Secure Task

Secure Task -AUTO  recognises the importance of the protection of its and the Company’s assets, and to this end, shall ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that all persons, property and the environment are protected against incidents, theft, misappropriation or unauthorised disclosure. Need Security Guard Card Policy in a Private Industry

In fulfilling this commitment, 8MI shall establish and maintain an environment in which accidental losses and theft are minimised through the implementation of recognised good business practices, compliance with legislation and standards, and the elimination or containment of hazards which may otherwise result in personal injury, fire, property or environmental damage, occupational illness and material losses.

  • Employees leaving the premises other than closing time or lunch break must have a properly authenticated gate pass from the personnel department. Reporting directly to Security Manager/Administration Manager, he shall;
  • Monitor, check and control movement of people authorized by the Transportation Company to perform loading and unloading of inbound and outbound cargo. work practices etc are implemented effectively and satisfactorily at all levels with respect to the entire work site and accommodation areas.
  • Follow the policy and procedures of import and export of goods to and from the factory as stipulated on chapter L and P. Deploy the guards effectively to maintain and audit the effectiveness of the security operations, and evaluate the performance of security guards.
  • AUTO  shall be responsible for the security of all permanent equipment, materials, plant, and any additional property belonging to 8MI.
  • The warehouses and lay down yard are recognized as potential areas of significant security risk areas and appropriate safeguarding facilities including fencing and lighting shall be provided.
  • They shall receive intensive coverage from the security team, and their layout shall reflect the need to minimize the positioning of materials close to perimeter fencing.
  • During night time, well trained security dogs may be used.
  • The gates of storage area shall be kept locked up during night time and frequent security patrol shall be taken place.
  • Whilst AUTO  shall endeavor to protect Partner/Subcontractor from theft or damage to their property, the latter shall have ultimate responsibility for the security of such property.
  • Ensure cleanliness of general and open area of the premises.
  • Ensure and assist management in maintaining discipline, safety and security of all man, material and information in the premises.
  • Therefore, Partner/Subcontractor shall;
  • Utilize a system of identification on all of their tools, equipment and plant provides secure containers for the above.
  • Maintain an inventory of all such tools and equipment.
  • In support of this, AUTO  security personnel shall not allow any materials, tools or equipment to be taken from the work site, unless accompanied by a material pass authorized by the relevant Subcontractor supervisor.
  • Any removal of permanent materials from site shall be coordinated with AUTO  Material Manager.
  • Ensure that breathalysing is daily implemented by the security guards with the help of the security guards of Partner/Subcontractor and Subcontractors are fully conversant with this security plan and any additional derivative documentation.
  • Establish and maintain close contact and coordination with the Company, Partner/Subcontractor and other relative legislative authorities in regard to security matters.
  • Report without delay any security irregularities, or breaches, or incident to the Security Manager/Administration Manager and advise any necessary measures to be taken to prevent the recurrence of such events etc.
  • Investigate any breaches of security and provide a written report to Security Manager/ Administration Manager within 24 hours.
  • Ensure that all security guards are competent, and provide additional training as necessary.
  • Be responsible for maintaining keys and locks to all buildings, ingress and egresses.
  • The prevention and elimination of losses is the responsibility of all persons either employed or visiting the project, and can only be achieved by the active participation and involvement of everyone concerned.
  • AUTO  shall provide education, communication and commendation to facilitate this participation, this includes that all employees are required to familiarize themselves with the provisions of this Plan.
  • Failure to comply with its requirements may result in disciplinary action including immediate diAuto ssal from the project.
  • AUTO  acknowledges that the optimum approach to the protection of its and the Company’s assets may change over time and to this end, shall enhance and update its operations on an ongoing basis.
  • Integral to this enhancement are the ideas and inputs of its employees who shall be encouraged to actively contribute to the improvement of the security of the project and the environment in which it operates.

More Security Task

  • Ceiling/Roof
  • Certain height from the floor
  • Check for visible blocks and vents
  • Check for repairs to the ceiling on the inside of the container
  • Use tool to tap ceiling and listen for hollow sound.
  • Inside/Outside Doors
  • Check for secure and reliable locking mechanisms are in place
  • See if there are different color bonding material
  • Check for detachable bolt or access inside the doors
  • Check if solid plate on usual cavities.
  • Check if doors are solid or opened
  • Outside/Undercarriage
  • Check whether support beams are visible or not.
  • Solid plate applied or not
  • Check whether compartment is being manipulated or not


Secure Task -It is recognized that during the period before all of the security fencing and temporary gates have been installed, during this early period the objectives as defined in this plan will remain in place. The implementation of this plan shall keep pace with the security needs of the expanding construction programme.