Poly Cotton Fabric Dyeing Machine Process

Poly Cotton Fabric Dyeing Machine Process

1.1              Poly Cotton Fabric

The yarn produced by mixing Polyester fibre and Cotton fibre with each other during yarn preparation process is known as polyester-cotton blended yarn. Generally, two types of polyester-cotton blended yarn are produced. These are :

  1. 65% Polyester + 35% Cotton = PC or TC
  2. 40% Polyester + 60% Cotton = CVC (Cheap Value Cotton)

1.2              Pre-treatment Process for Blended Fabric

Pre-treatment process for Polyester-Cotton blended fabric is similar to the 100% Cotton pre-treatment process. Refer to Specification No. 51-301 for detailed pre-treatment process.

1.3              Dyeing Process for Blended Fabric

Two types of dyeing methods are used to dye blended fabric. These are :

  1. One-bath Dyeing Method
  2. Two-bath Dyeing Method
1.3.1        One-bath Dyeing Method

One-bath dyeing method is a dyeing process whereby, polyester part and cotton part are dyed together in one bath.

1.3.2        Two-bath Dyeing Method

Two-bath dyeing method is a dyeing process whereby, polyester part and cotton part are dyed separately in separate bath.

2.0    Process Requirements

2.1              Equipment used

Three types of Thies machines are used for dyeing process. These are :

  • Mini-soft
  • Eco-soft
  • Luft-roto

2.2              Key Accessories

Key accessories used in dyeing process are :

  • Mixing tank
  • Machine Tank
  • Bohme meter
  • pH meter
  • Eye protecting glass
  • Hand gloves
  • Sewing machine
  • Hand lifter for carrying the batch, and
  • Gum boot.

2.3              Materials / Chemicals used

Following materials/chemicals are used in the dyeing with reactive dyes process :

  • Water
  • Steam
  • Compressed Air
  • Wetting agent
  • Detergent
  • Sequestering agent
  • Acid
  • Anti-creasing agent
  • Dispersing Agent
  • Gluber salt, and
  • Soda ash, etc.

3.0    Safety

In order to ensure floor and personnel safety, floor personnel are instructed to follow the safety guidelines given below :

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the factory premises.
  • Put on the safety masks while mixing or transferring alkali and acid.
  • During production, after reaching at the optimum temperature (above 800C), in case the lid of machine needs to be opened, operator must depressurise the machine and use hand gloves, eye-protecting glass etc. while performing such task for safety.

4.0    Operation Procedure

4.1              Operation Staff

Operation stuffs for Dyeing Process includes :

  1. Manager
  2. Assistant Manager
  3. Production Executive
  4. Production Executive
  5. Operator
  6. Helper

4.2              Machine Set-up

4.2.1        Machine Set-up for Eco-Soft & Mini-Soft Machine

Machine set-up for Poly-Cotton Blended Fabric Dyeing in Eco-Soft & Mini-Soft Machines are as follows :

Machine GroupFabric TypeG.S.M.J.P.(Mb)R.S. (MPM)




Single JerseyUp to 1400500200
140 ~ 1800600190
180 & Above0800180
Polo PiqueUp to 1600600200
Black Pique160 ~ 2000700180
Popcorn200 & Above0900180


4.2.2        Machine Set-up for Luft-Roto Machine

Machine set-up for Poly-Cotton Blended Fabric Dyeing in Luft-Roto Machine is as follows :

Machine GroupFabric TypeG.S.M.J.P.(Mb)R.S. (MPM)
LUFT-ROTOSingle JerseyUp to 1400700200
140 ~ 1800800200
180 & Above1000190
Polo PiqueUp to 1600800190
Black Pique160 ~ 2000900190
Popcorn200 & Above1000180

4.3              Checklist Before Operation

Following are the items to be checked before production :

  1. Checking the programme in Beacon Controller
  2. Machine set-up
  3. Fabric weight
  4. Fabric quality
  5. Yarn quality
  6. Collar design (Tipping / Solid)
  7. Rib designs (Normal / Lycra)
  8. Chemical availability
  9. Power availability
  10. Steam availability
  11. Water availability
  12. Compressed air
  13. Manpower availability
  14. Fabric stitch is done properly.

4.4              Operation Procedure

4.4.1        One-bath Dyeing Method

Steps of One-bath Dyeing Process

The sequence for one-bath dyeing process is as follows :

  1. Take water in bath at required level
  2. Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent, Dispersing Agent
  3. Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 500C
  4. Add Acetic acid and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C
  5. Add Glauber salt and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C
  6. Check pH of the Dye bath
  7. Add Polyester Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 500C
  8. Add Cotton Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 500C
  9. Circulate the fabric and raise the temperature at 1300C
  10. Continue circulating the fabric for 30 ~ 40 minutes at constant temperature (1300C)
  11. Circulate the fabric and decrease the temperature at 700C
  12. Check the shade of Polyester part with approved shade
  13. Circulate the fabric and raise the temperature at 820C
  14. Continue circulating the fabric for 10 minutes at constant temperature (820C)
  15. Add Soda Ash by curve dosing and continue circulating the fabric for 30 ~ 50 minutes at 820C
  16. Circulate the fabric and decrease the temperature at 700C
  17. Check the shade of Cotton part with approved shade
  18. Rinse and Drain
  19. Add Acetic acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 600C
  20. Drain
  21. Add Soaping Chemical and circulate for 10 minutes at 950C
  22. Drain
  23. Circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 700C
  24. Drain
  25. Unload

Graphical Representation of One-bath Dyeing Process

The one-bath dyeing process for poly-cotton blended fabric can be graphically represented as below :

Graphical Representation of One-bath Dyeing Process
4.4.2        Two-bath Dyeing Method
  • Polyester Part Dyeing with Disperse Dye-stuff

Steps of Two-bath Dyeing Method

Steps involved in Two-bath Dyeing Process with Disperse dye-stuff for Polyester Part dyeing are enumerated below :

  1. Take water in bath at required level
  2. Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent, Dispersing Agent
  3. Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 500C
  4. Add Acetic acid and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C
  5. Check pH of the Dye bath
  6. Add Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 500C
  7. Circulate the fabric and raise the temperature at 1300C
  8. Continue circulating the fabric for 30 ~ 40 minutes at constant temperate (1300C)
  9. Circulate the fabric and decrease the temperature at 600C
  10. Check the shade with approved shade
  11. Rinse and Drain
  12. Add Caustic Soda and circulate for 3 minutes at 700C
  13. Add Hydross and raise the temperature at 800C
  14. Continue circulating the fabric for 15 minutes at constant temperate (800C)
  15. Drain
  16. Add Acetic Acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 600C
  17. Drain
  18. Unload

Graphical Presentation of Two-bath Dyeing Process with Disperse Dyes

The Two-bath Dyeing Process with Disperse dye-stuff for Polyester Part dyeing can be graphically represented as follows :

Graphical Presentation of Two-bath Dyeing Process with Disperse Dyes
  • Cotton Part Dyeing with Procion Dye-stuff at 820C


The chart of Electrolytic agent (Glauber Salt) and Fixing agent (Soda ash / Caustic Soda) is given below :

Shade %G. Salt



Soda Ash



Caustic Soda



Up to 0.30%3010~
0.31% ~ 0.50%6010~
0.51% ~ 1.00%6015~
1.01% ~ 1.50%7015~
1.51% ~ 2.00%8015~
2.01% ~ 2.50%9015~
Above    2.50%9020~

Steps of Two-bath Dyeing Process with Procion Dye-stuff at 820C

The sequence of Two-bath dyeing process for Cotton part dyeing with Procion Dyes at 820C is given below :

  1. Take water in bath at required level
  2. Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent
  3. Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 500C
  4. Add Electrolytic agent (G. Salt) and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C
  5. Check pH and S. G. of the Dye bath
  6. Add Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 15 minutes at 500C
  7. Circulate the fabric and raise the temperature at 820C
  8. Circulate the fabric for 25 minutes at 820C
  9. Add Soda Ash solution by curve dosing and circulate the fabric for 30 ~ 50 minutes at 820C
  10. Circulate the fabric and decrease the temperature at 600C
  11. Check the shade with approved shade
  12. Rinse and Drain
  13. Add Acetic acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 700C
  14. Drain
  15. Add Soaping Chemical and circulate for 10 minutes at 950C
  16. Drain
  17. Circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 700C
  18. Drain
  19. Unload

4.5              Product Quality Check

To check the quality of production, following measures are taken :

  1. Check the pH of the bath.
  2. Absorbency of the fabric.
  3. Hardness of the water.
  4. Iron / Impurities contamination of the water.
  5. Heating and Cooling system of the machine.
  6. Check the shade with customer approved shade.
  7. Check the specific gravity of the bath.

4.6              Q.C. Sample Tests

Not applicable.

4.7              Response to Equipment Faults

Following are the response to be taken in case of equipment fault of dyeing machine :

Equipment FaultResponse
Pump FaultCall Mechanical Maintenance.
Dosing FaultSelf / Call Mechanical / Electrical Maintenance.
Pump LeakageCall Mechanical Maintenance.
Filling ProblemCall Mechanical / Electrical Maintenance.
Valve LeakageCall Mechanical Maintenance.
Program DeletingCall Electrical Maintenance.
Pressure FluctuationSelf / Call Mechanical / Electrical Maintenance.
Motor FaultCall Mechanical Maintenance.

4.8              Machine /Area Cleaning

The daily cleaning for machines are described below :

  1. Clean chemical chambers by water flow.
  2. Clean the floor by water flow.
  3. Machine Oiling by oil or greases done by the Mechanical Maintenance Department.

The Maintenance Department performs the preventive maintenance task as per the PM schedule. Refer to Maintenance Specification for details.

5.0    Applicable Forms & Documents

Document Flow

Document flow for the poly-cotton blend fabric dyeing process can be enumerated as below :

Dyeing Department receives the Process Batch Card (F21-101-1) along with the Job Card (F21-101-2) attached to it from the Batch Preparation Section. Process Batch Card is used for fabrics while Job card is used for Collars & Cuffs.

Different specifications (e.g. Lab dip approval #, Fabric weight and quality, Collar quality, shade, etc.) mentioned in the Batch card and Job Card are checked.

Based on the shade and other specification plans for the machines are prepared.

Print-out of the recipe is taken from the DATA-COLOUR computer. The Recipe Card (F51-301-1) is used as an internal document to keep record of dyeing for a particular batch.

Availability of chemicals and dyestuff is checked and program is put in the Becon Controller.

The Shade Batch Card (F51-301-2) is used to keep track of the dyeing production continuity. Production Officer fills out different areas of the form. This is an internal document of the dyeing department.

The Operator fills out the Production Report (R51-301-1) and it is sent to the Planning department. This report contains information like the Quantity produced, Machine wise production, Amount of re-process, Machine utility percentage (%) and shift wise production.

Upon completion of dyeing for a particular batch, if the dyeing is ‘OK’, the Process Batch Card is stamped as “SHADE APPROVED TO FINISH” in Green, on the other hand, if dyeing is ‘NOT OK’, the card is marked as “SHADE APPROVED TO DRY ONLY” in Red. This Process Card is then sent to the Finishing Department.

An Overview of Rotary Garment Dyeing Machine

An Overview of Rotary Garment Dyeing Machine

Garments Dyeing Machine

For more than last 70 years, regular research and development is going on garment dyeing machine, process and technique. Different types of garments dyeing machines have been developed and all types of dyeing machines can be classified into the following two groups- (a)Overhead padel type (b)Side padel type. This type of garments dyeing machines are the first and oldest type of garments dyeing machine still used is European countries and also used in our country.

Features of Garment Dyeing Machine

  • Used for woolen knit wear type garments dyeing
  • Dyeing cost is higher due to-
  • Manual operation
  • Higher labour load
  • Manual loading and unloading of garments
  • Manual chemical feeding etc.
Rotary Garment Dyeing Machine
Garment Dyeing Machine Inside

Rotary Garment Dyeing Machine

Rotary garment dyeing  machine is the modified version of padel dyeing machine. It is of two types-

  • Normal atmospheric pressure type (>100˚c)
  • High temperature type (<100˚c)

Normal Atmospheric Pressure Type Machine

This type of rotary garments dyeing machines are widely used in our country.

Capacity: capacity of this machine is 50 kg to 500 kg. but 300 kg capacity garments dyeing machine is mostly in garments dyeing industry.

Advantages of Garment Dyeing Machine

The main advantage of this machine is that same machine can be used for desizing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing and washing treatment of the garments.

High Temperature Rotary Garment Dyeing Machine

High temperature rotary garments dyeing machine is the modified and latest version of  the normal atmospheric pressure type rotary garments dyeing machine. It is a microprocessor control high temperature dyeing machine. Garments dyeing can be carried out upto 140˚c in the machine.

Features of Rotary Garment Dyeing Machine

  • Very big central door facilities, material loading and unloading mechanically.
  • Light m/c structure facilities, high speed m/c running with safe balance.
  • Simple A/C drive and A/C converter facilities with 5-35 rpm of main cylinder.
  • Additional two chemical tanks facilities, auto dozing of dyes and chemicals during operation without any manual effort.
  • Separate chemical dozing tanks may be attached besides those two chemical dozing tanks for auto dozing of more number of items to the dye solution during operation.
  • Separate liquor circulating pump, heater and filter facilities. Hence better dyeing quality.
  • The m/c is available only built in form. Hence less risk of installation and running problem.
  • Zoo dyeing or pre-treatment program could be saved and reused easily.
  • The microprocessor can also be set for different questions and answers about product and production parameters.

Selection Of Interlining Before Garments Dyeing

Garments to be dyed after  manufacturing. So needs careful selection of interlining. As because, during garments dyeing, the performance of interlining used in the garments may be destroyed due to effect of chemicals and temperature used in the dye bath. To avoid such problem, interlining for garments to be dyed should have the following properties-

  • Interlining used in garments should take up equal amount of dyes and chemicals as the garments fabric take up.
  • Due to garments dyeing, bond strength between interlining and garments fabric should be unaffected.
  • Handle property of the interlining attached areas of garments should be as per expectation.
  • During garments dyeing resin present in the interlining may be pick up dye molecules. Hence color depth problem should not arise in the interlining areas of the garments with remaining areas of the garments.

Fusible Interlining

In the ready-made garments manufacturing industries fusible interlining is mostly used for making garments. The fusible interlining is composed of the following types of materials-

  1. Base fabric should be cotton
  2. Base fabric finishing should be done with Di-methynol Urea derivatives.
  3. Fusible resin coating temperature should be equal to 140˚c or more.

Basic Theory of Garments Dyeing

  • Depending on wet fastness requirement of fabric, garments made from cotton grey fabric are mainly dyed with direct dye and reactive dye.
  • For low color fastness direct dyes are used and for high color fastness reactive dyes are used for cotton garments.
  • If cotton garments are dyed with direct dyes then hand wash separately should be marked on the care lebel of the garments.
  • If reactive dyes are used for cotton garments dyeing then the following advantages may be gained-
  • Good level dyeing is achieved.
  • Dye migration and diffusion is better.
  • Color fastness is better.
  • Total color range is available.
  • If the cotton garments are dyed with reactive dyes, then two types of reactive dyes are available in the market, namely- Hot brand reactive dyes and Cold brand reactive dyes
  • Between these two brands of reactive dyes, hot brand reactive dyes are mostly used for garments dyeing. Because cotton garments dyeing with reactive dyes facilitates easier and quick dyeing process with reasonably good dyeing quality.

Cotton Garments Dyeing Process (dyed the garments in reactive dye)

Cotton garments made of grey fabric are dyed with reactive dyes. Before dyeing the garments need pre-treatment.

Pre-treatment process of 100 kg cotton garments are described below-

Desizing of Garment Dyeing :

Recipe :  garment dyeing

sample weight : 100 kg.

M:L = 1:5 ( liquor = 100X5 =500 liter)

Desizing agent : 2 g/l i.e 1 kg.

Leonil SR : 1 g/l i.e 0.5 kg.

Steam supply to raise temp.  : 90˚c

Processing time: 15 minutes.


Pigment Dyeing Process

Cationization Process:

  • Add 2-10% of STARCAT PD at room temperature
  • Adjust pH to 8.5 with soda ash and run for 10 minutes
  • Increase temperature to 50 oC at rate of 1 oC/minute and run for 15 minutes
  • Drain and re-fill at room temperature and rinse 5 minutes

Dyeing Process:

  • In new bath adjust pH to 9.0 by ammonia solution
  • Add pigment and binder and run for 10 minutes at room temperature then
  • increase temperature to 60 oC, run for 15 minutes then drain, rinse and dry

Drying and Curing:

  • After garment is dried, cure binder at 150 oC for 5 minutes
Prof. M Kenedy, London Metropolitan University, Dept of Textile Engineering.
Textile Dye House Automation System Software List

Textile Dye House Automation System Software List

Textile Dye House Automation

The Dye house automation system software provides fully automation of dye house department of the plant. It provides a complete automation solution.  The Dye house automation system software cover all steps from batch planning automation to dyeing end automation needed in the process of dyeing. The Dye house automation system software has good graphical user interface and easy menu navigation. This software’s help users with a basic windows background to easily use the software system. Please contact us by submitting a comment below on Leave a Reply box, Cell# +880 17 92 52 53 54.  For any queries, please Contact Us.

Sedomat 2800 Sedomat 5800

Textile Dyeing Controller:

Dye House Controller
Dye House Controller

Textile Central Control Systems:

  • Batch dyeing machines Module of SedoMaster
  • Finishing machines Module of SedoMaster
  • Link host Module of SedoMaster
  • Link recipe system Module of SedoMaster
  • Link dispensing Module of  SedoMaster
  • Weighing station Module of  SedoMaster
  • Inventory dyestuff + chemicals Module of SedoMaster
  • EnergyMaster
Sedomaster 5000 Sedomat Sedomat 1800
Central System

Online Monitoring of Dye Machine Controller:

  • Program editor
  • Online status – Setex Module of OrgaTEX Basic
  • Process analyzer Module of  Setex – OrgaTEX Basic
  • Configuration and setup  Module of  Setex – OrgaTEX Basic
  • Backup – Setex Module of OrgaTEX Basic
  • ControlPro
  • Micro Services Group – Dye Machine Control
  • SECOM X40 module of Controller
  • SECOM 535 module of Controller
  • SECOM 535 module of Controller
  • Machine management software OrgaTEX
  • Controllers for discontinuous processes
  • CPUs module of Compact PLC
  • I/O cards module of Compact PLC
  • Fieldbus modules
  • Seam detection module of Sensors
Online Monitoring of Dye Machine
Online Monitoring

Dyeing ERP Software Solutions

SedoMaster Editor:

SedoMaster Editor is a tool to create and administer treatments and processes (programs). Processes are available at one place for all machine controllers and can be send ‘at a push of a button’ to the corresponding controller. The processes are used on the controller as ‘local’ programs. Programs, which are created on a controller can be loaded into SedoMaster Editor.Start the SedoMaster EDITOR. You can work with the left and right mouse button. All instructions are written for a right-hander mouse user. To access menus click on the menu bar and select the menu-item. Shortcut menus opens by a rightclick.


  1. Menu
  2. Toolbar (hide/unhide via the menu View, Toolbar)
  3. Navigation pane
  4. Contents pane
  5. Status Bar (hide/unhide via the menu View, Statusbar)

To provide an optimal overview on the working environment the SedoMaster EDITOR is divided in panes.On the left, the Navigation pane is shown. This Navigation pane contains three property sheets with their tabs Process, Treatment and Function on the top. Within this property sheets there are lists with objects in a directory tree. Click on the corresponding tab and the property sheet comes to the forefront so you can use features.On the right, the Contents pane is shown. This Contents pane shows, depending on your selection, processes and/or treatments.

 Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web: www.autogarment.com, sales@autogarment.com, Cell: +88 017 92 52 53 54
How Jigger Dyeing Machine is used for Dyeing Fabric?

How Jigger Dyeing Machine is used for Dyeing Fabric?

Jigger Dyeing Machine for Woven Fabrics:

Dyes use for dyeing fabric in Jig or Jigger dyeing machine which is suitable for woven fabric than knitted fabric because jigger exert considerable lengthwise tension on the fabric. This is also particularly suitable for cellulosic fibers because the natural dyes generally do not exhaust well and the jig works with an exceedingly low liquor ratio. It is one of the oldest dyeing machines for dyeing fabric. There are mainly two types of jigger dyeing m/c for dyeing woven fabrics with dyes. One is open jigger dyeing machine and other is closed jigger dyeing m/c. Normally after the process of dyeing machine dyed fabric is sent to stenter machine.

Types of Jigger Dyeing Machine:

  • Textile Jigger Machine for woven fabrics,
  • Hydraulic Jigger Machine for dyed fabric,
  • Semi Automatic Dyeing Jigger for dyeing fabric,
  • Automatic Jigger Textile Machine for  woven fabrics,
  • Semi & Jumbo Jigger Machine show  how to dye fabric,
  • Mannul Jigger for for natural dyes
Dyeing Machine for Dyed Fabric
Automatic Jigger Dyeing Machine

Parts of Jigger Machine:

Parts of Jigger Machine is specified below-

dyeing fabric with jigger dyeing machine
Parts of Jigger Dyeing Machine
  • Batch Roll
  • Hinged Cover
  • Fabric Unloaded
  • Dye liquor container
  • Guide roller
  • Steam Heating Coil
  • Main Roller
  • Fabric Winding
  • Adjustable Expander Bar
  • Fabric Expander Bar
  • Dye Vat
  • Drain

Advantages of Jigger Dyeing Machine:

  • The cloth is dyed in open width form in textile industry,
  • The material to liquor ratio is 1:3 is used for dyed fabric in textile industry,
  • Liquor ratio 1:4 saves huge amount of chemical cost and steam cost,
  • Less chemical lose for woven fabric in textile industry,
  • No need training to operate how to dye fabric,

Disadvantages of Jigger Dyeing Machine:

It exerts lot of tension in the warp direction and because of this normally knitted fabrics, woolen, silk etc cannot dyed in jigger dyeing m/c because it is only for woven fabric.

Feature of Rope Dyeing Machine:

Feature of rope dyeing machine is given below with diagram-

Rope Dyeing Machine
Rope Dyeing Machine
  • Double creel for 6-36 wrap with framework (one creel for working another for stanby )
  • 2-roll, 10 ton nip for draw the rope
  • 2-role, 10 ton nip for caustic box,
  • 3-sky drum fo air timing
  • 2-compartment 10 ton nip for pre-washing
  • Steamer (27 meters yarn capacity)
  • 8-compartment 10 top nip for dyeing / washing
  • 65 sky drum with Teflon coated
  • 4-copartment 10 top nip for final wahing and softener
  • Three dry can stacks with 36 cans
  • 36 wrapo coiler section
  • Main circulation system
  • Indigo auto feeding system
  • Color bottom auto feeding system
  • Color topping auto feeding system
  • Softener auto feeding system
  • Kitchen system
  • Autofeeding for indigo and dudro caustic sulger bottoming / topping and softener with flow display
  • Level temperature and flow processing control
  • Ac drive control system with automatic field control technology

Theory of Dyes and Dyeing Fabric:

The process consists of three stages are

  • Migration of dye molecule from liquor to fiber. This process is assisted by increasing
  • temperatures and using auxiliaries ñ substances that help the dyeing process.
  • Diffusion of dye from the fiber surface into the fiber. This process is assisted by agitation of the fiber, dye bath or both together with heat.
  • Fixation ensures the dye molecule is attached to the fiber either by physical forces or chemical bonding. These forces may be weak or strong.
  • Most dyeing processes need heat to provide the energy for the dyeing to take place. This is commonly supplied by direct or indirect steam.

Dyes used in textile processing:

Description CompositionFunctionsprocessing steps
SaltsSodium Chloride


Sodium Sulfate




AcidsAcetic acid


Sulfuric acid

pH control







AlkaliSodium Hydroxide


Sodium Carbonate

pH control









Magnesium sulfate

pH controlDyeing



Sequestering agents, chelatesEDTAComplex hardness retarderPreparation



Surface active agentsAnionic






Wetting agents


Antifoaming/ defoamer

Leveling agents





Dispersing agent Distribute dye uniformlyDyeing
Oxidizing agentsHydrogen peroxide


Sodium Nitrite


Insolubilising dyes






Reducing agentsSodium hydrosulfite


Sodium sulfide

Solubilise  dyes


Remove unreacted dyes

CarriersPhenyl phenols


Chlorinated benzene

Enhanced absorptionDyeing
StabilizerSodium Silicate



Stabilize bleach bathDyeing

How To Dye Fabric:

Woven Fabrics are dyed based of their quality and blending and to the buyers standard sample appearance. The dyeing processes used in ATL are:

Reactive dyeing Process: 100 % Cotton  dyeing fabric is done in alkali medium (in accordance to existing dyes) and fixation at relatively high temperature (130 oC-160 oC).

Disperse dyeing Process: Polyester dyeing fabric is done in acid medium. There are different process for blended fabrics such as PC or CVC.

  1. Two bath process: Process for dyeing fabric separately using disperse dye for the poly part and reactive dye for the cotton part.
  2. One bath process: Process for dyeing fabric using a solution that is made by both disperse and reactive dyes together.
  3. Pigment Process
  4. Vat process


No.Item need to be checked & serviced
1.Check the indirect heating line and any leakage
2.Complier cleaning of machine
3.Cleaning of drain valves, replace seals if required
4.Check air supply filters, regulators, and auto drain seals
5.Clean filters element and blow out
6.Greasing of Unloading Roller Bearings
7.Checking of Oil line and bolts of Unloading Roller Gearbox.
8.Checking of unloading roller coupling and packing
9.Checking and cleaning (if required) of Main Vessel Level Indicator
10.Check the roller bed of the traversing unit.
11.Check the function of heat and cool controlling valves
12.Check all belts and belt tension
13.Check all door seals

Objective of Jigger Dyeing Machine:

Dyeing (Exhaust) is a chemical process by which textile substrates are immersed in liquor containing dyestuffs & chemicals by which the dyestuffs are transferred to textile substrates in a proper manner. For every shade & batch Q.C goes shade check, wash fastness, rubbing fastness, water fastness and light fastness, tear test, tensile test, pick up test, shade listing & tailing.

  • A dye trough design ensuring minimum possible liquor ratio
  • Fabric rope monitoring control system for precise calculation and control of the fabric speed and tension.
  • 3) Uniform dyeing conditions in the dye trough, independent of the batch size.
  • Water meter for controlled rinsing
  • Dosing of dyes and chemicals dependent on the fabric length passing through the dye bath

Key Accessories:

Wooden plate, Sewing m/c, A-frame/batcher, Eye protecting glass, Hand gloves, Rotation station, Bucket mixer, Filter cloth. Process can be done by this m/c:

  • Dyeing
  • Washing- Washing is done by using detergent and wetting agent.
  • Striping- Stripping is done by using Hydross(4g/l) and caustic(15g/l).
  • Mercerizing- Chemical strength is 30 Baume
  • De-finishing: Definishing is done by using soda(8g/l) and caustic(10g/l)
  • Bleaching

Standard Machine set up:

Machine set up parametersActual parameter rangeMachine set Value
Temperature58 – 60’C  initially


88 – 90’C   later

60’C, 90’C
Chemical level(500 – 520)L520 L
Fabric positionFaceFace
Speed40 – 80 m/min40 – 80 m/min


M:L- 1:10

Time: 4 hours

Fabric length: 500-1000yds

Route temperature: 57 degree centrigate

Flow chart of Jigger dyeing m/c:

Fabric inlet

Dye + Chemical Padding

Fabric outlet

Process Description of Jigger Dyeing Machine:

Fabric inlet: After mercerizing batcher is feed into the inlet of Jigger machine. Where the fabric is passed through dye bath.

Process Description of Jigger Dyeing Machine
Process Description of Jigger Dyeing Machine

Dye + Chemical padding: Both chemical & color is prepared in different tank according to required. For example —-

Washing:- Detergent / Wetting agent is used

Striping:- Hydrose + Caustic is used

De – Finishing:- Soda + Caustic

pH:- 8

Chemicals/ materials UsedUsed in average
Wetting agent(0.25 – 0.5 ) gm/l
Detergent(0.5 – 1) gm/l
Dye stuff (Reactive, Sulpher etc.)Differs depend on the shade of fabric
Caustic1.323 gm/l
Soda ash5 gm/l
Reducing agent9 – 10%
Oxidizing agent2 gm/l
Acid2 gm/l
Compressed airAs required
Salt20 gm/l
Steam, waterAs required

Here fabric is directly pass through dye bath & then batching on another roller. And again this process is start in opposite direction. This system is continued for 3-4 times. If shade is match then fabric will be outlet. If not match, dyeing will be continuing.

Fabric Outlet: If shade is ok then fabric will be outlet. And it becomes ready for finishing.

Control Panel of Jigger Dyeing Machine: From control panel all types of instruction can be provide to the machinery. This machine has a full manual control panel.

Control Panel of Jigger Dyeing Machine
Control Panel of Jigger Dyeing Machine

The operator controls every process by control switch of Jigger Dyeing Machine.

[1] Md. Ferdus Alam, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Southeast University, Cell # 1723300700,  Email: ferdus.j@gmail.com
An overview of Jet Dyeing Machine for Dyeing Factory

An overview of Jet Dyeing Machine for Dyeing Factory

Jet Dyeing Machine

Jet dyeing Machine generally used for dyeing fabric, dyeing polyester, dyeing clothe and others type of dyeing. Jet m/c resemble becks in that a continuous loop of fabric is circulated through the machine. There are different types of dyeing technique applied in dyeing machine like disperse dyes, reactive dyes, vat dyes, acid dyes, organic dyes etc. After Jet m/c fabric goes for Slitting Machine. 

Features of Jet dyeing machine of Dyeing Factory:

  1. A high speed jet of dyeing machine for vat dyes liquid created by transports the fabric through the cloth guide tube of the jet machine.
  2. A jet machine for acid dyes have cloth guide tube for each loop of fabric being processed.
  3. A powerful pump circulates the liquor through a heat exchanger outside of the main vessel and back into the jet machine for reactive dyes
  4. The fabric moves at high velocity of 200-800 meters per minute while it is in the cloth guide tube of dyeing factory.
  5. The fabric leaving the cloth guide tube enters a larger capacity cloth chamber and gradually advances back toward the cloth guide tube.
  6. This machine is also used for dyeing polyester

Advantages of Jet Dyeing Machine for Organic Dyes:

  1. It is used for dyeing polyester in dyeing factory
  2. Vigorous agitation of fabric and dyeformulation in the cloth tube increases the acid dyes rate and uniformity.
  3. Rapid circulation of fabric through the machine minimizes creasing because the fabric is not held in any one configuration very long.
  4. Lengthwise tension for disperse dyes on the fabric is low so the fabric develops bulk and fullness of handle.
  5. Dyeing at high temperature of about 130C gives rapid dyeing, improved dyeutilization, improved fastness properties and makes possible the elimination of carriers required when dyeing at lower temperatures.
  6. The lower liquor ratio used in jetdyeing allows shorter dye cycles and saveschemicals and energy.

Standard Operating Procedure of Dyeing Factory:

Autogarment dyeing factory follows its own quality management system. Every department has a SOP (Standard operating procedure). According to SOP all function are being done. There are some essential forms and register for proper functioning each department. All function are documented in respective department.

We follow 4 point system for inspection of greige fabric and finished fabric. In this system AQL limit is 28. Our main customer is Autogarment dyeing factory. we purchased yarn, dyes & chemicals. There is a checking system of every raw material. If its quality is pass, then its goes for using in production. Our main production division is knitting, dyeing and finishing.

A standard production processes of dyeing factory follow:


Greige fabric inspection




Inspection of Finished fabric

RFD (Ready for Delivery)

A dyeing factory have a standard Organogram. According to Organogram all recruitments are being done.


Before InsulationAfter Insulation
DateTime For Temp. Increasing (45-98)°CTime For Temp. Decreasing (98-80)°CDateTime For Temp. Increasing (45-98)°CTime For Temp. Decreasing (98-80)°C


Before Insulation
DateTemp. of 01´´ ValveTemp. of 02´´ ValveTemp. of 04´´ ValveTemp. of 06´´ Valve
After Insulation
DateTemp. of 01´´ ValveTemp. of 02´´ ValveTemp. of 04´´ ValveTemp. of 06´´ Valve


Before Insulation
DateHeat Exchanger Temp. When M/C Temp. Inside Temp. is 100°C
After Insulation
DateHeat Exchanger Temp. When M/C Temp. Inside Temp. is 100°C

Findings for Disperse Dyes and Other Dyes in Dyeing Area

  • Need to clean & waterless beside of Overflow machine area
  • Passage marking for all dyeing section
  • Need to clean color room (Found poly, west water, empty dram)
  • Electric cables & Electric board should be transfer in old color room. It’s found open & coverless.
  • Danger sign for SDP board
  • Need to create separate area for empty chemical dram or container & it’s also designated.
  • Jute bag should be transfer from dyeing area for free passage
  • Some electric cables found coverless in finishing area. It is looking danger
  • Need to area marking for keeping trolley
  • Need to clean in thread store
  • Ensure all worker should use their PPE, in this act need to collect a list of PPE

Limitation of Jet Dyeing Machines:

Some limitation of jet m/c is described below-

jet dyeing for dyes for dyeing polyester
Jet Dyeing Machines
  1. Capital and maintenance costs are higher for this machine and for disperse dyes
  2. Limited accessibility makes cleaning between dyeing and sampling for colorduring the dye cycle difficult.
  3. The jet action tends to make formulations foam in partially flooded jet machines for organic dyes.
[1] Md. Ferdus Alam, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Southeast University, Cell # 1723300700, Email- ferdus.j@gmail.com