ZAP ERP Pdf Manual
This module helps to maintain the parameters of all the erp modules administrative features of ZAB ERP pdf manual system. This module contains the two sub modules. An order starts from generating a file reference against a sample from the buyer. This module helps to track each and every detail of an order. Marketing people can update the status of an order against a file reference with status flags. The internet revolution is the cause as well as the response to converging technologies and business trends. There is little doubt that this evolution will forever change the way we work and the way we shop. For any queries, please Contact Us.
We have largest Garments and Textile ERP software collections in Bangladesh. We sale customized ERP for the apparel factories. We are agent of all Garment and Textile ERP software company. We will forward you to the best ERP software company based on your requirements. We are trouble shooter of fashion industrial software like Willcom, Barudan, Lectra, Gerber, iEcho, Datacolor, Shedomaster, Batch, Qc etc.
1. ZAP ERP Modules
1.1. Master Setup
- Codes & Parameter Setting for all the erp modules
- Mapping with different modules with Financial Accounts
- Store information
- Sub store information
- Product or item entry by product category
- Customer Entry
- Supplier Entry
- Currency setup
1.2. System Administration
- Different Log Maintenance
- Role Management
- User Privilege & Password Maintenance
- Access Control
- Audit Trailing
- Company Profile etc.
2. Marketing with erp pdf
The marketing with erp pdf also keeps file reference wise estimated cost detail with detail product list of an order. This module has the following features
2.1. Buyer entry with all the details
2.2. Order wise estimated costing
2.3. Order Entry & Tracking
2.4. Create order for production
2.5. Sample fabric receive entry
2.6. Reports
Buyer listing
- Order status report by file reference
- Estimated cost report by file reference
- Sample status report by file reference
- PI status report by product type, color etc
- PI wise order status report
- PI wise finished goods status report
- PI wise production report
3. Financial Accounting
3.1. General Ledger
- This erp pdf has the following features
- Five level account group entry
- Chart of account entry
- Ledger posting
- Ledger un-posting
- Year end processing
- Financial year setting
- Voucher entry
- Chart of account print Reports
- Voucher print Reports
- Date wise voucher listing Reports
- Date wise account ledger Reports
- De wise account group ledger Reports
- Monthly ledger Reports
- Annual ledger Reports
- Date wise trial balance Reports
- ate wise group trial balance Reports
- Monthly trail balance Reports
- Balance sheet Reports
- Balance sheet detail Reports
- Income statement Reports
- Income statement detail Reports
3.2. Accounts Receivable
- Receive Voucher entry
- Print journal voucher Reports
- print receive voucher Reports
- Customer ledger detail Reports
- Customer ledger summary Reports
3.3. Account Payable
- GRN posting for auto invoice voucher generation
- Payment Voucher entry
- ledger posting
- ledger unposting
- Print Journal voucher Reports
- Print payment voucher Reports
- Supplier ledger detail Reports
- Supplier ledger summary Reports
3.4. Export LC voucher
- Voucher entry
- Print journal voucher Reports
- Print receive voucher Reports
- Export LC voucher listing Reports
- Export LC ledger Reports
- Export LC group ledger Reports
3.5. Import LC voucher
- Voucher entry
- print journal voucher Reports
- print payment voucher Reports
- Import LC voucher listin Reports g Reports
- Import LC ledger Reports
- Import LC group ledger Reports
4.Commercial ERP Modules
Commercial erp pdf enables you to manage export, import lc, proforma and commercial invoice. The module also supports multi-currency transaction with LC amendment facility.

The features of commercial module are as follows:
4.1 Proforma Invoice (PI)
- PI no & date
- customer
- LC no
- Currency & exchange rate
- Product type
- Product color
- Quantity
- PI terms & condition
- PI amendment
- HS code
- PI print
4.2 Export LC
You can manage your customer LC information through Export LC management system. it also enables you to track and mange Back to back lc. It has the following features
- LC no and type (120 days, 90 days, at sight etc.)
- LC issue, expiry, shipment and maturity date
- LC value
- Customer information
- Currency and exchange rate
- Beneficiary and Advising Bank information
- Export LC amendment
4.3 Import LC
You can manage your supplier LC information through Import LC management system. it also enables you to track and mange Back to back lc. It has the following features
- LC no and type (120 days, 90 days, at sight etc.)
- LC issue, expiry, shipment and maturity date
- LC value
- Customer information
- Proforma invoice no and date
- Currency and exchange rate
- Beneficiary and Advising Bank information
- Import LC amendment
- LC detail with item quantity and rate
- auto purchase order generation in purchase module
4.4 LC Invoicing
This module enables you to manage import lc shipment information with item detail.
- Invoice no & date
- Import lc no
- GRN no
- Exchange rate
4.5 Commercial Invoice
This feature manages the commercial invoice related information with export document generation. It also tracks multiple PI information of a single export LC. The following documents automatically generate from the commercial invoice entry
- Print bill of exchange 1, 2
- Print beneficiary certificate
- Print certificate of origin
- Print commercial invoice
- Print delivery chalan
- Print packing list
- Print truck receipt
4.6 Reports
- Status wise Export LC information
- PI register
- Status wise Import LC information
- LC wise invoice and product tracking
- FDBC statement
- Non Approved PI list
5. Sales & Delivery
This erp modules manages the order entry of sample from marketing department, fabric delivery of finished fabrics by PI and other sales entry.
5.1. Sample Order entry
- File reference no & order date
- Buyer information
- Product type
- Product color
- PI terms & condition
- PI amendment
- Quantity
- Print order
5.2. Local Order Entry
This feature manages to input local order other than order generated by Proforma Invoices.
5.3. Fabric delivery
This feature keeps track of fabric delivery by Proforma invoices. Delivery can be generated automatically from PIs or can be entered manually. Confirmation of a delivery order will make a auto entry in the inventory module for making effect in the product stock. You can take print outs of the following documents from a single delivery entry
- Print bill
- Print chalan
- Print gate pass
5.4. Other sales entry
This features manages the cash sales of other products like chemical drums, wastage etc.
5.5. Reports
- Statement of Sales Detail By Date/Customer/Item
- Statement of Sales Summary By Date/Customer/Item
- Monthly sales statement
6. Purchase & Procurement .
This module enables you to manage requisition from different departments. This also has the facility to check requisition requirement by verifying requisition verification report. The features of this module are as follows
6.1. Supplier Entry
6.2. Requisition for purchase
6.3. Quotation Entry/Analysis
6.4. Create Purchase order from requisition with approved quantity and verification
6.5. Create Purchase order
6.6. Create Goods Receive Note (GRN)
6.7. Reports
- Print Purchase order
- Print requisition verification report
- Supplier Listing
- PO listing
- GRN listing
- Item wise Purchase report
- PO status report
- GRN detail by PO
- Monthly stock balance
- Stock movement report
7. Inventory Management
This module will work as a container of different items. It will keep balance of all the items of different stores. This module contains the following functionalities:
7.1. Product receive by chalan
This feature enables you to receive Product against PI or local orders. After making confirmation it will take effect in the stock.
7.2. Opening Balance entry
This feature keeps information for inputting store wise opening product quantity in computerized inventory module.
7.3. Create Goods Receive Note (GRN)
This feature is for creating Goods Receive Note from Purchase order. GRN can be created partially or fully. Unlimited no of GRNs can be created from a single purchase order until the order fully delivered.
7.4. Costing
This enables you to calculate weighted average costing for consumption of products in the inventory.
7.5. Requisition from production
This feature is for approving and transferring raw materials against requisition coming from production module.
7.6. Product Inspection
This feature manages the inspection entries for products. You can keep tracks of reject, hold or good condition product with this option.
7.7. Transfer movement entry from one store to another
This enables you to transfer or move products from one store to another.
7.8. Reports
- Stock movement detail by item / date/store
- Stock status of item by date/store
- Monthly stock balance
- PI wise finished goods stock
- PI wise raw material stock
- Chemical and other product movement report
- ETP maintenance consumption report
- Transaction Listing by date
8. Production Management
This module will keep records of production process and information of work in progress. This module contains the following features:
8.1. Production planning
Production planning is done by creating a batch no against an order. Color wise required raw material and process wise recipe setting is also done in production planning. Multiple batch no can be generated for a single order/ PI.
8.2. Start processing
This feature is for starting the production process against a batch no. The system automatically tracks the starting time of a process and maintains balance of quantity for products in each process.
8.3. Daily production entry
This feature is for inputting process wise daily production against a batch no. Daily production report is generated from this entry.
8.4. Finished goods production entry
This feature is for inputting batch wise finish or final products from production. this entry will
affect the inventory module.
8.5. Wastage entry
This feature is for inputting batch wise wastage entry from production. this entry will affect the inventory module.
8.6. Create store requisition for production
This feature is for generating raw material requisition to store against each process. This can be done by selecting recipe that configured in the production planning for each process. A requisition no will be generated and send to the concern store for delivery.
8.7. Raw material consumption entry
This feature is for issuing raw material to each process. This entry will affect the inventory module.
8.8. Reports
- process wise daily production report
- Date wise summary production report
- Batch wise recipe report
- Batch wise consumption report
- Cost analysis report
- Cost variance report with estimated and actual cost.
- PI status report
9.Costing .
This module helps to process the cost for each month considering all the parameters for generating cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold.
10. HR & Payroll Management
This Payroll Management module helps to maintain all detail information of a person. It contains the following functionalities:
10.1. Personal information
- Create and manage unlimited number of employees with their detail
- Setting of salary components
- Setting of bank and account information
- Setting of employee category (Factory staff, Head office staff, Management etc.)
- Designation setting
- Department setting
10.2. Head office payroll
- Process salary
- Absent entry
- Transaction entry for variable salary components
- Generating various statement and letters
10.3. Factory payroll
- Process salary
- Absent entry
- Transaction entry for variable salary components
- Over Time entry
- Generating various statements and letters
10.4. Loans & Advance Maintenance
- Detail information of loan by employee
- Installment schedule creation based on the given criteria
- Auto deduction of loan from salary as per the given criteria
- Setting of interest as per the given criteria
10.5. Leave Management
- Online Leave Requisition
- Auto emailing facilities for leave requisition and approval
- Employee wise leave balance maintenance
- Leave carry forward option with leave encashment facility.
- Leave Category wise Leave Maintenance
10.6. Income Tax
- Setting of minimum tax and tax slab by male and female
- Setting of other income tax parameters like conveyance limit, investment etc.
- Configuring income tax module with salary process for auto transferring salary and other income to the Income Tax module.
- Investment entry
- AIT entry for car
- Generating income tax assessment sheet
- Generating return 108 statement for Bangladesh Bank
- Generating income tax certificate
10.7. Reports
- Employee list by department / Category
- Category wise leave detail report by employees
- Category wise leave summary report by employees
- List of applied leave by employees, section etc
- List of approved leave by employees, section etc
- Loan and advance report
- Listing of detail schedule by employee
- Loan sanction statement
- Monthly Salary sheet for all
- Bank Statement
- Salary transfer letter to bank
- Monthly salary sheet by department
- Statement of Bonus
- Pay slip
- Salary summary by department
- Statement of transaction by component
With this in mind most businesses realize that they must migrate some or all of their business to the internet.

- ERP_Soft is developed on JAVA platform. The front end is designed by runtime generation of DHTM and java servlet with a flavor of the state of the art AJAX technology.
- With ZAB erp pdf system the entire process associated with traditional LAN based applications is maintained; that is the data remains on the customers’ server.
- ZAB erp pdf uses browser technology as a “thin client” providing secure access to your business processes ver the IP protocol and truly makes anywhere, anytime, secure accounting a reality.
Engr. Khondakar Mashiur Rahman,
Certified Echotech Garment CAD Professional-China, Aptech-India, NCC-UK
B.Sc. in CIS- London Metropolitan University,
M.Sc. in ICT-UITS.
Contact –
[2] ZAB Web based Business Solution, House 263, Road 1, DOHS, Baridhara