Control of Records

PURPOSE of Control of Records:

To define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records. We sale electronic document management system aaa


Applies to all quality and environmental records generated at Auto Textiles Ltd. as an evidence of conformity to ISO 9001:2000/ISO 14001:1996 and effective operations of the company. 


Records, as distinguished from documents, are static historic information. They do not change, and so do not have to be controlled for change, as documents need to be. 


Documents originators are responsible for specifying what records are needed to document conformance to the operative quality management/environmental management systems as per ISO 9001:2000/ISO 14001:1996 as well as the records needed for the effective operation.

Department Manager or his/her nominee has the responsibility for retention and maintenance of quality records.

Management Representatives upon consultation with the department heads shall identify the retention time of the quality records.


Document originator shall specify what records are needed to conform to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:1996 as appropriate and to meet legal and customer requirements in Master Procedure and Standard Operating Procedures

Management Representatives upon consultation wit the department heads shall identify the minimum retention time of quality/environmental management records. Retention period shall be sufficient to accommodate the purpose of the particular record.  Attention should be paid to legal requirements for retention.

Records identified in the procedures along with the retention time and custodian will be listed in Quality Records List or Environmental Records List as appropriate by the respective Management Representative. Incase, any record is not identified in the procedure, but required for effective operation of the quality/environmental management system, will also be included in this list by the concerned Management Representative.

The lists will be made available with all department and section heads.Records shall be filed, indexed in a way that they are readily retrievable and Control of Records shall be protected in suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss. To achieve this, the following methods may be followed:

Records will be filed based on type. If different types of records preserved in one file, then the file will be indexed.Each file shall have unique identification number and name.Person responsible for maintenance of files shall maintain a list of files with custodian location for easy retrieval.

Permanent ink shall be used in writing quality records.Department Heads shall make quality and environmental records available for audits and review.

Customer or customer’s representative shall be permitted access to quality/environmental records where provision is made in contract or by the approval of Executive Director and/or Managing Director.Computer System Security

Electronic data and records will be controlled and secured using a back-up system. Back up will be taken every day or week as required. Instead of tape back-up, printed copy may be preserved as back-up 

Several Personal Computers can be made available in different departments to aid in the work. The person using the PC shall be responsible to secure files containing quality records by using password.

Disposal Of Records:Upon completion of the minimum retention period, department may, at

Some Document Records

  • Salary Sheet.
  • Factory License.
  • Fire License.
  • Trade License.
  • Boiler License.
  • Boiler Operator License.
  • Leave Register.
  • Fire Drill Register.
  • Fire Equipments Records.
  • Fire Training Records.
  • First Aid Training Records.
  • Phone Bill.
  • Gas Bill.
  • Electricity Bill.
  • Transport Bill.
  • Machine Purchase Bill.
  • Pay Slip.
  • Photocopy of Worker’s Card.
  • Machine List.
  • Details or Factory Complex (Area, Complex Canteen. Etc.


Control of Records – Its discretion destroy the records by burning or shredding considering the validity and usefulness of the record in question.