Photoshop has an option to save the Image. It is in File Save For Web & Devices. In Preset Option Select JPG always. After that, you will see an Option== Low, Medium, High, Very High. Try to select Low or Medium as Maximum. Then Select Save Button. Saving images like this you will see there will be a huge difference in the Size but the image Dimension is the same though.
How to Stop Ads on Google Chrome – There are lot of Ad blocker extensions is found in internet to block Google ads and other ads. If you install the extensions then you can blocks add on your computer only.
How to Install
At first go to
Then type and search Adblock Plus or any ad blockers
Then select the extension
Then click on Add to Chrome
Finally it will be installed and no google ads will show
How to Identify Google Ads
In top right side you can see special icon. A image of Google ads is given below. You can see in top right side arrow marked icon. These types of ads are google ads
USB Port Lock Policy is a notable wellspring of
infection/malware contaminations and has been straightforwardly attached to the
loss of touchy data in the associations.
The motivation behind this approach is to limit the danger
of misfortune or presentation of touchy data kept up by Company Group and to
diminish the danger of getting malware contaminations on PCs worked by this
This strategy applies to, however isn’t constrained to, the
utilization of USB gadgets, memory sticks, cell phones (both for charging and
information stockpiling), computerized cameras and any cell phone fit for
putting away business information and interfacing with the Company organize,
hereinafter alluded to as “USB gadget.”
USB Port Lock Policy must be utilized for authentic work
purposes just and it ought to be checked appropriately by Antivirus before any
USB Port Lock Policy must be truly secured against their
misfortune, harm, misuse or abuse when utilized, where put away and in travel.
Representatives who have been approved to utilize USB Port
Lock Policy for the motivations behind their activity jobs are liable for the
safe utilization of those USB Port Lock Policy as required by this arrangement.
Representatives are liable for the suitable use and security
of information and for not permitting USB gadgets, and the data put away on
these gadgets, to be undermined In any route while in their consideration or
under their influence.
Workers must guarantee that enemy of infection and malware
checking programming is introduced and modern. In the event that in any
uncertainty, the IT Service Desk ought to be reached.
USB gadgets ought to be utilized that is given by the
Company Group and any close to home gadgets are carefully denied. Special cases
other than this must be approved or affirmed by the IT Department.
Inability to consent to this USB Port Lock Policy strategy
may imperil the data administrations of the Company and may bring about
disciplinary activity.
Representatives ought to promptly report any genuine or
suspected ruptures in data security, (counting misfortune or robbery of
gadgets) to the IT Service Desk.
It is the Employees obligation to contact the Service Desk
if USB Port Lock Policy is harmed and harmed or defective USB Port Lock Policy must
not be utilized.
You can spell out the full day name of the days or use the initials Su, M, T, W, Th, F, Sa.
Replace <time> with a range using either a 12-hour (3am, 1pm, etc.) or 24-hour (03:00, 13:00
net user rimzhim /time:Sa,8am-4pm
net user rimzhim /time:M-F,4pm-8pm
net user rimzhim /time:Sa,8am-4pm;M-F,4pm-8pm
net user rinmzhim /time:M-F,6am-8am;M-F,4pm-10pm
net user rimzhim /time:M,10-11;T,12-13;W,9-10;Th,14-15;F,2pm-3pm;Sa,4am-4pm;Su,9-11
net user rimzhim /time:M,8-12;T,8-12;W,8-12;Th,8-12;F,8-12;Sa,8-12;Su,8-12
You can remove by following
net user simon /time:all
To view all
net user rimzhim
Sahifa Theme Setting Sahifa Theme General Settings Sahifa Theme Header Settings Sahifa Theme Archive Settings Sahifa Theme Post Settings Style.css Customization How to Buy Sahifa Theme How to Update Sahifa Theme Manually How to Update Sahifa Theme by FTP/ cPanel
Sahifa Theme Setting
All configuration setting of Sahifa Theme is described and show below with diagram
Sahifa Theme General Settings
Sahifa Theme Header Settings
Sahifa Theme Archive Settings
Sahifa Theme Post Settings
Sahifa Theme Post Settings
Style.css Customization
theme-header { background: #FFF; margin: 20px auto 25px; border-top: 0px solid #f88c00; /* babu – Original – border-top: 3px solid #f88c00; */ position: relative;
At first create account on theme forest. After purchasing your will get below mail
Hi Mashiur, Thanks for buying with us. Below is a summary of your recent purchase. You can download your purchased item at your Downloads page and view your invoice(s) on your statement here.
Question 1 : Where can I input license number into Sahifa Theme
Thanks for using our theme!
You don’t need to input the license key in the theme options page to activate the theme. license validation will be added in the future updates.
Best Regards!
Question 2: I purchased sahifa theme arround 3 months ago. Previously I generated a ticket about license activation. I asked where I will input license number. You replied no need to input license, because theme will update automatically. Still I can see my theme version is 5.7.1. But I can see in internet 5.7.2 is released. May I know how can my site will update automatically
Answer: We didn’t mention that the theme will be updated automatically,
You need to update the theme manually or via the Envato Market Plugin
Best Regards!
Question 3: Featured Images and all other images is not showing after opening a post. 90% of my post affected after purchase your theme. I have around 1000 post This problem occurs when I have purchase theme from you. This is big issue for me. For example:
Thanks for using our theme!
One of the plugins used on your site causes a JS error that stops the lazyload feature, Please try these common solutions:
Update everything including WordPress, the theme and plugins. Available updates appear in Dashboard > Updates.
Deactivate all plugins in case there is a conflict. If the problem goes away while all plugins are inactive, then reactivate them one by one to determine which is causing the problem.
Clear cache in both your browser and in any caching plugins that you are using (also disable services like CloudFlare, if used with your website).
Revert code changes if you have modified the theme’s code. If using a child theme, reactivate the parent theme.
Best Regards!
How to Update Sahifa Theme Manually
Download theme form themeforest
Go to Appearance >> Themes >> Activate another default Wp theme
Delete the inactive Sahifa theme
Click on Install theme >> through Upload
Now activate Sahifa theme
How to Update Sahifa Theme by FTP/ cPanel
Download theme form themeforest
Go to wp-content/themes/
Delete and override the Sahifa folder files with the new ones