Importance of Organisational Behaviour – Course Objective:
The objective of this Importance of Organisational Behaviour is to focus on a systematic approach in the understanding of Importance of Organisational Behaviour. The systematic study of organizational behavior would help to link organizational effectiveness to individuals, groups, and structure. WE sale HR and Payroll Software for Clothing Industry ..
Organization is made up of interlocking parts each of which plays a clearly defined role in the functioning of the whole. Additionally, organizations are input-output transformation systems that depend on their environment for survival. The study of Importance of Organisational Behaviour would help to interpret the environment, coordinate activities and facilitate decision making by processing information horizontally and vertically through a structural hierarchy. Organizations are composed of a verity of constituents, both internal and external, with diverse interest that seek control over the decision making process to enhance their position. These organizational participants desire to be able to predict what others will do. The study of this subject will help to develop thus predictive skill and apply it in the some meaningful way to make organizations more effective.
Course Outline:
Introduction: What is Organizational Behavior; Responding to Global and Cultural Diversity
The Individual: Foundation of Individual Behavior; Perception and Individual Decision Making; Values, Attitudes, and Job satisfaction; Basic Motivation Concepts; Motivation: From Concepts to Applications; Theories of Motivation.
The Group: Foundation of Group Behavior; Understanding Works Team; Communications; Leadership; Power and Politics; Conflict, Negotiation, and Inter Importance of Organisational Behaviour.
The Organization System: Foundation of Organization structure; Technology, Work design, and Stress; Human Resources Politics and Practices; Organization Culture
Organizational Dynamics: Organizational Change and Development; The historical Evolution of Organizational; Behavior; Research in Organizational Behavior
Questionary About Labor
- Are there any local laws that rules against forced labor?
- Does factory have a copy of these laws posted?
- Are the factory’s rules and regulations certified by local labor
- department or NGO?
- How factory communicates their rules and regulations to workers?
- Is there any evidence of prison or forced labor within the factory?
- Are employees free to leave once their shift has ended?
- Discrimination & Coercion
- Does the factory have any policy against corporal punishment and mental harassment?
- Is there any evidence of management or supervisor using any kind of corporal punishment or mental coercion against workers?
- Does factory conduct any kind of testing with the purpose of detecting pregnancy on female employees?
- Are handicaps prevented in any way from working at facility?
- If “Yes”, Why?
- Is there any evidence of any employee (male/female) experiencing any sexual harassment?
- Are employees free to talk with co-workers during working hours within reasonable time?
- Are workers free to belong to a labor union or express their grievances?
- What is the country minimum working age?
- Does factory verify that all workers are above legal minimum age?
- Does factory obtain age proof records form all workers? What kind?
- *In the case that the labor laws allow minors over 15 to 18 years old to work, Complete below:
- Are all these workers certified by local labor department and legal guardians?
- What is the limit number of hours stipulated by local law,which these workers could actually (physically) work?
- What is the maximum number of hours for which thes employees must be paid for?
- Is the factory complying with these local law restriction on labor hours/wages?
- Do factory provide social contribution to the employees?
- Do factory provide any medical insurance to the employees?
- Do factory provide house allowance for the employees?
- Are legal deductions or contributions for social benefit calculated and done correctly?
- End of Importance of Organisational Behaviour