Needle Control During the factory visit it was noted that the facility has a 2 story Ansar building for security purpose. This building is separate from other building. This building is used as a dormitory for Ansar member. It has a Kitchen room, but there was no fire equipment such as- Fire Extinguisher, smoke detection system, Fire hose box etc.
Broken needle policy does not include the sample room
Area for needle exchange in case of broken needle too far away from production floor
Scissors, cutters and other sharp tools not attached to workstations but to worker’s arms
Redundant machines do not have the needles removed from them
No metal detection procedure implemented including 9 point calibration and logs of all products checked
Metal detector to be positioned in proper airport system leading into a metal free fenced in area that is restricted to certain personnel only and clearly marked
9 point calibration check not in place and missing relevant recording of calibration, metal detection checks, failures and garment destruction
Goods that are metal detected are not stored in a separate area until next successful calibration before proceeding
Any contaminated products (based on metal detection check) are not kept in a segregated area away from production and no procedure in place for their safe disposal
Product Safety & Satisfaction:
Product did not pass through metal detector.
Metal free zone in/out register not maintained.
Pictures of those working in the metal free zone should be displayed at the entrances.
Button pull testing procedure in place but only for childrenswear. Sampling and test frequency is not to George standard.
Gauge of button pull tester is in kg i/o Newton.
No holding time mentioned in record.
Designated person not aware of comparison of Newton, Kg and holding time.
All sharp tools to be attached also in the sample room.
Register needs to be maintained for all sharp tools.
Broken needle policy with time frame for needle change and also to be maintained in the sample room.
Broken needle policy not kept properly. Broken needle found in draw of needle person.
Scissors should not be kept on the iron tables.
Safety manual should be available from every customer.
Other Compliance Issue
Drinking water test report was not posted.
Drinking water sign was not posted.
Lunch west keeping area sign was not posted.
No smoking sign was not posted.
Notice board was not found.
First aid Box was not found.
PPE Use sign was not posted.(Hand Gloves, Musk, Head cover, Apron etc).
Canteen Facility have but canteen sign was not posted and food item list & price list was not posted.
Floor Evacuation Plan was not posted on Exit.
Aisles Marking & Arrow marking was missing.
Rubber mat missing In front of all LT Panel, SDB & MDB.
Fire Alarm Switch & alarm sign not posted.
Fire extinguisher user instruction was not posted every area.
Fire hose boxes/Cabinet user instruction was not posted.
Fire hose box responsible person list was not posted.
Emergency light sign was not posted.
Exit light was not found.
During the factory visit it was noted that –
No Smoking sign was not posted.
PPE Use sign was not posted.
Artificial Respiration instruction was not posted.
Some Diesel Drum are keeping open space infront of generator room.
There was no permission or certificate found for storage of flammable and combustible liquid.
During the Factory visit it was noted that-
Chemical handling procedure was not maintained Properly.
All Chemical Stored on floor instead of secondary Containment.
Sharp Tool Policy is mandatory for any factory. There was no Separation between Hazardous and Non Hazardous. There was no proper leveling on chemical Jar or drum. There was no posted MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).
The broken needle and Safety Scissors control procedure had been established and control records were also available, but the control practice was not effectively adequate. 1st, the good needle releasing quantity could not be fully traced according to the ‘One in/one out’ policy in sewing workshop. 2nd, the needles were not removed from some unused sewing machines in the cutting room. management strictly follows the Broken Needle policy. Our factory management is able to identify the problems in production due to needle with following the broken needle record. The hand sewing operation was not approved by Tesco Technical Manager. The hand sewing operation was not conducted in a dedicated and quarantined area…
The hand sewing products were not metal detected before release onto next stage. Some scissors were not tied securely on the tables or machine workshops. The labels were not strictly controlled for quantity and security. Based on site observation, the labels were openly stored in workshops and not securely controlled and some labels were lost & damaged on the working table or on the floor. No inspection & records were made for client provided labels.
Previous standard:
Each Operator should only be in the possession of the number of the needles required to operate his/her machine. IQC procedure for raw materials to be established incl. sampling plan, quantity, weight and appearance and no pass/fail criteria. Criteria to be displayed clearly in the area and accept/reject levels must be established.
There is a designated person in sewing floor to collect and distribute needles. Whenever a replacement is required, the operator approaches the designated person with all parts of the used or broken needle. No relevant inspection records for colour continuity checks or washing blankets done at outside washing plant.
Non-conforming incoming materials to be clearly identified and segregated.
Relevant receipt and delivery documents to be clearly identified with receipt date, item name, size, material lot. no. and manufacture no./order number for traceability.
Factory did not establish lot system for raw materials. No receipt and release documents were kept to ensure traceability of components (such as lining, tipping fabric), this should start with the fabric being released to the cutting section and all the way through to shipment.
The work instructions, reference samples or specifications should be posted in the workshop for reference.
Sharp tool policy must be in place and effective. Including records for the use of tag guns and their needles. Any sharp tools should be counted in and out on a daily basis (incl. scissors, tweezers). All tools to be attached to workstations securely.
Factory to conduct effective risk assessment, identify control points, define accept/reject limits, establish procedure to re-work and dispose of products manufactured outside the acceptable control limits.
Factory to control these points and establish corrective action in case control point is not under control. Risk assessment to include button pull, metal detector test fail, evaluation frequency for supplier material test report.
In the event if some parts of a broken needle has gone missing, the correct action plan is to check all the ready garments/parts surrounding that particular machine to ensure that the broken bits of needle has not fallen into the garments/parts or sewn into seams. The next step is to check is to check the area surrounding that particular sewing machine. Any rejected semi-products must be clearly identified and segregated after inspection.
Tests/Inspection results were not analysed for trends and relevant records were not available.
Fire Drill was not conducted in quarterly basis by fire service and internal by fire Safety Scissors.
Designated person only reissues sewers with new needle after the above steps have been satisfactorily carried out. There was no Hot Work Permit program.
There was no Housekeeping policy and housekeeping schedule for proper housekeeping.
The facility has 02 (two) pieces (635 kva Per generator) generator. There were no Generator waiver certificates from Bangladesh Energy Regulatory office.
The facility have more than 700 employee. There were not Established Worker Participation Committee in the facility.
If the broken needle parts are not found, with big magnet or using Metal Detector it should be confirm. Then the garments/part should through in to disposal box to dispose if broken parts not found.
All parts of the broken or used needle are taped in to the broken needle record form immediately after the exchange has taken place. There were not conduct any Health & Safety Related training in Safety Scissors. There were not found Appointment letter, Service book, Back ground check report in worker personal file.
Whether you sew for work or face Sewing Machine Problems do it as a pastime, you are bound to run into an issue with your sewing machine at least once. This doesn’t mean that you need to start looking for a new one, though.
In fact, there are many common sewing machine issues that you can solve on your own. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common sewing machine problems and how to solve them.
Knotting or Inconsistent Threading
One of the most common reasons for this is the use of thread that isn’t quality. Your thread needs to at least match the quality of the sewing machine you are using.
This is because cheaper threads shed lint and fibers which affects how your machine stitches. You might also want to check and make sure that your bobbin is threaded correctly. If your machine is threaded inconsistently or incorrectly, try re-threading it entirely.
Breaking Thread
If you are having a problem with thread breaking, you might have an issue with the bobbin. Specifically, you might have issues with the bobbin shaking in its case or cause a change in tension.
This is particularly problematic with cheaper, plastic bobbins. With a plastic bobbin, you might want to check and make sure that you don’t have any abrasions on the sides of the bobbin.
General Maintenance Issues
If you are having multiple, general issues with your machine, you might want to think about when you last ran regular maintenance on it.
Your sewing machine may not be as complicated as a car but it is still a machine. Your machine’s specific maintenance should be described in its manual and you should make sure to complete this process regularly.
Breaking and Bending Needles
This has to do with your machine’s feed dog. If you are fighting against the feed dog on your machine, you can cause the needle to hit the metal plate and break or bend. So, make sure that you are working with your machine rather than against it.
A Loud Machine
One common problem is the presence of banging or grinding noises when you sew. Step one to solve this is to stop sewing! Usually, something is jammed in your machine and continuing to sew like this can cause you to do permanent damage to your machine.
First, this takes us back to general maintenance. You should make sure that your machine is regularly oiled and cleaned. Once again, refer to your manual to get specific tips for your machine.
The problem here is usually lint or thread that has gotten stuck somewhere along the line. As said before, make sure to keep your machine clean. This is a preemptive measure that will help keep your sewing machine running longer.
Machine Won’t Run
This is crucial. If your sewing machine won’t sew, there isn’t much else that it’s good for. There are a couple things that could be causing your machine to fail to sew.
First, check your manual. If you skipped an instruction during setup, it could prevent your machine from running.
Next, make sure that the bobbin winder shaft isn’t pushed to the right. Simply pushing it back to the left will help to fix this issue.
Make sure the bobbin itself is correctly set in the machine and make sure the machine is properly threaded. The presser foot should be lifted as you thread the machine or it will cause you more problems.
Finally, if you have a mechanical-style machine and Sewing Machine Problems make sure the foot is lowered before you try to sew. Some newer machines will remind you to do this but older machines won’t.
Sewing machine consists with production or sewing lines and the packing or finishing section. Garment manufacturing process start with the pre-production meeting, basically this meeting held before start cutting.
Pre-Production meeting
Pre production meeting will link the merchandising & development with the production, which guide and provide customers requirement to production to follow.
The main purpose of this Pre-Production meeting is to share information and difficulties faced during the development stage with all concern people.
Auto Textile PP meeting will be arranged by the central planning department and meeting minutes will be taken by the planner.
During the meeting discuss the delivery and production plan, sample comments and approval sample will be present to the meeting by sample room, trim card will be approved during the meeting by quality responsible by reviewing the buyer approvals. Further sample room will present approval sample and technical package to the production during this meeting. Technical people will give the instruction to production people how to do the production. Quality manager will explain the critical quality points should maintain during the production.
Production supervisor will be attending to the meeting with the supervisor sample and quality department comment sheet and this will be review in the meeting when discussing quality points.
Line feeding & Mock-up system
During the feeding technician will test the machine setting and teach the operator how to stitch. At this movement in line QI will make sure SPI & appearance of the sewing. Once the operators comes to the desired level of the quality, technician and in line QI will put one good piece as mock-up sample which operators should follow rest of the order and this will be applied mainly on the critical operations. Once the sample select technician, QI, supervisor, mechanic has to sign on the mock up card and assure all aspect of the operation being achieved, after that operator has to sign on the mock-up sheet accepting the requirement of the operation. QI and technician are responsible for mention any critical points on the mock-up sheet which should follow by operator. After that mock-up and the sheet will be hang in front of the machine for the ease of operator view. Once this is process finished only technician can feed the next operation. Putting mock-up will be applicable only for the Critical operations and depend on the complexity of the style quality manager will decides the number of points mock-up should be.
First Production Meeting
First Production meeting is another technique that Auto Textile used to control the quality of the product. After line feeding finish, first out put will be reviewed by the production, technical & quality teams against the customer specifications and sample to assure quality standard. If there are any deviation will be address immediately by the team and then only continue the production.
At this stage first in line QI will measure & check the out put and make a report, with this report and garments this meeting will be held. First production meeting minute will be taken by the Quality officer of the section.
Sewing quality control
During the production continue will use different systems to assure the quality of the product. Auto Textile has in line quality controller who will closely monitor and control the measurement & quality each & every process.
Trim card
Each and every line provided the approved trim card and approved/ similar sample. During production input supervisor will check each and every input raw material randomly against the trim card before release to operators. If any raw material not matches with trim card he/she will stop and informed to quality and production officer, if the case is serious will informed to quality manager for corrective action. If the items are rejected will return to the stores or cutting. In line QI will do random check the out put with trim card & sample minimum twice a day.
Traffic light system
Each production line has one in line Quality Inspector and responsible to maintain traffic light system.
In-line QI must conduct the random inspection all the work station hourly or once in two hours, the frequency of the inspection based on the operation difficulty & damage level but minimum 4 time a day each operation should audit.
Traffic Light Process
Base of the traffic light system is seven-zero audit that is randomly select seven pieces from the bundle and inspect if one or more defects found bundle will reject and depend on the result red, green or yellow card will hand on the work station. Each work station consists with the hourly audit sheet and QI is responsible for the marking the result of the audit in this.
First inspection fails Quality inspector will informed to the supervisor and technician. Supervisor and technician are responsible for the corrective action and the duration of fixing the matter will be recorded. If third time inspection fail in the same operation Quality Inspector must stop the machine & informed to quality and production manager. So production & quality manager has to provide solution with senior technician immediately.
Measurement procedure
In Line Quality Controller is responsible for maintain measurement of the garments. Minimum twice a day he has to measure the finish garment covering the 2pieces per size which produce in the particular day.
If the measurements are out of tolerance QC will made additional 10 measurements in the same point to verify the deviation. If this proves measurements are out of tolerance has to informed QA manager and he suppose to guide the corrective action.
End Table Inspection
100% end line inspection will be conduct by each and every end line table by the Quality Inspector. The main object of this inspection is to pass 100% reject free garments to Finishing. QI are trained to follow the cycle of checking to avoid missing any operation checking and take 100% Bottom Band measurement to make assure there is no garment size mixed-up. QC will responsible to mark all the findings in the end table report & line supervisor and officer has to monitor this report and take necessary corrective actions.
Audit at Sewing Section
Every 4 sewing line have one Q.C Auditor. Auto Textile uses 2.5 AQL systems to audit complete garments of each line and for check workmanship & measurement. In this stage Auditor should considering approval standard, Buyer Comments, PO sheet, and Swatch card. The main purpose of this inspection is to identify any major mistake in very beginning.
In-line Inspection Packing
When we start poly in packing section we do in-line inspection. The main purpose of this inspection to check & confirm the folding method, hungering (If Need) ,Price ticket placement, Hang tag placement, poly etc. this stage we are using as per reference by buyers requirements.
Assortment Check
When we start assortment we do random assortment check. The main purpose of this inspection is to check & confirm the assortment. In this Stage we also check Shipping mark of Carton & item qty in a carton. To do this job we maintain the below format.
Packing audit random
Finishing Table Inspection
Here inspection is done randomly after Attached packing material & before send to carton. In this stage we take random under bust & Cup measurement for the all kind’s bra and waist, side seam & leg opening measurement for under wear.
Shipment Sample Inspection
In every style buyer require shipment sample from bulk production. The shipment sample is very important for any order because after getting this sample buyer check this sample properly & confirm us to ship the goods. One quality inspector is confirming the workmanship & measurement of shipment sample.
Pre-Final Inspection
When finish 80% carton packing, conduct in house Pre-Final Inspection as per 2.5 AQL systems. The main object of this inspection is to check & confirm garments workmanship, Measurement, packing accessories & packing method before complete full boxing.
Note: For all types of random audits use 2.5 AQL system for major defects and 3 minor defects will consider as 1 major where unless specified.
General Guidelines
All measurement must meet specifications assigned by the Q.A Department (Auto Textile Limited) or specific buyer’s requirements. Auto has tolerances for all measurements. Measurements outside of tolerances are unacceptable.
Garments should be measured on a clean, flat, smooth surface, never on other fabric, carpet or other surface that may distort the garments.
Daily Quality Audit sheet
In Line Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
Hourly corrective Action report
In-Line Quality Inspector
Technician & Production Officer
Measurement Report Sheet
In-Line Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
Traffic Light Highest 3 defects report
In-Line Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
Mock-up Sheet
In-Line Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
End Line Inspection Report
Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
Hourly End Line AQL Report
AQL Auditor
Quality Officer
AQL Measurement Audit report
AQL Auditor
Quality Officer
Top 3 Offender Report
Quality Officer
Quality Manager
Daily Quality Meeting Report
Quality Officer
Quality Manager
First Out Put Analysis Report
Quality Officer
Quality Manager
Finishing Quality Audit Report
Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
Packing Inspection Report
Quality Inspector
Quality Officer
Pre-final inspection Report how a sewing machine works