric should be inspected. This inspection is done by point systems i.e. for various defects are specified penalty points are given to the faulty fabrics. In Auto Knit Fabrics Ltd. 4 point system is used for fabric quality assurance. Here the maximum defect point is 4.
In this case if the total defect points per 100 yd2 are 40 or more the fabric should be rejected. Here fabric is checked by two Calator Ruck fabric inspection machine of Germany.
We complete the training in knitting section in three working days. In this limited time proper observation on every stage of production is not possible. But we tried hard to give our maximum concentration on different stages of production processes. Costing and organ gram is not provided. For this reason these are not included on this report. The individual machinery analysis was not possible due to time shortages. The deviation of general equation of GSM found in the production but reason is still in dark. Data included is collected by asking officials only, from machine logos or from batch cards. For this reason perfection of all data is not claimed.
Features of Texturizing Machine Yarn Paradise:
The features of the machine which makes yarn paradise that is given below-
Lowest production cost for yarn
Heavy equipment for yarn
Best heater allows excellent power saving
Single-deck frame structure for excelent yarn speeds.