Production Monitoring System Software for Clothing Factory
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Production Monitoring System Software for Clothing Factory
Production Monitoring System is built on 4 parts
Cutting Plan
Cutting Plan: For this production department need to make cutting plan.
Flow Chart
- PO Sheet Collection
- Spreading Sheet Collection
- Order Entry
- Make Cutting Plan
- Barcode Generate
- Print Barcode Sheet
- Cut and Attach Individual Barcode into bundle
- Send Bundle to Print / Embroidery/ Washing Factory by Scan
- Receive Bundle from Print / Embroidery/ Washing Factory by Scan
- Sewing Input – Assign Bundle to Sewing Lines by Scan
- Sewing Output – Receive and Adjust Bundle by Scan

Lost time :
Lost time categories to be shown for all operators by default. If any lost time is there for the particular operator it should be entered in the system against the lost time category by the recorder.
Process rejection :
Rejections to be entered against each process/each operator (if possible) with rejection category.
Operator Mapping:
Operators to be mapped against line no on daily basis after the line balancing.
Real time Reports Requirements:
Style/buyer/item/process wise Production Report
Operator efficiency report
Incentive Report
Skill matrix
Line balancing analysis report
Other customized reports
Case Study
Apparel industry is an integrated knit manufacturer carrying out knitting, dyeing, cutting, sewing, packing and export of knit garments to the USA. At any given time we have several Styles simultaneously in production.
The inputs are common to all the styles – yarns of various qualities, various knit structures, dyeing in several colors, cutting/stitching/packing labor, sewing thread, buttons, labels, zippers, drawcords for hoodies and sweatpants, polyester blisters and cartons for packing.
We have physical Stores for (1) Yarns (2) Undyed fabrics and drawcords, etc. (3) Dyed fabrics and drawcords, (4) Accessories : Sewing thread, labels, buttons, zippers, blisters and cartons for packing, etc. etc. and (5) Packed garments for export.
Each Style is assigned a Job Number. All material and labor inputs are issued and tracked against the Job Number. All material tracking is done via spreadsheets at each Store. Further all labor tracking is also done via spreadsheets at the Cutting/Sewing/Packing department’s respectively.
Every month this cost data is manually fed to the Financial Accounting Module to generate a monthly Profit & Loss Statement. Needless to say this is inefficient and reporting lags actual production. We are looking for an on-line Job Cost Tracking Software that would allow digital input of data at the Source to eliminate the manual and duplicative effort and be on-line.