Safety Harness Equipment’s for Clothing Industries

Safety Harness Equipment’s for Clothing Industries – To provide safety harnesses and lifelines to protect workers carrying out hazardous work above 8 feet from floor level and or where the is risk of falling can result in injury or death and also working within confined space

Safety Harness Procedure:

  • Survey to be carried out to determine where harness required.
  • The correct types of harnesses to be provided.
  • Safety harnesses to be used where required.
  • Training in the use of harnesses should be given.
  • Harnesses and attachments on register and regularly checked once in 3 month.
  • Stocks to be at store and checked during issue.
  • Discard any defective belt and or ropes by Safety Harness

Hearing conservation

To prevent permanent or diminished loss of hearing caused by working at specified activities which creates zone where the equivalent noise level is equal to or exceeds 85 dBA.


  • A noise surveys the premises to be conducted.
  • The noise zones to be identified.
  • Survey to carried out to determine where hand protection is required.
  • Suitable gloves to be provided for Safety Harness
  • Supervisors to check that hand protection are in good condition and used where required.
  • Issue gloves and keep records of such issue.
  • Issue gloves and keep records of such issue.
  • Contractors to use suitable gloves where needed.
  • Symbolic signs to be poster.
  • Approved hearing protectors to be provided.
  • Hearing protectors to be worn where required.
  • Supervisors to check if worn.

Respiratory Equipment

To provide the correct type of respiratory equipment to ensure a safe working environment and in the event of an emergency on site.


  • Self contained breathing apparatus to be used for all entries into confined space.
  • Person /persons to be trained in the use of the apparatus.
  • Apparatus to be kept in Gate House / Store and issued on request.
  • Apparatus to be checked and certified once every 3 months and recorded.
  • Defective apparatus to be made operative or destroyed.

Respiratory Equipment

To provide the correct type of respiratory equipment to ensure a safe working environment and in the event of an emergency on site.


  • Self contained breathing apparatus to be used for all entries into confined space.
  • Person /persons to be trained in the use of the apparatus.
  • Apparatus to be kept in Gate House / Store and issued on request.
  • Apparatus to be checked and certified once every 3 months and recorded.
  • Defective apparatus to be made operative or destroyed.

Protective Clothing

Objective:To ensure that the correct protective clothing is issued to the work force for the environment they are working.

Procedure:Loose fit clothes not allowed within shop floors. BOL provides uniform to all permanent workers which are tailored not to be loose fit.

Contractors / Casual or contract labour:Sufficient control to be exercised to check and see that contract labours and or Casual labours do not use loose clothing while working on or near any machines with moving parts.

Special Clothing

To study and find out requirement of special protective clothing e.g. Aprons, head covers etc.To provide protective clothing to company employee.

Contractors working within the premises to provide the same for their workforce. All protective clothing issued to the workforce should be clean & in good repair. End of Safety Harness