Pad Steam Dyeing Machine is used in textile industry. Thermosol run fabric must pass through pad steam for the development of color when CPS process is carried out. Here chemical padding is done through which color is fixed on the fabric. CPB run fabric does not require pad stem process. Here based on requirement additional dye can also be added.In ATL There are two thermosol machine (Monfort Montex, Thermex) in Dyeing floor. There also 1 CPB (Kuster) & 1 pad steam machine (Goller, Model- 1994) & 1 Zigger machine.For developing color it is the essential machine after thermosoling in CPS process. Generally the color which is applied on the fabric surface is fixed on this stage & provides required color. Here not only chemical padding is done but also application of color is also possible if required shade is not achieved.
Fabric inlet: From thermosol fabric is feed into the inlet of pad steam machine. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller, parpet roller & platter. Here there is a compensator to control fabric open width entry & controlling fabric speed.
Pad Steam Dyeing Machine – Chemical tank: Application of chemical is higher in pad steam machine. Based on the chemical setting shade is varied. Here for reactive process those chemical are used:
A typical recipe for reactive dye:
Glubar salt – 250 gm/lt
Caustic – 5 gm/lt
iii. Soda ash – 20 gm/lt
A typical recipe of W/W dye:
Padder pressure = 3 bar
Speed = 3m/min
Steaming = 1.5 min
Nova yellow NC = 5.84 gm/l
Nova brown NC = 2.04 gm/l
Nova blue CD = 2.9 gm/l
R.salt = 3 gm/l
Glubar salt = 10 gm/l
Soda ash = 10 gm/l
Wetting agent = 2 gm/l
Chemical is mixed according to required based on pick up. Those are mixed on separate bath then feed. According to the command on control panel chemical comes to chemical tank for padding. If required color also can applied and can added to chemical tank for padding.
Pad Steam Dyeing Machine – Padding unit: Chemical comes from storage tank to maintain even range on padding tank. Here three bowl padding is occurred. Here padder pressure (2.6-2-2.6) bar is maintained.
Pad Steam Dyeing Machine – Steamer:In pad steam machine after chemical padding fabric goes through steamer for fixing. Its consists of two chamber. This chamber is steam heated & temperature is around 100- 105 ‘C. Here fabrics go over few rollers. The length of steamer is 90 meter & fabric is remain here for 1.5 min (approximate)
Washing unit: After steaming dye is fixed in fabric. Now unfixed dyestuffs are removed by washing. Here both hot & cold wash is done on different chamber. In cold wash temperature is around 40’C & in cold wash temperature is around 90-100’C. There are 8 washing unit. Where 1& 8 is cold wash unit and 2-7 are hot wash unit.
Oxidation: In this stage, the leuco compound of vat dye is oxidized and converted to its original color & in soluble form. This oxidation is brought about by atmospheric oxygen. It is generally done in 2nd washing unit.
Pad Steam Dyeing Machine – Neutralizing unit: After washing neutralizing is done to control pH-7 of fabric. It is done by acetic acid. For reactive only one neutralizing chamber is used after washing. Here oxidation is not required.
Pad Steam Dyeing Machine – Dryer:In Pad steam machine two stage vertical cylinder dryer is used for proper drying. Fabric passes over the surface of the cylinder and become dry. This dryer is steam heated. The temperature is around 120-140’C.
Cooling roller: After drying in cylinder dryer fabric require cooling. So fabric is passed over the cooling roller. It is stainless steel roller through which cold water is passed.
Pad Steam Dyeing Machine – Fabric outlet: Finally fabric is passed over few rollers & rolled on batcher. If shade is ok then it becomes ready for finishing.
PDB process- Chemical and conditions
Chemical composition
Dye (reactive dye)
As per requirement
Ant migrating agent
10 g/l
50 g/l for light shade, 100 g/l for dark shade
Soda ash
(10-15) g/l
Lyoprint RG
2 g/l (constant)
Wetting agent
(1-2) g/l (used when absorbency is poor)
Thermal condition used for PDB (Thermosol / Thermo fix): In reactive dyeing –
Dyeing temperature = (120/ 130) °C for 2 min.
Curing temperature = (150/160) °C for 1 min
Recipe for RC solution:
Caustic soda- 5 ml/ L
Hydro sulfite- 4 g/l
Water temperature- (60-70) °C
Chemical and condition for CPS process
As per requirement
Anti migrating agent
10 g/l
Reduction inhibitor e.g. Lyoprint RG
3 g/l
Wetting agent
2 g/l
Chemical pad solution
Glubers salt
250 g/l
5 g/l
3 g/l
Pressure, speed, drying and curing parameter of PDD 1 and PDD 2
For heavy fabric drying temperature required for 2 min.These parameter are required only for cotton.
Drying time
Curing time
Upto 5g/l
5-15 g/l
Upto 15 g/l
Process definition: A color development process (Lab dip) in which a sample of 100% cotton fabric is dyed using laboratory equipment to mach customer swatch with specification. There are three different laboratory processes that can be used for color development-
Pad dry bake (PDB): Mostly this process is used for color development.
Pad dry chemical pad steam process (CPS): For Royal Deep blue, Blake and Navy family this process is used.
Cold pad batch (CPB)
Process Requirement: Equipment Used – Mathis padder machine and Mathis drying & curing machine are used for continuous dyeing of 100% cotton and blended fabric.
Key accessories: Weighing machine, pipettes, iron
Safety: While using hazardous chemical the lab personal uses plastic eye gloves, hand gloves and apron.
Testing Required During Pad Steam Dyeing Machine Operation
Pick up testing,
Shade listing identification.
Pick up testing: Before going to Pad steam pick up of the fabric should be calculated & based on this result liquor is prepared.
Shade listing identification of pad steam dyeing machine: After each 1000 meter shade is tested in light box. Here listing problem is visualized & can be solved by increasing or decreasing pressure. Suppose in left color is lighter then lower the pressure.
Thermosol dyeing machine helps to improve production capacity. It does not required rotation after padding. It must feed on pad steam for fixation just after dyeing which gives finished product. It is a dyeing machine but it can not produce the color as finally required or permanent. But in PDC process it can provide finished product. By this machine only color is migrated from liquor to fabric. Then it is dried on pre dryer & followed by hot air flow drying in thermosol unit. After this process color is developed in pad steam by chemical padding.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Fabric inlet section: After mercerizing batcher is feed into the inlet of thermosol machine. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller, parpet roller & platter. Here there is a compensator to control fabric open width entry & controlling fabric speed.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Cooling roller:If the fabric comes in thermosol just after mercerizing, the fabric remains hot. When it will feed on thermosol machine it can increase temperature of chemical bath. So cooling roller is essential
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Chemical Mixing tank:In thermosol machine only dye stuff & wetting agent & migrating agent is used. Dyes are dissolved separately from wetting & migrating agent then all are forced to chemical storage tank as required & agitated for proper mixing.
A typical recipe for thermosol process
Recipe for Reactive Dye:
Fabric construction:- 108 X 52 / 45 X 34/2
Nova yellow CRG = 0.76 gm/l
Nova Red C- 2 BL= 0.72 gm/l
Nova Blue CR = 0.53 gm/l
Primasol-v = 10 gm/l
Primasol-NF = 2 gm/l
Urea = 50 gm/l
Soda ash = 10 gm/l
Fabric Speed – 5o m/min
Temperature – 120 -130°C
Recipe for Disperse Dye:
Fabricconstruction:- 133 x 60 / 20X 16
Nova yellow S3R = 4.80 g/l
Nova red S3R = 5.90 gm/l
Nova navy SG = 14.40 gm/l
Soda ash = 15 gm/l
Urea = 100 gm/l
Primasol-v = 10 gm/l
Primasol-NF = 2 gm/l
A typical recipe of W/W dye:
Padder pressure = 3 bar
Speed = 3m/min
Steaming = 1.5 min
Nova yellow NC = 5.84 gm/l
Nova brown NC = 2.04 gm/l
Nova blue CD = 2.9 gm/l
R.salt = 3 gm/l
Glubar salt = 10 gm/l
Soda ash = 10 gm/l
Wetting agent = 2 gm/l
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Dye Padding Unit:Here chemical comes from storage tank to maintain even range on padding tank. Here three bowl padding is occurred. During padding the most common problem of dyeing “listing problem” can be solved by adjusting pressure on left, right & middle of padder. The layer of dyes keeps up to 50 liter & automatically dyes is come to dye bath.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – VTGR (Airing zone): After dye padding before enter in to IR dryer unit, the fabric is passed through airing zone. Where fabric is conditioned by open air.
IR dryer: After airing zone fabric pass over some free roller then enter in IR dryer. It is called pre dryer. Here temperature is around 650-750’ can differ based on fabric speed & type of fabric is processing. In thermosol there are two IR unit & each contain two heating zone(flamer). Here fabric is dried up to 40%.
M/C Name: Maxon
Inlet pressure: 80 bar
Heat input: 483 kw
Type of gas: Natural gas
Hot air flow drying unit:Fabric comes to this unit after predrying. Here there are three unit of heating. Each contains two heater (gas type) & two blower. Temperature is taken is around 80-150’C. If this flamer & blower is not work properly it will create listing problem. Here there are few additional options like humidity control unit & cleaning unit. When pad dry cure is performed in thermosol then humidity must be controlled. If it can control, no need to use urea. Fabric contains different types of dust so when hot water is blown it can make problem in heater & blower. So there is a screen unit so that dust can not goes in blower or heater. Smaller particles can be taken out trough duct & release to environment. Here 30-35 meter fabric is remain.
Curing chamber:After drying the fabric is passed through curing chamber. Here the fabric is heated from 150-170’C in case of reactive & in case of disperse 200-210’C. In this chamber there are four layer of roller. And in this roller 80-85 meter fabric is remain for proper heating & fixing the color of fabric.
Cooling roller:After hot air flow drying fabric require a cooling. So fabric is passed over the cooling roller. It is a stainless steel roller through which cold water is passed. There are two cooling roller.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – J-Box:It is a space for keeping fabric. When the batch is completed, it is needed to change & another empty batch roller is to be settled. Due to continuous dyeing process it is not possible to stop the m/c. So during changing batch roller the fabric is stored in J-BOX. And when new empty batch roller is settled, then the fabric is started to batching.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Fabric outlet:Finally fabric is passed over batching roller & batched on batching roller. Then it becomes ready to feed in pad steam in chemical padding.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Control Panel:From control panel all types of instruction can be provide to the machinery. This machine has a full manual control panel. The operator controls every process by control switch.
Testing required during Thermosol operation:
Pick up testing
Shade listing identification.
Pick up testing:Before going to thermosoling pick up of the fabric should be calculated & based on this result liquor is prepared.
Thermosol Dyeing Machine – Shade listing identification: After each 1000 meter shade is tested in light box. Here listing problem is visualized & can be solved by increasing or decreasing left, centre or right padder pressure. Suppose in left color is lighter then lower the pressure of left side.
Mercerizing machine is a process for increasing absorbency, strength, and lustier of the fabric by physio-chemical treatment. And this chemical treatment is occurred in two IMP-1 and IMP-2 bath by passing the fabric into a airing zone. John Mercer, a person was the first chemist in the world who found this phenomenon in 1844.Therefore the process of this type of wet processing was called Mercerizing.
Objectives of Mercerizing Machine
To make the goods more luster because raw cotton fibers are ribbon-like. After this process, the fibers change to cylindrical shape, resulting more evenness reflected light from the goods.
To improve dye ability of the goods about 5-10%.
Specification of Mercerizing Machine
M/c name: Mercerize m/c
Brand: Goller
Origin :Germany
Speed:60 m/min
Capacity :1 lac m/day
Expander roller: Remove dirtness and keep the fabrics in level Padder Upperb padder: made by rubber Check hardness : 80-90%, Lower padder: made by AUTO Check hardness : 100%
Dancing roller: Tension keeps proper before going on dryer.
IMP-2 :Here shrinkage is controlled by using caustic and mercerizing oil. Airing zone: In airing zone = 11 air roller/8 air rollerIn airing zone, fabrics are dried by air and chemical is added with fabrics.
Gear+chain : Maintain width, control shrinkage in weft And caustic is utilized in every fibre equally.
Tanki : No. of tanki-5These keeps water hot and creates weak line (8baume)
Washing chamber (1-3): Hot wash 90’c
Washing chamber 4: Wash at room temperature
Cylinder dryer temperature : 110=-130’c
Cooling dryer temperature : 25-40’c
Exact roller : Maintain fabrics that, selvedge does not remain straight.Using acid according to fabric GLM -1. 300+GLM thick- 100% acid, 2. 140-274 thickness- 50% acid + 50% water
Types of mercerizer : mercerizer – 18’ baume . But for cool mercerizer good chellers are needed. 2. Hot mercerizer- 28-30’ baume
Recipe: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) – (28±2)º Be (Baume´) 267 gm/l (see note) Steam, water – As required, Green acid / Nurta acid (32%) – 3-4 % of total water, Wetting agent- 1-1.5 gm/l,
Compressed air -: As required
Mercerizing Oil (Mercirol QW2F) : 3-4 gm/l
Tests : Barium activity test, 2.PH, 3. Absorbency , 4. Size chemical Suitable For All cotton fabric, TC/CVC fabric, Twill Fabric
Fabric inlet for mercerized cotton: Batcher from scouring & bleaching unit is feed into the inlet of mercerizing range. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller, guider & expander. Here there is a compensator to control fabric open width entry.
Chemical mixing tank for mercerized cotton: Caustic is mixed in a separate mixing tank. Here 30 BAUME concentration is ensured. It is ensured by mixing 300 kg caustic in 1000 liter water. BAUME can be adjusted by adding water or additional caustic. Then wetting agent & caustic is forced to main chemical mixing tank from which it goes to chemical tank to maintain uniform chemical height in the tank.
Impregnation-1(IMP) of Mercerizing Machine : Fabric comes to Impregnation-1 from inlet through guider & series of driven, free roller. In mercerizing process the only wetting agent & caustic is used. Temperature is around 60’C.
Airing zone of Mercerizing Machine : Fabric is passed over the Airing zone after chemical padding. Here there is no application of temperature & pressure. It involves 4 rollers which are driven by motor. This application is only for drying in contact of air which facilitates more chemical consumption from next bath
Impregnation-2(IMP): same as Impregnation-1(IMP). After that squeezing is occurred.
Gripping chain for mercerized cotton: from Impregnation-2 fabric pass over the free roller & comes in to chain for gripping. Here the fabric is stretched for control width. If crease mark is found from previous process, that can also be controlled by stretching. Here there is an additional option of showering by hot water. Which ensure proper cleaning & removal of residual caustic.
Stabilizing compartment : Below chain where hot wash occurred there is chamber for collecting caustic containing hot water. That is driven to caustic recovery plant for making it ready to mercerize chemical once again.
Washing chamber(1 2 3) for mercerized cotton: From chain by squeezing fabric comes directly to washing chamber. Here fabric passed over some driven roller to make proper hot wash. There are 3 hot wash chambers that are linked with one another & horizontally inclined. Here temperature is maintained is around 90’C.
Neutralizing chamber: after washing fabric goes through neutralizing chamber. Caustic make the fabric highly alkaline so that is neutralized by the addition of acetic acid. For controlling ph from control panel a command is given such as 7. Then the fabric will takes this amount of acetic acid which makes the fabric neutral by maintaining ph 7.
Dryer for mercerized cotton: After washing & neutralizing for drying process 2 stage vertical cylinder dryer is used. It is heated by steam. For course fabric the cylinder dryer temperature is around 180-200’c. and for pocketing fabric the cylinder dryer temperature is around 110-130’c.
Batching : Finally after drying the fabric is ready to dye. It is now rolled in the batcher for next process.
Barium Activities Test:
Barium activities test is done to know about the increasing % of absorbency of fabric & depth of luster. By barium activity we can also see that, after mercerizing remaining wax oil and other impurities are removed &strength is increased.
Blank Ba(OH)2 – A/M Ba(OH)2
Barium Activity%=————————————- x 100
Blank Ba(OH)2 – B/M Ba(OH)2
Process: The Barium activity test is done in two processes—
Chemical test
Application test
In this test only barium is used. So it is called barium activity test.
1) Chemical test:
Fabric = 5 gm
Soda ash = 2 gm/l
Detergent = 10 gm/l
Ba(OH)2 = 30 gm/l
Sample: a) One from before mercerization
b) Other is mercerized fabric
Taking 5gm fabric sample
Adding 2gm soda ash & 10 gm/l detergent
Then boiled for 1 hr
After boiling, hot wash
Then drying is done for 1min at 140°C
2gm fabric is cut from both sample (App. 1’’ square)
Then the samples are dissolved in 30ml Ba(OH)2 solution (0.25 N)separately & kept for 2 hour.
Then we will have to titration.
To do titration 0.1 N HCl is used.
For Blank Ba(OH)2 = 10ml (From 30ml)
For A/M Ba(OH)2 = 10ml (From 30ml)
For B/M Ba(OH)2 = 10ml (From 30ml)
Now from taking the reading of burette we get the barium activity % from the above equation.
21 – 17.8
B.A % = ————–X 100
21 – 18.6
= 133%
b) Application test:
Dye (Remasol deep black R.G.B) = 70 gm/l
Soda ash = 20 gm/l
Urea = 200 gm/l
Primasol – V = 10 gm/l
Primasol NP = 2 gm/
Remarks: In preparation section fabrics are prepared for dyeing by increasing whiteness, absorbency, removing impurities etc.
Dr. Joshep, DGM, Textile Division, Seotex Limited, USA
The process to remove the fats, oil, and waxy substance and added other impurities by certain percent of alkali and which increases the absorbency power of the textile goods is called scouring machine . Scouring machine is used for removing the natural as well as added impurities as completely as possible. To provide a clean material by adding alkali, To leave the material to a highly absorptive condition without undergoing any physical & chemical damage and To make fabric suitable for next process etc.
Scouring Process
The main changes soccurring during scouring:
Saponifiable oils & fatty acid are converted in to soap & peptic acid.
Pectin & pectoses are converted into soluble salt & peptic acid.
iii. Proteins are degraded into simple soluble amino acid.
Mineral matters are dissolved
Dirt is removed.
Sizing materials are broken down into soluble product.
Chemical used in scouring
Caustic (Na0H)
Bleaching Machine
The process of bleaching machine by which the natural color of a fibre can be removed and make the textile materials pure white and bright is called bleaching. Objective of bleaching machine is to provide permanent whiteness, To increase absorbency of fabric, To prepare fabric ready for next process.
Example of some bleaching agent
Oxidizing –agent reducing agent
H202 –zinc dust
Na0Cl –carbon (c)
NaCl02 –hydrogen (H)
Ca (0Cl) –2S02
Bleaching powder –NaHS04
Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
H2O2 is a colorless clear liquid
It should stored away from light
In presence of heavy metal it decompose with the liberation of oxygen.
The material is irritant for skin.
Machine Specification:
M/C name: scouring machine and bleaching machine
Origin: Germany.
Capacity: 70-80 thousands meter/ day.
Speed: 50-60 m/min
Pressure(bar): Air- 50 bar
Steam- 7 bar
Washing temperature: W 1+2 =98’c, W 3= 70’c, W 4 -7= 98’c, W 8= 90’c
Steamer temperature: Steamer
Steamer 3 = 103’cSteamer timing: For White Fabrics- 26 mins, Yarn dyed- 24 mins, Vat dyed- 12-14 mins, Only for scouring- 18 mins
Padded Pressure: 2.5 – 3 bar
But in washing chamber, W-3 and W-8 = 2.5 and W-1, W-2, W-4, W-5, W-6, W-7 = 3
Drying r/r temperature: 130 -140’c
Cooling dryer temperature: 25-30C
Fabric condition: whiteness – above 78% yellowness – 1 or below 1, But incase of OBA, whiteness – 100%, yellowness – (-22%), Standard- 15%
Flow chart of Scouring Process
Fabric inlet section
Washing chamber 1 2 3
Vacuum suction unit
Chemical mixing Unit
Chemical chamber
Washing Chamber 4 5 6 7
Drying Unit
Batching Unit
Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine Scouring Process:
In continuous scouring & bleaching the following steps are followed.
Fabric inlet of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine: After rotation of batcher it is feed into the inlet of scouring & bleaching range. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller, parpet roller & platter. Here there is a compensator to control fabric open width entry.
Washing chamber of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine 🙁 1 2 3) Fabric comes in open width & entered in washing zone. Here there are three chambers for removing water soluble decomposed starch. Here temperature is maintained is around 1st & 2nd 98’C and 3rd chamber 70’c. Then fabric is passed in chemical chamber after squeezing where pressure is maintained approximately 2.5-3 bar.
In every washing chamber, there are two pressure bars-
one for compressor roller
other for padded roller
Vacuum suction unit of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine : With washing unit 1&2 a vacuum suction unit is connected. In this unit through air suction the inferior particles are collected & moved out through duct.
Chemical Chamber of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine: In chemical Chamber both scouring & bleaching is occurred. Recipe is setted according to its requirement. In chemical bath temperature remains as bath like room temperature. Here a Doctor blade is used to add chemicals in fabrics evenly. A typical recipe is given below:
Steamer of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine: After chemical padding the fabric is directly goes through the steamer. Here temperature is 104’C approximately. Here fabric stays for 12 to 26 minute. This depends on type of fabric & operational speed as well as quality required.
Chemical feeding of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine: beside chemical bath there is a chemical mixing tank. Chemical comes from individual storage according to setting and add with water finally agitated and pumped into chemical tank.
Washing chamber (4 5 6 7 8) of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine : After steaming in steamer fabric pass through the washing chamber once again. Here temperature is maintained is around 4 to 7 is 98’c and 8 no. chamber is 80’c After every washing bath there is a squeezer having pressure approximately 2 to 2.5 bar.
Neutralizing chamber: After washing there is a option of neutralizing. Here neutralizing is done by acetic acid. But those fabric which will be mercerized need not to neutralized. That will be done at mercerizing stage.
Cylinder dryer of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine: scoured & bleached fabric is finally passed through the drying unit. It passes through two stage cylinder dryer.
Cooling roller of Scouring Machine and Bleaching Machine: Dried fabric is passed over two cooling roller. It is cooled by cold water passing through roller by contact of which fabric become cool.
Batching: finally the fabric is rolled in batcher. Then it is feed as a raw material of mercerizing machine.
For all color-
Sequestering agent: – 2g/L
NaOH : 40g/L
iii. H2O2 : 45g/L
Stabilizer : 8g/L (catalyst)
Wetting agent: 8g/L
For pocketing fabric
Sequestering agent: KEB- 2g/L
NaOH : 20g/L
iii. H2O2 : 30g/L
Stabilizer : GAL 8g/L (catalyst)
Wetting agent: RGN-8g/L
Dearting agent: ASN- 2g/L
Timing of chemical chamber: 20-30 mins
Timing of steamer: 30mins
ph: Washing chamber 1-3=7.5-8
Washing chamber 4=11
Washing chamber 5=10
Washing chamber 6=9
Washing chamber 7=8
Washing chamber 8=7.5
Strength of chemicals: NaOH: 30-40 baume
Pick up%: L= 110.3
Caustic specific gravity: 1.2
Clibration: Calibration is done according to timing.
Amount of chemical/ min=Fabric G.L.M× Recipe%×Speed/1000
Effect of ph:
Ph<10 – active as bleach
Ph 10.2- 10.7 – is optimum for controlled bleaching.
Ph 11.b – bleaching is out of control.
Scouring & bleaching in same bath:
In Auto Textile bleaching and scouring are done in combine process which called solomity process.
In Auto Textile the Scouring & bleaching can be occurred in the same bath. It will reduce time as well as provide same quality. For that procedure as additional chemical stabilizer should be used.
Bleach Chemical Formula
It is the process used for identifying the amount of chemicals present in the solution. In solemnity process titration is done for caustic & hydrogen peroxide.
Titration process of NaOH:
Key Accessories:- Burette, Pipette, Beaker etc
Standard solution:- 0.1N HCl
Reagent:- Phenolpthelene indicator (1%)
1ml mixer solution or chemical solution is taken from the mother tank in a chemical flask.
20ml water is added with the solution and stirred for a few seconds.
2-3 drods phenopthelene indicator is taken.
To do titration 0.1 N HCl is used.
The number of drops of 0.1 N HCl is used to calculate the amount of NaOH present in the mixing tank.
Amount of NaOH = Reading X 4
Titration process of H2O2:
1) Key Accessories:- Burette, Pipette, Beaker etc
2) Standard solution:- H2SO4
3) Reagent:- 0.1N K2MnO4
2ml mixer solution or chemical solution is taken.
Adding 10ml H2SO4(25%)
Taking 0.1 N K2MnO4in a burette
The number of drops of 0.1N K2MnO4is use to calculate the readings until the solution turns in to light pink color.
H2O2 (% or gm/l) = 3.4 X reading
Baum Test (OBe):
A scale used for measurement of the relative density (RD) of liquids by hygrometry.
Bleach Chemical Formula
To make a specific strength of a chemical i.e. Caustic soda we can formulate as like —
OBe x 10
Strength (OBe) of NaOH = ————- x 100
But this formula is used for 100% pure NaOH. But in case of impurities (5-10%) tolerance is kept.So the conversion of strength measure of caustic soda solution–
Strength (OBe)
Slid caustic soda content (g/l)
PH find out test:
1) Drop method:-
Chemical name: Universal indicator solution
Color scale: Integrator scale.
pH range of scale: 4-11
More Bleach Chemical Formula Procedure: a single drop of indicator solution is fall down in to the fabric and given 5 seconds for measuring. Then the color of round shape is matched with the color scale.
2) Core test:- Core test is done to find out pH.
Key accessories:
8m fabric
200ml water
pH meter
At first 8gm fabric is cut in every small piece.
Taking 200 ml water in a vessel & boiled for 10min
After 10min 8gm fabrics are added to the boiled water & boiled for 10min.
Then kept for conditioning at room temp. (4 hour)
After 4 hrs pH meter is used for measuring the pH value.
Here saturated kCl solution is used to immerse the electrode & distilled water wash it & for calibration pH 4, pH 7, pH 10, are used. It is an one type Dyeing Machine
Prof. Dr. Morisas, Head of Wet Processing Dept, University of Textile And Apparel, UK
Cold pad batch dyeing machine is the easiest process of woven fabric dyeing. In cold pad batch dyeing machine both dye & chemicals are added in the same bath. The ratio of dye & chemical is 2:1. If 1000 liter liquor is to be prepared then 100% will be dye & 50% will be chemical. After mercerizing batcher is feed into the inlet of CPB machine. Where the fabric is passed over some free roller & guider. Here there is a compensator to control fabric open width entry & controlling fabric speed.
Application of Pad Machine
Flexible dyeing of short slots.
Even coloration.
Maximum dyestuff yield.
Fast slot &color change.
Minimum rest liquor.
Reproducibility of shade.
Sketch Diagram of Cold Pad Batch Dyeing Machine
Process Description with Pad Machine
Chemical Tank: Both chemical & color is prepared in different tank according to required. For example we need 1000 liter liquor then we will prepare 100% dye solution & 50% chemical. Then both of them are mixed & agitated in storage tank from which it is feed in to padding bath.
A typical recipe for 128×56/16×10 twill:
Nova Yellow NP – 10.5 gm/lt
Nova Blue CR – 5.00 gm/lt
iii. Nova Red CD – 2.00 gm/lt
Soda Ash -15 gm/lt
Caustic -5 gm/lt
Albaflow pad (wetting)-2 gm/lt
Padding Unit: Here chemical comes from storage tank to maintain even range on padding tank. Here three bowl padding is occurred. Padding pressure is predetermined according to pick up required & fabric speed.
Batching: After padding fabric is directly rolled in to batcher& packed with poly bag. Then it goes for rotation of 8 – 12 hours for color fixing.
Washing: Finally the fabric washing, soaping, neutralizing & drying is occurred.
Testing required during Cold pad batch operation
Pick up testing,
Shade matching.
Pick up testing:Before going to Pad steam pick up of the fabric should be calculated & based on this result liquor is prepared.
Shade matching: After each 1000 meter sample is cut then it is packed with poly bag.
Then it goes to carbolite for drying. After that wash & soaping is done. Finally drying then shade is checked in light box.
Solution of Dyeing Fault
Different types of fault can arise during dyeing which can be solved by the following process:
Tropping: In dyeing process firstly the color is matched in lab in it comes to production.
During production at first a sample is run. If it match then goes for production. But still few problems arise after few meters due to uneven picking shade is varied from original one. It becomes lighter or darker. Some times more reddish or greenish. This type of problem is solved by tropping.If the shade is lighter then addition is done & darker dilution can be done. But during tropping the ratio of dye & chemical is 1:4. A typical Recipe of tropping:
128×56/16×10 twill fabrics dyed in CPB. 15% light.
Nova yellow NP:0.5 gm/lt
Nova red CP: 0.5 gm/lt
iii. Soda Ash -15 gm/lt
Caustic -5 gm/lt
Albaflow pad (wetting)-2 gm/lt
Stripping: If the shade is widely varied from the original one then the fabric goes through stripping. It is the process by which the color of dyed fabric is removed & makes it white for redyeing. The fabric strength become lower for that additional hard finish is required. Another problem is a stripe fabric can only dyed in dark shade, light shade is not possible.
Typical recipe of stripping: 128×56/16×10 twill reactive dyed
Caustic: 20 gm/lt
Hydrise:30 gm/lt
This recipe is not constant. It varies continuously based on color & quality of stripe required.
Cold pad batch (CPB):
Chemical and condition-
As per requirement
50 g/l when dye is with in 15 g/l
100 g/l when dye is above in 15 g/l
Caustic 30° Be´ strength
(4-14) ml/L according to dye quantity
Soda ash
10 g/l when dye is with in 15 g/l
20 g/l when dye is above in 15 g/
Wetting agent
2 g/l (used when absorbency of fabric is poor)
Chemical and condition (for two bath method):
Chemical for poly part
As per requirement
Ant migrating agent
10 g/l
Acetic acid
0.5 g/l
Dispersing agent
(3-5) g/l
Thermal condition for poly part:
Drying temperature – 140 °C for 2 min
Curing temperature- 150 °C for 1 min
Chemical for cotton part
As per requirement
Anti migrating agent
10 g/l
50 g/l (for light shade)
100 g/l (for dark shade)
Soda ash
(10-15) g/l
Lyoprint RG
2 g/l
Wetting agent
1 g/l (when absorbency is poor)
Thermal condition for poly part:
Drying temperature – (120/130) °C for 2 min
Curing temperature- (150/160) °C for 1 min
Chemical and condition for one bath method:
As per requirement
3 g/l
Lyoprint RG
3 g/l
Dispersing agent
3 g/l
Leveling agent
1 g/l
Anti migrating agent
10 g/l
50 g/l
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
10 g/l
Thermal condition for poly part:
Drying temperature – 120 °C for 2 min
Curing temperature- 210 °C for 1 min
Grey Inspection
Here grey fabrics are inspected according to “four point System”
The 4 point system is done according to American Apparel Manufacturer Association (AAMA). This system is used for determining the fabric quality and fabrics defects are assigned based on point’s values.
It helps to find out the number of defects point in 100 Sq. yds.
Faults / Size of defects
3 inches or less 1 point
Over 3’’ but not over 6’’ 2 point
Over 6’’ but not over 9’’ 3 point
Over 9 inches 4 point
In 4 point system
Total points × 36″ × 100
Points per 100sq. yds = ——————————————————–
Fabric width in inches * Fabric length in inches
But less than 40 points per 100sq. yds are acceptable level.
Grey fabric Faults:
Name of faults
1. Starting Mark
It is also called stop mark and happened due to hurt of shuttle in warp and weft and disconnect of electricity.
2. Miss Pick
It is happened due to incorrect Sequence of weft insertions.
3. Double Pick
It causes due to insertion of two picks in a shed during where only one is intended and appear as a line across the width of fabrics.
4. Loss yarn
It caused for low tension.
5. Slubs
It is happened for abnormally thick place in a yarn.
6. Yarn Contamination
Yarn contamination is occurred for mixing of other yarn with the standard unexpectedly.
7. Defective Selvedge
It is caused for bad selvedge and strength loss.
8. Oil Spot
Caused due to grease oil etc.
9. Black Spot
It is occurred due to dirty environment of working.
10. Fungus Spot
It is caused due to contamination of fungus.
11. Size Stained
Result of improper sizing.
12. Shadding
Transverse defects causes by structural distortion.
13. Mending
It is happened due to lack of skilled manual needle work operation and faults of checking process.
14. Float/Zahala/Hold/Tear
It is the result of some interference with the opening of the shed and local incorrect interlacing of warp and weft threads in woven fabrics.
Specification of Cold Pad Batch Dyeing Machine
Speed: 20 m/min
Temperature :- 1) For Reactive – 50-60’C, 2) For Disperse – 80’C
Dye padding: – 50% Chemical, 100% Dyes
Recipe: 1) Dyes, 2) Caustic soda,3) Soda ash, 4) Urea
Dyeing with silicate:
Na Silicate (38 Baume) 50 gm/lt 50 gm/lt 50 gm/lt
Caustic (36 Baume) 15 gm/lt 20 gm/lt 30 gm/lt
iii. Albaflow pad (wetting) 2 gm/lt 2 gm/lt 2 gm/lt
Dyeing without Silicate:
Soda Ash 15 gm/lt
Caustic 5 gm/lt
iii. Albaflow pad (wetting) 2 gm/lt
Dyestuff requirement: That will depend on shade required.
Flow chart of Cold Pad Batch Dyeing Machine:
Fabric inlet
Dye padding
Rotating (8-12) hr
Cold Pad dry chemical pad steam (PD CPS) process
The following process is followed-
Dyes and auxiliaries based on the base recipe are weighted using a balance or with an electronic pipette.
Weighted dyes are mixed with 500 ml of water and stirred for 2 min.
According to the quality of the fabric padded Mathis is adjusted (usually 60% pick up). Than the sample fabric is set in the machine and dye liquor is poured in for padding.
The padded sample is put on a frame and than in the Mathis drying and curing machine and then set time and temperature. The sample is dried and takes from the frame.
The dried fabric is put on the padded machine with chemical pad solution for padding again.
The padded fabric is then steamed in the Mathis steaming machine at 120 °C with standard steam for 1 min.
Next the sample is washed based on the washing condition.
Than the sample is dried using an iron.
It is than set in the light box and inspected for color matching.
If the color match with the customer sample than the trial ends and the sample is developed; if not then the recipe id adjusted and trial is continues following the same process until a sample match happens.
Trial information is noted and each trial sample is attached on the lap dip worksite.
Washing condition:
Cold wash for 1 min
Hot wash with detergent at 90 °C for 1 min
Hot ringing
Cold ringing
Cold pad batch (CPB):
The following process are followed-
Dyes and auxiliaries based on the base recipe are weighted using a balance or with an electronic pipette.
Weighted dyes are mixed with 500 ml of water and stirred for 2 min.
According to the quality of the fabric padder Mathis is adjusted (usually 60% pick up). Than the sample fabric is set in the machine and dye liquor is poured in for padding.
The next step is for fix the color. Padded sample is put in polythene bag for 5 min. Than a sample piece of that fabric is cut from the sample for rapid fixation test by microwave woven. The sample is hanged on a glass rod over the vassal containing about 50 ml of water and covering the sample and the vassal with a lid. At power of 2 setting. The sample is steamed for 6 min.
For the color fixation there are two methods. In one method the padded fabric wrapped for 8 hr with polythene bag. In the other method which is rapid process, microwave woven is used. Here the dyeing piece should be kept in the microwave woven (power of 2) in plastic vassals with 50 ml of water for 6 min.
Next the sample is washed based on the washing condition.
Than the sample is dried using an iron.
It is than set in the light box and inspected for color matching.
If the color match with the customer sample than the trial ends and the sample is developed; if not then the recipe id adjusted and trial is continues following the same process until a sample match happens.
This auto glue machine which is widely used for the labeling of the round objects in such industries as fooding, medicine, daily chemical and so on. Auto Glue Machine work independently or by connecting to the production line. In addition auto glue machine is equipped with air-powered glue pump and label shortage warning device. To establish a standard preventive maintenance procedure of automatic glue labeling machine. To ensure safe and standard preventive maintenance procedure of Automatic glue labeling machine to meet the required smooth operation in cephalosporin production area.
Glue Machine Working Procedure
Inspection for voltage fluctuation
Proper earthing condition of machine
Inspection & retighten all electrical connection
Abnormal sound & any physical damage of turn table
Correct function of bottle placing & delivery to conveyor
Correct function of conveyor & hand wheel
Any physical damage of conveyor
Proper function for sucking label & helps transport of bottle
Any physical damage of draw off bar
Abnormal sound & proper function of gumming turret
Physical damage of rubber roller
Any physical damage of label grips & label box
Correct function of label grips & label box
Physical damage of rubber rollers & adjusting screw
Free movement of roller & correct function of screw
Correct function of safety switches
Correct function of proximity switches/sensors
Grease all seat bearings
Change the gear oil in gear box
Clean all moving parts and lubrication
After completion of maintenance record as per SOP EN/002
Maintenance Label Glue Machine
Item Description
Check points
Main power supply
01. Inspection for voltage fluctuation
02. Proper earthing condition of machine
Pneumatic connection
01. Inspection the supply pressure must be 4 kg/cm2
02. Check the any leakage of compressed air
Turn table
01. Abnormal sound & any physical damage of station
02. Correct function of bottle placing & delivery to conveyor
Conveyor & Hand wheel
01. Correct function of conveyor & hand wheel
02. Any physical damage of conveyor
Vacuum drum belt & vacuum drum
01. Proper function for sucking label & helps transport of bottle
02. Any physical damage of draw off bar
Gumming turret
01. Abnormal sound & proper function of turret
02. Physical damage of rubber roller
Label grips & label box
01. Any physical damage of label grips & label box
02. Correct function of label grips & label box
Rollers & adjustment screw
01. Physical damage of rollers & screw
02. Free movement of roller & correct function of screw
Safety switches
01. Correct function of safety switches
Proximity switches/Sensors
01. Correct function of proximity switches/sensors