Compliance Manager Job Description and Duties

Compliance Manager Job Description and Duties

Compliance manager job

Compliance Manager Job Description To work in an environment where there is an opportunity of being useful by means of self-assessment and self improvement in both individual and group based work that will ultimately lead the future development of the organization. …

  • Official Documents Maintain. Designing a complete Management Information System.
  • Manpower Planning. Responsible for performing internal audit and follow-up audit on Ethical Standard, C-TPAT, Technical/Quality, Safety issues (building, electrical & fire safety) and Environmental issues in factories of B find out the nonconformities and to take proper measures to address the nonconformities following integrated management system to make compliance sustainable.
  • Staff Development. Formulation of Rules, Regulations, Policies, Procedures Regarding Company’s Admin, Compliance and other related issues and taking proper measure/initiative to implement the policies, procedures, rules and regulations in respect of local labor laws and Buyers code of conduct.
  • Need to flow Compliance Matrix And Checklist for RMG Factory
  • Compliance Manager Job Description Developing HR Policies.
  • Job and Role analysis. Responsive to follow, check  that whole employment procedures and practices are being maintained properly as per policy & records, reports, formats, statements, ranks & files relation to whole range of staffing including promotion, increment, transfer, separation etc. are properly prepared & maintained.
  • Selection & Recruitment.
  • Job Satisfaction Survey. Responsible for formulating & developing company’s own Ethical Standard/Code of  Conduct, Social Compliance Standards
  • Revising Guidelines on employee benefits.
  • Prepared & Formulated HR related various ç.    Programs, Schedule, Rules.
  • Provide necessary support to management in      performing activities in the ea of labor.
  • Factory Compliance. FCCA (Factory Capacity & Capability Assessment)-Technical/ Quality Audit.
  • To ensure factory security of plant, premises & personnel.
  • participate/ arrange in factory’s transport service system.
  • participate in factory establishment & asset management.
  • To participate in factory’s construction, expansions, resource mobilization, renovation program
  • Follow up the audit findings and remove the matter as quick as possible.
  • Conducting of internal periodical audit in factories in respect of –
  • Social/ Ethical Standard
  • Technical /Quality. To ensure that all welfare issues are being properly handled and in compliant.
  • Security/ C-TPAT & submitting report to factory Management and CHO concern and follow up the findings to remove off.
  • Designing & ensuring effective training & development program on-
  • Occupational Health. To ensure that all health & safety issues are properly maintained and kept always in compliant.
  • New Employees Orientation
  • Management Techniques. Designing a suitable plan for security of men, material and information of the factories of group.
  • Rules &  Behaviors Issues. To ensure that non-discrimination in course of employment, protect child labor, force labor and other type of unauthorized labor in both corporate office and factories of the group
  • Staff Policy. Responsive to monitor that all the required licenses and contacts are updated.
  • Production Efficiency. Mobilize the initiative of different committees functional in the factory to make effective working condition.
  • Wastage management
  • Chemical Handling. To ensure that all environmental issues including required layout, availability of all facilities designed properly and kept always in compliant.
  • Applying the proper grievance redress procedures, smooth removal of industrial disputes through open dialogue between the concern parties.
  • Handling of disciplinary cases by taking proper measures considering labor laws and other requirements.
  • To supervise all installation, fixing, construction work.
  • Compliance Manager Job Description To deal with all procurement, distribution & provisioning activities:-
  • To asses/identify all purchase/procurement requirement of the factory, process the requistion, for warded these to head office as recommended by the concerned factory head and follow-up same.
  • To check/verify all purchase related requisition from all departments, process these and forwarded then to head office as recommended by the concerned factory head & follow-up.
  • To ensure that all ultra…/trash/Jhut are in regular disposal/sale.
  • Human Rights issues
  • Security, Health & Safety. To put up/ recommended/ forward in coordination with factory mgt. all requisition as  per buyers audit requirements for procurements and follow up  installation, fixing  provision of  the same those required as in place in a proper and timely manner.
  • Health & Safety. Global Security Verification/ Security System/ C-TPAT Audit.
  • To ensure that no force employment occurred in the factories.
  • To ensure that employment of no child/young looking workers are made.
  • To ensure non decimation in course of employment, paying/ providing wages/salary/benefits/facilities/welfare.
  • To attend/participate workers welfare committee meeting. Offer frequent hearing to the agreed workers in.
  • To coordinate with manager/asst. manager/officer (labour relation) from time to time in respect of disciplinary/ IR issues and refer the issues to him.
  • To ensure access/right to inspection during buyer’s audits.
  • To check all data, records, reports, formats, statement, rack, files, books & register of all departments are properly prepared, issued, up-date & maintained as per compliance requirement/standards:-
  • To take instant corrective action in auditors certain minor findings/ discrepancies during audit.
  • To ensure that all corrective action has been taken with regular follow up: as per CAP submitted.
  • Hygiene & Employee Welfare & Compliance.
  • Handling Factory Compliance. Sending of different buyers audit CAP & ensure address all the issues accordingly.
  • Supervising all work of personnel/ HR
  • Monitoring Labour Industrial law. To maintain regular close communication with the concerned buyers and their nominated audit team as per schedule, making necessary correspondence with team and respond to their all queries/ information
  • Compliance Manager Job Description Making Salary Sheet
  • Making Attendance Report Ø Maintaining leave, Maternity & Accident Register
Compliance Manager Job Description


Compliance Manager Job Description prefer to work in an organization where friendly organized environment with team sprit that I can get a good opportunity for career development to any area of job particularly in the computational activity area which is suitable for me according to my qualification that I would be able to use my knowledge and experience.