The New Accord bangladesh Legally binding agreement b/w global & national unions and 150+ global apparel brands with international NGO witness signatories. Aims to ensure a safe and sustainable BGD RMG industry. Thorough, independent inspections with public reports. Factories undergo necessary renovations with financial assistance to factories that need it. Requires at least a 2-year commitment to safe factories. Factory that refuses to operate safely will lose business relationship with the accord alliance bangladesh brand(s). Central role for workers and unions, including OHS committees and right to refuse dangerous work. Governance: steering committee with ILO as neutral chair. Receives feedback/input from an advisory board. Mandatory inspections with remediation as determined by engineers/technicians with support of brands as and if required. Disclosure and public access to information. Mandatory training programs and functioning safety committees. Worker safety complaints mechanism.
Description of The Accord Bangladesh
The accord bangladesh is remedial; not punitive.
Inspections are independent, fair, and coordinated.
Public reports are an opportunity for owners/ industry.
Inspection findings will be corrected with the assistance of the brands as required.
Suppliers who meet Accord requirements / execute remediation gain favourable publicity.
Goal is safe factories and sustainable RMG industry.
Inspections of The New Accord Bangladesh
First set of inspections completed in Dec 2013. Public reports issued in March 2014.
Initial inspections of 1500 factories for fire, electrical, structural safety started in Feb. 2104. 600 completed.
Lead brands being assigned for coordination and efficiency.
Worker and management representatives on inspections.
Accord, brand, supplier communications and coordination protocol in place.
Modified random selection among Tier 1 and Tier 2 brands;
Key point person with Accord, factory owner, worker reps, and other the accord bangladesh brands;
Same obligations as all other Accord brands on remediation;
Flexible if unable or other brand wishes to be lead;
Important piece to the administration, execution, and monitoring of the Accord components;
Great appreciation from the Accord staff.
Remediation / Corrective Actions
Inspection report with remediation items issued within 2 weeks of inspection;
Owner, Accord brands in factory, worker representatives receive report simultaneously;
Lead brand coordinates discussions to finalize remediation plan; including confirming necessary resources are available;
Accord CSI authorizes plan. Report is published on Accord website;
Combined efforts to verify corrective actions executed;
Progress is reported on Accord website through to completion and verification.
Outreach of The Accord Bangladesh
Conducting informational sessions with Accord brands and their supplier factories (to discuss Accord, inspections, and remediation plans).
Organizing similar sessions with IndustriAll structures and BILS for worker groups and unions (to discuss Accord and the role of workers and unions; including worker commitment and labour peace).
Engaged with National Effort, ILO, Alliance, BGMEA and BKMEA, and key missions on Accord related issues.
OHS – Worker Participation
The accord bangladesh Steering committee has approved proposal for:
– selection of worker reps for inspections.
– OHS complaints mechanism.
– OHS committee training approaches.
– right to refuse dangerous work.
“PSA” messages on Accord, inspections, and safety committees under development.
Operations and Staffing
Received registration as Liaison Office from BoI.
Recruiting/hiring training coordinator, engineers, trainers, case / complaint handlers, and office support personnel.
Main office secured (10 June move-in date). Field offices / worker centers to be opened (Dhaka, Greater Dhaka and Chittagon
Coordinating role to improve efficiency;
Modified random selection among Tier 1 and Tier 2 brands;
Key point person with Accord, factory owner, worker reps, and other Accord brands;
Same obligations as all other Accord brands on remediation;
Flexible if unable or other brand wishes to be lead;
Important piece to the administration, execution, and monitoring of the Accord components;
Great appreciation from the Accord staff
Update on the Accord
Standards are finalised
There will be 3 inspections: Fire, Electrical and Structural Safety
The Accord is finalising contracts with 4 international firms to conduct initial factory inspections
Inspections will commence in February 2014 and go through to August/September 2014
The accord bangladesh leadership will write to the factory to arrange the inspection date
The Accord inspection team will provide written, advance notice to the factory of the date(s) of the 3 inspections (fire, electrical, structural)
Both management and a worker representative should accompany the inspection teams to observe
The report of each inspection will be forwarded to the factory owner, each brand that produces in the factory and the worker representative
The report will include findings as well as necessary remediation required
The factory owner will be provided with a short period to reply to the inspection report to confirm understanding and commitment to the necessary remediation and timelines
The inspection report will be published on the Accord website as well as updates on implementation of corrective actions taken
The Accord engineers will carry out follow-ups to the inspections and remediation monitoring
Common Findings Hazardous Electrical Wiring 2
Correspondence from the Accord on Fire and Building Safety
Dear Factory Owner/Representative
The Accord is a legally binding agreement between international and national trade unions and international brands and retailers (Companies). Over 140 international brands and retailers have now signed the Accord. 4 international labour NGOs are witnesses to the agreement. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) acts as the independent chair.
The aim of the Accord is the implementation of a programme for reasonable health and safety measures to ensure a safe and sustainable Bangladeshi Ready Made Garment industry for a period of five years. Full details of the Accord are available in English
The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh (Accord) shall be inspecting all factories producing for signatory brands for fire, electrical and structural safety. These 3 separate initial inspections will be commencing in early February 2014. The Accord is committed to doing our utmost to schedule the fire and electrical safety inspections for the same day and, to the extent possible, the structural. Each inspection requires approximately one day to complete.
The Accord is writing today in the effort to help you prepare for the inspections, to ensure they are conducted efficiently, and in the effort to minimize any disruption to the normal production at your factory. You will also be receiving a correspondence directly from the Accord signatory brands produced at your factory related to the accord bangladesh inspections and remediation plans processes.
In these regards please consider the following:
The Accord inspection team will provide written, advance notice of the date(s) of the 3 inspections (fire, safety, structural). Such letter will be sent to you and to each of the brands produced at the factory.
Please have the necessary documentation for the inspections prepared and ready for the inspectors to review on their arrival. These documents include: the original building plan (architect’s drawings/blueprints) for the factory and same for any additions to the building subsequent to the original construction.
A management and worker representative should accompany the inspection teams to observe the inspections.
Within two weeks of the completion of all 3 initial inspections, you will receive the reports and remediation requirements identified through the initial inspections. You will be offered one week to provide comments on the reports to the Chief Safety Engineer (CSI). The CSI will then finalize the reports and necessary remediations. The final report and remediations plan will be concluded in consult with you as the owner, the signatory brands produced at your factory, and the Accord engineering team.
As the factory owner and during the course of finalization of the reports and remediations plan described above, you must confirm that you understand the reports and will fully execute, within the provided timelines, all of the identified necessary remediations from the inspection reports. Should you face difficulty regarding the resources to complete these required remediations, please be informed that you should discuss options for identifying sources for the required resources with the Accord signatory brands producing at your factory. This does not mean the brands will directly provide you the needed resources but they are obligated to work with you to find the resources. Please note that the reports and necessary remediations will be simultaneously provided to the factory owner, each brand produced at the factory, and the worker representatives.
Please be aware that within 6 weeks of the initial reports, the results of the inspection reports and necessary remediations will be published on the Accord website. Updates on implementation of the remediation measures shall also be published. This is an important component of the Accord’s commitment to transparency and an excellent opportunity for supplier factories to demonstrate their adherence to Accord requirements to brands, buyers, consumers, media, and others monitoring conditions in the Bangladesh RMG sector. Supplier factories which do this receive positive publicity through the published updates. We remind all suppliers that the accord bangladesh, by its design, is remedial not punitive.The Accord will film some of the inspections for internal and external communications purposes. The filming will be valuable to the training on safety and health with management and worker representatives, will assist in implementing corrective actions, and can serve as an effective means to demonstrate the commitment and cooperation of the brands, suppliers, and workers to safe factories in Bangladesh. Accordingly, inspections at your factory may be filmed. This will be done in a coordinated manner.
The Accord staff and the Accord signatory brands produced at your factory shall work with your factory throughout the above described components of the inspections and follow up. We look forward to working with your factory to ensure the inspections are conducted efficiently and fairly and the remediations are implemented sincerely and fully.
Fire safety check:
A check will be carried out to assess whether all the rooms & sections have been covered with fire protection and save evacuation & the following documents will be checked as well:
– All fire safety training related documents.
– Fire license is available and updated.
– Evacuation plans are posted.
– Fire equipment points.
– Width of each staircase is ok.
– Roof top is free.
– Reserve water available.
– Aisle mark provided & aisles kept clear.
– Congestion inside the floor.
– Assembly point is available.
– Possible source of smoke can be spread to other floor’s in case of fire in any floor.
– Safe & easy evacuation for workers.
– Number of exits + free from any obstacle + if any possible fire risk/other risk is there when workers will get out during an emergency.
– Sufficient Exit lights in the floor.
– Sufficient Emergency lights are provided.
– Fire fighting team & its activities/training available + photo displayed.
– Practical check of a fire hose reel to see the water pressure etc.
– Practical check of a fire extinguisher to see its effectiveness.
– Practical check of fire alarm.
– Fire drill records.
– Check maintenance records of all fire equipment (fire hose reel, SMD , fire extinguisher etc)
– DB board areas are free & safety warning is available.
– Any loose wiring.
Building stability check:
– Soil test report
– Building approval plan
– Check of design & drawing
– Some practical check of pillar beam thickness / width of every roof & stair + other some engineering checks.
– Construction methods/process.
Electrical check of The Accord Bangladesh
– Electrical design & drawing
– Electrical distribution
– Load capacity of the accord bangladesh
– Temperature check in DB
– Earthing resistance of transformer, generator + lightning arrestor and its setting diagram.
– BBT check (if any other electrical line in there except BBT)
– Oil meter of transformer check.
– Switch gear & PFI (power factor indicator) load capacity from digital display check.
– Single line diagram
– Main feeder line check – on how the electrical connection & supply has been taken into factory.
– Distribution board phase colour (3 phase is there and should be 3 different colours – RED, YELLOW, BLUE & there is a neutral phase & that should be BLACK).
– Door earthing of each DB.
– Rubber mat thickness placed in Generator room, Boiler room + DB room + all DB’s in the floor (should be minimum of 5 mm)
– BBT passed through the wall hole (should not be any hole & to be filled up)
– All DBs should be cleaned and dust free + vermin free always.
– Leakage/gap in DB board (if need a gap for any reason, then that gap should be protected by steel net).
– Generator operator certification (need a certificate from the generator supplying company, that the operator is able to operate the generator and necessary training has been provided in regards to generator operating, but if any renowned company provides any training /certification instead that will also be accepted by the accord bangladesh
– Rubber hand gloves + rubber boot used in generator room + boiler room.
– ECC (earth continuity connection ) is to be in all machines + all switch board.
Accord Alliance Bangladesh -Audit Programs of alliance for bangladesh worker safety by Accord & Alliance team, to appraise the building, Electrical and fire Safety, are being carried out in all the member factories of BGMEA and already approximately 400 factories have been audited. On the Other hand as a routine procedure Safety audit under social compliance are also being carried out by the buyers. Accord is carrying out these audits based on BNBC Standards. On the other hand buyer’s routine audits are being carried out based on BNBC, local laws & rules, Fire Service defense Acts etc.
In certain instances due to conflicting issues relating to set standards between local laws, fire service and civil defenses & BNBC laws, factories are facing confusion & decision problems.
Accord Audit Team has advised to refrain from taking any sort of corrective/remidial measures before getting their formal report. According to them if corrective measures are carried out without knowing their observation and decision the whole process may have to be repeated again which will be a wastage of time and money.
While Accord Alliance is advising to go for corrective measure only after getting their reports buyers are serving notice for stoppage of work if there is noncompliance of safety issues of social audits at a short notice or no time.
Due to these conflicting situations it has become extremely difficult to run the business .To solve this problem we are hereby requesting to stop the safety part of the social audit.
SSCC Label Format: Effective 6/15 CRD shipments, True Alliance requires Vendors to be Serial Shipping Carton Code (SSCC) label compliant and to provide an electronic Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) for each Purchase Order.
SSCC compliance Applicable for all Sea freight Modes
Airfreight is currently not in scope for SSCC compliance.
SSCC label printing and electronic Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) Process: Vendor will use NGC to print True Alliance SSCC label based on existing label printing process. The label print program needs to be updated in order to print this SSCC label. We will keep vendors updated as soon as it is ready for upgrade. Please stay tuned.
Factory ASN will be sent to DHL when vendor clicks on ‘Factory Release’ in NGC (see the steps in Appendices section).
The container number will be given by DHL 1 day before ETD (Vessel Sailing Date). Vendor is required to fill out all shipment information accurately with correct container number and click on ‘Factory Release’ by ETD (Vessel Sailing Date). All data entered in NGC for ‘Factory Release’ must be correct and same as final booking. Vendor needs to inform DHL origin once ‘Factory Release’ is completed.
SSCC Label Placement and Location: True Alliance requires Vendors to be SSCC Label Compliant.
All vendors must be SSCC compliant by orders from CRD 15th Jun, 2015 onwards.
Applicable for Cargo loaded from Ports in: China, Hong Kong, South East Asia, India, and Bangladesh.
The SSCC barcode must be applied at an individual carton level. Only one SSCC per carton is required.
For cartons and outer cases, SSCC labels should be placed on either side of the carton so that the lowest edges of the bars of the GS1-128 Bar Code containing the SSCC are 32mm from the base of the unit. The SSCC barcode, including the quiet zone, must be 20mm from the carton edge.
Upon this new procedure of SSCC label started, therefore, the barcode sticker originally stick on carton outside is no longer needed.
Appendices for Accord Alliance Bangladesh
Air Freight
GT Nexus or GTN
DHL PO Tracking System
Arrival Discharge Port
America (Latin)
House Air Way Bill
America (North)
Hazardous Material
Asia Pacific Region
House Bill of Lading
Airway Bill
High Cube (container)
Board Grade
The quality standard to be used for shipping cartons
Hot Box
Pre-determined urgent shipment
BL or B/L
Bill of Lading
Harmonised Tariff Schedule
Cost & Freight
International Supply Chain
Cubic Metres
Central Buying Office
Key Performance Indicators
Consolidation Centre
Letter of Credit
Central European Time
Less than a Container Load
Container Freight Station
Local Production Office
Cost Insurance Freight
Late Ship Date
Master Air Way Bill
Certificate of Origin
Master Bill of Lading
Cargo Ready Date
National Distribution Centre
Non-Vessel Owning Cargo Carrier
Container Yard (i.e. Factory Load)
The quantity in surplus of a standard pack quantity
Distribution Centre
Original Bill of Lading
PO or P/O
Purchase Order
Delayed Document Notice
Port of Discharge
Deliver Duty Paid
Port of Loading
Deliver Duty Unpaid
Stock Keeping Unit
DHL Global Forwarding
Service Level Agreement
European Article Number (International Article Number)
Shipper’s Letter of Instructions
Electronic Data Interchange
Shipment Notification
Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Turkey
SO or S/O
Shipping Order
Early Ship Date
Standard Operating Procedures
Estimated Time of Arrival
Serial Shipping Container Code
Estimated Time of Departure
Tamper Evident
Tape that makes unauthorized access to the protected object easily detected
To Be Announced/Assigned/Agreed
Free Carrier Alongside
To Be Confirmed
Full Container Load
To be defined/determined
Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt
Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit
Free on Board
Transit time
Garments on Hanger
Accord Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety Letter
Sub: To withhold the safety part from social compliance audit.
Dear Sir,
This is to advise you that ACCORD & Alliance is carrying out building, fire & electrical safety audits. ACCORD Audits team has advised to refrain from any corrective action/remedial action before getting their audit report. They advised that it will be a mistake if corrective actions mentioned in their report are not addressed to and for this a repeat work might be required which will cost money. There may be chance of duplicity for the demands for Accord & Social Audit.
While ACCORD /Alliance is suggesting to go for correction action only after getting their report Buyers are stopping work with short/no time notice for noncompliance of the safety part of their social audit. Due to this conflicting situation it has become very difficult to run the business. To solve the problem we are requesting to withheld the safety part of Buyers social Audit.
Thank You
Yours Sincerely,
On Behalf of all sister concern of Auto Group
More Letter
Dear Alliance Factory,
Our company, COMPANY NAME, is a member of the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety. The Alliance is a group of 27 apparel companies that are deeply committed to ensuring safe working conditions in Bangladeshi RMG factories. Through the Alliance, we and the other members are collaborating on core programs and activities that include: factory assessments (against the Alliance’s Fire and Electrical Safety and Building Integrity Standards), fire safety training for workers and management, and management of a Worker Support Program (to assist temporarily displaced workers if factories must be closed for safety reasons). Over the next few months, you will receive more detailed information about the Alliance’s programs, activities, and resources as we move into the implementation phase.
The Alliance opened its Dhaka office in December 2014, and currently has 15 staff, with more to join soon. On behalf of its 26 member companies, the Alliance Dhaka staff will coordinate and oversee all Alliance activities and will be an important, helpful resource for you.
A member of the Alliance Dhaka office will be contacting you shortly—by phone and/or email—to talk about the Alliance and request and/or verify basic information about your factory, such as factory address, primary contact, number of workers, etc. This information will be used for all future communications and to maintain an updated Alliance factory list (published each month) and database. As the Alliance Dhaka staff is contacting you on behalf of our company (and other buyers that are part of the Alliance), we request that you kindly provide him/her with the information requested in a timely manner. If you are not comfortable providing the information requested over the phone, you may request to do so via email.
Going forward, you should expect to receive communication from the Alliance Dhaka staff regarding factory assessment scheduling, remediation, training, events, meetings, and more. We will remain very much engaged in all activities, and welcome you to contact us if you have questions or concerns about the role of the Alliance Dhaka office. We can assure you that the Alliance staff are working on behalf of, in consultation with, and with the support of its membership, and appreciate your cooperation with them.
Lastly, if you would like to reach out to the Alliance office, you may contact:Accord Alliance for bangladesh worker safety team for Accord Alliance Bangladesh
Authorization Latter Sample – We, Autogarment Company Ltd., Address: Rm6001, No.1, Green Land Technology Square, Lane 58, East Xinjian Road, Shanghai, China hereby agree to authorize M/s Auto Agriscience Limited, Marketing Agent and also submit our file for the products of Zinc Sulphate (Hepta) Fertilizer to register in Bangladesh. We have confirmed that we are the basic manufacturer of the above products in china. We also authorize your company to complete all the necessary formalities regarding Registration of the above mentioned product with the Field Service Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension of Bangladesh, Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, and Compliance Bangladesh.
We, Autogarment Company Ltd., as the manufacture, hereby by certify that “the product of boric acid fertilizer does not contain toxic wastes and the level of heavy metals present is not hazardous for human health, crop and environment”.
For, Autogarment Company Ltd.,
Authorized Signature
Major composition : Zinc Sulphate (Hepta)
Appearance : Granular Free Flowing / Crystalline
Characteristics : Feels greasy, Odorless and tasteless.
Purity : 99.90%
Solubility : Soluble in water, alcohol, glycerol ether and volatile oil.
Chemical Properties : Normal Sulphate Low Sulphate
Purity: 99.90% min 99.90% min B2O3:56.25% min 56.25% min SO4:500 ppm max 130 ppm max
Physical Properties : Crystalline
Molecular Weight:61,83 61,83 Specific Gravity:1,435 gr/cm3 1,435 gr/cm3 Bulk Density: 0,8 gr/cm3 0,8 gr /cm Fractions +1 mm 4%max +1 mm 4%max -0,060 mm 4% max -0,060 mm 5% max
Stability :
a) When heated to 70 – 100oC, hydro-extraction enables
changing to meta-boric acid
b) When heated to 150 – 160oC, hydro-extraction enables
changing to pyroboric acid
c) When heated to 300oC, hydro-extraction enables
changing to boric anhydride
Standard : GB-53890 (People’s Republic of China standard
Use : It can be used as fertilizer, top application, split application
` and as a raw material for manufacture of micro nutrient. It
can be used all type of field crops.
Packing : In woven polypropylene lined with poly ethylene film bags
Declaration : The manufacturers guaranteed analysis shall indicate that “the product does not contain toxic wastes and the level of heavy metals present is not hazardous for human health, crop and environment”.
To establish a standard preventive maintenance procedure of fully automatic capsule filling machine. To ensure safe and standard preventive maintenance procedure of Automatic Capsule Filling machine to meet the required smooth operation in cephalosporin production area. Engineering Personnel. Capsule filling machine is used For Health and Safety Considerations
Automatic Capsule Filling Machine Procedure
Inspection for voltage fluctuation of fully automatic capsule filling machine
Proper earthing condition of machine
Inspection the supply air pressure must be 6 bar.
Check the any leakage of compressed air
Check free movement of Race way & down pusher
Any physical damage of ball bearing, capsule stopper, capsule holding spring, actuating pin
Free movement of dosing disc of fully automatic capsule filling machine
Proper function for powder/pallets feeding system
Any physical damage of tamping pins & segments
Any friction between pins & segments when running
Proper function of Capsule closing, Discharge & faulty capsule elimination
Proper connection & function of vacuum system
Any leakage of vacuum system
Any physical damage of Bearing
Any physical damage of spring
Any physical damage of cam or chain
Loose connection of cam or chain
Any friction when running the ball joints all & moving parts.
Correct function of safety switches
Correct function of proximity switches/sensors
Correct indication of pressure gauge of fully automatic capsule filling machine
External cleaning of pressure gauge.
Lubricate the L.M Guide bearing, Cam roller bearing, Main shaft bearing
Clean the Vacuum pump filter (Air blow)
Clean the Vacuum system pipes (By compressed air)
Clean the Outer surface of motor & all pneumatic component
Change the oil of index drive
After completion of maintenance record of fully automatic capsule filling machine
Maintenance Chart of Fully Automatic Capsule Filling Machine
Item Description
Check points
Main power supply
01. Inspection for voltage fluctuation
02. Proper earthing condition of fully automatic capsule filling machine
Pneumatic connection
01. Inspection the supply pressure must be 6 bar.
02. Check the any leakage of compressed air
Capsule orientation
01. Check free movement of Race way & down pusher
02. Any physical damage of ball bearing, capsule stopper, capsule holding spring, actuating pin holder & capsule chemical
Powder/Pallets feed & dosing device
01. Free movement of dosing disc
02. Proper function for powder/pallets feeding system
Tamping pins & Segments
01. Any physical damage of tamping pins & segments
02. Any friction between pins & segments when running