Chemical Purchase Procedure

To restrict Chemical Purchase Procedure of banned dyes/chemical items, the following procedures will be followed:

Implementation Routine:

What to do:How to do:When to do:
List out the restricted substances/dyes/chemicals.Follow the buyer code of conduct, chemical restriction guidelines (et. RSL & MRSL).Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Aware/inform the respective suppliers.Following the policy.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Inform the procurement department not to procure banned/restricted items.By email/Meeting.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
What to do:How to do:When to do:
Inform the store department not to receive/store banned/restricted items.By email/Meeting.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Inform all the concerned department /people not to receive/store/use banned/restricted items.By email/Meeting.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.

Communication & Training:

Topic to be communicated:Communication method/tools:Time:
Inform all the concerned department /people.Meeting.After the policy approval/amendment.
Inform the management team.Conduct Meeting.

Collect & document the meeting minutes.

After the policy approval/amendment.
Inform the production supervisors.Meeting.


Collect & document the meeting minutes/training documents.

After the policy approval/amendment.
Inform all the internal employees.Meeting.

Awareness training.

PA system.

After the policy approval/amendment.
Topic to be communicated:Communication method/tools:Time:
Inform the new employees.Meeting.

Awareness training.

PA system.

After the policy approval/amendment.

Control & Feedback:

Internal inspection.

Taking Interview.

Interview employees.

Interview with authority.

Check files, papers etc.


Internal Audit Team.
ReportingMake report based on the information available.

Meeting with internal auditor & authority.

Main causes of the issues found.

Taking appropriate measures.

Internal Audit Team.
Control> Risk analysis.

> Taking preventive measures.

> Follow up & monitoring.

√ HR & Compliance department.

√ Welfare officer.

CorrectionMake changes in the policy & procedures if needed.Concerned department heads.

Implementation & Communication:

What to do:How to do:When to do:
List out the restricted substances/dyes/chemicals.Follow the buyer code of conduct, chemical restriction guidelines (et. RSL & MRSL).Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Aware/inform the respective suppliers.Following the policy.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Inform the procurement department not to procure banned/restricted items.By email/Meeting.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Inform the store department not to receive/store banned/restricted items.By email/Meeting.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.
Inform all the concerned department /people not to receive/store/use banned/restricted items.By email/Meeting.Just after getting the chemical restrictions/guidelines.


End of Chemical Purchase procedure. Clothing Inventory Management Software ERP for Sale