Emergency Lamp & Exit light

What is Emergency Lamp & Exit light? Are emergency lights placed above exits and stairwells? Is adequate fire detection and fire fighting equipment installed in all areas? Are appropriate fire extinguishers available, accessible, and clearly marked? All Exits, Stairwells and area where chances of become total dark when power is shut off should have self powered rechargeable emergency lamp. The type of lights most suggestible would be to have on top of all exits with “EXIT” written in both English and local Language. And for the areas (Dark Zone) should have spot light type or tube light types and this type of lights should also be installed in Stairwells. These  emergency lights should always be kept on “ARM” position during work hours. …

Floor Aisle Marking

All the floors (Aisle) of the factory need to be marked with yellow colored lines with a RED ARROW indication towards exit. These aisle are to be kept clear all time and workers should be trained  of  not keeping any thing (Crossing) these aisle marking. These aisles are kept clear at all time for easy movement during evacuation.

“Yellow Box” Mark

A “Yellow Box” to be  painted in front of all exits, Fire fighting equipment’s, electrical control panels and fire potential areas which is a sign informing that nothing should be kept on those places, as because in case of fire one can easily take extinguishers, shut down main switches or could easily evacuate without obstructions

Fire Alarm

Does the facility have emergency evacuation diagrams posted in conspicuous locations in the facility in the native language(s) of the workers? Can the emergency / evacuation alarm be heard in all areas of the factory? Does the facility conduct fire/emergency evacuation drills at least twice a year? If “Yes” are there records noting date and details? It is suggestible that factory should at minimum have Battery operated Fire Alarm along with GONG BELL, the switches should be placed in such areas where one think is a place which may seem to be FIRE POTENTIAL ZONE”. These switches should be covered and how to activate should be written in both English and local Language which should be posted in front of these switches.

Fire Drill

Fire Drills (Bangladesh) should be conducted once every month. All records (including total evacuation time) Should be kept in the Fire drill Record/Log.

Fire Fighting & Evacuation Procedure for Finishing Section

  • Person according to the layout will put off the floor circuit breakers.
  • Fire fighters will take their respective fire extinguishers to put off fire.
  • Iron man nearest to the boiler will put off the boiler switch and turn off the gas flow valve.
  • Supervisors will conduct the evacuation through main exit and emergency exit.
  • Evacuation to be proceeded with strict discipline. Some people according to the layout will help the evacuation to be disciplined.
  • Nobody should try to take his belongings with him at the time of evacuation.

Fire Fighting & Evacuation Procedure for Sewing Sections

  • Person according to the layout will put off the circuit breakers.
  • Fire fighters will take their respective fire extinguishers to put off fire.
  • Nobody should try to take his belongings with him at the time of evacuation.
  • Supervisors will conduct the evacuation through main exit and emergency exit.
  • Evacuation to be proceeded with strict discipline. Some people according to the layout will help the evacuation to be disciplined.

Fire Fighting & Evacuation Procedure for Cutting Section

  • Person according to the layout will put off the circuit breakers.
  • Fire fighters will take their respective fire extinguishers to put off fire.
  • Nobody should try to take his belongings with him at the time of evacuation.
  • Supervisors will conduct the evacuation through main exit and emergency exit.
  • Evacuation to be proceeded with strict discipline. Some people according to the layout will help the evacuation to be disciplined. End of Emergency Lamp