All industrial sewing machine needles or parts of damaged/broken needles are controlled effectively and accounted for during the production process and throughout the whole manufacturing unit. This means that when a new needle is issued it is cross referenced with stock levels of the particular needle and size to ensure full traceability at all times. This includes janome sewing machine needles (machine and hand sewing), and any ticketing or kimbal/tag gun needles and the policy is covering all areas of manufacturing e.g. the sample room, embroidery and appliqué machines, machines that are positioned out of the main flow of manufacture and operations that are performed outside the factory premises. You can visit more about different types of needles mechanism.
The sample room is keeping a separate needle record, rather than having the record amalgamated with the production area.
All records are keeping away from the production floor to avoid contamination. Old records are being destroyed safely and off the factory premises.
For guidelines on how long to keep certain records please see individual sections below.
A person is nominated to hold a restricted supply of a pre-determined number of needles in a permanently locked & clearly marked facility. This facility is only be accessed by the nominated person responsible for managing the total process.
Replacement is only be issued if the store officer returns the equivalent number of used needles to the relevant manager/section (e.g. store).
Stock of industrial sewing machine needles is being controlled by a designated member of the management (e.g. production manager, warehouse manager etc.). The good needle releasing quantity is fully traceable according to the ‘One in/one out’ policy in the sewing workshop, i.e. needle stock match needle balance record.
Spare needles are being stored in a secure and locked position away from the production floor.
There is a recorded needle inventory, so that the amount of needles coming into the factory is accounted for with the records kept for needle distribution and broken needle records.
Control of sewing needles in use:
Workers are not being allowed to have any spare needles in their possession.
A person nominated as safety officer e.g. responsible for health & safety and internal auditing is checking compliance to this policy on a regular basis by carrying out audits and random checks.
New needles are being distributed by a store officer.
The nominated person to exchange needles, is ensuring that they receive all parts of the old needle before issuing a new one. A new needle can only be issued if all parts of the old one have been returned.
New industrial sewing machine needles are keeping in a secure, locked, clearly marked and safe environment with restricted access. The key to the storage place is held by the authorized person at all times and are not being available to machine operators.
The needle record is kept for all types of needles and are include the bend or broken needle fragments taped to the record.
To identify trends of breakage the broken needle record is reviewed on a daily basis which will lead the factory to be proactive in preventing excessive
Needle breakage. Worn out, out of alignment machine parts or operator handling may cause breakage.
Change of a needle during production:
To avoid needle breakage, damaged or worn points, needles & their points is being checked on a daily basis. The checks and any needle changes are recorded mentioning the needle ref. that needle got exchanged.
Machines including their needles are checked on a daily basis in the morning prior to work commencing by the worker.
Any damage to the needles and changes are recorded on a Replacement Needle Record.
If any inline or final QC inspectors find any needle damage, the relevant machine is checked immediately and needles changed.
All broken or bent needles are securely attached to the needle replacement form with a clear adhesive tape and all parts need to be accounted for. Store officer is responsible for the record keeping.
Any old/blunt needles are collected by the mechanic/s, recorded, kept in a sealed container in a separate area from the sewing floor and sent externally for recycling.
Broken needle/calibration records is keeping for a minimum of 06 years from shipment date for auditing purposes and disposed off safely thereafter.
At no times are records being stored near the factory floor as this can be cause possible contamination.
A broken or damaged needle are being always be replaced with a brand new needle and all parts of the old one is accounted for. So the exchange is on a one for one basis.
Mechanics are ensuring that no needles are left behind on the machines after any needle maintenance work carried out.
Unused/spare machines are having the industrial sewing machine needles removed.
Requirements for broken needle control:
When a needle breaks the worker call the line supervisor for the process and find all fragments of the broken needle and handover them to the store officer.
The needle or needle pieces are being placed in a small sealed container, in order to reduce risk of loss and taken to the needle control area where the new needles are being issued.
Ideally this is a small self contained sub store on the production floor one full time employee situated inside, who only has access.
Store officer is keeping the needle log is check that all pieces have been submitted, by aligning the pieces and comparing them to an intact needle of the sample chart with the following columns:
All pieces of the broken/bent needle are then be taped to the needle replacement form by sticky tape ensuring that all parts are securely kept in place. Broken needles are not be disposed of in any other manner.
This record are kept for a minimum of 06 years as proof of due diligence in case of any legal claims.
If any parts of the broken needle cannot be found, the machine operator with the supervisor present search the area around the machine, including looking in the oil bed inside the machine throat plate, feed dogs and bobbin case.
The bundles that the worker was working on as well as any bundles in surrounding areas of the workstation (within 2 metres) is being isolated, moved to a separate location in a wooden container clearly labeled and checked with a metal detector (conveyor belt).
If all the parts of the broken needle cannot be found, all work in progress at the workstation should be removed to a specifically designated metal free area and checked thoroughly with a metal detector.
As per system, one bundle of previous operation and one bundle of next operation have to be inspected by metal detector in case of any occurrence of broken needle.
After checking the garment is clear, it should be processed as normal. If however, metal is detected it must be found and removed before the garment is processed. But if metal detected and cannot be found, the garment must be destroyed.
The Operator will approach the nominated person with all the parts of the broken needles.
The concerned person should notify the production in charge and mechanic.
Check the garment or panels being stitched.
Uncover the machines oil tanks by mechanics for checking
Check the working area with a magnet to ensure that broken fragments are not fallen into the ready garments / panels.
If the broken fragments are still not found after the said searching procedure, the in charge is allowed to write onto the reports that “confirm garments are free from needle fragments”
Only the nominated/authorized persons should reissue the new needle to the operator.
Any found fragments are being added to the needle replacement form:
If any parts of the broken needle still cannot be found, then these bundles are placed in a locked container and later on destroyed after authorization has been obtained by the production or factory manager. Records of the complete procedure are being kept for a minimum of 06 years after production to be available for auditing purposes.
Under NO circumstances the product being returned to stock.
If all parts have been found the components/garments are being returned to the workstation.
Only once the janome sewing machine needles replacement form has been fully completed the machinist is being issued with a new needle.
Medical needle (surgery, minimally invasive surgical needles, acupuncture, medical America)
Instrument with a needle (flute, saxophone with a needle )
Electronic semiconductor with a needle (air filters, discharge needle, probe)
Nonwoven (needles)
And finishing with a needle
Hand stitches
Needle arts (ceramics, quilting)
Computerized embroidery
Schiffli lace with a needle
Costume with a needle (underwear, jeans, knitted …)
Leather (footwear) with a needle
Bindings with a needle
Needle Policy
Needles stock should be placed in the maintenance stores and locked away.
Small stock of needles would be transferred to production floor to a designated person in charge.
All records must be maintained for 01 month and records of 06 months are kept packed in stocked boxes.
Boxes carrying needles should be kept in lock and key.
All operators must carry broken needle parts in designated Needle carry boxes provided in each line.
Person in charge of needles procedures (production floor) should carried an inventory card identifying the stock.
Movement in and out per type of needle. The in process stock locked in all timeIn charge of needles procedures (production floor) should have in possession one file per production line that contains the following information
In charge should carry all damage needles in a transparent box similar to the box
Of the needles in order to transport the damaged or replaced needle to the person in charge of the needles procedure
In charge of needles procedures (production floor) should have in possession one file per production line that contains the following information
Samples of each type of needle
Copy of needles procedures
Report identifying the time, and the employee required the new needle
Or a needle replacement and the reason signed by the in charge.
Kimbal/Tag janome sewing machine needles control policy:
All janome sewing machine needles are being accounted for in each factory: this means when a new needle is issued it cross references with stock levels of the particular needle and size is ensuring full traceability at all times.
Kimbal/tag gun needles are holding by the nominated person in a locked cupboard, which is only accessible by the person responsible for issuing new needles.
One in, one out’ distribution system – All kimbal/tag guns are being handed out to the workers by a nominated person at the beginning of each shift and are being collected at the end of each shift.
This distribution system is being recorded (s. attached daily in/out log), detailing workers names and numbers of kimbal/tag guns issued/returned and records are being kept for a minimum of 3 years from shipment date in case of a legal claim.
The number of workers with access to kimbal/tag guns are limited.
All kimbal/tag guns are being kept on cord secured to the workstation table.
The procedure as well as record keeping for any broken/bend/lost kimbal/tag gun needles is the same as described above for machine sewing needles.
Kimbal/ Tag gun logs as well as kimbal/tag gun needle control logs are fully completed each time before the new janome sewing machine needles are issued and records are being kept for 03 year as proof of due diligence in case they are required for any legal claims.
Product are not being kimballed in the metal free zone, after passing through the tunnel conveyor belt detector.
Automatic back pocket Blind Hem Stitch machine is applicable for jeans pant and other types of fabrics. The blind hemmer machine can process 8000 pockets per 10 hours. The efficiency of this machine is increased by twice compared with the traditional procedure. Differential feeding amount should be adjusted depending on kind of fabric elasticity. When hemming operation, especially on stepped parts, increasing amount than plain sewing will be sewn on stepped part better. Also beautiful finish can be obtained.
Blind Hem Manufacturing Requirements:
Must be even in width
Must be flat without twisting/ pleats
Must not have visible blind stitches on the product’s face side, if no other instruction has been given
Must stitching must overlap 2,5 cm to not unravel after wash
Specifications of Euromac Automatic Back Pocket Hemming Machine:
The efficiency is increased by twice compared with the traditional procedure
Blind Hem Guideline:
Before adjusting blind hem ALWAYS turn the motor switch OFF and check that the motor has already stopped.
Blind Hem Guideline
Set the left end of the slide edge guide 1. 5 mm inside that of the blind-hemming edge guide(1). Loosen the nut (3) and turn the adjusting screw (4) to adjust it.
Set the blind-hemming guide (2)2. 7 mm inside the left end of the blind-hemming edge guide(1). Loosen the screw(5) to adjust it.
Make the standard clearance between the sensor(6) and the right end of the blind-hemming guide(2) to 0. 8 mm.
Loosen the screw(7) to adjust it.
Adjust the clearance depending on the thickness of fabric or stepped size.
Increase the clearance when sewing heavy weight
Make the standard height of the blind-hemming edge guide from the top of the stitch plate to the bottom of the guide to 0. 1 mm. Too high position of it cannot detect the stepped part.
Loosen the screws(8)(9) and move CH device up or down to adjust it. After that, check the slide edge guide moves smoothly.
Blind Hem Sensitivity on Stepped Part:
Turn the sensitivity adjusting knob(1) to adjust the sensitivity depending on thickness of fabric.
When sewing heavy weight fabric, always the sensor detects and operate the slide edge guide, turn the knob to the left or to low number. When sewing light weight fabric, the sensor is difficult to detect the stepped part, turn the knob to the right or to high number. If the above adjusting fails to detect, make the clearance between the blind-hemming guide and the sensor to 0. 5 – 0. 7 mm. Note: Do not keep the detection lamp(2) turning on.
Blind Hem Stitch Depth on Stepped Part:
Adjust the stitch depth on the stepped part by operating amount of the slide edge guide. Standard amount is 2 mm. Loosen the nut(3) and turn the adjusting screw(4) to adjust it. To decrease the operating amount and make the stitch shallow, turn the adjusting screw(4) to the right.
Blind Hem Sensitivity
To increase the operating amount and make the stitch deep, turn the adjusting screw(4)to the left.
After adjusting, lock the adjusting screw(4) with the nut(3)
Stitch Number on Stepped Part of Joint Seam:
The operation count(front) (1) has been adjusted to “2” and operation count the (rear)(2) to “6” at shipment. When the sensor detects the stepped part, the slide edge guide moves to the right after two stitches. When the sensor finishes to detect the stepped part, it returns after six stitches.
Stepped Part of Joint Seam
Adjust the stitch number depending on the stitch length.
When much appeared stitches are many on a fabric before the stepped part, increase the number of the operation count (front)(1). If stitch depth is too shallow or off-stitch occurs, decrease the number.
When much appeared stitches are many on a fabric after the stepped part, decrease the number of the operation count (rear)(2). If stitch depth is too shallow or off-stitch occurs, increase the number.
Rotary Solenoid (large) and Blind Hem Guide:
The blind hemming guide can be put down until it is horizontally. Check it is tilted up enough when using.
Rotary Solenoid
Loosen the screw(1) and keep the guide tilted up. Turn the shaft(2) of the rotary solenoid (large) clockwise (seen from the shaft side) fully and fix it with the screw(1). And fix the hemming guide interlocking lever(3).
Blind Hem Rotation Detector Unit:
Do not put your foot on the pedal not to run a machine. Adjust the rotation detector unit so that the clock lamp(4) turns on when the needle tip is raised to the top of the stitch plate. Loosen the screw when the needle type is up to the top of the stitch plate. Align the magnet(5) of the oil cooling fan magnet unit with the rotation detector unit.
Blind Hem Rotation Detector
Blind Hem Foot:
Adjust the blind hem foot switch so that the presser foot lamp(1) turns on when the presser blind hem foot is raised though it turns off usually.
Blind Hem Foot
Make the clearance between the rotation detector unit(2) and the magnet(3) to 1.0 mm. Loosen the screw(5) and adjust the position of the magnet basement to move the switch plate(4) smoothly. Loosen the screw(6) and adjust the position of the switch plate(4) to move the presser blind hem foot lifter lever smoothly.
Detection of Stepped Part of Blind Hemmer:
When the sensor of blind hemmer is stayed, the detection lamp(1) turns on at the graduation “10” of the sensitivity adjusting knob (2) and turns off at “7” . Thees are correct positions of the side seam detector unit and the magnet. Turn the sensitivity adjusting knob(2) to “l” -“3” and push the sensor fully. The detection lamp (1) turns on.
Detection of Stepped Part
Loosen the screw(3) and turn the adjusting screw(4) to adjust up-and down position. To raise the side seam detector unit of blind hemmer and turn it clockwise. To lower the side seam detector unit, turn it counterclockwise.
Loosen the screw(5) and turn the adjusting screw(6) to adjust right-and-left position. To move the side seam detector unit to the left, turn it clokwise. To move the side seam detector unit to the right, turn it counterclockwise.
Note: If the detection lamp turns on when the sensor is pushed fully on the graduation “0” , adjust the variable resistor(7) in the control box as follows. Set the sensitivity adjusting knob to “1” and “2”. Turn the variable resistor(7) of blind hemmer to the right until the detection lamp turns off while pushing the sensor fully.
Sewing machine repair is the major factors now a day. We should assemble the sewing machine correctly. To prevent the overheat of needle point caused by the high speed sewing especially when it is made with synthetic threads and/or fabrics, HR unit is installed on the machine. Regular sewing machine repair makes the stitch skipping, thread breakage and such troubles as burning or enlargement of stitch hole on the fabric can be prevented. Oil should be used it is most effective to use those of Silicone Line. Check the quantity of oil occasionally, opening Lid (B). And replenish with new oil when it is running short.
Sewing Machine Repairs and Assemble SP Unit :
Like HR Unit, SP Unit is assembled and the sewing machine repairs as Standard Equipment, to prevent troubles resulting from heated needle.
SP Unit
We can expect an excellent effect by using HR and SP Units in combination. Oil those of Silicone Line is most effective as in the case of HR Unit. And check the quantity of oil in tank to sewing machine repairs occasionally and supply oil if necessary.
Overlocker Needle Setting :
There are many sizes of over locker needles, so select the suitable needle for sewing machine repair and maintenace. Basically speaking, No.8~11 should be used for light and medium materials and No.14 for heavy ones. Needle must be set correctly after confirming the direction, facing its scarf for the back side of machine as shown in the sketch.
Overlock Yamata Presser Foot:
The pressure of Presser Foot of overlock yamata will be strengthened by turning Adjusting Screw(A) to the right direction and weakened by turning it to the left.
Presser Foot
The pressure of Presser Foot should be adjusted most weakly so far as Presser Foot can act properly.
Adjustment of Width of Overlock Yamata Edge Seam :
To widen the width: Loosen the Screw(A) for Upper Knife Holder of overlock yamata and move the Holder to the direction (X) so far as the case needs, and tighten Screw (A) again. Then, loosen Screw(B) for Lower Knife Holder to enable to move to the direction (X) by the pressure of the Spring inside. Thus, Lower Knife will touch closely to Upper Knife(D) with the suitable strength. Keeping this condition, tighten Screw(B) again.
Adjustment of Width
To narrow the width: Loosen the Screw(B) for Lower Knife Holder and move the Holder to the direction (Y) so far as the case needs, and tighten Screw(B) softly. Then loosen Screw(A) for Upper Knife Holder and move this Holder to the direction(Y) to touch closely to Lower Knife(C), and tighten Screw(A) again. And then, loosen Screw(B) again and make the Lower Knife (C) touch with Upper Knife(D) by pressure of the Spring, and re-tighten Screw(B).
Note: In the adjustment for width of coveredge seam, the blade of Upper Knife must be positioned at about 1mm higher than that of Lower Knife as shown in the sketch.
Adjustment & Repair of Stitch Length:
How to change Stitch Length of overlocking . Pressing the Push button (A) with left hand until its finger will feel that the point of Button touches machine parts inside, then turn Pulley with right hand until the Button is fallen in. At this moment, press the Button more strongly to release engagement of Feed Dog Regulating Gear and continue the turning of Pulley.
Stitch Length
Graduations on the circumference of Pulley shows a Stitch Length in mm. Set any of Graduations as you desire with Countermark of Belt Cover(B), and then take the left hand off. There may be a little difference in the length owing to kind, thickness and differential ratio, in which cases Graduation must be readjusted suitably. Stitch length can be adjusted continuously from 1.0mm to 3.2mm.
Repair and Adjustment of Differential Feeding of Overlocking MC:
Normal Differential Feeding(Shrink Sewing): Loosen Nut(C) and decide the suitable position of Lever(D) by its up-and-down handling, then tighten Nut(C). When countermark of Lever is set with “2.3” of graduation, the ratio of differential feeding to main feeding becomes 1 : 2.3, and when it is set with “1” there is no differential feeding because of equal momentum. When the graduation on pulley is set at less than “2”, the differential ratio is available up to 1 : 2.3, and more than “2”, the ratio is up to 1 : 1.4.
Reverse Differential Feeding(Stretch Sewing): The reverse momentum will be increased with the lifting of Lever(D) from “1” to “S” on Graduation Plate(E). When the Countermark is set with “S”, the ratio of differential feeding to main feeding becomes 1 : 0.8.
Adjust the Differential Ratio of Over Lock Machine: To adjust the differential ratio while the machine is operating, connect the Chain to the Chain Hole on the Lever(D)
Tension of Overlocker Thread:
The standard position of Overlocker thread eyelet(A) is the position where the center of Screw(B) is aligned with Countermark(C). In case of stretchable thread chain, align the center with Countermark(D). When blind hemming work, raise Needle Thread Eyelet (A) to its highest point.
Tension of Overlocker Thread
Tension of Looper Overlocker Thread:
When turning Lower Looper Eyelet(A) to the direction (X), the lower looper thread slackens and to the direction(Y), it tightens.
When turning Thread Pull-off (B) to the direction (X), both upper and lower looper thread slacken and to the direction(Y), they tighten.
When moving Upper Looper overlocker thread Eyelet(C) to the direction(X) the upper looper thread slackens, and to the direction(Y) it tightens.
When moving Looper overlocker thread Pull-off (D) to the direction(X), upper looper thread slackens, and moving to the direction(Y), it tightens.
Over Lock Sewing Machine Repair and Checklist:
Check point (s )
Corrective action (s)
Check the lubrication system.
Oil filter.
Oil condition.
Oil level.
Amount of oil circulation.
Check all the oil pipes are not damaged. If damaged replace the oil pipes.
If the oil filter is clogged with heavy dust-clean it or replace it.
If the oil is dirty, change the oil & fill it up to a level between redlines.
Make sure that all the relevant parts are lubricated.
Check the feed system i.e. Feed dog, presser foot, needle plate.
If the feed dog teeth is worn out. Replace the feed dog.
If the presser foot is scratched. Buff the presser foot or replaces it.
Check the needle bar, needle bar bush. Needle holder.
If the play between needle bar and needle bar bush replace of repair them.
If needle holder is worn out, replace it.
Check the threading system i.e. Thread stand, thread tension post, different thread guides.
If the thread path is scratched or damaged smooth it by buffing of replace the thread guides.
Over all cleanliness
Clean the m/c by a soft bristle brush or a fabric (knitted / soft)
Check the electrical wiring, motor, etc
Take necessary action.
Check the safety devices i.e. Belt cover, eeshild etc.
Install the safety devices. If damaged by somehow.
Over Lock Machine Maintenance:
Daily Maintenance:
Done by : Operators
Supervised by: Maintenance Personnel
Needle Replacement: Check whether the needle is bent or blunt or not. If it is bent or blunt change the needle and install it under the supervision of maintenance personnel.
Looper:Clean the tail of thread, dust and lint in the looper.
Lubrication:Lubricate the machine parts where necessary.
Time required: 10 minutes.
Cleaning the looper case and other possible parts:Clean the lint, loose thread and other dirt from the shuttle of looper and looper case. Besides the table and other parts which cannot effect the setting must be cleaned.
Required time: 10 minute.
Weekly Maintenance:Done by : Maintenance Personnel
Supervised by: Maintenance Manager
Needle – Looper timing:Check whether the needle – looper timing is correct or not. If there lies miss-timing then adjust it.
The check points are
Needle – looper clearance
The height of needle from its lowest position of upward stroke when the looper reach at the center line of needle
At the same time the distance between the looper and the top end of the needle eye.
Required time: 10 minute.
The clearance between looper holder and looper case holder bracket: Check the clearance between the looper & looper case holder bracket (1-1.5mm). Make sure that the looper will not touch loooper case holder bracket.
Required time: 5 minute.
Presser foot pressure: Check whether the pressure of presser foot is proper or not. If not adjust it by adjusting the distance between the bottom washer and top of pressure bar guide bracket. And the bottom of work clamp must be kept parallel to the top of the work.
Required time: 5 minute.
Thread take-up amount: Check the amount of the thread take-up stroke, clearance between needle thread and thread take-up lever guide (0.5-1mm). Make sure that it is not more than necessary.
Required time: 5 minute.
Needle & looper thread tension adjustment: Check whether the standard operating range of thread take-up spring is accurate or not (6-8 mm). The tension at appropriate operating range must be checked.
Required time: 5 minute.
Needle installation: It must be remembered during needle installation that the long groove of the needle is on the left and tightened with the needle clamping screw. Adjust the needle clearance and lift amount.
Required time: 2 or 3 minute.
Stitch Length: Check whether the stitch length is appropriate or not. If not , slowly turn the hand wheel as you keep depressing push button and a point is found at which the push button goes further. With this condition, align the desired scale on the hand wheel with mark on the belt and reset the push button.
Required time: 5 minute.
Needle Bar height: It is remembered that when the needle bar is in its lowest position the reference line on the must be at the lower end of the containing the needle bar. If it is not so, remove the needle plate, loosen the needle bar connecting stud clamping screw and adjust by raising or lowering the needle bar.
Required time: 5 minute.
Adjustment of Pressure on the material (fabric): The pressure on the material during sewing must be as weak as possible, but strong enough so that the material does not slip. Adjust the pressure through loosing the adjustment nut.
Required time: 5 minute.
Feed Dog Height: The standard height of the feed dog for sewing thin material is 0.8 mm, and for medium material is .00 mm and for thick material is 1.2 mm (when the stitch length is set to the maximum).
Adjust the feed dog height by loosening the screw when the feed dog is above the needle plate surface and move the feed lifting arm up and down.
Rquired time: 5 minute.
Feed dog angle: In order to prevent puckering, material from slipping the feed dog is to be raised or lowered downward at standard angle.
When the feed dog angle has been adjusted, check to confirm that the height of feed dog has not changed.
Required time: 5 minute.
Presser foot height: The standard height of the presser foot is 6 mm when the presser foot is raised with presser foot lifter lever. To adjust the presser foot height, loosen the nut of the adjustment screw and then the presser foot adjustment screw so that no pressure will be applied to the presser foot, then loosen the set screw and adjust the presser foot height by raising or lowering the presser bar.
Required time: 5 minute.
Lubrication: Change oil when it contains contaminants. If the pointer bar of the oil gauge comes down under the lower marker line when the observing the sideward, supply oil. Change oil when one month has passed after the first set-up of machine. Apply two or three drops of oil to the needle bar and upper looper guide when operating the machine for the first time after set-up of after along time of disuse.
Caution: Be careful not to exceed the upper red marker line, or else troubles due to excessive lubrication may result.
Required time:5 minute.
Height of the lower knife: Loosening the set screw adjust the height of lower knife so that its edge is flush with the throat plate surface.
Height of the upper knife: Loosening the set screw perform the adjustment so that upper knife overlaps the lower knife 0.5-1 mm when the upper knife is at its lowest position.
Be sure to tighten screw before operating machine.
After completion of adjustment, make the knives cut a thread to check sharpness of the knives.
Required time: 10 minute.
Sharpening the lower knife: When the lower knife has become dull, sharpen it.
Required time: 15 minute.
Monthly Maintenance:
Oil replacement and other interrelated checks:
Check lubricant or oil whether that is to replace.
Check bush leakage, oil seal leakage or age, vibration of oil and the flow of oil pump more or less than setting.
Check rubber cushion seats, four corners of machine tool groove on which oil pan stands.
Required time: 10 minute.
Rotary hook: Check rotary hook wear whether it is need to replace.
Required time: 10 minute.
Presser foot canal: Check its canal wear. If necessary replace it.
Required time: 5 minute.
Quarterly Maintenance:
Cleaning the filter and pump-net: Clean the filter and pump net to lengthen the machine life. If these are clogged with dust, the machine components may be seized or worn out extraordinarily.
Half yearly Maintenance:
Lubrication: Change oil of the machine every six month.
Adjustment OverlockerKnives for Fabric Cutting:
Different types of overlocker knives are described below shortly-
Lover Knife : The blade of Lover Knife (A) must be even with the top face of Stitch Plate or a little lower (0-‘-‘0.3 mm). To make this adjustment, loosen Screw(B).
Flat Upper Knife : As for the height of Flat Upper Knife, when this Knife reaches the bottom of its movement, make the engagement with Lower Knife be 0.5~1.0min. To make this adjustment, loosen Screw(C).
Over Lock Flat Upper Knife
Angled Upper Knife: Height of Angled Upper Knife is impossible to adjust as it is decided by Stopper(D) naturally. To set this Knife, loosen Screw(E) and insert the Knife to Upper Knife Holder until it will touch with Stopper(D), then tighten Screw(E) again.
Overlocking Angled Upper Knife
Sharpness of Knives: Turning the Pulley manually, after adjusting width of overedge seam, check the sharpness of Knives with a thread put between both Knives.
Re Sharpening OverlockerKnives: It is unnecessary to re sharpen Upper Knife for about one year as this Knife is made of Super Hard Alloy. During this period, if the cutting becomes blunt, Lower Knife must be sharpned as the sketch shows. As stated above, the Upper Knife cannot be re-sharpened by the ordinary grinder, abd the provisional one must be prepared always. For overlocker sewing machine repair and adjustment of parameters, please contact us directly or the dealer who sold the machine to you.
There are different kinds of label cutter and clothing label folding machine. Among them one is single function and another one is multi-function for the entire fold. The clothing labels folding machine is equipped with different origin and AC motor. The clothing label folding machine has SCHNEIDER inverter and push button. Label cutting machine has superior performance and operates flexibly to the soft regulate the hand wheel. The label cutting machine and folding machine is adopted of imported first-class heating pipe as well as electronic thermostatic control system with characteristics of fast temperature rise and constancy of temperature. Label folding machine has durable imported alloy blade as well as SCHNEIDER push button.
Folding Type:
Envelope Folding
Middle Folding
End Folding
Mtre Folding
Type of Label Cutter:
Cold cutting
Hot cutting
Heat seal cutting
Specifications of Label Clothes Folding Machine:
Specification of clothes folding machine is stated here.
Specifications Name
Specifications Value
Product Category
Machine Category
Label Cutter and Folding
Product Name
Level Clothes Folding Machine
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
Made in China
Brand/ Manufacturer
Zhejiang Yueqing Lu Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Agent in Bangladesh
220v, 50-60hz
Production Capacity
Widest (Envelope Folding)
Narrowest (Envelope Folding)
Longest (Envelope Folding)
Shortest (Envelope Folding)
Widest (Middle Folding)
Narrowest (Middle Folding)
Longest (Middle Folding)
Shortest (Middle Folding)
Processing Speed
How Automatic Folding Machine Works:
Automatic folding machine is adopted with one step molding technology, two sides positioning technology and imported electronic technology.
Automatic Folding Machine
Automatic folding machine has eye color separation devices for with gains of accurate arranging, fast speed, favorable cutting –folding effect, it really is the preferred product for middle folding as well as envelope folding of woven labels and silk screen labels.
Automatic fabric spreading means the smooth laying out of various types of fabric according to specific length. Fabric Spreading Machine is one type of machine by which the smooth laying out of various types of fabric according to specific length automatically instead of pulled by workers. The objective of spreading is to place a number of plies of fabric that the production planning process has dictated, to the length of the marker plan, in the colors required, correctly aligned to length and width, and without tension. Although in certain sections, it remains necessary to cut single garments, in most of the cases rejects is the cause of single piece cutting.
Application of Fabric Spreading:
Application of fabric spreading devices are given below-
To keep the number of plies of fabric to the length according to the length of the marker plan perfectly aligned as to the length and width and without tension.
To make every ply plain and flat.
To cut many plies at a time.
Types of Fabric Spreader Machine:
There two types of fabric spreader machine:
Flat fabric spreader machine
Stepped fabric spreader machine
Parts of Automatic Spreading Machine :
Fabric setting bar
Bucket for roll fabric
Manual Handle for fabric feeding
Edge control sensor
Expander roller
Wind protection curtain
Cutter rail
Cutter device
Fabric sliding plate
Operation panel or cutter
Parts of Automatic Spreading Machine
Cutter device: Dismountable fabric spreading auto-cutter is available here and travel length and speed of cutter can be easily adjustable.
Automatic Lifting device: This device automatically lifts the layer of fabric at the time of spreading and the lifting gauze is changeable.
Edge control sensor : This device controls the edge of fabric.
Emergency stop: It has break line under the two side of table these break lines are can be pulled at the time of emergency to stop the machine immediately.
Bucket for roll fabric: This device automatically relaxes the fabric in tension and release the tension of fabric.
Fabric loading sensor: This device returns the spreader machine back to original position when fabric runs empty.
Expander roller: It catches the fabric both one way and face to face during spreading.
Operation panel : This display enables the user to set up the length of fabric and control the number of layer of fabric easily.
Specification of Fabric Spreader Machine:
Standard specification of a fabric spreader machines is given blow-
Specifications Name
Specifications Value
Product Category
Machine Category
Fabric Spreader Machine
Product Name
Fabric Spreader
Product Model
According to Manufacturer
Product Class
Name of Manufacturer
Agent In Bangladesh
Working width:
160-180-200-220-240 CM (63.0-70.8-78.8-86.6-94.5 inches)
Max roll diameter
5O cm
Roll wight
Fabric thickness
5cm(each ply)
All type of fabric from lycra to Denim
Max Spreading
Maximum height of spread
Total number of plies – plies to spread and plies already spread
1.6 /2.0 Kw
Advantage Spreading Machine:
Auto ply cutting device for spreading of fabric
Auto ply counting arrangements
Auto catcher to gold the ends of the ply.
Auto fabric tensioning device is used for spreading of fabric
Fabric selvedge alignment is done by photo electric guide.
Fabric fault detector is used in spreading of fabric
Macine gives automatically a signal when spreading of fabric is done.
All kind of fabric can be spreaded and all kind of fabric lay can be prepared in this machine..
Fabric spreading can be done very quickly.
Less labor cost by spreading of fabric.
Fabric Spreading Table Feature:
Standard and air flotation spreading table feature are
To easily pull spread fabrics by blowing device, pulling and cutting fabrics at the same time, largely raising work efficiency.
Thickness of spreading table is 28cm with several boards. Surface is stuck imported strong material.
Two sides of spreading table are installed stainless steel. Linking between two boards is flat.
Holes on the spreading table are especial holes, which are not the same others and can not jam holes when gas beads are left.
Stand is made of cold rolling 4cm*8cm No. C tube and welded through after pickling with powder painting coating. There is screw under the stand, which may adjust height freely to support flat spreading table and well spreading fabrics.
To adopt module design, it is convenient installing, transportation. Length of section is 1.20m. It is wide to use with all kinds of brands spreaders and automatic cutting bed.
Width of spreading table is depended on specification of spreader. Widths are usually 1.83m, 2.13m, 2.33m and so forth. Height of stand is 80-90cm.
Types of Fabric Spreading Table:
Various types of fabric spreading tables are listed below –
Fabric Spreading Table
Manual turning spreading table consist of cradle for face to face fabric spreading.
General fabric spreading table
Fabric spreading table with air blowing facility.
Fabric spreading table with conveyor belt.
How to Operate Automatic Fabric Spreading Machine:
On power switch
Off edge control switch
Off clutch switch
Set spreading mode
Set roll condition
Set spreading length and pcs of layers
How to Set the Fabric:
Set edge control device in center
Set fabric roll in the bucket at center position
Pull the fabric by feeding switch
Use manual handle to feed down for the fabric
Until pass through the cutting device, feed the fabric by manual handle
Set the edge control sensor position
On edge control device
On clutch switch
Start cutter device to cut vertical line
Push left drive switch to start the machine
Before Use Fabric Spreader:
Select spreading length
Install start position attachment at table stand
Operate manual grip to drive the machine to start position
Set block at the center position
Push manual grip to left drive
Stop the machine where you want to finish spreading and push manual measurement key it will be turn on, an measurement will be installed.
Trouble Shooting:
Please refer below Instruction, if you have a trouble in your machine.
Error Message: Machine does not drive.
Turn on Power Switch?
Display Error Message for Main Drive?
If so, turn off the power and restart after 2-3 min.
Check Power & Wire condition.
Error Message: Machine can drive by Manual. But it does not drive by Automatic.
Work Fabric End Sensor?
Check Fabric Roll Position or Edge Control Sensor.
Work Emergency Limit Switch?
Check Emergency Wire.
Set Number of Pcs.?
Check Counter Full?
Check RS Relay which located inside of Electric Box
Whether Lighting or not. (If Lighting, machine will not run.)
Error Message: Machine stop during spreading
Work Fabric End Sensor?
Check Trolley Duct. (Metal Bar must be touch each other.)
Check Power Connection.
Error Message: Does not work for Emergency Wire
Check Emergency Limit Spring.
Check Limit Switch Condition.
Position is correct for Emergency Limit Switch?
Error Message: Electric Leakage
Install Ground Connection.
Check other devices.
Error Message: Measurement is not accurate .
When Manual driving, use grip smoothly. (Wheel Slip)
Check Wheel surface whether any dust attached on it?
Check Driving Belt Tension.
Error Message: Does not work for Edge Control Device
Check On Condition for Edge Control Switch.
Error Message: Cutter Device does not move to up automatically.
Check setting with any number.
Check Parameter setting seconds.
Error Message: Does not work for Bucket Device
Check Fuse.
Error Message: Does not work for Bucket by Auto.
But it will be works by Manual.
Need Edge Sensor Sensitivity Adjustment.
Check Edge Sensor Surface dust etc.
Clean by clothes.
Work Fabric Entl Sensor?
Clutch switch should be Off.
Error Message: Cutter Device does not drive, and Round Knives also not rotating.
Check Cutter Device Connector.
Check Fuse Condition.
Work Fabric End Sensor?
Select Zig Zag Mode?
SOP For Fabrics Spreading:
Before fabric lay fabric must be relax according to fabric nature.
Dilot should be separate segarate according to fabric.
Laying of fabric must do according to fabric dilot.
Fabric laying length must keep in twenty yards not above.
You must know about fabric length and quantity before laying the fabric.
Over laping is not acceptable when we laying fabric
Tension of fabric must keep in normal according to fabric nature.
Ramnent must keep in hand after laying fabric.
Spaik are using every 1yard (after 1 yard) for check fabric.
Application Of Fabric Spreading Machine :
The bulk cutting of the garments, makes it possible to cut garments in bulk and by doing so achieves the savings in fabric that is available through the use of multi-garment marker plans and the savings in the cutting time per garment that result from cutting many plies at the same time.
The spreading study I adopted in my study included
The requirements of the spreading process
The method of spreading
The nature of fabric packages
The spreading requirements which includes the objectives achieved by the spreading process are
Shade sorting of cloth pieces
Correct ply direction and adequate lay stability
Alignment of plies
Correct ply tension
Elimination of fabric fault
Avoidance of fusion of plies during cutting (for polyester)
The fabric is drawn from the package, which is the roll in this case. This roll is supported on a frame, and the end is carried along the table where another operator who clamps the end on the clamp secures the end. The other operators align the edges and check the tension of the ply. The operator releasing the end, in the meanwhile cuts the end of the fabric from the roll, and is ready for another lay. The operator taking the fabric to the other end comes back empty ended, and he too is ready for another lay. The end of the fabric is cut using a round knife in case of solid or stripe fabric. But in case of the check fabric, a cut is made, using a hand cutter and the width of the fabric is torn manually, so that there is no bowing or skewing occurring due to shifting of grain during cutting.
The spreading is done manually and there is no fabric spreading machine for the purpose. The spreading mode is also generally nap-one-way face-one-way. The cheap labor provides the major reason for the existing mode of spreading and also the use of fabric spreading machine can be avoided for the same reason.
The spreading of a lay requires 3-8 people for laying, depending on the marker mode and the size of the lay. These people do various spreading related work like, holding and taking the fabric from the roll, taking the end of the fabric roll to the other end, aligning the fabric with the lower plies, and catching the other end of the spread. Even in a scenario of a small spread, at least 3 people are required, specifically, 1 for releasing and cutting the fabric, 1 for taking the end of the fabric to the other end and 1 for catching this end of the fabric.
The wooden tables are used for spreading and they are coated with a ply, in order to avoid shifting. The tables are 856” long, 67” wide and have a height of 33”. The lighting condition is sufficient throughout the room, since there are as many as 22 lights over one table and 8 fans over the same area.
Spreading of fabric is also can be done in manual method. The person carrying the end of the fabric goes with the fabric to the other end but comes back empty handed, so he is being paid for only the double as compared to the actual work he is doing. For bigger length of spreads, there are as many as 4 people employed just to align the fabric and check the tension throughout. Therefore, this spreading process is not very productive and should be taken into consideration and a change should be brought in the spreading technique as soon as possible. In manual method fabric can be spreaded by hand, by hook and spreading truck with the help of operator.
Interlock machine is a stretch stich sewing machine generally used in garments factory. We need to adjust different variable of a stretch stitch sewing machine like adjusting tension, adjusting needle and thread, adjusting spreader thread, adjusting stitch length, adjusting differential feed ratio, adjusting presser foot, adjusting presser foot pressure etc. We need to manage light near the sewing machine. Cleaning the sewing machine and oiling the sewing machine is very necessary.
How to Adjust Tension on Sewing Machine:
The tension of the thread should be adjusted according to:
The material type
The thickness of the fabric sewed,
The thread,
The stitch length,
If you turn the thread tension knob clockwise, thread will be tighter. If you turn it counter –clockwise, will be looser.
Adjusting Needle and Thread of Interlock Machine:
When turning the pulley and make the needle bar in the lowest position, the top edge of the needle and thread take-up (1) should remain horizontal. To adjust the position of take up if necessary, loosen the screw (4). Loosen screw (2) to adjust the length between point A and B to be about 81.5mm, then fasten it tightly. To loosen the needle and thread turns the needle and thread take up (3) toward the left. To tighten the needle take up (3) toward the right. Do not move the spreader thread take up (5)
Adjusting Needle
Adjusting Spreader Thread Take Up:
When the spreader thread take up (1) is adjusted to the top, the small hole A to the other spreader thread take up (2) must be at the same level with the long grove of the spreader thread take up (1). For necessary adjustment loosen screw (3) and (4) first, move the spreader take up (2) up and down, and then fasten the screws again.
Spreader Thread Take Up
How to Adjust Stitch Length:
Stitch length can be adjusted variably in range from 1.6mm-4.2mm or 6-16 stitch per inch. Keep pressing the push button A with the left hand, then turn the hand –wheel with the right hand until you feel the push button lick in.
Keep turning the hand –wheel for a inquired stitch length. Turn the pulley and align the inquired the button. Rotate the hand-wheel clockwise to increase the stich length and counter clockwise to decrease.
Adjusting the stitch length will change the differential feed ratio, therefore after adjusting the stitch length, please adjust the differential feed ratio.
Adjusting Differential Feed Ratio:
The differential feed ratio of this machine is adjustable from 1:0.5 to 1:1.3. To adjust the ratio loosen the nut (2), move the indicator (1) up or down. To stretch the cloth moves the indicator (1) upward. To gather the cloth moves the indicator (1) downward.
Differential Feed Ratio
Do not adjust screws freely (3)(4) to prevent the feed teeth colliding with the needle plate when the stitch length is the longest and the differential ratio is the biggest. If it is necessary to adjust, please shorten the stitch length.
Adjusting Presser Foot:
Loosen screw (1) and adjust presser foot (2) left and right to a proper position to let the needle may get into the center of presser foots eyelet.
Presser Foot
How to Adjust Presser Foot Pressure:
If the fabric is fed smoothly and has perfect sewing the pressure foot could be adjusted to be lightened.Loosen the unit A and turn the screw B clockwise to increase the pressure turn it counterclockwise to decrease the pressure
Lightening of the Operation Environment:
Provide a warning that an industrial sewing unit or sewing system must always be unplugged form the local lightening of the sewing area before relamping, the marking of maximum rated input of a lamp shall be easily discernible while the lamp I being replaced.
Clean Sewing Machine:
Raise the pressure foot.
Remove the two screws (1) and then remove the needle plate (2)
Use a soft brush to clean dust and lints on the feed dog teeth (3)
Install the needle plate (2) after doing the above cleaning.
Lubrication of Sewing Machine by Sewing Machine Oil:
Please use a Mobil #10 or sewing machine oil or its equivalent lubricant. The sewing machine oil has been drained from the machine before delivery. Therefore before using the new machine remove the oil until the oil level is between the high /low indicate lines of oil level gauge.
Before sure to check the sewing machine oil level every day and refill l the sewing machine oil if oil level is lower than the lower indicate line of sewing machine oil level gauge. When the machine starts functioning check the lubrication system to see if it is well functioned before operating the machine.
Standard Opereating Procedure of Sewing Needle:
To make sure that all metal equipment such as needles, hand sewing needles, kimball guns, scissors, snips, pins, etc. is held under control during the manufacturing processes and that all products manufactured for Auto do not contain any hazardous metal materials that could harm the customers.This procedure is applicable to all our ready-to-wear suppliers.
Responsıble Partıes:
Suppliers: The suppliers are bound to comply with all the conditions stated in this memorandum and take necessary precautions in the light of warnings provided.
Auto Auditors: Auto auditors will pay random visits to the suppliers to make sure that the suppliers comply with all the conditions stated in this procedure.
General Requırements:
The equipment that has been given to the operators by the Department Supervisors should be attached to work benches to stop accidental loss.
The supervisors must check equipment periodically and withdraw any equipment found not fit for purpose.
Only the supervisors or nominated personnel can issue replacement needles, or equipment. Spare needles, kimball guns, scissors are not allowed at the work station.
The supervisors should keep the metal equipment in secured and locked cabinets. The cabinets are always locked and keys are kept only by the supervisors or a nominated employee.
Metal Contamınatıon:
Mechanics/operators should pay extra attention to ensure that tools or instruments do not get lost in garments.
Staples must not be used in any operation or in the sewing room.
Pins must not be used in the packaging of any product.
Razors must not be used as cutters. If cutting of this type is needed, a modeling knife/scalpel with a secure blade must be used.
Scissors and clippers should be tied to the workplace to prevent potential loss within a product. If it is not possible to tie them, then they should be logged in/out at the beginning/end of each shift.
Personal items such as keys, hairgrips, jewellery, etc. cannot be placed on/near machines or/and tables.
If a product is found to be contaminated with metal fragments and the metal cannot be found after thorough inspection, then the product must be placed in a sealed locked container labeled Contaminated Stock by the Department Supervisors, and recorded in the Metal Detected Stock Sheet.
Applıcatıon Of The Broken Needle Polıcy:
All needles must be accounted for in all operations of the manufacturing process. This is ensured with the implementation of the Needle Change Report.
Whenever a needle break occurs, every effort must be made to recover all of the broken pieces before the manufacturing starts again and the products move onto the next process. Needle parts need to be checked against a profile or new complete needle to ensure that all parts are found.
If a needle breaks during a manufacturing process, machine operator should stop working and inform the Department Supervisor. The incident should be recorded with all relevant information on the Broken Needle Report and all parts of the broken needle should be collected immediately and affixed on the report with a large, transparent adhesive tape.
If all parts of a broken needle are not found, then the products on which the operator is working, and any others in close proximity to the machine and workspace must be checked. If all parts are still not found, all products must be removed and packed into a polybag and passed through the metal detector in order to isolate any products containing metal fragments. These products must be thoroughly examined in a quarantined area until the missing needle parts are found. This must be recorded in the Metal Detected Stock Sheet. If, for any reason, all parts of the needle cannot be found, the products need to be put into a sealed locked container labeled Contaminated Stock and must be recorded in the Metal Detected Stock Sheet accordingly.
New needle can only be attached to the machine when the broken needle is found and accounted for. Then the machine operator can continue working.
Broken Needle Reports must be kept for a minimum of three years, and there after disposed off in sealed containers. Auto Auditors will check these reports randomly.