Actions to rectify defects are not taken immediately. Defects of inline and end of line inspections are not recorded. Insufficient number of inline QCs.
No records of pre-production meetings with any subcontractors (e.g. washing, embroidery, printing).
No copy of buyer’s safety requirement available. Metal detector is unable to detect test card. No pull test equipment available. Button pull testing procedure does not meet with the George standard. Broken needle procedure is in place but not effective as broken parts were found e.g. in maintenance room.
George technical manual not available. No hardcopy of customer manuals available overall and in each section where relevant. Quality in charge does not fully understand customer requirements.
Lighting found below the required FC plus.
Inspection Issue
Inspection Machine , Testing & Maintenance: Weekly Sprinkler heads Sprinkler Piping Control Valves Pumper Connections (Fire Department pumper connections)
Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Monthly Physical damage of sprinkler heads Corrosion or leaks of sprinkler piping Post indicator control valves
Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Quarterly Water flow devices Valve supervisory devices Supervisory signal devices (except valve supervisory switches) Priming water Low air pressure alarms Quick-opening devices Main Drains
Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Weekly Control Valve – (sealed) Gauges
Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Monthly Control Valve – (locked) Control Valve – (tamper switches)
Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Quarterly Fire Department Connection Hose Valves Low Air Pressure Alarms Main Drain Pressure Regulating Devices and Connections Waterflow AlarmsInspection, Testing & Maintenance: Semiannually Control Valve – (tamper switches)
Inspection, Testing & Maintenance: Annually Flow Test Most Remote Hose Connection Hydrostatic Test (dry systems or pipe) Pressure Control Valve Pressure Reducing Valve
In case of wash garments, Shrinkage Tester plays a vital role. There will be different pattern for diff shrinkage. As per color family, we also assign shrinkage family to each color. Shrinkage Segregation Tester will be done for vertical and horizontal respectively.
Take a swatch of 12” x 12” and mark both side with 10” X 10” and wash this.
Shrinkage Segregation
Measure the wash swatch with shrinkage scale and derive the vertical and horizontal shrinkage.
We assign the shrinkage family in four groups.
B VERTICAL 3.5 – 6.5%
So we make a report for each group and forward it to store so that it can issue fabric accordingly.
In case of wash garments, shrinkage plays a vital role. There will be different pattern for diff shrinkage. As per color family, we also assign shrinkage family to each color. Shrinkage will be done for vertical and horizontal respectively. In general, shrinkage guideline is divided into four groups as follows:
B VERTICAL 3.5 – 6.5%
Each group issued one by one only to cutting section.
However as per shrinkage, Technical GM may change the groups.
Technical meeting
Technical GM sends mail to respective concerned people about the arrangement of technical meeting prior to production.
All the concerned people should be present in the meeting , regardless of whatever work they have , to discuss about the critical issues concerned with the particular style.
The meeting is done with I.E, PM, Technical manager, General Managers, Quality assurance managers, Line Supervisors, Line Managers, washing manager and maintenance manager.
Sewing line setting
First thing is that, the line managers should be very clear with the buyer approved tech pack and also with the technical details given by the technical GM.
They also have to ensure that the buyer approved sample matches with buyer approved tech pack and also with the technical details given by Technical GM in concern with measurements, construction, folder attachments, any special artwork etc.
Then they also have to check all the machines are set and operations are carried as per tech pack.
Line managers should ensure that all notches, fusing and panel have correct placements.
Trail run
As a process of trail run, 50 pieces are manufactured initially with all the specifications as per the approved sample.
Technical manager should ensure that printing and also the embroidery part have to be included in the garment as per the approved sample for the trail run itself. End of Shrinkage Tester topics
This Crocking Test Tester verifies the color bleeding property of garment. The instrument called CROCK METER. This process done in two types: (1) DRY CROCKING (2) WET CROCKING. Acceptable standard varies from buyer to buyer but best standard is
For dry process, place the swatch of testing material under plate of crocking test meter. With crock meter cloth, 10 cycle of rubbing will be done on testing material. Shade effect will come on crock meter cloth, then measure it with gray scale and allocate the rating. In wet process, everything remains same except that crock meter cloth is wet with one drop of distil water.
This report is received from Hong Kong office. In head office, styles are divided into two sections. Each buyer follows different system and procedure. Cut plan is based on order recap. Order recap provides all information about style like size, ratio, color, qty, FOB price, shipment date etc. that determine features of cut plan.
Po # sheet is replica of order recap. This report received by concerned merchandiser (in factory) from head office. It works to cross check the order recap report to minimize the chances of errors while making the cut plan. This report also delivers the full information about any style.
This process is done in head office. Buyer require fabric avg., for every order. With miniature marker, we find required avg. and along with marker planning we send fabric-booking sheet to buyer. After including the trims cost, negotiation done for per unit cost.
AUTO is a 100% foreign own and only tent manufacturing company in Bangladesh. AUTO has more than 20 years experience in manufacturing high quality tent, bag, backpack and folding comp chair and consistently the world’s largest manufacturer and specialist in the outdoor industry.
AUTO group has three factories in Bangladesh located at CEPZ, Chittagong. More than 5,000 employees are working in AUTO , Bangladesh now and yearly export from Bangladesh is around 50 million U.S. Dollar. Over 100 members in it’s R&D team are refreshing by new concept on product design development. Sense on the market trend , creative & innovate mind are the main element for developing our product be the best & unique in this field.
During this 20 years development, AUTO made a world-wide network with sales office in Korea, HK, USA, Canada, Australia & Germany with factories in Bangladesh and China.
AUTO group has three factories in Bangladesg located in Chittagong Export Processing Zone , Chittagong. More than 5,000 employees are working in AUTO Bangladesh now and yearly export from Bangladesh is around 50 million U.S. Dollars.
Auto , Bd is going to make a new factory building in Chittagong Export Processing Zone, after making the factory floor area will be increased around 36,000 sft. Accordingly the production is also going to be increase from $50million to 70million from 2005.
The total manpower will be increase around 2,000 from 2005 , Therefore the company have to know. End of crocking test topics
After off-loading the fabrics, one swatch has to be cut from each roll, then mention the yardage and roll no on it. From all these swatches we form a blanket and if it is wash program then send for washing. Washing will be done as per approved standard for that Po # with respective color. This wash blanket will be approved by merchandising dep., technical manager and in case of any discrepancy then it will rewash. Approved blanket will cut into swatches and with the visual effect of each swatch, we assigned them one family. There can be different color family in one color. Color family is always finalized by merchandising manger and technical head. This approval recorded into one report which reveals full information about each color family like roll no. Yardage, no of color family etc… With this report, fabric store will issue the bulk fabric to cutting dep. Fabric store will not issue second color family even a single roll is pending from first one. So one time one color family only then next one. Check also Segregation Tester
4 Point System Fabric Inspection Report
The supplier does 100 % fabric inspection. Factory is doing 10% inspection on received qty by American 4 point system. The given points will be on following defects basis…
0-3 inch (1point)
Above 9” (4point)
After allocating the points on any roll / lot, with the help of following formula we find the POINTS PER 100 SQUARE YARDS
According to the American standards of evaluation, a lot is accepted if it has 40 or less than 40 points/100 Sq.yard. In Lenny, in order to have the best quality output, the points is reduced to 20.(i.e.) if a roll has more than 20 points/100Sq.yard, then that roll is termed as rejected and Technical manager or Merchandising manager will take final decision on that particular roll. The inspection format called RANDOM INSPECTION REPORT FOR FABRICS. This format reflects the full fabric defects; about widths (which play a vital role in cutting,) roll length, etc…
It’s duly signed by fabric inspector and submits the report to quality section. One copy also goes to technical manager
When fabric is received, 8 inches of head ends of each roll has to be cut, mention the yardage and roll no on it. From all these head ends, we form a blanket and if it wash program then send for washing. Washing will be done as per approved standard for that Po # with respective color. This wash blanket will be approved by merchandise dep., technical manager and in case of any discrepancy then it will rewash. Approved blanket will cut into swatches and with the visual effect of each swatch, we assigned them one family. There can be different color family in one color. Color family always finalize by merchandise manger and technical head. This approval recorded into one report which reveals full information about each color family like roll no. Yardage, no of color family etc… With this report, fabric store will issue the bulk fabric to cutting dep. Fabric store will not issue second color family even a single roll is pending from first one. So one time one color family only then next one.
Lоwеr thе соllарѕiblе Mесhаniѕm in thе swift/wheel. This will lооѕеn thе lеа аnd fасilitаtе thеir rеmоvаl frоm thе whееl соnvеniеntlу.
The mаdе оut Lеаѕ саn bе uѕеd fоr dеtеrminаtiоn оf count оr ѕtrеngth оf thе yarn. The Lеаѕ mау bе соnditiоnеd bеfоrе саrrуing out thеrе tеѕtѕ.
Thе соllарѕiblе mесhаniѕm iѕ lоwеrеd in thе ѕwift/whееl.
Thе mаdе-оut lеаѕ can be used fоr dеtеrminаtiоn оf соunt оr ѕtrеngth оf thе уаrn еtс.
Testing Equipment Systems Limited
Add Daojiao, Dongguan city,
P. R. China Tel +86 769 2329 4842
Mob +86 158 7646 8074
Web :
Fabric examining machine with variable speed control, overhead lighting and yardage counter. The machine must be clean with no excess oil and no sharp edges to damage the fabric. The garment making process should inspect 10% of rolls from each delivery AT RANDOM – this should include all colours and dye lots within a delivery. If the results show a high fault rate, an additional 15% of the rolls should be inspected. A high fault rate is defined as an average fault rate in excess of 29 points per 100 square yards.
Fabric examining machine procedure:
Auto as a standard for design, colour and handle. The process needs to check against this cutting as follows:
Design, Colour, Handle, Shading
At the beginning of each roll, a 6” full width cutting should be taken as a design & colour reference and checked against the approved bulk cutting for the following:
side to centre and side to side shading
This full width cutting must be labelled with the order number, fabric reference number or name, batch number, piece number, colour name, colour number, date and whether it was acceptable to the approved bulk cutting or not.
The width of the fabric between the stenter pins must be measured and compared with the given minimum usable width.
Shading & Width
Each roll checked, should be stopped at least 3 times during inspection. At these stops design, colour, handle and side to centre and side to side shading should be assessed. End to End shading must be checked by comparing the full width cutting to this point in the roll. Also the cuttable width (between stenter pins) should be measured.
The cuttable width should be recorded on the inspection report, as should any design, colour or handle variability detected.
The garment making process should check the fabric length stated on the piece ticket against the actual length of roll for variance. Both values should be recorded on the inspection report.
During the inspection, the fabric needs to be checked for defects which are rated on the 4 point system, as follows:
– Flaws up to 3” in length = 1 point
– Flaws up to 6” in length = 2 points
– Flaws up to 9” in length = 3 points
– Flaws over 9” in length = 4 points
* The maximum penalty for any running yard (36” x fabric width) must not be more than 4 points.
* Flaws in both warp and weft receive equal points.
* All holes, regardless of size, must be penalised 4 points.
* No more than 2 joins per fabric roll are allowed.
* The average point value per shipment should not exceed 28 points per 100 square yards.
* Individual rolls exceeding 40 points per 100 sq. yards must be rejected.
How to calculate points per 100 square yard:
Actual points counted x 36” x 100 = points / 100 sq. yards
Actual roll length Actual width
e.g. 25 x 36” x 100 = 28 points / 100 sq.yards
75 yds 43”
After the inspection is completed, calculate the average point value per 100 sq. yards by totalling the points and dividing by the number of pieces inspected.
This will be the final points total for this inspection.
All defect points must be recorded in the inspection report. In addition, the location of all defects must be marked at the right selvedge of the piece.
Bowing & Skewing
Any bowing or skewing needs to be mentioned on the inspection form as a percentage.
Colour Continuity
The process needs to prepare a colour continuity card which shows a 10cm wide x 20cm long (minimum) cutting of each roll. These need to be mounted onto a card by folding them in half (lengthwise) and overlapping each other. The continuity card should then be assessed in the light box under the requested light source against the approved bulk fabric cutting sent by Auto. See light box guide below.
If any shading is found that is not commercial, the process needs to send roll cuttings to Auto immediately for their approval. A roll cutting is a 20cm long x full width cutting of each roll.
Please ensure that any shading found is marked on the inspection form, by stating how many different shades in total were found.
Washing Shrinkage
In order to assess washing shrinkage the process needs to wash piece(s) of the bulk fabric for every order/colour, picked from rolls at random and 1 piece per 1000yds, mark an area of 50cm x 50cm and wash & dry according to the advised washcare on the make sheet. Then gently smooth out the fabric by hand (do not iron it) and please enter the found shrinkage/extension on the inspection form.
Please also press half of the washed cutting (if pressing is required for the order) to assess the look after pressing and confirm that it is acceptable i.e. that the fabric lays straight and true and has no degree of pucker. Please confirm the outcome on the fabric inspection report.
For any fabrics that are woven on 2 beams we require you to send half of the washed and half of the pressed cutting attn. to our fabric technologist immediately for our reference. Please note that you can identify any 2 beam fabrics by the wording ‘dobby’ added to the fabric sheet.
How to measure correctly?
In order to get accurate figures on shrinkage/extension that are fully representative of bulk, please follow the below steps:
Take ¾ to 1 yard full width of fabric.
Any measurement taken should be taken from markers at least 6 inches away from the selvedge or piece end.
The length/width measured should be 50cm (warp) x 50cm (weft) and should be measured using a fine ball point marker, so that no deviation occurs.
All measuring should be carried out using a ruler with each centimeter subdivided into 10 parts.
The sample should be washed at the required temperature (see washcare on make sheet) and dried (if required on the washcare). Straighten the fabric out after it has dried and measure in the unironed state.
Any shrinkage/extension figures should be specified with 1 decimal, e.g. -1.6%
Steaming Shrinkage
In order to assess steaming shrinkage the process needs to take piece(s) of the bulk fabric for every order/colour, picked from rolls at random and 1 piece per 1000yds, mark an area of 50cm (warp) x 50cm (weft) and iron according to the advised care instructions on the make sheet. Please enter the found shrinkage/extension on the inspection form.
How to measure correctly?
In order to get accurate figures on shrinkage/extension that are fully representative of bulk, please follow the below steps:
Take ¾ to 1 yard full width of fabric.
Any measurement taken should be taken from markers at least 6 inches away from the selvedge or piece end.
The length/width measured should be 50cm (warp) x 50cm (weft) and should be measured using a fine ball point marker, so that no deviation occurs.
All measuring should be carried out using a ruler with each centimeter subdivided into 10 parts.
The sample should be ironed at the required temperature (see care instructions on make sheet).
Any shrinkage/extension figures should be specified with 1 decimal, e.g. -1.6%
On any yarn dyed orders where the design has a light ground and where any parts of the garment will be fused or if comments on contamination are made in sample approval comments (only applicable for samples made from correct bulk fabric), please fuse 4 pieces of fabric (representing collars/cuffs/plackets) picked randomly from different roles to assess whether there is any fabric contamination that will show up after fusing.
If you do not find the cuttings commercially acceptable or if you are not sure, please send them through to the fabric technologist at Auto Ltd. for approval
Standard Operation Procedure
A – Unloading
Perform By –Store Keeper
Report to – Store Manager
Must check and be ready with all relevant documents from commercial manager sending by mail of the goods before unloading. Then store manager will be responsible inform to GMP / GMA for their reference by mail.
Packing list
I f above documents is ok store manager will allow to unloading goods in unloading area ( quarantine area ) and inform to QA Manager to do the inspection of fabric and trims.
Also when the unloading is start bellow responsible peoples must be present at unloading area.
Store Manager
Senior in charge
Security Officer
And count accordingly to the packing list and make sure goods are tally with the packing list submitted by commercial manager. If there is a any shortage store manager must update the by mail commercial manager and GMP/GMA for the further action
B – Fabric Inspection
Perform By – Fabric Inspector
Report to – QAM
The purpose of this procedure is to inspect the quality of the fabric as per buyer’s requirement &take the necessary corrective &preventive action to rectify all the failures.
This procedure covers all fabric the is to be used for production at Auto Garment in Fabric Inspection Machine
Fabric inspector will be responsible to do fabric inspection as per the 4 point system under supervision by quality manager
Sample selection criteria for inspection random selected 10% of the bulk lot wise.
Fabric inspector must check 10 % from received quantity as per lot wise.
Uncover the fabric roll & lead into the inspection machine.
Fabric color standard has to be maintained at the inspection machine during inspection.
in case of buyer approved sample is unavailable factory QAM approved sample will be present at inspection machine.
Color standards should contain as follows.
color name
shade group
Must doing inspection against supply inspection report.
Inspection of fabric should be done as per the following
Correct side of the garment should be considered as the face side of the fabric for inspection.
Length of the fabric roll should be checked against the quantity mentioned in the supplier roll tag any variation in the length should be informed to supplier through the merchandiser.
Usable width if fabric should be checked at 3-5 different places at equal lengths of the roll and compared against the purchased width .if the width is less the purchased width, need to inform fabric supplier with evidence. A mini marker for the actual with should be drawn to the new consumption. The supplier is liable to replace the fabric for extra consumption.
Weight of the fabric will be checked at the three different areas across the width. Average of the three areas should be within +/- 5% of the specification weight.
Fabric defect should be checked according to the 4 point system and marked with a defect sticker highlighting the defect, any approval required, need to arrange the defect sample for approvals & get the approval before pp meeting·
Selvedge of the fabric should be inspected for defect, cutting, waviness etc.
Within the roll color shading will be checked at start, middle end of the roll .if nay variation identified a full width stripe (approximately 6″ width) from start. Middle and end. of the roll will be taken and a blanket will be made to assess the color shading
Above findings shell be marked on the inspection report .sample shell be kept as evidence for any major defect .issue. Point 100 Square and predicted garment fall out to be calculated on above information.
If the point count is greater the 28 point per 100 square need another 10% of the batch is inspected. Still the point count is 28 point per 100 square yards goods cannot pass without 100 % inspection.
If 100 % inspection also found over mark will inform the merchandiser and reject the fabric and do the necessary action.
Sample of the reject goods have to submitted to the relevant merchandiser for getting approval from the buyer
Based on the NRC – Non conformity report must have initiated and the reject goods should be store in a separate rejection area with the clear identification and mark.
After that store manager should be inform to relevant merchandiser with correct quantity as rejected during trims inspection by mail.
Rejected quantity must be sent through the challan to supplier after getting confirmation from respective merchant
Store manager must be follow up status regarding replacement of returns trims and update records accordingly
Replacement fabric must do 100% inspection again.
B – 01: Shade Band procedure
Need to cut 5 pcs of blanket from each roll the measurement of 8″x 8″
Make role wise blanket 1yard X 1 yard 5 sets and sent to washing plant.
It’s should be separate with 3 set of wash and two set of non wash and make shade band.
Wash blanket one set will be handover to washing and another set will be keep as a factory reference, another set should keep as a shade segregation,
Non wash blanket one for washing plant and one should be kept in garment factory reference.
One wash blanket will cut and segregate shade group and will make the report.
Re wash the blanket if shad not within range and get the approval by merchandiser accordingly.
B – 02: Shrinkage Test
[:or shrinkage purpose from each roll will be cut and sent as follows
As sawn above fabric inspector will be responsible to cut pcs from each roll and mark by permanent marker pen with measurement of 50 cm X 50 cm.
After the measurement mark will be sent to washing plant for wash.
Wash shrinkage pcs separately measure for shrinkage and roll will be segregate as per shrinkage.
The same inspector will be responsible to update in a format and hand over to each copy to all relevant department ( store’s/cutting/production/quality)
C – Trims Inspection
Perform By – Trims Auditor
Report to – QAM
To inspect the quality of the trims as per buyer requirement and take the necessary corrective / preventive action to rectify all defects
Trims inspector must have approved trim card sign by merchandiser before start the inspection
Before start the inspection must pass through the metal detection machine for identify the fault .if any metal including in inspected trims report update and inform to QAM for further action.
Should maintain the register with details style/goods received date/color/qty and inspection information (fail/pass)
Inspection shall be done 10% from order quantity. Shall select random sample quantity as per A.Q.L. sample chart
In the event of inspection fail another inspection must be carried out as per the authorization by QAM.
Sample of the reject goods have to submitted to the relevant merchandiser for getting approval from the buyer
Based on the NRC – Non conformity report must have initiated and the reject goods should be store in a separate rejection area with the clear identification and mark.
After that store manager should be inform to relevant merchandiser with correct quantity as rejected during trims inspection by mail.
Rejected quantity must be sent through the challan to supplier after getting confirmation from respective merchant
Store manager must be follow up status regarding replacement of returns trims and update records accordingly
Will do the 100 % inspection for replacement trim’s
D – Fabric and Trims storing
Perform By – Store Keeper
Report to – Store In charge
After inspection pass fabric storing will be done buyer wise and bin card update accordingly under supervision by store keeper
Also trims will be store as per the buyer wise and bin card update accordingly
Also very same time register must be maintain by store keeper
E – Issuing Fabric to cutting
Perform By – Store Keeper
Report to – Store In charge
Before performing this process store keeper must have fabric inspection report/shrinkage / shade report in hand.
Cutting Manager will prepare store challan and sent through the cutting servicer to get required fabric as per shade/shrinkage / width and lot.
Servicer will be present store requisition to store manager and will get approval
After that cutting servicer will submit to store keeper and store keeper will be responsible to issue fabric according to SR.
After issuing store keeper must be responsible to update challan/ register/ bin card according to issuing quantity.
If anything excess cutting manager will be responsible to prepare Meterial Return Challan and sent excess goods to Store Manager
F – Issuing Trims to production line
Perform By- Store Keeper
Report to – Store In charge
Before performing this process store keeper must have Approved trim card in hand.
As per the input quantity sewing servicer will prepare trims requisition form and submitted to store keeper after sign by production manager
Store keeper must cross check with cutting report and line requisition report to re confirm quantity and size ratio to be ok and get approval from store manager
If figures are match store keeper have authority to issue trims according to challan and update register/bin card.
If anything excess Production manager / Finishing Manager will be responsible to prepare Left over Hanover sheet and sent excess goods to Store Manager. It’s should be received by Store Keeper.
G – Prepare Monthly Shipment Status
Perform By – Store Manager
Report to – GMA
Shipment sent as per the commercial invoice and packing list under supervision by store manager / Finishing Manager / Security in charge.
After sending the goods store keeper will be responsible to update the shipment status
End of the month store keeper must complete the shipment status
This report should be checked and forward to respective concern (GMP / GMA/Head IE / Accounts and finance) after approved by GMA
H – Style Reconciliation Report
Perform By – Store Keeper
Report to – Store Manager
Finishing Manager will prepared finishing reconciliation report and sent to Store Department for prepare the style reconciliation report.
Store Keeper left over will be responsible to prepare the style reconciliation report and submit to store manager further checked and sign.
After complete the report and sign by Merchandising department / Head IE / GMP/GMA store manager will be responsible to hand over copy to all concern.
I – Left over stock Report.
Perform By – Store Keeper
Report to – Store Manage
After shipment complete left over store keeper will be prepared the Left over stock report.
This report should be checked and sign by Store manager and GMA.
GMA will be responsible to share this Report with Managing Director
Left over store keeper will be responsible to remove label and sent all left over garments to outside warehouse under FC.
This is the berife description of Fabric Examining Machine Works with 4 Point System
Written By - P.K Roy, GM, Esan Fabric Mills Ltd, Chennay, India